Dragons: Reboot the New World

Chapter 219 Act 4: The 6-member ace team attacks!

Chapter 219 Act [-]: The Ace Six attack!

"Hey, it's a familiar combination again." Fingel stood at the door of the principal's office with a mean look on his face and waved to the five people walking towards him.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't you be doing your graduation internship?" Lu Mingfei's eyes widened in surprise. Everything was different from the previous life.

"What kind of graduation internship?" Fingel scratched his head, "I only received this one task, and it's not the next semester yet. I have to finish this year to graduate."

"Okay, this time you have a loser brother again." Lu Mingfei helplessly held his forehead.

"I am the SOUL BOTHER in your destiny!" Fingel covered his chest, "Is it really okay to call you your soul brother?"

Nuonuo didn't bother to pay attention to these little things. He strode forward and opened the door of the principal's office. "Hello, principal."

Surprisingly, the night watchman was also there. He was sleeping soundly on the sofa in Angers, his belly exposed under his denim shirt.

"Well, hello, my dear students." Angers put down the materials in his hands and seemed a little embarrassed, "First of all, I'm sorry. Not long after you came back from BJ, I arranged for you to participate in a mission again."

"Although I don't want to, the situation this time is really critical. You were supposed to get on the plane and fly to Japan this morning. I didn't even have a chance to explain the situation to you. Considering everyone's feelings... I will try my best to explain the situation to you." All I can do is postpone it for you for two days."

"Ah, going to Japan?" Xia Mi's eyes sparkled, and he jumped up and down in the arm holding Chu Zihang, "Doesn't that mean I have the opportunity to visit Akihabara? Senior brother, you want to accompany me then. Go shopping!”

"Home girl." Lu Mingfei shrugged.

"Tch, my otaku? When we get to Akihabara, you must have bought more two-spined apes than me!" Natsumi snorted.

"Yes." Chu Zihang nodded seriously, "Although I don't know much about these."

"Of course a guy without a childhood wouldn't understand," Caesar mocked.

"Okay, gentlemen." Angers coughed twice, "Here's what happened."

He slowly pushed a photo in front of several people.

Caesar first picked up the black-and-white photo. The photo showed a majestic giant icebreaker with a white hull and a black bridge, and a red five-star inlaid on the bow.

The Russian information is the archives of this ship. From the archives, it appears that this meritorious battleship "Lenin" is the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker and originally belonged to the Soviet Northern Fleet.

During its service, it received many commendations and was full of honors, but after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it quietly disappeared from the battleship sequence of the Northern Fleet.

Its file was abruptly discontinued on December 1991, 12, and the Northern Fleet did not trace its whereabouts. It was as if someone had erased this giant steel ship from the world with an eraser.

"Your mission this time is to investigate the wreckage of the former Soviet icebreaker "Lenin". "Ange crossed his hands in front of him, his glasses reflecting in the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him.

"This meritorious icebreaker "Lenin" is called the red giant beast of the polar regions. It is the world's first polar icebreaker that claims to be capable of operating in all sea areas, because there is no ice sea that it cannot reach. "

"On the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, it disobeyed orders from the Northern Fleet and conducted a voyage to Japanese waters."

"Close to Japan's territorial waters, it suddenly sent out a distress signal, but the rescue ship of the Japan Self-Defense Force entered the deep sea."

"The Lenin is suspected of carrying taboo items related to dragon civilization. The Japanese branch will support your actions."

"Investigating the sunken ship..." Caesar pondered for a while and smiled, "Very good, I think this mission will definitely be very challenging."

"The plane departs at seven o'clock the day after tomorrow. You will depart on my special plane "Sleipnir". In addition, this mission will be fully supported by the upgraded equipment department. Angers said, picking up the bone china tea cup at hand and raising it towards them.

"Good luck, gentlemen and ladies."



A 45-yard big foot stepped hard on the back of Koyama Takazo's neck and pressed his head into the sand. Koyama Takazo could hear the cartilage between the cervical vertebrae wailing, and only the hard bones were left working hard to support the fragile blood vessels and nerves. Tube.

"Hell, why do I have to wear these Ferragamo custom-made leather shoes to do such dirty work? If blood splashes on the shoes, will there be any traces?" The man complained loudly as he stepped on them, "These are fine shoes. Crocodile skin!”

