Let you go undercover, not let you be arrogant enough to be a boss

Chapter 125 Lao Lu: In the end, I will bear everything

Chapter 125 Lao Lu: In the end, I will bear everything

"Now that everyone has made it clear, congratulations on the addition of a good sister. From now on, Hong Kong students will be a member of your sister group. In order to celebrate this historical moment, I decided to raise a toast with you. Everyone You won’t come home until you’re drunk.”

After looking around at the pretty, noble and playful Bo Bing, Su Axi and Lu Gangsheng, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Bo Bing and others couldn't help but give him a beautiful eye roll.

One of the things this guy is best at is kicking his nose in the face.

Bo Bing and Su Axi looked at each other, and both saw helplessness and entanglement in each other's eyes.

"Sister Bingbing, how can you refuse? Can you think of a way?"

In a short moment, Su'a asked with narrow eyes.

After becoming sisters in the same trench, and spending two or three days together day and night, Bo Bing received the exact information in her eyes, and responded angrily with his eyes: "What can I think of? How about you just say no? Or Exercise your rights as a homeowner and just kick her out?”

Su Axi resisted the urge to shake her head, and Lightning responded with a look: "Ah? I can't do it."

"How can I do this? I didn't see how pitiful she is!"

Bo Bing rolled his eyes slightly and replied.

At this time, Su Axi and Bo Bing looked at each other and were completely at a loss.

Of course they don't want to have another woman in their family, and one who is not inferior to them.

But at this point, their compassion was too much for them to behave like a vicious mother-in-law who forcefully chases people away.

So even if they were unwilling, they couldn't say anything harsh.

What made them feel a little better was that after all, Lu Gangsheng was a beautiful woman on the same level as them, not just some crooked melon, which gave them some comfort.

There’s really nothing to say about Zhang Xiao, this scumbag’s vision!

When Zhang Xiao saw the exchange of words between them, he immediately realized that they could not continue like this and that they had to break their alliance, so he immediately said: "Xi, don't I remember that I bought a few bottles of red wine last time? Where did they put them? Go there. Take it out to welcome Hong Kong students."

"Uh, this seems to be the case."

Su Axi blinked a few times, and seeing that Bo Bing had no plan to respond, she could only glare at Zhang Xiao, and then resignedly went to get two bottles of red wine.

Lu Gangsheng took a peek at Zhang Yao and felt a little relieved in his heart. Then he felt more and more that Zhang Yao was a very shameless and top-notch man.

How could anyone deal with such a situation so calmly? !
"Come on, come on, how can I let my precious Xixi do such a heavy work as opening a bottle of wine? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on."

Zhang Xiao took the two bottles of red wine from Su Axi's hand, took out the wine opener from the drawer, and said with a smile.

Su Axi rolled her eyes, but the curvature of her eyes and brows betrayed her. It was obvious that she felt deeply in her heart.

Bo Bing patted his smooth forehead and secretly lamented that this damn girl was hopeless and would be eaten to death by Zhang Yao, this damn scumbag.

But think about it, why is it not like this?
It's rude to meet people!
"I'll go up and clean it up first."

Lu Gangsheng wanted to help, but he really didn't know how. Thinking of everything in the room, he said guiltily and hurried towards the stairs.

Seeing her unnatural steps, Bo Bing and Su Axi, who had already had corresponding experience, understood immediately.

Su Axi rolled her eyes, winked at Bo Bing, and said with a smile: "Sister Bingbing, should we go and help too?"

Bo Bing used to be such a lady, but now she has been led astray by Zhang Yao and Su Axi. After Su Axi encouraged her, she immediately remembered the scene where she was seen by Su Axi when she was tidying up the sheets, and her pretty face became slightly warm. , the idea of ​​teasing Lu Gangsheng came up in his heart, so he nodded his head and said: "Go, go, you have to go, we are hospitable people."

Zhang Xiao, who had already opened a bottle of wine, nodded slightly, trying hard to hold back his laughter and prevent himself from laughing out loud.

