Chapter 226 Family Trivia
Half a month later, Liu Changxu and his father Liu Shihao, together with the monks from the Liu family team, finally returned to Taohua Mountain after a long absence. It was already October 3173 in the Tang Dynasty calendar.

When the flying boat landed in the square in front of Peach Blossom Villa, almost all members of the Liu family in Peach Blossom Mountain turned out to welcome the return of the Liu family team, led by grandfather Liu Baishan and mother Lin Yulian.

Li Zhenxin, Lian'er who was holding her son Liu Han, and her daughter Liu Jiao were among the welcoming crowd.

When Liu Changxu and others stepped off the flying boat, the first person to rush over was his daughter Liu Jiao.

The little girl really missed her father too much, so when her mother wasn't paying attention, she shouted "Daddy! Daddy!"

He rushed to Liu Changxu in a flash.

Liu Changxu quickly stepped forward and picked up his precious daughter, and his daughter Liu Jiao immediately burst into laughter like a silver bell.

After her daughter Liu Jiao made this move, the originally planned welcoming ceremony was disrupted.

Seeing this, the children in the welcoming crowd rushed forward to meet their father and grandfather.

Mother Lin Yulian smiled, and after discussing with her father-in-law Liu Baishan, she temporarily suspended the welcome ceremony and stepped forward to meet her husband and son.

Liu Changxu held his daughter in one hand and took his son Liu Han from Lian'er with the other.

But unlike his daughter, his son Liu Han not only was not close to his father, but actually burst into tears!
This may be because the father and son have not seen each other for a long time, and the son, who is still naive, is too unfamiliar with Liu Changxu as his father.

After seeing his son crying, Liu Changxu, a dignified monk in the middle stage of foundation building, was immediately at a loss what to do!
After seeing her son's predicament, her mother Lin Yulian stepped forward to take her eldest grandson from Liu Changxu. Her mother liked this eldest grandson very much, even more than Liu Changxu's son.

However, just as relatives were expressing their sincere feelings to each other, the cries of several women came from the crowd!

The mood of everyone present suddenly became heavy. Even her daughter Liu Jiao stopped laughing and looked in the direction where the crying sound came from.

Hearing the cries of his clansmen, Liu Changxu's heart suddenly became heavy. He turned around and saw that those who were crying were the family members of the sixth elder Liu Shisheng, the thirteenth uncle Liu Shiju, and the fourth brother Liu Changan who died in the battle.

The originally laughing crowd suddenly became quiet and heavy, even the ignorant children stopped laughing, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Patriarch Liu Baishan, mother Lin Yulian, father Liu Shihao, and Liu Changxu came forward to comfort the families of the three people who died in the battle.

As a result, the originally festive welcome ceremony could no longer go on.

The next morning, his father Liu Shihao personally presided over the burial ceremony of the sixth elder Liu Shisheng, the thirteenth uncle Liu Shiju, and the fourth brother Liu Changan. After cremating their bodies, their ashes were placed in the family cemetery, and their spiritual tablets were They were also placed in the family ancestral hall to receive incense offerings from the clan members forever. The life stories of the three people were also recorded in the genealogy and became a teaching material for educating young clan members.

As for why the bodies of the three people were cremated, this is also a requirement of the Qingyun Sect, because the bones of immortal cultivators can easily be stolen by evil cultivators and cultivated into harmful zombies. In order to prevent evil cultivators from taking advantage of the opportunity, Qingyun Sect stipulates that cultivators of immortality The deceased’s remains must be cremated.

After the burial ceremony of the three people, his father Liu Shihao immediately hosted a family elders meeting.At the meeting, the division of labor in the Presbyterian Church was first rearranged, and then some important current tasks of the family were studied and discussed.mainly:

First, we discussed and studied the issue of pensions for the war dead of the family, as well as the affiliated families and family guests. Since the expedition has gained a lot, is it necessary to significantly increase the pension standards for the war dead?

The second is to discuss and study issues such as the merit calculation of the expedition personnel, the distribution of rewards, and the valuation and storage of loot.

Since there were many issues that needed to be discussed, the Presbyterian Meeting lasted for two days before all the work was discussed and the following decisions were made:

First, it was decided to significantly increase the pension standards for war dead, so as not to depress the families of war dead.

The second is to discuss and determine the merit rewards for participants, the standards for valuing and warehousing loot, and other issues.

Third, it was decided to hold a clan meeting in three days, at which the fourth elder Liu Baichuan would inform the details of the expedition.

Three days later, the whole clan meeting was held as scheduled. Father Liu Shihao personally presided over the meeting. At the meeting, the fourth elder Liu Baichuan reported the glorious results of the Liu family in this battle. The originally heavy hearts of the clan members were suddenly shaken.

Especially after learning that Liu Changxu had become a disciple of Jindan and officially became a member of the Qingyun Sect, the entire meeting suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Because Peach Blossom Mountain is located on the border, survival is difficult and difficult. All tribesmen have had a strong sense of insecurity since childhood, and they especially long for the protection of the strong.

Liu Changxu's ability to become a disciple of a Golden Core monk means that when his family encounters a crisis of genocide, the possibility of getting help from a powerful Golden Core man is greatly increased. It also means that Liu Changxu's chance of becoming a Golden Core monk in the future is greatly increased. How can the clansmen do this? Not happy!
After the family meeting, in order to celebrate the brilliant results achieved by the family team, a grand victory dinner was specially held. All members of the Liu family in Taohuashan, casual cultivators, and representatives of affiliated families attended the dinner.

Due to the huge gains made during this expedition, it was fully reflected in this dinner. The precious spiritual meals and precious spiritual fruits that people of all ethnic groups had never eaten were filled up on the dining table, making the tribal guests who attended this dinner a feast.

After finishing a series of family chores, Liu Changxu resumed his peaceful life of cultivating immortality.

In the first few days, Liu Changxu temporarily put aside family affairs, refined weapons and talismans, and concentrated on spending time with his wife and children at home.

During the day, I guide my daughter to study, play with my son, and try to repair the unfamiliar relationship with my son and daughter due to not seeing each other for a long time.

At night, after his children were asleep, he had an in-depth communication with his two wives. Due to the long battle, Liu Changxu had accumulated too much anger in his heart and could not vent it. After having long discussions with his two wives for several days in a row, After high-intensity dual cultivation, a lot of the anger in my heart was relieved, and my state of mind was calmed down.

Seeing that his son had been addicted to women for a long time, his father Liu Shihao couldn't sit still. In his heart, his son's path was related to the future and destiny of the family. He knew his own situation. At most, he could cultivate to the foundation-building perfection, but it would be difficult to advance to it. Golden elixir period.

In order to get my son back on the track of normal cultivation.He personally went to Liu Changxu's door to persuade him not to neglect his cultivation.

Liu Changxu also realized this problem, so after his father came to persuade him, he immediately accepted his father's persuasion and began to resume normal practice.

(End of this chapter)

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