Chapter 282 Howling Moon Wolf

After half a stick of incense, Gou Sheng lay on the ground like a dog and looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes.

The ferocious bear of the earth also lay on the ground like a dog, looking at Chen Mo with fear.

Chen Mo stared at Xia Yaoge intently like an old pervert.

And Xia Yaoge was picking vine fruits.

There are really a lot of fruits on this tree and vine. If you count them carefully, there are more than thirty bunches, and there are seventy or eighty fruits on one bunch.

If they were all picked off, there would be more than 2000 of them.

Even if you take one pill every day for nothing, you can still take it for six or seven years!

But among them, only ten bunches were ripe deep purple, and the rest were still green.

After Xia Yaoge finished picking the vine fruits, he threw five bunches to Chen Mo.

This was the previous agreement between Xia Yaoge and Chen Mo.

Chen Mo helped Xia Yaoge, but he got half of the benefits.

If we could find Guangchengzi’s retreat place,
That's for later.

Chen Mo packed four of the strings in jade boxes, then looked at Gou Sheng and ordered:
"Gou Sheng'er, remember, you can pick ten more bunches of the fruits from the vines when they are ripe, but the rest must be allowed to fall naturally."

Gou Sheng is confused:

"Boss, my mother told me that it is shameful to waste, especially the treasures of heaven and earth. No matter how unpalatable it is, you can't spit out any skin."

Chen Mo asked:

"Gou Sheng'er, how many years have you occupied this place?"

Gou Sheng replied:

"Ten years."

"The numerology of heaven and earth pays attention to the cycle of cause and effect. Trees bear fruit, and fruits can also help trees grow. When these fruits are put into the ground, they will have the effect of absorbing nutrients from the earth. If all the fruits are harvested, the tree vines may not grow smoothly, and may even Wither and die.”

Chen Mo explained:
"The vine grapes bloom once every 30 years, bear fruit once every 30 years, and wait 60 years before the tree is full of fruit again."

Gou Sheng thought for a while:
"I understand, just keep guarding this tree anyway."

Chen Mo: "."

Xia Yaoge advised: "Forget it, Gou Sheng'er is not a human being. It's normal that he can't understand."

Chen Mo nodded and ordered:

"Gou Sheng'er, just eat this bunch and lie down on the ground and take a good nap."

"Good boss!"

Gou Sheng really had no scruples at all and swallowed the vine grape fruit in one big mouth.

The ferocious earth bear on the side was drooling.

Treasures from heaven and earth are too attractive to exotic beasts.

But for the sake of his own life, the fierce earth bear still chose to continue lying down like a dog.

Gou Sheng'er had previously eaten the inferior spiritual plants that Chen Mo had picked for him in the past few days. Now that he had taken a whole bunch of vine grape fruits, he had already accumulated considerable medicinal power in his body.

The medicinal power of the tree grape fruit is mild, and it can dissolve the medicinal power of those inferior spiritual plants little by little, allowing Gou Sheng'er to absorb it better.

As for what to do next.
Then Chen Mo doesn't need to worry.

"Shen Yuan, why are you pulling me?"

Chen Mo: "Of course, continue shopping and look for treasures. Just leave the dog here."

Xia Yaoge was a little confused:
"Let's go now, that ferocious bear of the earth."

"Oh, it'll be okay. I have my own sense of discretion."

Chen Mo forced Xia Yaoge away.

In front of the vines and fruit trees, Gou Sheng'er, the fierce earth bear, and the two groups were left behind.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The Earth Fierce Bear has some ideas in his mind.

Gou Sheng'er has eaten so many natural and earthly treasures now. If you kill it and eat all its meat, the medicinal power will enter its stomach along with the meat.

When its strength increases greatly, it may not be afraid of Chen Mo!

But the idea of ​​a ferocious bear on earth had just taken shape when a snow-white shadow fell next to Gou Sheng'er.

From a human aesthetic point of view, this beautiful figure is extremely beautiful, but the two furry ears on her head prove her status as a "fairy".

Gou Sheng'er immediately showed the magnanimity that a leader of the wolf clan should have:

"Two-legged pig, who are you?"

This woman is naturally Chen Mo's "horse", taking advantage of Ah Lian!

Ah Lian glanced at Gou Sheng'er indifferently. As soon as the power of the ancient beast unfolded, all the hair on Gou Sheng'er's body exploded:
"You're not human! Woof woof woof!"

The fierce earth bear on the side almost cried.

Just as the Prince of Hell was sent away, a female Prince of Hell came.

Ah Lian said coldly:

"I am the demon of your boss's contract."

After speaking, Ah Lian waved his hand.

The wolf's nose was still very sharp. Gou Shan'er smelled it and immediately said in surprise:
"It smells so good, and it also contains the smell of the boss!"

Gou Sheng'er immediately lay down:
"Gou Sheng'er has seen my eldest sister, woof woof!"

Ah Lian nodded, seemingly satisfied with what Gou Sheng'er called her.

