Chapter 174 Yunxia Sect!
The above three are the main components of the Jiangyuncheng government office. In addition to these three, there is also the Daxia Chamber of Commerce, but it is not strong and relies on the government government for protection, so it can be ignored.

There are also water transport and post stations. These two situations are special. Water transport has specialized canine soldiers, and post stations have special post soldiers. Although the number is not large, there are about a thousand people.However, their main responsibility is to protect water transportation and keep water transportation and post roads open, and they have little to do with local governments.

Therefore, the three forces of the Zhenwu Division, the Fubing, and the Third Squadron and the Sixth Fang are all the strength of Daxia in the local area. Daxia relies on these people to control the place.

The Zhenwu Division is mainly responsible for dealing with the sect on weekdays. The three teams and six rooms basically take care of all the big and small things in Jiangyuncheng. The domestic household registration, real estate, taxation, as well as public security, criminal matters and other matters are all managed by the government office.

The last government soldiers are responsible for intimidation and will not be dispatched unless absolutely necessary. They usually patrol the main streets and guard the city gates.

As the bell rang in the government office, all the government servants and clerks in the third shift and sixth room put down their matters and dared to report to the government office.

The policemen patrolling the streets no longer bothered to patrol the streets. They hurriedly grabbed their clothes and rushed towards the government offices. Even the strong squads guarding important places rushed towards the government offices.

When the yamen bell rings, something big must have happened. Fu Yin is convening the third class of yamen servants. If you are late, you will not get good results. Moreover, this is the first time Fu Yin has rang the bell since he took office, so there is no need to delay.

As the bell rang, in a short while, the government office was filled with government servants, including thousands of them.

More than 1000 police officers, plus hundreds of Zaoban yamen servants, and half of the Zhuangban yamen servants, totaling more than 2000 people, surrounded the yamen.

The government officials in Daxia all take turns, especially the strong squad, which means there are two shifts in the morning and one at night. Therefore, mobilizing half of the strong squad will not affect the defense of warehouses and prisons.

Changsun Wuji walked out of the room and nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the Yamen servants gathered below.

Although it is said that in Jiangyuncheng, the government soldiers are also commanded by him, the government soldiers are also soldiers, and the soldiers should not be moved lightly. The more than 2000 government officials in front of him are his real subordinates.

What Daxia achieved was the separation of military and government, but this army was not counted as government soldiers. Fu soldiers, with the word "fu", were the military units that were specifically stationed in local areas and were responsible for suppressing rebellions. Of course, they were also commanded by governors from various places.

In Daxia, only war soldiers are considered the real army. Currently, there are only three armies of war soldiers in Daxia. One is the forbidden army that guards the palace, which is the Yulin Army, the other is the Shenwu Army that guards the center, and the other is the mighty force that guards local and border areas. military.

These armies are completely different from the local ones. They only obey the orders of Xia Xuan alone. Local officials have no right to call or interfere. They only need to provide food, and the central war department still pays for the food. Moreover, It was sent to the local area, and it had no connection with the local area.

However, today's Daxia soldiers have not yet been formed. The Weiwu Army, Shenwu Army and Forbidden Army are all empty, and their establishment is not full. On the contrary, the Fu Army took the lead in completing the reorganization.

Seeing everyone in place, Changsun Wuji said: "Everyone, under the leadership of their respective superiors, will evacuate the people in various places, and cooperate with the village elders and local officials in various places to evacuate all the people thousands of miles around the Yunxia Mountains. The specific place, I will tell your line officials.”

Afterwards, Changsun Wuji entered the lobby with a squad leader and issued the evacuation task according to the map of Jiangyuncheng.After Fu assigned the tasks, all the government servants immediately rode towards the north on horseback.After everyone left, Changsun Wuji wrote another notice and sent it to the local counties related to the area designated by Hong Qigong.

The area designated by Hong Qigong is thousands of miles around the Yunxia Mountains. Jiangyuncheng is just the closest state capital to the Yunxia Mountains. There are many counties, prefectures, and counties in this area, so Changsun Wuji issued the order. , allowing local officials to cooperate in evacuating residents.

Then another notice was sent to the Zhenwu Division, asking those who had left the Zhenwu Division's yamen to ask the corresponding sect to move out.Yunxia Mountain is the largest mountain range in the southern wilderness, and there are many sects established on the mountain range.If we want to move the mountain, these sects must also move.

Following Changsun Wuji's order, he arrived at the Zhenwu Si Yamen. After a while, hundreds of Zhenwu Si's guards swarmed out and headed north.

Changsun Wuji looked into the distance. This time he did not say what the purpose of evacuating the people was. One reason was that the establishment of a new capital was of great importance, and he could not promote it at will without His Majesty's permission.

The other is that he wants to use this opportunity to quickly make Daxia's prestige deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At present, Daxia dominates the Southern Wilderness, but this is based on Wang Jian's direct action to surrender the six countries. Daxia has no local popular support. , It is impossible for the people of Jiangyun Mansion to completely turn their hearts to Daxia every few years.

But now that the imperial court has sent experts to move mountains, it would be unreasonable for him not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

The impact of moving mountains is undoubtedly huge. The imperial court has strong men who can move mountains and fill seas. If the people see this feat with their own eyes, they will naturally join in from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, Changsun Wuji also planned to take this opportunity to find a few thorns in the side to scare the monkeys, which would be of great benefit to him in the future governance of Jiangyun Mansion.

When the imperial court first unified the six kingdoms and established seven prefectures, he wanted Jiangyun City to become the best-governed prefecture among the newly enthroned six prefectures.

Immediately, Changsun Wuji flashed and turned into a white light and disappeared, following Zhenwu Si. Since he wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, the chicken he killed had to be strong, otherwise it would not serve as a warning to the monkeys.Now that the Jiang Yun Mansion has just been established, the place of employing people is still right. There are only a few masters in total, so they can't be ruined here!

In a restaurant in Jiangyuncheng, Hong Qigong held a leftover chicken bone in his hand and watched a large number of government servants leaving with a relaxed and comfortable smile on his lips.The old beggar is originally a lazy person, so you should do this job. Before the old beggar moves the mountain, he should repair it and taste the delicacies of this other world.

Around the Yunxia Mountains, a large number of government servants were dispatched to the local areas to ask the squires to move the local people away. They were promised money for the relocation and the court would arrange their whereabouts.

Although no one was willing to move, a large number of government officials from the imperial court came to visit. This was not an option. They followed the government officials and left, heading for the nearest city, waiting for the court to assign them a new home.

Just when people from all over the country were led by the government officials to leave their villages and head for the nearest city.More than 500 people from the Zhenwu Division rode their horses to the foot of the Yunxia Mountains. The head of the Jiangyuncheng Branch of the Zhenwu Division looked at the tall and handsome mountains in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

This trip is not an easy job. There are dozens of large and small sects in the Yunxia Mountains, and there are three sects with Tongxuan Realm masters in charge.The sect is not as easy to talk to as the people below. Although he is from Daxia, there is no reason to let so many sects move away. Even if he is the leader of the sect, he will not move, and he does not know this. Why is Fu Yin having a seizure? He comes out like this.

(End of this chapter)

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