Chapter 246 Blood Thickness

Compared with the premiere of "The Beautiful Girl", the premiere of "Dallas Buyers Club" was much grander, with a [-]-meter-long red carpet, dozens of star-studded superstars, and never-stop flashing lights. It has to be like a film festival!
Wan Qingshan and Leonardo DiCaprio collaborated on two consecutive films that were shortlisted for Oscars, and the third film is also aiming for an Oscar. Many stars and film critics were full of enthusiasm for the movie before "Dallas Buyers Club" even started filming. expect.

During previous promotions, it was revealed that "Dallas Buyers Club" is based on real people's experiences, which made everyone even more excited.

After walking on the red carpet and taking photos, the movie started playing in the theater.

"How is development here?" Wan Qingshan tilted his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

Since "Fire" became a global hit, Fan has spent most of his time developing in Hollywood, and Fan also came to the premiere this time.

On the side, Fan looked at the screen, turned his head and replied, "Not very good. Although I have participated in three blockbusters, my roles are either supporting roles or disgusting villains. I plan to return to China next year to develop my career."

"Fire" was a hit, but Fan could still only play these roles, which surprised Wan Qingshan.

"Are there no other characters looking for you?" Wan Qingshan turned his head and asked curiously.

"There are many film dates, but the roles are all the same."

Fan turned his head and sighed with downcast eyes, "I now understand why Gong Li can't develop in Hollywood, and Zhang Ziyi can only return to China to develop without Wendi Deng.

Here, unless like you, you can bring them a lot of profits, they are very exclusive.The same fame, but the roles they can get are completely different. "

Wan Qingshan was silent for two seconds and comforted, "Whether you go back to China to develop, the domestic film and television industry has also developed. If you go back to develop, with your reputation, there will be many opportunities."

Fan sighed. There are many opportunities for her in China. She is developing in Hollywood, and there is an endless stream of film offers from China.

But if you want to expand your fame and make more money, you still have to work in Hollywood.

Who would want to return to China to develop if they could develop in Hollywood?

"Dallas Buyers Club" shocked critics and audiences upon its opening.

I was shocked by 'Captain America' and Leonardo, the two of them were as skinny as a stick on the screen.

Although there have been news reports before that Leonardo lost dozens of pounds for the movie, on the screen, the Leonardo who is so thin that he seems to fall over if the wind blows is still shocking. .

As the movie continued, everyone began to be shocked by the movie.

It’s not the wonderfulness of the movie that shocks the audience, nor the pictures or mirrors that shock the critics, but the fact that they actually experienced the plot.

After the movie ended, Wanqingshan and his team came on stage to the applause of the crowd.

After briefly answering a few questions from the audience, Leonardo began to perform.

“In the past, when I heard about AIDS patients, I would be afraid, but because of “Dallas Buyers Club”, I learned more about AIDS and found that I was wrong before.

I'm here to apologize! "

Leonardo's acting skills were at his peak at this moment. He bowed slightly with a sad look on his face, then stood up and continued with red eyes,

"To make up for the harm I caused to AIDS patients in the past because of my actions or words, I will use all the profits from "Dallas Buyers Club" to establish a medical charity fund for AIDS patients.

At the same time, I also appeal to everyone that AIDS patients are not devils, they are also normal people. Please give them more care. "

All the stars in the audience stared and were stunned. Then, they all guessed what Leonardo did.

This is a great move, and it is based on the general trend of public opinion. Even if the Oscar does not award him the award!Leonardo can even save a lot on lobbying money.

As for using all the profits from "Dallas Buyers Club" to establish a charity fund, haha, charity can reduce taxes. People like them, who among them, don't spend a large amount of money every year for charity.

Leonardo only needs to transfer the charity expenses that were previously used in other areas to the AIDS charity fund.

Without paying anything at all, he is almost certain to win the Oscar for Best Actor.