"My identity is a secret and cannot be mentioned to other living beings in the future."

The two ethnic groups have been cast illusion spells by Ah Lian, and they are not clear about the situation. As for Gou Sheng'er and the Earthly Bear, after all, their cultivation is here, and it is a little troublesome, so Ah Lian is too lazy to deal with it.

The ferocious bear of the earth also lay down, imitating the dog sheng'er, and said in a low voice:
"I've seen my eldest sister."

Ah Lian ignored it and ordered:
"Gou Sheng'er, close your eyes and sleep."

"Yes! Huh. Huh."

It is said that heartless people fall asleep quickly, but this bitch fell asleep a little too quickly and started snoring as soon as he closed his eyes.

Ah Lian shook her head, walked up to Gou Sheng'er, put her hand on Gou Sheng'er's head, and used her vast demonic power from ancient beasts to help Gou Sheng'er stimulate the ancient bloodline in her body.

Foxes and wolves are also close relatives, so it is relatively easy for Ah Lian to inspire Gou Sheng'er's ancient bloodline.

The ferocious earth bear could only watch blankly.

Among the alien beasts, the suppression of blood is more terrifying than the suppression of the realm of martial arts. As an ancient alien beast, the Earth Bear can hardly muster the courage to fight in front of Ah Lian.

Only "wonders" like Qiongqi, who can become ancient beasts after returning to their ancestors, dare to attack Chenghuang Da.

The fierce bear of the earth witnessed with his own eyes that the black hair on Gou Sheng'er's body began to gradually fade, from black to gray, and from gray to snow white.

And the aura exuded by Gou Sheng'er is becoming more and more powerful, which is a powerful foundation that comes from the most fundamental constitution and bloodline.

This background comes from the ancient beast "Howling Sirius".

The whole process lasted a day and a night.

Gou Sheng'er was still sleeping soundly, and even drooled all over the place.

Ah Lian stood up and shook his head:

"You've become a howling moon wolf, but you still look stupid."

After saying that, Ah Lian glanced at the ferocious earth bear on the side.


The ferocious bear on the earth trembled.


The Earth Fierce Bear explained:
"My name is not Hey, my name is Chu. Chu Diao San."

Ah Lian: "Ah San, let me remind you that my secret technique has been left on you. Even if you escape outside the Worry-free Forest, I will still have a way to find you. Do you understand?"

The ferocious bear on the earth shivered with fear:

"I understand, I understand, I will definitely assist Brother Gou Sheng! There will be no second thoughts."

Ah Lian nodded, and floated away in the wind like a feather.The Earth Fierce Bear looked at Gou Sheng'er, who was lying on the ground drooling, snoring, and getting chills from time to time, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Think of me as a fool. I led my tribe to hide in XZ. After 300 years of hard work, I finally activated my ancient bloodline and began to conquer all directions. Now I am only one step away from dominating a hundred miles around. I didn't expect to meet this idiot. Not to mention, there is actually a strong human race who likes this stupid guy!"

The Earth Bear finally had to accept a cruel fact:

Dogs may not be very good, but dogs can rely on human strength!
The Gan Emperor worked hard for [-] hours a day to play hard, but he couldn't beat the Krypton guy who had the support of the GM behind him.

When Gou Sheng'er wakes up, Gou Sheng'er will have the strength to compete with the fierce bear of the earth. Even if the fierce bear of the earth wants to stand up and become its master, without Chen Mo, it will be a difficult task.

Three days later, Chen Mo and Xia Yaoge returned.

It seemed that the two of them had been too lucky before and had used up all their luck. They hadn't found any decent spiritual plants in the past three days.

The two of them didn't dare to stay too far away. After all, they had to come back to see Gou Sheng'er.

When Gou Sheng'er saw Chen Mo and Xia Yaoge, he jumped three feet high with excitement.

The wolf's tail is very hard, but Gou Sheng'er swung his tail vigorously, trying to pretend to be a dog wagging its tail.

When Xia Yaoge saw that Gou Sheng'er's hair, which was originally covered in black charcoal, was as white as snow, he was shocked:

"Is this the Howling Moon Wolf? It looks much better than in the picture."

Indeed, Gou Sheng'er is now covered in snow-white hair that is flowing and soft. The breeze blows, and the white hair is slightly fluttering. He looks extremely handsome. He is really a lone and proud wolf king!
Then she saw Gou Sheng'er's tongue was wet and dripping with saliva.

What a lonely wolf king.
real dog!
Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction:
"Not bad, come on, bite me."

Xia Yaoge: "."

Gou Sheng once suspected that he heard wrongly:

"That's not right. My wolf ears are very good and I can't hear wrongly. Why did the boss ask me to bite him?"

Chen Mo started with just a brain scoop. Of course, he didn't use much force.

"I told you to bite me, and I'll test how strong you are now."

Gou Sheng'er suddenly realized:
"So this is ah"

Gou Sheng'er really opened his mouth and bit Chen Mo.

Gou Sheng'er's two rows of teeth gnawed on Jinzhong Gangqi.

