Let you go undercover, not let you be arrogant enough to be a boss

Chapter 106: Defeat the Bomb Maniac, the biggest gain

Chapter 106: Defeat the Bomb Maniac, the biggest gain


The four or five bodyguards who leaned out were all killed by Chen Dajun and Li Fu.

The precise marksmanship of the two men caused the remaining bodyguards to lose several more people, leaving only two or three on each side.

The sharp firepower and terrifying marksmanship made the remaining bodyguards extremely nervous and their adrenaline hormones doubled.

They didn't dare to poke their heads out easily anymore, and hid behind the wall in frustration, waiting for reinforcements from their companions in the front yard, the corridor, and the villa.

If you wait until they arrive, you will be much safer.

The brutality of Chen Dajun and Li Fu made the bodyguards with bloody hands lose their courage.

Glancing at Luo Tianhong and Aji who were still slowly changing magazines, Chen Dajun and Li Fu turned their heads, looked at each other, nodded slightly, and stepped forward slowly, the guns in their hands were extremely stable, aiming ahead.

The footsteps were extremely gentle, and in the quiet environment, there were almost no memories.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu knew exactly what the remaining bodyguards were up to.

They want to wait for reinforcements from their companions, and then join together to kill them.

I also want to cut off the bodyguards stationed in various places one by one to reduce the pressure.

By the way, it reduces Ivanov's chances of escaping.

Slow, almost silent footsteps sounded softly, and the remaining bodyguards' sense of crisis rose crazily. Feeling something in their hearts, they held the guns in their hands tightly and aimed at the corner.

Just wait for someone to show up and the bullets will start raining down.


Suddenly, two shadows passed by.

"Bang bang bang bang."

Under extreme tension, the bodyguard pulled the trigger continuously and swept wildly at the passing black shadow.

But after blinking, they immediately realized that they had been tricked.

The black figure that suddenly appeared was not a human being at all.



"Da da da"

"Da da da"

In a critical life-and-death battle, making a mistake means losing your life.

Especially when facing top players like Chen Dajun and Li Fu, if they make the slightest mistake, there will be no chance again. They can only hope that King Yama can give them a chance to be good people again, so that they don't have to go through these bloody events in the next life. , the fatal and dangerous activity of hanging your head on your waist.

The two figures were like agile civet cats. The lower figure jumped out quickly. The shotguns and submachine guns roared almost simultaneously, beating the remaining bodyguards into sieves.

The two patrolling teams of eight were wiped out.

After taking care of the numerous bodyguards from these two teams, Chen Dajun and Li Fu looked at each other quickly and quickly changed the magazines.

The sound of hurried and complicated footsteps sounded quickly, coming towards this direction.

Luo Tianhong and Aji had already clumsily changed the magazines and followed them.

"Continue to divide the troops into two groups to block them."

Chen Dajun gestured.

Li Fu nodded slightly, made an OK gesture, and led Luo Tianhong to take the lead and set off to the right.

Chen Dajun took Aji to the left.

After taking care of another two-person team of patrolling bodyguards in the backyard, Zhang Xiao was about to head towards the main building when he suddenly heard thunderous gunshots.

It seems that Chen Dajun and the others encountered a large number of bodyguards, or something unexpected happened and they were unable to carry out the assassination plan.

Otherwise, try your best to assassinate him, but they won't kill him with open swords and guns.

In a flash of lightning, he was about to go over to help, but suddenly stopped, thought for a moment, and decisively changed direction, circling towards the front yard.

With the sound of gunfire, the bodyguards stationed and patrolling in the front yard and everywhere were alerted and quickly gathered in the direction of the loud gunfire.

Thanks to this, coupled with the arrogant speed, he curled up and hid in the shadows like a civet cat, or clung to the palm trees, quietly dodging the bodyguards who were hurried by along the way, but who were actually far away from each other. I touched a secret, dark corner of the front yard.

After hiding, he quickly gathered his mind and aura, like an old turtle hibernating, completely integrating with the surrounding darkness.

Before the gunfire started.