He has undergone strict training. No matter how funny it is, he will not laugh unless he can't help it!
Bo Bing, you have been led astray!
However, it is a good thing!

It would be boring to dress up all day long.

After reaching an agreement, Bo Bing and Su Axi tiptoed up to the second floor, touched Zhang Yao and Su Axi's original room, and saw Lu Gangsheng quickly tidying up the sheets.

"Do you need help?"

Su Axi pulled Bo Bing in quickly and asked with a smile on her face.

"Huh? Uh, no, no need."

After seeing the elusive Su Axi and Bo Bing, Lu Gangsheng was flustered, his pretty face turned red, and he folded the sheets subconsciously, feeling a little shy to see others.

Bo Bing smiled and said: "Why are you still hiding it? We did it the same way before. It would be better if there is one more person to help."

Lu Gangsheng was even more embarrassed by what she said. It was like the third aunt of a new house facing the second house of a big house on the morning after their wedding. He lowered his eyes and lowered his head, and kept fighting with his little hands and fingers behind his back. He was in a very bad state. Tweak.

"Come on, come on, hurry up and get it done. Come on down and drink. You must be hungry too, right?"

Su A smiled and took out new sheets and helped her put them on. Bo Bing stepped forward to help.

Lu Gangsheng shook his head, seeing that it was a foregone conclusion that they would appear here, it was too late to cover up, so he could only muster up the courage to expose all the evidence to the public with a warm face.

Anyway, they also said that they had the same experience before, the eldest sister, the second sister, don’t laugh at the third sister!


At this moment, Lu Gangsheng's stomach couldn't help but protest.

Lu Gangsheng was startled, and his pretty face couldn't help but feel hot.

Just now I said I wasn't hungry, but now I was immediately slapped in the face.

Belly, stomach, can you be more confident?

But I can't blame her, it's just a conditioned reaction in my stomach.

She was really hungry too.

She had not eaten for almost a whole day, so she would go to the supermarket to try something, and then think about stealing something for tonight's dinner and tomorrow's food.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet two policemen, and then met Zhang Xiao and was taken home by Zhang Xiao.

"cluck cluck cluck"

"Goose Goose Goose Goose"

Bo Bing and Su Axi, who were making the bed, heard her stomach growling. After being startled for a moment, they couldn't help but laugh at the sound of hens laying eggs and the squawking of geese.

Lu Gangsheng was extremely embarrassed, but he also saw that Bo Bing and Su Axi didn't laugh at her intentionally, they were just amused by her stomach growling and couldn't help it.

After slamming the broken jar, she blushed and joined in the laughter.

This made a mistake, but it actually brought them a lot closer to each other, who were a little embarrassed and cautious.

"Sister Bingbing, Xi, do you really not mind living here?"

After laughing enough, Lu Gangsheng asked hesitantly.

Bo Bing glanced at Su Axi, shook his head and said: "It's impossible for you to say you don't mind at all, but the matter has come to this, what else can I do besides doing this? Should I drive you out? At least Axi and I Can’t even do it!”

Su Axi nodded her little head in agreement.

"Even if we really have this intention, we will never be able to defeat that scumbag. Now that he has tasted the sweetness, how can he let you run away? So, the result is still the same."

Bo Bing said with emotion, and then added: "So strictly speaking, you can't be blamed for all this. If I am to blame, I can only blame that damn scumbag."

Lu Gangsheng's beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and he looked at the elegant and noble Bo Bing with some dumbfounded eyes. He couldn't understand how Bo Bing, who was obviously a wealthy lady, was deceived by Zhang Xiao, a shameless guy. It's like being brainwashed.

She had no one to rely on. She could only rely on Zhang Xiao for the time being, and she didn't have much knowledge. It was normal to be brainwashed by Zhang Xiao, but Bo Bing was like this. She really couldn't understand.

"Don't understand, do you?"

Bo Bing smiled slightly, shook his head slightly and said: "Have you not seen his shamelessness? Can you resist his charm? In addition to being shameless, this guy actually has many advantages. When you fully understand After that, he will sink like us."