After everyone understood, their eyes lit up. Leonardo could do this, and so can they.

But you have to choose the subject of the movie well, and you have to look like you have put a lot of effort into the movie, just like Leonardo, who lost weight for the movie.

If they can't do this and don't show the outside world and the Oscars that they have put a lot of effort into the movie, they will definitely win the Oscar.

After everyone thought clearly, they started to applaud.

clap clap!

Amidst the applause from the audience, Leonardo's eyes turned redder. He just didn't know whether he was acting or because he was thinking about the Oscar for Best Actor, which he was almost guaranteed to win after so many years. To jealousy.

Within half an hour after the premiere, there were many news reports about "Dallas Buyers Club" online.

When Leonardo gave a lot of red envelopes, all the news focused on reports that Leonardo used all the profits from "Dallas Buyers Club" to establish an AIDS charity fund, and praised Leonardo in large sections.

The reviews posted by film critics on the Internet only talked about the movie, but they all praised Leonardo's acting skills and dedication to the movie.

These movie reviews and news reports, coupled with the concern for AIDS patients, made "Dallas Buyers Club" an instant hit.

But this fire is only Leonardo.The Internet is full of news about him, and tens of thousands of comments praising him appeared under his Twitter in an instant.

Of the rest, only 'Captain America' will be mentioned slightly, but the reason for mentioning it is also related to Leonardo.

He was praised for losing more than 50 pounds in a short period of time for the movie, just like Leonardo.

Wan Qingshan and Kate Winslet are like transparent people, completely ignored, as if they have nothing to do with "Dallas Buyers Club".

Wan Qingshan didn't know how Kate Winslet felt about being ignored, but he felt it was pretty good. He had made money, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Later, when the movie was released and promoted, Wanqingshan didn't have to do anything. The media and audience's questions were all directed at Leonardo.

Because of Leonardo's operation, the box office of "Dallas Buyers Club" in North America was nothing like an art film.

The box office on the first day was 700 million, and on the second day, it was 400 million.,,,

However, this high box office only lasted for a week before it plummeted.

Spending real money to buy tickets, no matter how you operate it, is only temporary, and it has been released for a week, so the box office should have dropped.

Two days after the box office dropped sharply, the promotion ended and Wan Qingshan flew back to China.

After returning home, Wan Qingshan wanted to rest at home until the Spring Festival, but Zhang Weiping somehow found out that he had returned to China and called him to invite him to attend the domestic premiere of "Jinling Thirteen Beauties".

There was no way Wan Qingshan could refuse because of the favor that Zhang Yimou had taught him before, so he could only promise to be there when the time came.

A few days later, Wan Qingshan flew to the capital to attend the domestic premiere of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

No matter how bad the previous "Three Guns" was, it did not affect Zhang Yimou's status in the country. Logically speaking, as long as he makes a few phone calls for Zhang Yimou's movies, a lot of big-name stars will show up.

But it just so happened that the premiere of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" and the premiere of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" were on the same day.

In addition, because of the split of accounts, the relationship between Zhang Weiping and the theater chain is almost like enemies. However, film companies such as Huayi have already made a choice between the theater chain and Zhang Weiping when the alliance broke down.

Therefore, even if Zhang Yimou was here at the premiere of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", there were no big-name stars coming.

Zhang Weiping called Wan Qingshan before because he couldn't find anyone to support him, so he kept his attitude very low on the phone and asked him to save the situation.

Zhang Weiping put down his attitude and asked him to save the situation. Of course, he didn't want Wan Qingshan to come alone.

Wan Qingshan has rarely appeared in front of the audience in recent years. The new generation of young people don't know him at all.

He asked Wan Qingshan to come to the rescue because he wanted Wan Qingshan to bring people from his company to the premiere.

Wan Qingshan agreed to this request, but he only called Wu Ershan, Cheng Er, and Xiao Yang.

As for Fan, whom Zhang Weiping hoped for most, Wan Qingshan did not call.

