Chapter 219 Hollywood Premiere

After landing in Los Angeles, Wan Qingshan and his team were picked up by people from CJ Overseas Company. After arrangements, they checked into the hotel and met up with Jeon Do-yeon, a Korean actor who won the Best Actress at Cannes last year.

The next day, as soon as Wan Qingshan finished washing up, someone from CJ Company approached him and said that Spielberg wanted to make an appointment with him.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Wan Qingshan led Chen Chen and the people from CJ Company to meet Spielberg.

Spielberg said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand to shake Wan Qingshan's hand.

Chen Chen glanced at the woman next to Spielberg and translated very politely, "Director Wan, Director Spielberg sends his regards."

"Say hello to me."

Wan Qingshan and Spielberg seemed to get along very well. Through Chen Chen's translation, the two chatted for nearly two hours before parting ways.

After returning to the hotel, Wan Qingshan handed Spielberg's business card to Chen Chen.

After Chen Chen took the business card, he helped put it away, and then asked in a low voice, "Director Wan, do you plan to cooperate with DreamWorks?"

Just now, Spielberg invited Wan Qingshan to have in-depth cooperation with DreamWorks. In the future, DreamWorks will invest in and be responsible for the global distribution of Wanqingshan's movies. In return, DreamWorks' releases in China will be introduced by Tsingshan Company, and even DreamWorks can Provide some film and television resources for Wan Qingshan to invest.

This condition is very good, so good that domestic film and television companies will immediately agree.

Wan Qingshan also looked very interested and kept asking Spielberg for details of the cooperation.

"Silly girl, if you cooperate with him, you are asking for death."

Wan Qingshan did not dare to cooperate with DreamWorks. DreamWorks was developing too fast, and the six major Hollywood film and television companies did not want to see another film and television giant, so they suppressed DreamWorks everywhere.

As for Spielberg saying that he is responsible for the global distribution of his movies, that is a joke. DreamWorks has no ability to distribute globally due to the exclusion of the six major Hollywood companies.

Nowadays, all DreamWorks movies have to be distributed by Paramount. How can they distribute other movies?
You are willing to invest in film and television projects, haha, but in the end the film becomes a loss, and you can't find any flaws.

Spielberg was clearly trying to trick him, so he didn't want to be fooled.

Chen Chen was stunned for a moment and asked, "Director Wan, what about you just now?"

"Why do you still look so interested?"

Chen Chen nodded, and Wan Qingshan sighed, "There's nothing we can do. Spielberg is a Jew, and Jews are very powerful in Hollywood. If he offends him, it may be difficult for the film to even get an Oscar nomination."

At the Oscars, everything seems to be out in the sun, even lobbying the judges.

But everything that seems very public has rules that cannot be known to the outside world in private, and the same is true for Oscar.

Otherwise, why are the chances of these films winning awards for political correctness and women’s rights so high in the future? Do most of the thousands of judges like such films?I'm afraid not!

The day after meeting Spielberg, the group began to promote the movie.

Hollywood promotional movies are the same as those in the Chinese film and television industry. They are promoted on TV programs before they are released.

Because Wan Qingshan didn't understand the language, it was inconvenient to go on the show to promote it, so he simply didn't go and let Gong Li and the others go.

More importantly, Wan Qingshan was held back by other things.

The news that he came to Hollywood spread in Hollywood yesterday, so a lot of film and television companies made appointments with him.

Hollywood is very realistic. If you succeed, everyone will support you.

Columbia can earn at least [-] million US dollars in revenue from "Huo Qubing". If the video tape and peripherals sell well later, it may be [-] million US dollars in revenue.

In the eyes of Hollywood companies, Wan Qingshan is now a walking money printing machine. This money printing machine is likely to last longer than Cheng Long's. After all, Wan Qingshan can act in any movie, especially as he is a director.

The profession of director has a huge advantage over actors in terms of time. When actors get old, except for a few people, most people's box office appeal will disappear, but directors can last until you can no longer film.

