Let you go undercover, not let you be arrogant enough to be a boss

Chapter 177: Die loyal direct lineage, Chen Jincheng takes revenge

Chapter 177: Die loyal direct lineage, Chen Jincheng takes revenge
Tarzan then said: "My strength is not as strong as that of giants, but it is much stronger than that of ordinary people."

Zhang Xiao smiled and nodded, then changed the topic and asked, "Are you hungry?"

The giant and Tarzan nodded honestly.

They were already starving.

With their size, the amount of food they need must be jaw-dropping to ordinary people.

It's okay to be excited and happy in secret, just be hungry.

But when he mentioned the word "hungry", he also felt hungry.

He immediately ordered to the leader of the Dragon Soul Team: "Go and get some late-night snacks and come back. The quantity must be sufficient."

After a pause, he added: "Just buy it for 30 people."

The Dragon Soul team leader was stunned and immediately went to make arrangements.

Dragon Soul members are scattered around, each performing their duties.

Zhang Xiao took out three stacks of cash from the drawer, threw it on the table, and gestured: "One hundred thousand each, as a meeting gift for you."

A look of surprise and surprise immediately appeared on the faces of A Guang and the others, but they did not dare to take the money immediately.

"Take it! This is just a small amount of money. In the future, if you build merits, the money you will get will be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more than this."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Money offensive, tried and true!
Aguang and the others were immediately impressed by his pie. They happily stepped forward to take the money and looked at Zhang Xiao with even more reverence.

Zhang Xiao stood up, waved to A Guang and the others and said, "Let's go, before we come back from midnight snack, let's test your strength first."

As he spoke, he picked up the dice and playing cards and walked out of the office first.

There is a large conference room downstairs. As long as the tables and chairs are cleared, it will be a good competition arena.

Giant and Taishan are not as good as Bu Tonglin and Luan Mingheng, and their overall strength is definitely not up to the level of Bu Tonglin and Luan Mingheng.

Zhang Xiao was also afraid that they would damage his office.

Dragon Soul quickly emptied the conference room, turning it into a huge empty room.

Zhang Xiao stood in the middle of the field, pointed at Mount Tai and said, "You come first, attack with all your strength."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Taishan's fierce face, and he hesitated: "What should I do if I'm afraid of hurting you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "If you have this ability, I will not only be very happy, but I will also reward you heavily."


Taishan was surprised and said: "Then I really tried my best."


Zhang Xiao waved his hand and said.

Taishan immediately took a deep breath, took steps like a heavy-duty truck, and rushed towards Zhangxiao.

Instantly, a terrifying sound of "dong-dong-dong" sounded in the room. The floor tiles seemed unable to withstand the terrifying weight and impact of Mount Tai, as if they were about to be stepped on and cracked, giving people the illusion that an earthquake was about to happen at any time.

Mount Tai, man and ape, as the name suggests.

Zhang Xiao stood still, and after observing for a moment, he immediately discovered that Taishan's pace was really ordinary. He had obviously not practiced any special movements, and there was no sense of absolute heaviness or the lightness of an antelope's horns.

When Taishan rushed in front of Zhang Xiao, his casserole-sized fist flew out and hit Zhang Xiao directly in the face.

Obviously, this guy is also straight-tempered and doesn't know how to turn around.

Ordinary people, no matter how stupid they are, still know to avoid the big boss's vital points and face when discussing with him.

Taishan has no such awareness at all.

The fist wind is sharp and terrifying.

Zhang Xiao could tell at a glance that this was a boxing move.

With the power of this punch, it is easy to kill ordinary people with one move.

Since he was deliberately testing Taishan's power, he naturally did not dodge. Lightning raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and fought with Taishan.


The fists collided with gravity and made a dull sound.

Taishan's fist suddenly stopped.

Then, his entire figure staggered back two steps.

There was a look of shock and horror in his eyes.

Zhang Xiao's figure was motionless, yet he was able to defeat him simply by strength. This was the second person he had ever encountered.

The first one is the giant.

"Come again!"

Zhang Xiao waved and smiled.

With one move, he gained a deep understanding of Taishan's power.

It is equivalent to about [-]% of one's strength after entering the master realm.

Now that he has [-]% strength, it is so terrifying. It is completely different from when he was not a master.

Taishan's strength can reach [-]% of his level. In terms of strength alone, not to mention martial arts, Taishan is invincible among ordinary people, even among masters below the grandmaster, he is the absolute king.

It's a pity that Taishan's moves are too crude and basically belong to the category of brutal fighting. Otherwise, his threat will definitely rise by more than one level.

