Peach Blossom Mountain Liu Jiaxiu's Biography

Chapter 114 Explore Black Tiger Mountain Again

Chapter 114 Explore Black Tiger Mountain Again

Seeing the six people running away, two second-level middle-grade black flame tigers also chased them separately.

His father, Liu Shihao, launched the Qingyu Boat. After the father and son jumped on the boat, they accelerated and flew outward.

One of the black flame tigers was chasing the father and son. Seeing this, Liu Changxu said to his father Liu Shihao: "Father, just concentrate on driving the flying boat! Leave this black flame tiger to me!"

As he spoke, Liu Changxu stood at the stern of the boat, Zhang raised his sun-shooting bow, and put three star iron arrows on the bowstring, aiming at the chasing Black Flame Tiger. With three huge arrows, the star iron arrows shot like three meteors. To the Black Flame Tiger.

The black flame tiger was chasing too closely and was unable to dodge for a moment. Although it dodged two star iron arrows, it was still hit in the shoulder by one.

Although the Black Flame Tiger's physical body is powerful, with the blessing of Liu Changxu's tens of thousands of kilograms of power, the power of the Star Iron Arrow is really huge. The Black Flame Tiger whined, and blood spurted out from where the arrow hit the shoulder. It was obvious that it had suffered a lot. The injury can only be refused to recede.

After the six people withdrew from Black Tiger Mountain, they met on an unnamed peak not far from Black Tiger Mountain.

After the six people gathered together, Wang Yuting said first: "My fellow martial artist died in battle. I want to go back and report to the Wu family, so I won't complete the mission with you. Everyone, take care!"

With that said, without waiting for the five people to reply, Wang Yuting took out his flying sword and left with his sword.

When Huang Tianjie and the other three saw this, their expressions were very ugly. Chen Shuo opened his mouth to curse, but Huang Tianjie stopped him with a wink.

Then, Huang Tianjie smiled and said to Liu Changxu and his son: "The death of fellow martial artist is indeed due to our carelessness. I just don't know what the two of you are going to do next!"

Liu Shihao discussed this issue with his son on the way and felt that the separate exploration of Black Tiger Mountain just now was too risky.If they don't explore separately, it will be difficult for the Black Flame Tiger to find an opportunity to make a sneak attack.As long as it's not too risky next time, safety is still guaranteed.

After all, even if no monks from the inner sect of the Qingyun Sect came to investigate, the Liu family and his son were also planning to go. Now that there are three inner disciples from the Qingyun Sect, the safety is still relatively high, not to mention that after the past few months, When getting along, the characters of these three are still reliable.

However, neither the Liu family nor his son expected that Wang Yuting was frightened by Wu Changkun's death and lost the courage to continue taking risks.

Liu Changxu immediately thought: "Wang Yuting is so timid and fearful, and his path will stop here. The most important thing in the path of cultivating immortality is to have a strong heart. If you are afraid of danger, don't take this path.

It seems that Wang Yuting has married wives and concubines in Yunping County over the years and lived a luxurious and comfortable life, which has worn away his Taoist aspirations.I also want to learn from his lesson. In fact, the few years after marriage, especially the birth of a daughter, also weakened Liu Changxu’s will a lot. This is also the disadvantage of family monks! "

Liu Shihao said firmly to Huang Tianjie: "We, father and son, are willing to continue to accompany the three of us to complete the mission!"

"Okay!" Chen Shuo cheered before Huang Tianjie could speak.Huang Tianjie was also very satisfied with the performance of Liu and his son, and said: "It was because our arrangement was a bit risky just now that the martial arts friend fell. We will pay attention to it next time. After completing the task, we will not treat you two badly." of."

Then he added: "It's just that our exploration of Black Tiger Mountain today is still not enough, so we need to learn more about Black Tiger Mountain."

Liu Changxu said: "Then how should we act!"

Huang Tianjie pondered for a while and said, "Let's just take a flying boat to explore from high altitude this time! See what else there is in Black Tiger Mountain. After all, there are no second-order demon birds here!"

Liu Changxu thought for a while, but couldn't think of a good way, so he nodded.

Several other people also nodded in agreement. After all, the safety factor of this method is still relatively high. After all, Wu Changkun's lesson is right in front of them, and safety is still important.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Huang Tianjie immediately took out the flying boat and flew towards Black Tiger Mountain after everyone jumped on the flying boat.

This time, Huang Tianjie flew the flying boat at a height that the Black Flame Tiger could not reach. Although the detection effect was not good, it was better than safety.

This time, Huang Tianjie was driving the flying boat, while Liu Changxu and the other four used their spiritual eyes to observe what was going on below.

The flying boat flew slowly in the air. The dense forest on Black Tiger Mountain was blown by the mountain wind and the green waves surged, which caused great difficulties for the exploration of several people. Spiritual consciousness and spiritual eyes could not penetrate it to clearly see the situation on the ground.

After the flying boat flew around Black Tiger Mountain, the five of them discovered several places where the second-order Black Flame Tiger might be hiding.

To the joy of the five people, they discovered three second-level flaming jujube trees near the central crater of Black Tiger Mountain. The trees were covered with fiery red jujubes.

Huoyan Zao is a kind of fire-attributed jujube. The jujube is as big as a fist and its skin is as bright as flames.

Eating this jujube can not only improve the cultivation of fire spirit root monks, but also enhance the power of fire spells. It is especially suitable for monks who practice fire attribute skills.

Liu Changxu speculated that the Black Flame Demon Fire got its power from the regular consumption of Fire Flame Jujube by the Black Flame Tiger.

Thinking of this, Liu Changxu not only felt excited!

(End of this chapter)

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