Therefore, when these film and television companies negotiated with Wan Qingshan, the superior conditions came out one after another.

Among them, the six major film and television companies, although they did not offer many favorable conditions, they gave Wan Qingshan what he wanted very much - a share of the global box office!
The conditions offered by the six major companies are similar. If it is a Chinese-language film, if they take half of the investment, they can share the global box office and the income from video tapes and movie peripherals, and can raise Wan Qingshan's director's and actor's fees to the top of Hollywood. positions, $2000 million each!
If Wan Qingshan makes a Hollywood movie, he can also take half of the investment share. If he only acts as a director or an actor, he can also be given a remuneration of US$2000 million each, plus 10% of the global box office share.

Wan Qingshan almost agreed to the following conditions at that time, directing and starring himself, that is 4000 million US dollars, plus 20% of the global box office share, which is much more profitable than his own investment.

But when I thought about it later, I found that there were still profits from the previous investment, including video tapes and movie peripherals.

Many movies, videos and movie peripherals have higher box office than one movie.

These conditions were excellent, but when it came to the global box office, he was really afraid of Hollywood companies making false accounts, and he didn't have a company he trusted in Hollywood to keep an eye on it, so Wan Qingshan just said he would consider it.

After Wan Qingshan met with all the companies, the movie was about to be released.

Although CJ Company has shares in DreamWorks, DreamWorks does not have the distribution capabilities, so the distribution company turned to Universal.

Because "Huo Qubing" has only been released for a few months, the video tape of "Huo Qubing" is still selling like hot cakes, and many netizens are still discussing "Devil" on the Internet!
Therefore, even though this is a literary film, Universal prepared [-] pavilions for the opening of the movie and even held a premiere for the movie!
The premiere was held at the Huaxia Theater.

Before the premiere, Wan Qingshan and Zhou Xun, led by people from Universal, went to leave their fingerprints together.

Zhou Xun and Dong Xuan are very excited to leave their mark in Hollywood, something that many Chinese actors have not been able to do.

Wan Qingshan didn't feel anything at all.

Leaving fingerprints here is different from leaving stars on the Avenue of Stars two streets over. It is very easy to leave fingerprints here. In the original life, Feng Xiaogang, Zhao Feite and Huang Xiaoming could all leave fingerprints here, but leaving stars on the side, including Chinese people, can leave fingerprints here. Currently, there are only Anna Wong, kung fu superstars Bruce Lee and Cheng Long, not even Ang Lee.

After leaving their fingerprints, Wan Qingshan and his party followed the people from Universal into the Huaxia Theater.

The premiere was a big one, and Universal invited many stars, many of whom Wan Qingshan had seen at last year's Oscars party.

Among these celebrities, many female celebrities came forward to get close to Wan Qingshan.

In order to keep Wanqingshan in Hollywood for development, the Hollywood Film and Television Company offered very favorable conditions. This matter spread in Hollywood, and even the media reported that "The devil that everyone is worried about will develop in Hollywood!" '

Wan Qingshan is a famous director, and the most important thing is that he is very handsome, which is very tempting to many female stars.

Even if there is no chance to star in Wan Qingshan's movie in the future, it would still be nice to have a romantic relationship.

After Wan Qingshan dealt with a group of female stars, the premiere began.

Domestic media have been paying attention to Wan Qingshan's next movie since the end of the Olympics.

Previously, because Wan Qingshan's next film failed to pass the review and became a Korean film, there were many media reports and even implicit criticism of the General Administration.

Because of the popularity, many domestic media also came to the premiere.

When Wan Qingshan and Gong Li walked hand in hand on the red carpet, many reporters around them shouted, "Director Wan, do you have anything to say about the film not being able to meet domestic audiences?"

"Director Wan, this is your first time being killed in a movie. What do you think?"

Wan Qingshan didn't seem to hear these words.

He really didn't hear it, because there were many foreign movie fans around the red carpet.