After a pause, she said with great emotion: "This guy seems to be born just to harm beautiful beauties like us. Since we can't resist, we can only choose to enjoy it."

Su Axi was the first to give everything, so she naturally had more say, nodding her head in agreement.

Lu Gangsheng recalled the time when he rushed over to Zhang Xiao to cross the bridge to block the gun, and then recalled the scenes he experienced afterwards, and his pretty face couldn't help but turn red again.

Indeed, Zhang Xiao's ruffian side and his seemingly harmless charm made her easily forgive him for what Meng Lang had done.

At least I feel a little comforted, instead of feeling despair and endless regrets.

"The sheets are just a bit useless! Fortunately, I bought a few more sets, otherwise I wouldn't even have to change the sheets! Hey, with this trend, I collect one sheet a day, and I don't know how many days it will last. It's really annoying."

Su Axi looked at the new sheets and suddenly said with emotion.

Bo Bing: "."

Lu Gangsheng: "."

Zhang Hao, who was tasting wine downstairs and eavesdropping, heard all these words and immediately shouted shamelessly: "Xi, if you don't have enough, just buy it! We are not short of money!"

Su Axi: "."

Bo Bing: "."

Lu Gangsheng: "."


The three women cursed in unison.

Zhang Xiao was not ashamed and kept laughing.

This kind of thinking is a must!
"beep beep"

At this moment, his call phone, which was still on the sofa, rang.

He took it and looked at it, and it was Lu Qichang calling him again.Originally he didn't want to pay attention to it, but this time there was an urgent meaning in the message.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and finally decided to meet Lao Lu.

It is a heinous crime to disturb people's dreams during the third watch and three nights, and they will be punished several times.

After this meeting, we must explain the seriousness of this problem to Lu Qichang.

What if during the clinical battle, I was suddenly startled by the sound of the call machine and was half-dead for eternity, could Lao Lu afford the compensation?

In the midst of slander, Zhang Yao quickly went up to the second floor and said to them: "I'm going out, you drink first, don't wait for me, remember it's okay to drink more, wait until I come back to buy the bottom."

With that said, he quickly took his clothes and changed them in front of them.

Bo Bing: "."

Su Axi: "."

Lu Gangsheng: "."

When Zhang Xiao quickly dressed up and ran downstairs, Lu Gangsheng said with a confused look on his face: "Is he usually so fickle and elusive?"

Su Axi and Bo Bing shook their heads.

Su Axi thought for a while and then replied: "No, I think I just ran out last night."

Bo Bing continued: "At most, once I run out, I won't see anyone for the whole day, and I won't come back until midnight."

Lu Gangsheng: "."

so busy?

"Okay, leave him alone. I don't know what time it will be when he comes back. You're hungry too, so hurry up and go eat, and have a few drinks to celebrate our acquaintance."

Bo Bing shook his head and said.

According to the secret code Lu Qichang sent him, the meeting place was at a remote place some distance away from Wan Chai Pier.

By the time he arrived in Santana, it was already past three in the morning.

In the desolate and ghostly coastal pier, a black car parked there quietly, and then a burly figure leaned against the car door, the cigarette butt in his hand looming faintly. Under the dim moonlight, if If you are seen by someone passing by accidentally, you will definitely find it extremely scary. Screaming and heart skipping a few beats are inevitable.

Fortunately, this place is remote enough that not even humans, not even ghosts, dare to approach it in the middle of the night.

Zhang Xiao flashed a few double flashes and high and low lights to signal, and Lu Qichang returned to the car and pulled a few code signals in response.

After both parties confirmed, Zhang Xiao quickly drove next to him. After parking the car, he asked directly: "Lao Lu, if you come out to me so late, won't something big happen again?"

Lu Qichang gave him a cigarette, shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal, but you haven't called me back. I'm worried about your safety, so I thought of asking you to come out and ask about the situation, and give you some advice."

