Chapter 279 Development
The next morning, Wan Qingshan came to Qingshan Media Company and asked his secretary to call Li Weizong.

"Mr. Wan."

Wan Qingshan said "Hmm" and stopped talking. After the secretary went out and closed the door, he took out a document from the files beside him and put it on the table.

"Manager Li, you guessed that I would rectify the company before, now I will give you the task of rectifying the company.

If you do well, I will promote you to deputy general manager. If you do not do well, I will deduct one year of your salary as punishment for embezzling more than 600 million yuan.

If you don't want to take this task, nothing will happen, and you won't be fined a year's salary. "

As soon as Wan Qingshan finished speaking, Li Weizong, whose eyes had already brightened with embarrassment, immediately said,

"Mr. Wan, I'll take it!"

Chairman and General Manager Wan Qingshan, if he takes the vacant position of Deputy General Manager, he will be the number two person in the company.

And a few months ago, Wan Qingshan said that if the company's profit reaches 5000 million this year, he will spend [-] million to acquire shares and distribute them to three people as equity incentives.

If he takes the position of deputy general manager, he will definitely be one of the three after the company's profit reaches the target.

No fool would want to seize this kind of opportunity!

"Manager Li, since you accepted the call, I have to make it clear.

As you have guessed before, in the future my time will be devoted to my family, and I will not often come to manage the company. The position of deputy general manager will be very important.

So for this task, I won't talk about goals. I only look at the results. If the results exceed my expectations, I will promote you to deputy general manager. "

At this time, Li Weizong couldn't hide his excitement.

Wan Qingshan's words clearly stated that the company will be managed by the deputy general manager from now on, and it is very likely that the next general manager of the company will be the deputy general manager.

"Mr. Wan, don't worry, I will definitely make results." Li Weizong promised quickly.

Wan Qingshan smiled and said, "I'll give you two months. I don't care what method you use. After two months, you give me the results.

By the way, there is a premise: the company cannot be in chaos. "

Wan Qingshan pushed the document towards Li Weizong, "This is a document submitted by various departments some time ago. The names of those who enriched themselves and how much money each of them handed over."

Li Weizong looked slightly stunned. He couldn't be confused, and he had to find out everything in two months. This...

Although it is difficult, the position of deputy general manager is right in front of him, and Li Weizong does not want to give up.

"Yes, Mr. Wan, I will definitely find out in two months."

"Well, you go out and do things!"

After Li Weizong took the documents and went out, Wan Qingshan opened the list of film and television projects recently invested and produced by the company in the office.

There are TV series that are popular in my memory, and there are also movies that have no memory at all.

Investing in an unimpressive movie will most likely result in a loss, but Wan Qingshan didn't think about stopping it.

He cannot let the company feel dependent on him. He must let the company's people develop their understanding of the market in this kind of project, so that the company can develop healthily.

Therefore, he rarely interferes with film and television projects, and even gives the right to sign and confirm investment in film and television projects to the managers of each department.

After looking through the project list, Wan Qingshan suddenly received a call from Ma Huateng.

After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan logged into QQ, which had been useless for several years. After adding Ma Huateng, he answered the video invitation sent by Ma Huateng.

As soon as the video was connected, Wan Qingshan saw a meeting of dozens of square meters filled with people.

"Hello, everyone!"

After Wan Qingshan finished speaking, there were chaotic responses in the conference room.

"Boss Wan!"

"Boss Wan!"


After the sound stopped, Ma Huateng, who was directly opposite, said, "Mr. Wan, it's a bit sudden to invite you to a meeting in this way.

But when we were discussing whether the company should develop overseas, we all had different opinions, so I wanted to ask for your opinion. "

Wan Qingshan frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Ma, the app has just been launched and we are developing overseas. Are you a little too anxious?"

"Mr. Wan, I support the company's overseas development.

Quanzhi targets the white-collar market. The current number of white-collar workers in China is about [-] million.

As of 530 o'clock this morning, the number of people who have downloaded and registered the Quanzhi App has reached [-] million, and it is still growing rapidly.

This kind of content interaction platform is currently only omniscient, and it will be at least a month before similar software appears.

By then, our registered number should reach 7000, and we occupy most of the domestic market. If we want to expand, we can only develop overseas.

Developing overseas does not mean that results will be produced immediately. You need to send people there to prepare and build a company to prepare in advance.

Going overseas for development is not only for expansion, but also to occupy the overseas market first, so as to avoid the emergence of similar companies overseas soon.

Of course, domestically, we are not sitting around waiting for competitors to appear. The company is already developing the next version.

For the first generation version, due to time issues, we can only allow users to pay through WeChat and UnionPay.