Therefore, Zhang Weiping was disappointed when Wan Qingshan and his party entered the backstage lounge.

I was very disappointed, but Zhang Weiping still had to show a very grateful attitude on the surface.

Wan Qingshan exchanged a few polite words with Zhang Weiping, then said hello to Bell and Zhang Yimou, and then approached Qin Hao.

"Why did you make so much noise in "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins"? Logically speaking, you shouldn't."

Wan Qingshan really finds it strange that Qin Hao is not well-known in the eyes of the public now, but he is quite famous in the literary and art circles. How come he was cast in "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling"? His name is not even included in the film's main character "The Seaside". , there is only one single poster.

Qin Hao glanced at the people around him and replied in a low voice, "I don't have to choose any of Director Zhang's movies. If there is a role, I will act in it."

Wan Qingshan curled his lips inwardly, he didn't expect Zhang Yimou's movie to involve both men and women killing each other!
Qin Hao didn't want to say more on this topic, so after finishing speaking, he changed the topic. "Great director, how do you like your new movie?"

"Get ready slowly, what else can you do?"

The two of them were chatting, and suddenly it got involved with Zeng Li.

"You haven't seen Zeng Li for a long time, right?"

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly, "I have been busy abroad in the past few years, and I only came back to celebrate the New Year when I returned to China. How is she recently?"

"She has been in the drama troupe for the past few years, almost as if she has quit the entertainment industry."

Wan Qingshan is not surprised that she almost quit the industry. Zeng Li has never had any ambitions for her acting career. When she was most popular, she went to act in plays. Later, when Han Sanping personally invited her, she did not come out to act.

It is estimated that she only thinks of acting when she is short of money.

However, it would be difficult for her to be short of money. In those few years, she made at least tens of millions without gambling or stock trading. Unless something unexpected happened, tens of millions would be enough for her to live a life of leisurely life.

At the premiere of "The Thirteen Hairpins", except for Bell, all the leading actors dressed in costumes from the movie were displayed on the stage, and then each of them said a few words of emotion for their role.

Wan Qingshan frowned as he sat in the audience, even though he had long known that Zhang Weiping's use of the theater as a promotional point would lead to great controversy in the film's reputation.

But he didn't expect that the premiere would also be a sideshow. The actresses who played the role of "Thirteen Hairpins" were wearing cheongsams, and the way they walked on the stage made him feel like the premiere was like having someone to accompany them in a KTV. Sing.

After these activities, there was a movie screening. After watching it for a few times, Wan Qingshan looked away and asked Xiao Yang, "It has been several years, why haven't you made a short film yet?"

When filming "Detective Chinatown", Xiao Yang was not enough, so the director was changed. At that time, Wan Qingshan said that if you make a qualified short film, you will be the director.

But in the past few years, Xiao Yang has not made any short films, not even the "Oldboy" that he was supposed to appear in. Instead, he has gone further and further away from being an actor.

There are no actors under Qingshan Media, so when there are projects, they will think of Fan's Fanfan Company and Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang also refuses to accept anyone who comes, and has acted in several movies. Last year, he even won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor.

"Director Wan, I'm still preparing for that."

Seeing Xiao Yang's somewhat guilty expression, Wan Qingshan understood that Xiao Yang had completely lost confidence because of "Detective Chinatown", so he kept putting it off.

Xiao Yang didn't have the confidence to make a good film and delayed it, so Wan Qingshan didn't care. If Xiao Yang can become a director, he will succeed. If he can't, just pull him down.

After the movie premiere, Wan Qingshan and Zhang Weiping said hello and prepared to leave.

But when he greeted Zhang Yimou, he was pulled aside by Zhang Yimou.

"Director Wan, based on your experience, do you think "The Thirteen Hairpins" can win an Oscar?"

Seeing Zhang Yimou's eyes full of expectation and desire, Wan Qingshan was silent for a while.

