Dragons: Reboot the New World

Chapter 212, Scene 157, just follow the money.

Chapter 212 Scene 157 is just a matter of following the money.

At the same time, in a restaurant on the ground.

Lao Luo quietly wiped the sweat off his hands on his pants and stared at the table in a daze.

In the open box on the table were neat piles of cash, with the bank seal not yet removed.

It was incredible to go out late at night with so much cash, but what was even more incredible was that the place where they met was a "Chengdu Snack" restaurant.

And, of course, the most incredible thing of all, the girl sitting across the table.

She was someone who shouldn't appear in a snack bar like this at all. She was dressed in a slim-fitting black leather coat that flaunted the curves of her whole body. The wide open neckline revealed a small tube top and slender straight collarbones. Her long, dark light was discernible. It is tied up with a red rope like a high hairpin worn by ancient ladies, and the whole body is enveloped in the expensive fragrance.

There was a flash of red in the corners of her eyes, her clear black pupils looked deeply at Lao Luo, and her rose-red lips opened and closed, as if they were speaking the most secret whispers between lovers.

In fact, she was nibbling on a bunch of roasted kidneys.

Everyone in the whole store was watching this girl eating the big kidney. When she was ordering, he put a box of cash on the table, then took one and gave it to the waiter, "I want it to be twice as spicy."

"Tomorrow, use your union to promote the latest CG of "World of Warcraft". No matter whether the CG is good or not, you must promote it. As for the method, it is up to you to think about it."

"To put it bluntly, you guys are the Internet trolls of this CG." Mai Shutoku put down the bamboo stick and began to slowly grind her nails, "Can you do it? They say you are the best in this industry."

She narrowed one eye narrowly and looked at Lao Luo, "Hero, stop looking at the money. They will all be yours. Look up at me."

Lao Luo is a loyal player of "World of Warcraft" and the president of a top guild in the Chinese server.

In the virtual world, he is a blood elf paladin with the ID name "White North", an overlord who conquers cities and lands, and a hero who spends a lot of money. As long as he joins his union, he will buy horses and dragons for newcomers on the same day. Under governance the union became an empire.

He is the kind of personality who leads a team to kill the Lich King while writing long poems in the union chat screen. Here the Lich King suddenly fell to the ground, and in the other Lao Luo was leisurely writing Rilke's "Orr" in the channel. Phos Eurydice Hermes.

"This is the mine of souls. They are dim and distant, walking silently through the darkness, like hidden silver veins.

Blood gushes out from between the rock roots and reaches the human world. In the dark night, it is like a rock.

Apart from that, there is nothing red. "

The girls admired his grace and imagined that he was a cold young man driving an eight-horse carriage through the long street. He wielded his long whip and tore the clothes of the girls who avoided him and peeked at him, and smeared them on their delicate skin. Leaving bright red marks on his face, he looked up to the sky and smiled.

Acquaintances call Lao Luo "boss", but in fact he looks more like an Internet cafe owner.

Although his unruly-looking jacket has not been washed for two weeks, and his hair is full of dandruff and always stands on end like a bird's nest, he is the kind of man who becomes an emperor when he sits in front of the screen and touches the keyboard.

"No problem! My union is the strongest in China!" Lao Luo looked determined, "It has great influence!"

Mai Shutoku clapped her hands, and the driver in black came in from the door, carrying a paper knife.

Before anyone could react, Mai Shutoku stood up with a bunch of ribs in her mouth, grabbed a stack of cash, and rolled one into two.

After a moment of silence, some brothers who got excited from drinking clapped their hands and said, "Well done, sisters!"

Amid the boos and cheers in the audience, Shutoku Mai's long hair was flying, cutting in half, and again, and again, with a beautiful rhythm every time he pressed the knife, and half of the flying bills fell into the driver's travel bag on the ground. .

"50 down payment." Mai Shutoku zipped up the travel bag and pushed it in front of Lao Luo, "The half I gave you is the right half. You can't exchange it for the full amount when you get it to the bank."

"If you want the left half, use the effect in exchange. Work hard, my dear, you are very cute, but remember to wash your hair well next time you see me! I can feel the smell of fermentation wafting towards me from you. Come."

She winked at everyone present, took out 5000 yuan from her wallet and put it on the table, "I'll take the order tonight. Tomorrow morning, please go to the official website of World of Warcraft to take a look at the latest CG released by Blizzard."