I am already applying for an online payment license for my company. In the next version, we will use our own payment method and will also increase rewards. "

Ma Huateng invited Wan Qingshan to a meeting. He not only wanted Wan Qingshan to express some opinions on whether overseas development should be carried out, but also wanted Wan Qingshan to express some opinions on the next version, so he spoke in detail.

With everyone watching on the screen, Wan Qingshan thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Ma, since it is developing so fast, I support its overseas development.

But for the next version you just mentioned, I suggest that we create a database search function, and add all the free knowledge that can be found online or in books into this database for free search by users. "

Ma Huateng suddenly frowned, "Mr. Wan, the database search function you mentioned is good, but it will have a big impact on the transaction volume!

Quanzhi has just been launched now, and the transaction volume is already small. Yesterday, the transaction volume was only more than 1000. It is too early to start the database search function now.

Also, the database search function will affect user activity and cause many people to quit Omniscient. "

“Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, Omniscient is not an e-commerce company, we can’t do it with e-commerce thinking.

The customers and merchants of e-commerce are almost fixed, but omniscient users switch back and forth between merchants and customers. They may be merchants today, but they may be customers tomorrow.

We cannot be like e-commerce companies and focus on transaction volume.

We should be user-centered and ask ourselves more, when competition from similar apps appears, what can we do to retain users?
I believe that only by making it convenient for users and allowing them to save money can we retain users.

Although white-collar workers have spending power, it doesn’t mean they don’t care about money.

They spend money to buy the answer here, but later find out that it is available online or in a book, and they feel that they have been deceived.

In this case, they will inevitably become wary of omniscience and even withdraw from omniscience. "

Wan Qingshan's words made Ma Huateng silent for a few seconds. Then, he pushed up his glasses and said, "Mr. Wan, what you mean is that omniscience should focus on education, supplemented by social interaction, and e-commerce is just the outermost layer. "

Wan Qingshan thought about this sentence in his heart and shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Ma, in my understanding, no one is dominant in omniscience. Education, social networking, and e-commerce are mutually inclusive.

To reach omniscience by seeking mutual discussion is social interaction and education at the same time.

After discussion, I had doubts and gained trading knowledge. This is e-commerce and education.

These three are the outer circle of omniscience. They can surround omniscience. There is no need to prioritize.

Quanzhi is just a platform, it only helps users connect, and the core is the users.Then what we have to consider is how to make it convenient and save money for most users.

Only by standing together with the majority of users can the reservoir of omniscience be strengthened and remain standing.

For those small number of users who are just trying to make money, I suggest you ignore them.

Because when a similar type of app appears, and the money earned there is only one dollar more than that of Quanzhi, they will leave.

We can never satisfy this kind of users, so we might as well give up.

Speaking of which, Mr. Ma, I have another suggestion: Quanzhi should intervene in the transactions between users.

When users take the initiative to hang up and seek commercial use of photos, a design draft, etc., we should ask questions to let the users describe their needs in as much detail as possible, and then use big data to estimate the approximate price range and give feedback to user.

When users hang out, we will also indicate the price range estimated by big data!
This can give both users who seek help and users who solve help a sense of security, making users feel that Omniscient is solving obstacles for them.

When there is a transaction, the omniscient person should look at the finished product first. Big data comparison should be used to prevent someone from stealing other people's things for trading.

When asking users for help, they should match the answers to questions with the finished product, and then give both parties a percentage feedback, and then let the user decide whether they should buy it or not.

Because what is traded in omniscience is not a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes. What is traded in omniscience is unique.

We cannot be like e-commerce where users can get a refund if they are not satisfied after receiving the goods.

Therefore, in the transaction process, Omniscient must check for the user. "

As soon as Wan Qingshan finished speaking, Ma Huateng clapped gently with a smile on his face!
When the others saw this, they immediately applauded!

After the applause stopped, Ma Huateng smiled and said, "Director Wan, when you say this, I realize that I was wrong about omniscience before.

The database and intervention transactions you suggested, Director Wan, should be done immediately. As long as these two points are done well, then no matter how many competitors appear later, we don't have to worry. "

Ma Huateng leaned back in his chair, changed the topic and continued, "However, these two points require a large amount of data, and the money on the company's account may not be enough.

Building a large computer room, applying for a payment license, plus previous promotions and company equipment, more than 5 million have been spent! "

Short of money?

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said, "Mr. Ma, do you plan for us to invest additional money, or do you plan to raise Series A financing now?"

“Carry out Series A financing!”

Before the company was established, Ma Huateng thought that after it developed to a certain scale, it would conduct external financing.

But after the Quanzhi App was launched yesterday, venture capital investors kept calling him, and Penguin shareholders also called, saying they wanted to invest in Quanzhi.