Zhang Xiao glanced at him, played with the cigarette in his hand, looked up at the dim moonlight at a 45-degree angle, and said angrily: "Do you know that your sudden and life-threatening serial calls have caused me a lot of losses?"

If he misses the moment of toasting with Bo Bing and the others, he will most likely miss the most important feast of killing three birds with one stone tonight. Lao Lu can't afford to lose even picking up soap.

Lu Qichang was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Zhang Xiao meant, but he also knew that he had a lot of complaints, so he could only apologize and said: "Okay, okay, I'll try not to come to you so late next time, okay?"

"It's you who can say it!"

Zhang Xiao rolled his eyes, lit up the cigarette, and then asked, "Why are you suddenly looking for this place? Are you not going back to Chongqing Building? I still think meeting on the rooftop is in line with the scene where we are undercover and meet with the boss to be cool."

Lu Qichang: "."

"It's easy to be exposed if we always meet in the same place, okay? Do you have any common sense? Did you learn the counter-reconnaissance class and the intelligence reconnaissance class in vain? Okay, okay, I don't know what you have to complain about. If you don’t like meeting at Chongqing Building, then at best we won’t meet there in the future.”

Lu Qichang said angrily, and then suddenly realized that Zhang Xiao was complaining about his inability to choose an address.

Zhang Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

That's right!

The undercover always chooses to meet on the rooftop to meet with the boss, as if he is afraid that others will not know. When he is discovered by others, there is no other way to escape except jumping off the building.

Greed will kill you quickly, right?

Reference Huang Zhicheng.

"By the way, Sir Chen was involved in these actions?"

Lu Qichang asked.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "Only that time with Ivanov."

"What about Yang Zenan and Anita these two times? Who helped you?"

Lu Qichang frowned slightly and asked.

Zhang Xiao casually said: "Mysterious man"

Lu Qichang's eyes widened and he was speechless for a moment.

Why are these words so familiar!
Oh, that's what he told Huang Zhicheng too.

"You kid, don't think about fooling me around. Tell me clearly now!"

Lu Qichang glared at him dissatisfied and said.

Zhang Xiao shrugged and said categorically: "It's really a mysterious person! He gave me the information, and then he cooperated with me! I have never seen his true face from the beginning to the end! But from his eyes and slender appearance Judging from his strong body, he must be a pretty handsome man!"

In the end, he shamelessly praised himself.

Lu Qichang looked at him steadily, finding no trace of lying in his eyes, and couldn't help but feel confused.

Could this kid be telling the truth? !
"Be careful next time! How do you know that the other person doesn't have any intention of harming you? Don't trust people so easily when you are out there, do you understand?"

Lu Qichang reminded.

After a pause, he added: "Even if you return to the mission in the future, you can't easily trust people in other departments. Who knows whether some of them are humans or ghosts?"

When Zhang Xiao saw him talking about this, he followed the flow and said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Han Chen gave me the qualifications and authority to open a class to recruit disciples. In other words, starting from yesterday, I I can officially take in my younger brother.”

Lu Qichang was surprised, squinted his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then said: "No! It's impossible for Han Chen to completely believe you so quickly and really treat you as a confidant. There must be some fraud in this! Maybe this time is also a test, or maybe He wants to take advantage of your soaring reputation to get more benefits. Anyway, you have to be careful and don’t expose any flaws."

Zhang Xiao nodded, took a puff of cigarette, exhaled it casually, and suddenly said with a distressed look on his face: "But if this happens, I really have to open a hall to accept younger brothers. By then, more and more younger brothers will be admitted. What should I do if the tail is too big?" ? I can’t possibly send them all to Stanley, right? How can Stanley hold so many people? If Han Chen and Ni Yongxiao are really taken care of in the future, as soon as I return to the team, they must not kill me in order to get the upper hand! Or maybe What should I do if they really regard me as their idol and want to follow me at all costs?”

After Lu Qichang said this, he also thought about this problem and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

After a while, he said: "Why don't you just push all those guys towards Han Chen? Anyway, he should have such a precautionary intention."