Amidst the cheers, she walked towards the extended Hummer parked outside with her slender waist. She turned around and waved before waiting for the car to leave, just like a female star bidding farewell to the media after an awards show.

But no one thought it was unreasonable for this to happen in a Chengdu snack shop. They all had a premonition that something big was about to happen, and they were extremely excited. They held up their wine bottles to bid farewell to this awesome-looking girl.

"Between today and tomorrow morning!" Lao Luo dialed the vice president's phone number. "All the resources of the union are used for publicity. Even if you download a copy, I have to ask everyone first: "Do you know Do you know the new CG that Blizzard will release soon?" "



"Hey, long-legged girl, is this really okay?" Potato Chip Girl lay on the bedside, looking at the fiery red clouds burning in the sky in the west.

At sunrise in this city, the sun rises slowly like a hard-boiled egg yolk above the leaden atmosphere, and the traffic on the ring road downstairs has become dense.

A new day begins in this top-floor conference room located in the core area of ​​the CBD. They have not slept for 24 hours in a row, and all business has been suspended. The New York stockbroker has not received a call from the potato chip girl all day long. , fell into huge confusion.

"There should be no problem, as long as there are no errors in the connection of all links. Blizzard's entire World of Warcraft team has suspended the vacation plan of all employees, and they have been divided into two groups to work overtime 24 hours a day in the past two days."

"The news of the launch of this CG will be released in a few hours through Blizzard's official website and the official website of "World of Warcraft" in various languages ​​​​around the world." Mai Shutoku glanced at her exquisite Cartier watch, "To be precise, two Hours later, this will be the first time in Blizzard’s history that there will be no delay.”

She was half-lying in a large leather swivel chair. There was a 36-inch high-definition screen directly in front of her and on her left and right sides. With the support of a powerful graphics card, these three linked screens could display a viewing angle of nearly 180 degrees. "Warcraft" was playing. All CGs from the past of "The World".

"It makes me want to open an account." Mai Shutoku dialed the wireless mouse.

"How is the media?" Potato Chip Girl asked again.

"I held a press conference at the Kempinski Hotel last night and invited all the media in the industry to attend. I prepared 500 red envelopes, each containing US$500. The media reporters who received the red envelopes were very happy."

"The moment "She is a Dragon" is released, the exquisite screenshots will be published by all industry websites, and the news title is "A Different World of Warcraft Story: The Beautiful Love between Man and Dragon"."

"In a few hours, all major metropolitan newspapers will reprint it. In a few hours, the news will be on TV news. I even contacted a publisher who is very good at urging manuscripts and will publish a book called "She is a Dragon" .”

"It sounds like I'm really close to being cast in a movie..." "If the little brat hadn't given me too much time, I would have really wanted to invest in a movie." Mai Shutoku shrugged.

"Hey! Are you kidding me? Can you stop being so free and generous with your money? The money you spend is all hard earned by me, the accounting girl!" Potato Chip Girl screamed.

"I didn't do it."



The morning sun shines on the stone road of Liulichang Street. A three-wheeler is running happily. On both sides are retro blue brick two-story buildings. In front of each building are hung "Baocui Hall" and "Chongwen Mansion". This kind of signboard with gold letters on a black background.

The young guest calmly got off a human-powered tricycle, wearing a blue Chinese-style shirt, a pair of casual pants, a pair of Beijing-style "tiao" under his feet, a head of hair as bright as gold, and eyes as blue as the sea.

The signboard of "Fenglongtang" is a bit shabby, hanging on the lintel of the small shop, and a royal blue cotton curtain is hung at the door.This is almost the deepest part of the alley, and people who are interested in antiques would never choose to open a shop in such a remote place.

The guest opened the cotton curtain and the bell on the door rang, but no one came to greet him and the counter was empty.

The windows of this shop are still old ones made of paper. The morning sunlight comes in hazy, and there are countless dusts suspended in the air. There are large and small tables and wooden boxes around, all of which look like they are old.

Thread-bound books, Tang Sancai, stone inkstone and brush washes, it seems that everything is sold in this store. A set of bright red wedding dresses hangs on the wall, and everything seems to be covered with fine dust.