As he walked down the aisle, 'Devil! 'The shouts grew louder and louder, and the reporters' voices were all muffled.Gong Li listened to this voice and saw the fanatic faces around her. Then she turned around and saw Wan Qingshan smiling and waving. Her eyes were full of envy. This scene was something she had never seen before after working hard in Hollywood for so many years.

It can be said that apart from Cheng Long, the only Chinese actor who can drive movie fans crazy in the United States is Wan Qingshan.

While Cheng Long worked hard in Hollywood for many years, Wan Qingshan did it without coming to Hollywood.

Wan Qingshan and Gong Li entered the Huaxia Theater and waited for a while. After a group of celebrities entered, film critics, reporters, and the audience began to enter, and then the movie started directly.

As soon as the screen came on, the name of the movie "Parasite" appeared, and the Chinese words "Director Wan Qingshan's Work" appeared, and the movie skipped the cast list and started directly.

In the first ten minutes, the audience had a headache because it was difficult to distinguish people, but after watching it, they could distinguish them clearly.

Then, many viewers felt as if they had been stripped open by Wan Qingshan in a movie. They were obviously wearing clothes, but they felt naked in their hearts.

"Parasite" appeared more than ten years later. At that time, not only in capitalist countries, but also in all countries, the gap between rich and poor was growing day by day.

But now, it can be said that it has helped Wanqingshan. The financial crisis that started last year has left many families bankrupt.

Although the world is now in a recession, the impact of the financial crisis has slowly passed, and many families in the United States have begun to return to normal work.

But at the beginning of the movie, the family's current life is similar to that of many people during the financial crisis, which reminded many viewers of their previous lives.

As the movie slowly played, the critics' eyes lit up. They didn't feel much about the previous plot, but as the lower-class family entered the rich family to work, two very different families were living under the same roof. , this scene made them full of expectations for the movie.

The further the film goes on, the more excited the film critic's eyes become.

When Li Xuejian's father entered the basement after the murder, many film critics applauded softly, and some couldn't help but praise, "This movie will definitely be nominated for an Oscar!"

Film critics noticed it, and so did many Hollywood stars. They couldn't help but look at Wanqing Mountain frequently.

The huge sales of "Huo Qubing" made them subconsciously ignore that Wan Qingshan became famous in Europe for his literary films. Now this movie reminds them that Wan Qingshan has won the Venice Golden Lion Award.

Literary films are not very valued by celebrities in China, but it is different in Hollywood. Actors are obsessed with winning Oscars. Otherwise, why would DiCaprio accompany him for so many years and star in "The Wilderness", which made him suffer so much? hunter".

Nowadays, male stars are interested in Wan Qingshan. It is different for a director who makes a commercial film that sells well at the box office, but a director who makes an artistic film and is nominated for an Oscar.

The female star's eyes towards Wan Qingshan became even more passionate, and she wished she could go over immediately and extend an invitation to Wan Qingshan tonight.

"Director Wan, did they just say that the movie can be nominated for an Oscar?" Zhou Xun looked at Wan Qingshan with anticipation.

Although before the filming, the CJ people on the crew had said that the film would be submitted to the Oscars, but at that time, the people at CJ were very skeptical.

And Zhou Xun didn't think that Wan Qingshan would win the movie for an Oscar. She had previously thought that it would be great if the movie went to the top three in Europe.

But later, Wan Qingshan called her to inform her that she was going to the United States to promote the movie. She had some expectations for participating in the Oscars. Now that the film critic said this, her expectations were filled, and she couldn't help but ask Wan Qingshan.

"I also want to submit the film to the Oscars, but whether it will succeed or not is a question."

Wan Qingshan's words made Zhou Xun unable to bear it anymore. All her teeth were exposed when she smiled. Her joy ignored the last half of Wan Qingshan's words.

She is participating in the Oscars. It is unimaginable that the movie she starred in is participating in the Oscars.