"Director Zhang, whether the film can win awards or not depends on you. You should know this better than me."

Wan Qingshan does not believe that Zhang Yimou, who has been in the film and television industry for so many years, will act like a novice and not understand the interests behind the award.

For Zhang Yimou to ask such a question, Wan Qingshan felt that he was too concerned about the Oscars, too nervous, and panicked, so he asked him.

You know, "Breaking Drummer" will be sent to the Oscars. Everyone in the industry knows it from the beginning of filming.

He and Zhang Yimou are competitors for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar this year. How can I ask my competitors if I can win the award?

Zhang Yimou was stunned for a moment, forced a smile, and sighed, "Yes, it depends on myself."

After "The Thirteen Hairpins" was released, because Zhang Weiping had previously used the Chuang Opera as a promotional point, and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" was released on the same day, in addition, Zhang Weiping and the investor of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" Yu Dong had already resentment.

Therefore, on the day of its release, Yu Dong launched an army of trolls to smear "The Thirteen Beauties of Jinling" and set fire to the theater to attack it, causing the movie to become very controversial.

Many film critics are scolding Zhang Yimou for his twisted spirit and distorted film consciousness, which is simply poisoning the public's thinking.

Zhang Weiping was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He used the drama as a propaganda point, and when someone caught him attacking him, he couldn't find any point of view to refute.

Therefore, he could only change the publicity point and use "The Thirteen Hairpins" to compete for the Golden Globe Awards and Oscars as a publicity point.

Yu Dong also responded. He found out what Hollywood film critics said about "The Thirteen Beauties".

"The Thirteen Hairpins" has been screened a few times in North America, and the reviews from film and television people are almost all negative.

"Talk about human nature under a disaster like the Holocaust, and the concept of the movie is simply a disaster!"

"Human life is equal, and there should be no distinction between high and low, but in the movie, there is a distinction between high and low. This is simply a decadent idea from hundreds of years ago."

"It is not inspired by life, it seems like a black cloud floating in the sky. The whole movie is confusing, lacks balance, and overly shows off certain scenes."

"I heard that Wan Qingshan had learned from Zhang Yimou before, so now it's time for Zhang Yimou to learn from Wan Qingshan and learn how to tell the connotation of a story well instead of going astray and relying on sensationalism and certain scenes. To deceive the audience.”

"The Thirteen Hairpins" has a poor reputation in North America. Wan Qingshan knew this when he promoted "Dallas Buyers Club" in North America.

But is the movie really so bad that almost all critics criticized it?
Wan Qingshan doesn't think so, although the movie focuses too much on sensationalism, and sensationalism is higher than the integrity of the story, which leads to the emphasis on many details being off-center, making the whole movie a bit confusing.

But the most criticized point is that the movie promotes that the lives of women who have lost that membrane are not equal to the lives of students. This is nonsense!
It is impossible for these film critics not to see that those women protecting students are not expressing the inequality of life, but expressing that students are the future, and they are protecting the future, not the film!

In the final analysis, the reason for the negative reviews is that "The Thirteen Hairpins" is a film that is competing for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

The Oscar Film Festival is about to begin. This is the time for everyone to work hard to be nominated for the Oscar. While promoting their own films, they are also discrediting their opponents.

"The Thirteen Hairpins" has received negative reviews. It must have been discredited by its rivals competing for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

It's so normal to smear people at this time. Wan Qingshan had discovered before that several movies from other countries that were being released in North America had black material, and they were all trying to smear each other.

He even found out that some film critics were criticizing "Breaking Drummer".

It's just that "Bangkong" has been released for too long, and during this period, "Bangkong" did not promote the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, so even though it was dark, it did not gain popularity.

Wan Qingshan knew about it, but the domestic audience did not. They only knew that "The Thirteen Hairpins" was poorly received in North America.