This is an old house sealed by dust. No one has entered it for decades. Only the dust elves are dancing in the air. They are the lords here.

The guests walked slowly around the room, smelling the rich scent of sandalwood in the air, and finally stopped to admire the bright red wedding dress.The material of the wedding dress is beautiful silk satin, exquisite tapestry edges, gold foil with phoenix pattern, inlaid with pearl buttons and glass flakes.

The guest smiled and tried to figure out the materials of this wedding dress.

"The wedding clothes worn by bannermen in the Qing Dynasty were the orthodox cheongsam. At that time, the cheongsam had a wide hem, the skirt fell to the bottom, and pants were worn inside. It was not the current style of showing arms and legs." Someone whispered from behind.

"Mr. Lin Fenglong?" The guest did not look back.

"Mr. Caesar Gattuso? You are so young." said the boss.

Caesar turned around. Although he came prepared, he was still a little surprised when he suddenly saw the boss.

This old man who speaks Beijing movies is actually an authentic European, with gray hair and iron-grey eyes, and his youthful handsomeness can still be seen on his thin cheeks.

The boss was wearing a bamboo shirt, with a pair of iron eggs in his hand, and a plastic bag in the other hand, which contained a set of pancakes and fruits...

"There are really all kinds of monsters among hunters." Caesar looked him up and down.

"This industry is quite steep. I'm considered a normal person." The boss smiled slightly and said, "I went out to buy breakfast. Can we eat something together?"

"No, I tried soy juice for breakfast and almost made me vomit." Recalling the swill-like taste, Caesar couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

"Drink some tea after you vomit. I have Tieguanyin's autumn tea here, which is picked from old tea trees." The boss led Caesar to the corner. There was a full set of celadon tea sets on an old tea table cut into tree roots.

The two of them were sitting across from each other, and the boss was boiling water to make tea, pouring, soaking, rinsing, and washing. The celadon tea set was flying in the hands of this old European man. There was a natural sense of beauty that made people indulge in it just by looking at it.

The faint fragrance of tea floated, and finally a small cup of steaming tea was delivered to Caesar.

Caesar smelled the fragrance of the tea and nodded, "Have you been in China for many years?"

"I'm from Henan." The boss said firmly.

Caesar frowned, "Can you look at your face with the word "Aryan" written on it in the mirror and then tell such a lie? "

"My parents were Germans who stayed in China during World War II. Unfortunately, they both died, so I was raised by a Chinese couple from Henan. I don't reject being of German descent that much, but..."

The boss slapped his thigh and said, "German is so fucking difficult. I can't even learn a sentence!"

Caesar nodded, "It's really interesting that an Italian and a German communicate in Henan dialect...Okay, I'm not here to drink tea."

He put down the tea cup and placed a heavy paper bag in front of the boss, "20 US dollars for your wedding dress."

"There are also people like you who are big spenders among hunters." The boss squinted his eyes and smiled, "You are so discerning. It is difficult to find such a good orthodox cheongsam tailor nowadays."

Only a few people know about Caesar Gattuso's other identity. He is a hunter. He was a hunter even before entering Kassel College. He had the ID of "Hunter Market" at the age of 15.

His ID is "Governor of Gaul". In history, the dictator Caesar once conquered Gaul.

The boss's ID is "phoenix", "phoenix". This common English ID is now difficult to register. It must have been registered very early, but Caesar has never seen this ID active.

The only time he posted a purchase information on the hunter website, "Phoenix" replied, "I have a very old wedding dress here. Of course, the workmanship is also extremely exquisite."

As for why Caesar thought of posting purchase information on hunters' websites, he always felt that the things hidden in the hands of hunters should give him some surprises...

Sure enough, he was very satisfied with this wedding dress.

He walked to the door of Fenglong Hall with his wrapped wedding clothes, and suddenly turned around and looked at the boss who was lying on the counter counting money, "Mr. Lin Fenglong, to be honest, your lies are really lame. I don't like talking to people who lie." People make deals.”

"But I like this wedding dress very much, so I'm willing to pay for it."

"It's a good thing if we cooperate well." The boss was not angry and said with a smile, "By the way, can I ask, do you plan to use this wedding dress yourself, or..."

"Given to a... friend." Caesar shrugged, walked out of the door, and put down the cotton curtain behind his back, "Let's just say it's just some money."

(End of this chapter)

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