Taishan refused to admit defeat and immediately fought again.

But in the following time, Zhang Xiao did not give him a chance, suppressed him with absolute strength, and beat him to the ground within five moves.

Taishan fell to the ground and groaned, unable to get up for a while.

But the injuries he suffered were only minor injuries. His whole body was sore for a while, and he would be fine after a day or two of rest.

Ah Guang's eyes kept flickering as he watched, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face from time to time. The shock in his heart was also reflected on his face.

It turns out that the rumors are true!

Arrogant brother, he is really good at fighting!
Fortunately, Zhang Xiao didn't take action directly just now, otherwise, they would be in trouble.

"Giant, it's your turn."

Zhang Xiao looked at the giant and waved.

The giant couldn't figure out the way, but seeing Taishan defeated so quickly and knowing that Zhang Xiao was very powerful, his honest expression instantly became solemn and he walked towards Zhang Xiao step by step.

This time, the floor tiles were once again put under more stress than they should have been subjected to.

When the [-]-meter giant walked towards Zhang Xiao, it enveloped him like a sky and the sun. It was like a giant bullying ordinary people.

Zhang Xiao himself is 1.8 meters tall. In front of ordinary people, not only does he stand out from the crowd, he is also absolutely tall.

But in front of the giant, he was more than one head shorter.

After the giant walked in front of Zhang Xiao, he stretched out his hand like a cattail leaf fan, clenched it into a fist and hit Zhang Xiao with all his strength.

The strong wind carried by this blow was more terrifying and shocking than the momentum created by Taishan just now.

Zhang Xiao's eyes lit up, and he also did not dodge or evade, and punched the giant forcefully.


A sound like muffled thunder suddenly sounded.

The giant's figure shook, and then he continued to punch the second time as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Xiao remained motionless as before, but deep down he was surprised and overjoyed at the same time.

He had used nearly [-]% of his power, but he could only force the giant to stagger slightly, which showed how terrifying the giant's power was.

It is not an exaggeration to describe a giant with natural divine power.

With the second punch, Zhang Xiao mobilized [-]% of his strength and finally forced the giant back half a step.

With the third punch, he no longer held back his strength and exploded completely, forcing the giant back seven steps in a row.

In the competition of pure strength, the giant was able to withstand the terrifying power after his own explosion without being injured at all. It was a miracle.

If you train a giant, increase his strength a little more, and then know how to mobilize all your strength, what will it be like when the giant explodes?
Thinking about it is exciting!
With the body of a giant or Taishan, practicing the Iron Mountain Back in Baji Quan is definitely a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

When the time comes, they will be able to kill and injure many enemies while running rampant.

After knowing the true power of the giant, Zhang Xiao no longer held back, and quickly defeated the giant with absolute strength, leaving him lying next to Mount Tai.

In the end, Aguang was left, and it was even simpler.Although A Guang is the strongest.

But Zhang Xiao was least afraid of masters like A Guang, who were much easier to deal with than thick-skinned Taishan and Giant.

Next, Zhang Xiao used thousands of illusion techniques combined with hypnosis to hypnotize the three A Guang and others who were shocked and shocked, making them loyal to him.

After finishing all this, the eyes of Aguang and the others looked at Zhang Xiao completely different, exuding a fanatical light just like the dragon soul.

Just at this time, the midnight snack came back.

"Let's go! Let's go have a midnight snack!"

In a good mood, Zhang Xiao immediately invited them to have supper together.

This time for late-night snacks, except for Bu Tonglin, there was finally someone who was on par with Zhang Xiao in terms of food appearance and food intake, or even surpassed him.

The giant is the one above him.

After Feng Zhuan Can Yun finished everything, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang.

"Brother Xiao, I'm ready. When will we attack Feihong?"

Luo Tianhong's voice sounded impatiently.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and then said: "Wait for about three more days and wait until I have sorted out the matters here before taking action."

After a pause, he asked: "What's happening over there at Feihong?"

Luo Tianhong replied: "No, it's just that my hands are itchy. Why are you all fighting? I'm the only one who's bored to death."

Zhang Xiao: "."

Militant, well-deserved reputation.

After comforting him, Zhang Xiao quickly hung up the phone, and then summoned all the big and small bosses from more than a dozen nearby streets.

The most important thing now is to strike while the iron is hot and turn these big and small bosses into die-hard subordinates first.

As long as these big and small bosses are taken care of, more than half of the territory in East Tsim Sha Tsui will be stabilized.

high seas.

on a luxury yacht.

Chen Jincheng, who had gone to bed early, was awakened by the panicked voice of his men.

"What's the hurry?"