Dong Xuan and the others also heard the conversation between Wan Qingshan and Zhou Xun, and they immediately smiled like flowers. If they could participate in the Oscars, their status in the country would be different. Their salary would increase, and their commercial endorsements would increase.

But Gong Li still looked normal. Even if the movie could be nominated for an Oscar, it might not win if it didn't throw money at it.

And she has long made plans to return to China for development. Some time ago, she had already thought clearly that without that ability, even if she relied on others to stay in Hollywood, it would only be temporary, and she would still be abandoned in the end.

What's more important is that a domestic company contacted her some time ago and was willing to spend 4000 million to hire her to star in a movie.

4000 million, her salary in Hollywood is only 500 million US dollars. Since this is the same in Hollywood for so many years, she might as well return to China to earn more money.

After a few people in Zhou Xun were excited for a while, the movie ended, and then all the film critics and celebrities applauded.

The warm applause made the audience feel uncomfortable, and some even cried because they thought about the life they had lived in the year before the financial crisis. They came to their senses and applauded while feeling uncomfortable or crying.

Amidst the applause, Wan Qingshan and his group stood up and walked towards the stage.

Wan Qingshan took the microphone from the staff on the side and said, "Thank you for your applause and your support!"

After Chen Chen spoke the translator into the microphone in his hand, a young woman whose makeup was already crying stood up and shouted a few words excitedly.

"Director Wan, she said that she loves and hates you. She likes your movies, but hates you for using them to remind her of bad things."

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said, "Bad things are in the past after all. You have to try to let go of yourself, and movies are something that can make you let go."

After Chen Chen translated the words, Wan Qingshan's eyes widened and he quickly shouted, "No, no!"

Seeing that the woman in the audience stopped reaching into her clothes and unhooking her bra, Wan Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly continued, "You don't need to be too strong to release your emotions. Emotions are just psychological, not physical.

Although I don't know what you have experienced before, I understand that relief is for yourself. It should be when you are alone and ask yourself about your heart. "

After Chen Chen translated the words, the theater burst into warm applause.

After the applause, the woman looked deeply at Wanqing Mountain, said something, and sat down.

"Director Wan, she said she loves you very much!"

Wan Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and the questions from the audience and film critics were very simple.

After the premiere, Wan Qingshan returned to the hotel with Zhou Xun and the others after receiving a bunch of business cards and hints from several female celebrities.

By the time they returned to their hotel, news of "Parasite" was spreading online.

Many film critics have praised that after watching "Parasite" you will notice that Wan Qingshan has another profession - screenwriter.If "Heart" proves Wan Qingshan's acting skills, and "Huo Qubing" proves Wan Qingshan's directing skills, then "Parasite" proves that Wan Qingshan is also a top screenwriter!
Audiences at the premiere also praised "Parasite" online, saying that it was a movie that allowed the middle class before the financial crisis to face their hearts.

Universal originally didn't have any other resources for "Parasite" except the opening hall. But seeing that the reviews were so good, they immediately allocated more resources, looking for film critics, and more interviews with news magazines.

Then, just two days later, on December 12th, the movie was officially released!

The box office on the first day of the day was US$600 million, and the ratings on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes were also released.

It has a high score of 9.2 on IMDB and 87% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes.

With high ratings and high box office per theater, Universal waited no longer and directly increased the number of theaters to 1000 the next day.

The financial crisis had just come out, and many viewers commented that it was a must-see movie for the middle class before the financial crisis. The box office on the second day was US$300 million!

The number of theaters showing is increasing, and the box office of each theater is increasing day by day. This makes Universal and CJ Company overjoyed, which shows that the box office can be a big hit.

On the third day, when the number of theaters increased to 1500, Wan Qingshan took Chen Chen on a plane to Thailand despite Universal and CJ's attempts to stay.

Last night, Li Yancheng called. Something big happened to the crew of "Detective Chinatown" and Wan Qingshan had to go over and deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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