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "It's easy to say it, but you know how difficult it is when you do it. Even if you really give up, there will always be a hundred or dozens of people who really regard me as their idol and really want to follow me. When I ran away, what would they do? Their idol turned out to be a police officer? Once this psychological gap is formed, God knows what crazy revenge they will do? If someone throws a few bombs at me, will I still be alive? ? Even if such a scene does not happen, as long as Han Chen and Ni Yongxiao are not dealt with in one day, I will stay in East Tsim Sha Tsui all day. If this continues, I will definitely recruit more and more boys. What do you want me to do then? ?”

Lu Qichang scratched his head, thought about this situation, and couldn't help but bared his teeth.

Zhang Xiao glanced at him, with a fleeting smile flashing in his eyes, and sighed: "Old Lu, how about this? While I can still escape now, I will go back to the police station." No? What I want more is to fight criminals head-on with a righteous side in the police station, which is better than the current embarrassing situation of being neither good nor bad, neither man nor ghost. Lao Lu, I really want to wear that eye-catching suit again. uniform!"

Lu Qichang glared at him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

After a pause, he shook his head and said: "I also know that I have embarrassed you. Being an undercover agent is a difficult task. You are a talent. You can see it through these extraordinary achievements. If you leave rashly, , what to do with your previous hard work? After Han Chen and Ni Yongxiao know your true identity, you will be more dangerous!"

Zhang Xiao stared at him and said doubtfully: "No! Lao Lu, why do I feel that you prefer me to continue to be an undercover agent? Is it because you have taken the credit for these few times and you still want me to continue to expand new territories? I'll be a pawn for you."

Lu Qichang blushed, waved his hands quickly, and said righteously: "What's the matter! It's all nonsense! Do I look like such a person?"

Don’t say it out loud!

He was indeed sincerely worried about Zhang Xiao's situation.

If you can get some credit by the way, of course it would be best.

Zhang Xiao snorted and said, "You don't look like that! You are!"

Lu Qichang: "."

He was so guilty that he was speechless.

Zhang Xiao threw down the cigarette butt and said with emotion: "And there is something that is also troublesome. Even if I can really deal with Ni Yongxiao and Han Chen, I don't know when I will go. When the time comes, will you ensure that I can return to the team? After I return to the team, will others believe me? Will they look at me through colored glasses? Also, how will Lao Lian investigate and follow me? Will Ni Yongxiao and Han Chen's remaining subordinates treat me? Launching an overwhelming pursuit? These are the questions that have always puzzled me! After all, you know that both ends of the undercover will not reach the shore, so I am so emotional tonight and just proposed to return to the team."

Lu Qichang was silent for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "I know, it's hard for you, hey."

As he spoke, he said categorically: "I'm here! Who dares to look at you with colored glasses? Who dares to say a half-sentence? With me protecting you, who dares to point fingers?!"

"Lao Lu, I know you are a good boss and a good person, but are you sure you can always protect me?"

Zhang Xiao took out a cigarette, gave him one, lit it for him, and then lit it himself before asking a question.

Lu Qichang opened his mouth, wanting to make a definite promise to Zhang Ao, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

Does he dare to give Zhang Xiao a definite promise? !

Will he always be able to withstand the pressure from the outside world? !
He thought, but there would be nothing he could do after all!

There are twists and turns in the process, and he can't just talk about it with white teeth.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm just complaining casually! Don't take it to heart! I have always been the policeman who remains true to my original intention and insists on serving the citizens, throwing my life and blood, and eradicating evil. !”

Zhang Xiao said sonorously and forcefully.

Lu Qichang lowered his head and smoked, and after being silent for a long time, he said: "I will discuss your special situation with the superiors, and I will definitely plan a relatively perfect path for you. We will never let you feel cold! Even if they Regardless of you, I will do my best to protect you!"

Zhang Xiao nodded slightly, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Hey, thank you for your hard work, Lao Lu, you still have to shoulder everything after all.

(End of this chapter)

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