The omniscience effect was so good that Ma Huateng discovered that he had to carry out Series A financing.

All shareholders of Penguin will have objections if it does not conduct Series A financing. After all, omniscience also has a social function.

Even if he has the decision-making power over Penguin, if all shareholders are alienated, Penguin will be in chaos.

And those venture capital investors, seeing that there is no opportunity to invest here for the time being, will invest immediately when other similar companies appear.

These venture capital investors not only have money, they also have a lot of resources, which can help the company develop and also create obstacles for competitors.

If all this limelight is pushed to the opponent, it will be troublesome in the future.

Therefore, last night, Ma Huateng decided to carry out Series A financing after the more than 4 million in his account is used up.

He later contacted Penguin and some venture capital investors and told the matter, just to stabilize these people first.

I originally thought that with more than 4 million, it could last for a few months, but now I can't. The two aspects mentioned by Wan Qingshan require a large amount of data, a large number of people, equipment, and databases, all of which cost money.

So it’s better to forget about financing now and let Penguin and those venture capital investors come in to help Quanzhi develop rapidly.

"Mr. Ma, I have no objection to Series A financing. It's up to you to decide on this aspect."

"Well, Mr. Wan, I will inform you of the financing results when the time comes."

"it is good!"

Afterwards, with a few polite words, Wan Qingshan closed the video.

Quanzhi's financing was very fast. In less than half a month, Wan Qingshan received a call from Ma Huateng. The company raised 300 billion yuan at a valuation of 20 billion yuan, and at the same time provided 7% as an equity incentive pool.

Wan Qingshan’s shares dropped from 20% to 17.35%.

The stakes were lowered, and Wan Qingshan felt more relaxed.

Quanzhi now has no competitors and is developing rapidly. So far, it has more than 5000 million registered download users and nearly 2000 million daily active users.

Today’s daily active users account for a frighteningly high share of total users. Although there are no competitors, it also shows that Quanzhi’s stickiness is very high.

It’s so good that after the Quanzhi App was launched, Quanzhi Company often appeared in financial and Internet news.

When these news articles analyzed Quanzhi's catch-all model, they always mentioned Wanqingshan, and they all guessed that Wanqingshan proposed Quanzhi.

Entertainment news even reported on Wan Qingshan and something he had done in the business world.

This resulted in all eyes from the outside world being on Wanqingshan during this period.

I answer the phone non-stop every day, and they are all people from the business world. Wan Qingshan doesn't know them, but their tone of voice is as if they are familiar with each other.

Some asked about investment knowledge, some asked about cooperation, some invited to dinner, and some invited to participate in some corporate exchange meetings,,,,,,
Wan Qingshan almost wanted to turn off the phone.

Now that he has fewer shares, although it won't completely clear him up, it will at least cause him less worries.

As Quanzhi Company announced its financing results, the outside world was filled with exclamations.

The news has already clearly reported that Quanzhi Company invested one billion and achieved a valuation of 300 billion in just half a year. This is faster than robbing money.

More importantly, this is still Series A financing. If there are two more rounds, the valuation will not reach trillions when it goes public.

This shocking news turned the attention of some outsiders from Wanqingshan to Quanzhi Company.

Then within two days, his eyes returned to Wanqing Mountain.

'Maimai pk Taobao! '

'Wan Qingshan enters the e-commerce industry and targets Alibaba! '

'Wan Qingshan will fight Ma Yun to death! '

Whether Maimai is engaged in e-commerce has been leaked, but fortunately, the outside world does not know how, they only know that it is engaged in e-commerce.

However, knowing that it is engaged in e-commerce is enough. In order to attract attention, the media did not care that Maimai Company has just been established and talked about competing with Taobao.

Even for the sake of popularity, Chunqiu Bifa had to report on the feud between Ma Yun and Wan Qingshan.

In addition, Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun had a heated debate on 'big data and privacy' before, so many people really believed it.

Zhenxin Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun had a big feud a few years ago because Wan Qingshan asked Chen Yumo to be an e-commerce company for international products and then refused to sell to Alibaba.

However, there were many news reports, but they did not last long because Wan Qingshan stayed at home and did not show up.

When Ma Yun faced this matter, she just smiled and said, "There is no grudge between me and Mr. Wan. If we grudge because of the failure of the acquisition, then all companies must not mess up."

"Of course I think it's a good thing that Mr. Wan is engaged in e-commerce. Having another e-commerce company of decent scale can stimulate the entire e-commerce industry, which is good for this industry."

"Alibaba is not afraid of competition, but Ali hopes that everyone can work together to do a good job in the entire market."

Ma Yun laughed, but Wan Qingshan didn't show up, causing the heat to fade away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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