Chen Jincheng asked his men with a frown.

"Boss, there is news from the shore saying yes"

The head bodyguard hesitated and did not dare to say the last word.

"What are you talking about? Tell me. I haven't experienced any storms, so what kind of news can surprise me?"

Chen Jincheng smiled calmly.

His Qi-nurturing Kung Fu has already reached great success after going through storms. Ordinary little things can't make him make any waves.

The head of the bodyguard lowered his head slightly and reported in a low voice: "The news is that your apprentice, Master Hou, is dead."

Chen Jincheng's smile disappeared, his slightly cloudy eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he said in a deep voice: "Say it again!"

"Hou. Master Hou is dead."

"What about it?"

The head of the bodyguard murmured what happened.

After hearing this, Chen Jincheng fell silent, and after a long time he ordered: "Bring me the phone."

The bodyguard leader hurriedly took the satellite phone and handed it to Chen Jincheng.

Chen Jincheng quickly dialed Hussein's mobile phone number.

After a moment, he slowly put down the phone and said expressionlessly: "A Yin's phone is never turned off."

The head bodyguard didn't dare to accept this.

"Have you asked people on the shore to investigate?"

Chen Jincheng asked.

The head of the bodyguard responded quickly: "We have sent people to investigate in detail."

Chen Jincheng nodded slightly and said, "Tell me about this arrogance. I want to see what kind of arrogance is used?"

After a pause, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "If you dare to kill my only apprentice, you must be prepared for my revenge! Although my apprentice is not very effective, after all, I taught him step by step. Yes, I regard him as half my biological son. If anyone dares to kill my son, I will destroy his entire family!"

The head bodyguard had not seen Chen Jincheng angry for a long time. When he saw this scene again, his heart jumped suddenly. He did not dare to look at Chen Jincheng at all. He lowered his head and told him everything about Zhang Xiao that he had investigated in detail. .

Chen Jincheng listened quietly without saying a word.

After the bodyguard leader finished speaking, he sneered: "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers? Does a mere young man really think that he can do whatever he wants with just how much strength and fame he has? It seems that I, Chen Jincheng, have been dormant for too long, and I have already... Many people have forgotten me! If a tiger doesn’t show off its power, do you really think I’m a sick cat?”

It took more than six hours, including rest time, to finally defeat the bosses of more than 100 streets.

Taken together, these big and small bosses amount to more than [-] people.

From today on, he is his loyal direct descendant.

As for the ordinary subordinates, Zhang Xiao did not have the energy to hypnotize them one by one for the time being.

The priority targets for hypnosis are naturally the dragon group and dragon soul.

After all these direct lineage men were taken care of, it was the turn of the ordinary men in East Tsim Sha Tsui, and then to Tsz Wan Mountain and Yau Ma Tei.

In the future, this work will continue to be tedious and arduous.

After stretching, Zhang Xiao looked out the window where the sky was bright, and then looked at the time. It was already 43:[-] in the morning.

Before I knew it, another day passed.

One of the benefits of the leap in mental power is that he requires less and less sleep.

This kind of ability to maintain a state of excitement at any time, as well as super long working hours, is definitely the trump card of involution in the workplace.

Even if it is placed in the Black Society, it is the king of rolls that no one can roll.

"bell bell"

Just when he was thinking, Yue Yongqi called.

These days, he and Yue Yongqi talked on the phone from time to time, but apart from solving her crisis last time, they had never met in person since then.

Until yesterday, Chen Dajun, together with Li Fu and others, had eliminated the remaining killers who participated in the Tsukamoto Fund one by one.

The crisis between E Lao and Yue Yongqi has been officially resolved.

Today, Yongqi Yue can officially go home.

"Zhang Xiao, are you up?"

Yue Yongqi's gentle voice came from the phone.

Zhang Xiao rolled his eyes and said in a deliberately hoarse voice: "I'm up, but I'm not feeling well."

"What's wrong with you? Why is your voice so hoarse?"

Yue Yongqi asked nervously.

"The heat is getting hot."

Zhang Xiao sighed.

"Then I'm going to buy you medicine and herbal tea now. Where are you? I'll be there right away after buying it."

Yue Yongqi was very concerned and said hurriedly.

Zhang Xiao suppressed his laughter, shook his head and said, "No, just buy it and leave it at your place until I come over later. But I think after seeing you, I don't need to take medicine and drink herbal tea, it will get better naturally."

"Huh? Why?"

Yue Yongqi was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion.

“Intimate detox!”

Zhang Xiao gave the answer.

I wish you all a happy new year and may all your wishes come true.

(End of this chapter)

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