This has caused the movie to become more controversial. Zhang Yimou has a lot of blood. Even if he makes a movie like "Three Guns", there are still many viewers who believe in him.

Even though the movie theaters gave "The Thirteen Hairpins" a lower film schedule than "The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" and the previous promotion methods went in the wrong direction, and the reputation was highly controversial, the box office of "The Thirteen Hairpins" has always been higher than that of "The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate". Dragon Fly".

In the original world, people said that Coo Tim Lok has the most blood. Only Solar Energy can defeat him. It doesn't matter how many bad movies he stars in.

But Wan Qingshan has always believed that the one who has the most blood is Zhang Yimou, who made movies like "Three Guns", and then the next movie "Hawthorn Tree Love", so many people went to see it, breaking the box office record of Chinese literary films .

In terms of popularity, Zhang Yimou is definitely the first, followed by Liu Yifei. After several years of silence, she can still secure the position of Hua Dan, and then there is Gu Tianle!

Half a month later, the nominees for the Golden Globe Awards were announced, and "The Golden Globe" represented Hong Kong as a nominee for Best Foreign Language Film, stimulating the box office, which had already begun to decline.

Then, the news media reported that "The Thirteen Hairpins" was shortlisted for the Golden Globe Awards. They also reported on "The Explosive Drummer", which was even more lengthy than "The Thirteen Hairpins"!
The reason why there is so much space is because "Creep" was not shortlisted for the Golden Globe Award.

Back then, Wan Qingshan had produced "Huo Qubing" and "Parasite", both of which were nominated for the Golden Globe and Oscar.

After going to Hollywood to develop, Wan Qingshan has been nominated for Oscars every year and has almost become an Oscar regular.

Nowadays, a movie specially made to win an Oscar has not even been shortlisted for the Golden Globe. This is beyond the expectations of the industry and the media. From the time of filming, they all believed that as long as Wan Qingshan didn't miss, the movie would be shortlisted for the Oscar!

But he missed it, so many media reported, 'Is Wanqingshan a man who has exhausted his talents?Or was it a misstep? '

Under Chai Zhiping's secret push, there were also gossip media who used conspiracy theories to report that Wan Qingshan was bribed by other countries to deliberately produce poor results, not wanting Chinese-language films to win Oscars!
We can only report it to the mainstream media, because the management of Weibo will no longer help Chai Zhiping in Wanqingshan.

They used to help because they thought Wan Qingshan was at most the same as Wang Zhongjun, with a net worth of tens of billions!
But after Tsingshan Media went public, they discovered that it was completely different from what they imagined. Wan Qingshan had too many shares in Tsingshan Media. Unlike Wang Zhongjun, who only owned more than 30% of the company's shares.

They estimated Wan Qingshan's net worth. Even if there was no media report of over 500 billion, it would still be at least [-] to [-] billion. If Chen Yumo's net worth was also included, it would be even more incredible.

If Wan Qingshan knew that Weibo was secretly messing with him, then Wan Qingshan would be in big trouble if he used money to mess with Sina in the capital market.

So they no longer helped Chai Zhiping pay Wanqingshan more, and Chai Zhiping could only spend money to find some small media reports.

Chai Zhiping would like to find a big media company, but no company dares to take this job, even Weibo is afraid of it, let alone them!
They dare to report some tidbits about Wanqing Mountain, but they wouldn't dare even if they had the courage to report such news that could kill people.

Nowadays, the news from the big media can’t be read, and the news reported by the small media is totally useless. If you don’t find people to hype it, it won’t make any waves at all.

But looking for someone to hype it up would cause a big fuss, but Chai Zhiping and the others didn't dare. Tang Jianli's words at the time made them very afraid of being discovered.

In the past, Weibo was in front, and they were able to establish Xintang, but this time there is no large company in front.

So, that was all we could do. After a few days of reporting, the mainstream media reported no results and stopped reporting.

(End of this chapter)

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