"Stop babying your shoes like a woman, hurry up! The young master's patience has almost been exhausted!" Another man came over carrying a plastic bucket filled with water, "Put his head in the bucket , the first time was 3 minutes, and each time was extended to 1 minute until he confessed!"

"How about hanging him up with a rope, tying the sailor's knot that you are good at, and watching this guy kick his legs hard as he is out of breath." The first man said.

"Come on, come on, all we care about is time! We're not the kind of perverts who play sadistic games, okay?" The second man poured the entire bucket of water down the back of Xiaoshan Rongzao's head.

The water-soaked sand blocked Koyama Takashi's mouth and nostrils. He couldn't breathe. A sweet smell came up along the trachea. It must be that the cracked alveoli were bleeding.

Koyama Takazo wanted to say something, but the two men didn't give him a chance to speak.Koyama Takazo is going crazy. Are these two guys really trying to force a confession?
Are they simply enjoying the killing?Is it okay to also pay attention to methods when extracting confessions?To force a confession, one must be able to speak!

"Yaksha, stop and let him raise his head, at least he can see me." someone said.

"Hai!" The burly guy wearing crocodile leather shoes among the two men in black bowed and agreed, lifting Takashi Koyama out of the sand pit.

"Crow, wash his face," said the man again.

The cold and pale man in black with thin-rimmed glasses poured the remaining water in the bucket on Koyama Takazo's face and helped him wipe away the sand with a few handfuls.

Koyama Takazo was finally able to open his eyes and take a look at the environment he was in. This was a construction site by the sea, with a long cement pier extending out towards the sea.

The water is rising at night, and the black waves crash against the canine-shaped tidal wall, leaving behind fine white foam. The brightly lit Tokyo can be vaguely seen in the distance.

Koyama Takazo probably knew his location. This was probably a remote coast near Tokyo. There were very few people around him late at night. Even if he shouted for help, it would be in vain.

There was a black Hummer SUV parked at the end of the pier. A young man in a long black trench coat sat on the bumper and looked at the sea. The sea breeze lifted his forehead.The man was smoking a cigarette, and the cigarette butt illuminated his slender eyes.

The man's temperament is completely different from that of Yasha Crow. He is handsome with a bit of softness, his fair skin has a marble-like texture, and his eyebrows are straight.

The long black trench coat is also quite elegant, and the whole person feels like a young student from a certain academy.He was not involved in kidnapping Koyama Ryuzo and seemed to be the one in charge.

The man crushed the cigarette butts with his toes and walked slowly along the pier until he was in front of Koyama Takazo, "Doctor Koyama Takazo? Do you know why we came to see you today?"

"You... who are you? What do you want? I... I have no money, and I have never borrowed loan sharks. I have no enemies. You must have arrested the wrong person! Please let me go!" Koyama Takazo was anxious say.

"Takazo Koyama graduated from Waseda University School of Medicine and worked as a geneticist at Tokyo University School of Medicine for six years. He was later expelled from Tokyo University School of Medicine after being exposed for molesting female patients and secretly extracting patients' genes for illegal genetic experiments."

"Since then, I have been performing abortion surgeries on pregnant women in small underground clinics, but you don't make money from this. You inject women with anesthesia after inducing labor, and taint them while they are unconscious. This is your bad taste."

"You are very rich. You make homemade drugs and sell them in underground clinics. You also buy and sell organs. You have a deposit of 600 million yen in your Mitsubishi Bank account, of which 5000 million was just deposited thirteen weeks ago."

The man in the trench coat finished reading the document and threw it in front of Koyama Takazo, "You'd better cooperate with us, otherwise we won't have any need to be polite to people like you."

Koyama Takazo became more and more frightened as he listened.As the man read out his bank account balance, he realized that this was not a group of unprepared thugs who could be easily dismissed.

"You know me so well? You even know the balance of my bank account? Want money? Just tell me the number. Don't go too far. I also have some powerful friends. If they push me hard, everyone will not end well! "

Koyama Takazo raised his head and put away his pretended pitiful look, "How about giving me a cigarette before discussing business?"

This was an attack instead of a defense, and Takashi Koyama was actually not as scared as he appeared.

He knew what he had done. A man would always offend some people when he lived in this world, but it would be nice if he could spend money to deal with it when the time comes.

He was thinking about how much money could satisfy these three men of unknown origin. Is 1000 million yen enough?Maybe we can start from 500 million?