Chen Mo smiled lightly:


Gou Sheng heard that it was all four feet flopping on the ground, using all its energy to suck milk.

Click click
Jinzhong Gangqi was finally broken.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, with this bite force, under the Divine Profound Realm, without the protection of divine weapon-level armor or inner armor, one bite would basically result in the loss of more than ten kilograms of flesh.

Chen Mo turned over and sat on Gou Sheng'er's back, then looked at the ferocious bear on the earth and ordered:

"You called me Diao San, right? I'll call you Ah San from now on. You are now in charge of the two clans and guard the trees, vines and fruits until Gou Sheng'er comes back."

The fierce earth bear said quickly:
"As ordered!"

Chen Mo waved to Xia Yaoge:
"Your Majesty, there is only one mount, how can it be ruined?"

Xia Yaoge looked at Chen Mo calmly:

"Gou Sheng'er, call a younger brother of yours with decent fighting ability."

Chen Mo: "That's not true. There are at least a few strange beasts among Gou Sheng'er's younger brothers. How can they keep up with Gou Sheng'er?"

"You want me to ride the same wolf with you? What a beautiful idea!"

Chen Mo coughed twice. In fact, he really didn't expect this.

But after Xia Yaoge laughed and scolded, he said again:

"Actually, it's not impossible. Please tell me, why do you know the name of this ferocious bear on the earth?"

Chen Mo: "."

Before Gou Sheng'er broke through, the reason why he took Xia Yaoge away was to make Ah Lian's affairs easier.

However, Xia Yaoge was still very careful and finally found some clues.

Facing Xia Yaoge's cross-examination, Chen Mo simply jumped off Gou Sheng'er and ordered:
"Gou Sheng'er, ask your fast brother to be my mount, and I will ride on your back."

Men, you have to be graceful. Giving up the seat of your mount to Xia Yaoge is a show of grace!
Xia Yaoge almost forgot that Chen Mo was never a person who played his cards according to routines.

Although the beauty is good, Chen Mo can distinguish the important from the important.

Besides, isn’t Ah Lian a beauty?
If you want him to expose Ah Lian's existence, don't even think about it!

Xia Yaoge was unconvinced:

"I still don't believe that I can't take you down!"

Immediately, Xia Yaoge waved his hand:

"That's all, Gou Sheng'er is faster, it's easier for us to travel, and I'm not the one who pretends to be delicate."

Unintentionally, Chen Mo kept Ah Lian's secret secret, but in Xia Yaoge's view, there were more and more mysteries surrounding Chen Mo.

"Enigma" can be equated with "mystery", a man who is always unexpected and full of mystery behind him.

This is poison!
Any woman who drinks it will fall down!
By letting Gou Sheng'er serve as mounts, Chen Mo and Xia Yaoge not only save more effort, but are also more efficient.

If you encounter any situation, you can have multiple thugs.

After all, this Worry-free Forest is a restricted area for humans, so it would be nice to have a guide who knows the way.

As for the Blue Wind Eagle, it either hovers in the sky or rests nearby. It will never leave Xia Yaoge too far.

The royal family's domestication methods are quite good.

It is said that this Blue Wind Eagle was trained using the relatively ancient but very effective method of "boiling the eagle".

The trainer comes face to face with the young Goshawk and wakes it up once it shows signs of dozing off.

The goshawk doesn't sleep, and neither does its trainer.

Keep boiling until the Blue Wind Eagle becomes unconscious and its defensiveness drops to the extreme, and then give the Blue Wind Eagle food. In this way, the Blue Wind Eagle will succumb more easily.

After further training and training, Blue Wind Eagle can have very good loyalty without the need for a contract.

This method is very good, but it is a bit expensive for the trainer.

Chen Mo originally planned to let Xia Yaoge sit in the front, but he was almost beaten by Xia Yaoge, so he had to sit in the front.

"Boss, where are we going?"

"All the way north."


In the mountain forest, a divine white wolf shuttles dexterously.

And in the depths of Wuyou Forest, eight hundred miles away, there are actually hundreds of people camping here!

A person walked out of the big tent in the center.

He is an old acquaintance of Chen Mo:
The number one genius in the devil’s path, Xie Aotian!

As soon as Xie Aotian appeared, someone immediately came forward to salute:

"Master Tower Master!"

Xie Aotian was expressionless:
"Isn't Qiongqi back yet?"

The subordinate replied:

"Back to the Third Hall Master, there is no news about Lord Qiongqi yet."

Xie Aotian: "It's strange, Qiongqi has been gone for a long time this time."

As soon as Xie Aotian finished speaking, Qiongqi fell from the sky.

And in its mouth, there was a gray wolf.

This gray wolf is not simple. The ancient beast "Silver Light Wolf" is very powerful.

But how can the silver light wolf in the spirit demon realm be Qiongqi's opponent?

After Qiongqi landed, he spat the Silver Light Wolf aside and said:

"This weakling will only give in if Ben Qiongqi takes a ruthless hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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