"You should straighten your teeth." The man grabbed Koyama Takazo's head and forced him to hold his head up.

The crow handed the sheathed long knife to the man's hand. The man thrust the handle of the knife into Koyama Takazo's mouth and stirred it hard.

Takazo Koyama heard the sound of teeth snapping in his mouth, the severe pain exploded in his mind, his stomach spasmed with pain, and stomach acid spewed out in large mouthfuls.

The man threw Koyama Takazo to the ground: "I said, we don't need to be polite to people like you. You rape pregnant women, make drugs, and sell organs. You can survive to this day. God is either dead or has slept for too long. "

"What does my prostitution and selling of kidneys have to do with you? You are not the fucking police! Just say whatever you want now! I also told you that if you make us anxious, we will all be finished together!"

Koyama Takazo was rolling on the ground in pain, his face twisted like an evil ghost.

"Of course I'm not a policeman. The police will treat you with humanity, but we are not prepared to treat you as a human being." The man in the trench coat took out his ID from his pocket and waved it in front of Koyama Takazo.

There is a round golden badge in the certificate, with the half-dead World Tree on the badge.

"Executive officer of Kassel College Japan Branch, Minamoto Chisheng." The man said, "Do you understand now?"

"You are..." Fear exploded in Xiaoshan Longzao's heart.

This fear was not external but tangled in his heart like an ancient tree. Not only could it not be forgotten over the years, it had taken root deeper and deeper.

For so many years, he had been hiding in XZ, not daring to live in a luxury apartment, not daring to show off in front of others, and carefully concealed his whereabouts. At one point, he felt that he had escaped from the surveillance of these people.

It wasn't until today that he understood that there had never been a gap in these people's nets, they just didn't close the nets until necessary.

Koyama Takazo knew what the other party wanted, and only those taboo things were worthy of these men's pursuit.

"You are a mixed race, but dragon blood accounts for a very small proportion of your bloodline. In our monitoring list, your color code is white, which is the safest category. Originally, you would never encounter us in your life, but you can You did something wrong."

"You graduated from Waseda University and are a top student in medicine. You have been conducting genetic experiments related to dragon's blood since you were a student."

"Some time ago, your experiment achieved a breakthrough result. You made a genetic drug called "Molotov Cocktail". This drug can strengthen the bloodline, but it has strong side effects. "

"You sold the formula to a big customer, and he paid you 5000 million yen as a reward." Gen Zhisheng looked directly into Koyama Takazo's eyes, "I only want a name, the name of that big customer."

"You're wrong! I haven't had any contact with hybrids for many years, and I haven't researched any genetic medicines. All I've sold is the patent for a new type of drug!" Takashi Koyama's mouth was foaming with blood, "You're wrong Got it!"

"There is something you may not be aware of." Yuan Zhisheng looked sincere, "The formula you sold is being used by someone to create large quantities of out-of-control experimental products. Those experimental products are killing people everywhere."

"Every extra second we gain is a good thing, so we won't waste even one second on you."

"Damn it! I really don't understand what you are talking about. How did you know that I made those Molotov cocktails!"

"Who said you asked him to confront me? I really don't know anything. I just sold a patent for the purification of new drugs!" Koyama Takazo said vaguely, spitting out one pill after another. Broken teeth.

He understood that threats and inducements would not work on these men, so he showed a pitiful look, his eyes were like a pitiful little animal.

"Too much time has been wasted." Yuan Zhisheng stood up, his eyes became cold again, and the sincerity before seemed to be just a disguise, "Yaksha is responsible for finishing."

Yasha clapped his hands, "Okay! If Crow helps, it can be done in half an hour!"

Crow frowned bitterly, as if he was unwilling to take on this job, but he still grabbed one of Koyama Takazo's legs and dragged him to the huge cement mixer.

Wharf construction requires a large amount of cement mortar every day. If it cannot be used up after preparation, it must be left in the mixer to stir overnight to avoid solidification.

Yasha tied up Koyama Takazo's arms and legs with wires and threw him into a deep vertical pit.

"Will 52.5 cement crack when poured?" Crow dipped a little cement mortar into the slurry outlet, twisted it, and quickly said the cement number.

"The cement piles used in the dock are soaked in the sea, and the 52.5 cement will not crack in the water." Yasha skillfully turned on the mixer, and the cement mortar poured down.

(End of this chapter)

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