In a large room on the second floor, a tall middle-aged man dressed in a priest's attire, who was still neatly dressed even when sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, and an uneasy sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

Dressed in a priest's garb, with a white face and beardless face, and gold-rimmed glasses, he really looked like a personable, kind and kind priest.

But who would have thought that under this gentle and kind face, his heart was actually bloody and dark.

His hands were covered with blood, which is not enough to describe them.

Those who died under his cruel methods did not know who they were.

Moreover, the targets he aimed at, as well as everyone around him, all died in large areas, with death conditions that even the best corpse stitchers could not piece together.

Bomb maniac.

His favorite way to kill is to blow people up with grenades.

He just arrived at the mainland today. After going around and around, he confirmed that no one was following him. He quietly came to meet Ivanov after nightfall. After discussing with Ivanov, he temporarily settled here. Once he has all the equipment he needs, he will evacuate the villa and wait for the opportunity to take action.

At this time, after he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but frown.

The sense of crisis arose out of nowhere, causing him to wake up suddenly from his light sleep.

After looking around, he sat up, opened a corner of the curtain, and quietly observed the movement in the front yard.

The patrolling bodyguards are still patrolling faithfully.

The bodyguards stationed everywhere also stood upright, extremely vigilant, not carrying anything.

It was calm outside, nothing unusual.

But it was precisely because there was no abnormality and a sense of crisis emerged in his heart that he was full of signs of a storm that was about to come.

His sixth sense is even better than that of Ivanov.

After all, he is a well-known bomb maniac in the underground society. He has been jointly wanted by more than a dozen countries, but they do nothing to help him.

He has experienced so many bloody storms, and has been in more fatal dangers than Ivanov. He has a sense of crisis in his heart, even though there is no evidence to show that something will definitely happen.

But he was convinced.

After observing quietly for a while, the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Just when he was about to go find Ivanov, gunshots rang out suddenly like a storm.

No, something really happened!
The bomb maniac's heart jumped, he quickly picked up the gun on his waist, quietly opened the door, and hurried towards Ivanov's study.

It's a pity that I just arrived today and haven't gotten my favorite hand grenades yet.

Otherwise, the trick that he is famous for will definitely make enemies who dare to attack try what it means to be shattered into pieces.

When he quickly rushed to the study, Ivanov was being escorted away by six elite bodyguards.

After seeing the figure of the bomb maniac, Ivanov nodded slightly and said, "You and Grigory will take care of the enemies here."

Gregory is the head of the bodyguard who faithfully protects him.

The bomb maniac and Gregory who followed him looked at each other and nodded: "I will escort you to the car first. After you leave safely, it will be time for us to hunt."

Ivanov had no objection and started again.

Six tall and elite bodyguards surrounded him, alerting everyone.

Grigory and the Bomb Maniac were guarding him, one behind the other.

Quickly going down to the lobby on the first floor, the gunfire became more intense.

At this time, Chen Dajun, Li Fu and others were already fighting fiercely with more than forty bodyguards who were rushing over.

There were more than forty bodyguards, all except the six elite bodyguards around Ivanov and the eight bodyguards who were waiting in the hall of the villa.

More than forty well-trained bodyguards, under a known crisis, opened fire in an orderly manner. Although nearly ten were killed and injured by Chen Dajun and Li Fu, who were both accurate and superb in marksmanship, they finally stabilized the situation and did not let Chen Dajun suffer. One step closer to Li Fu.

At the critical moment between life and death, all the bodyguards in the villa were very alert and kept firing cross-fire. They tried their best to suppress Chen Dajun and Li Fu, preventing them from having the opportunity to kill or injure their own people, and at the same time forcing them to hide in the Both sides of the villa.

As soon as Ivanov came out of the hall, the bodyguards who received the order immediately opened fire wildly and suppressed with all their strength to prevent Chen Dajun and Li Fu from showing up.

"No! Ivanov wants to escape!"

Faced with the sudden fierce fire suppression like a storm, the experienced Chen Dajun and Li Fu immediately knew that they had to cover Ivanov's escape.

damn it!
If Ivanov were allowed to escape, their raid tonight would be in vain!
Where is Zhang Xiao? !

Where have you been?
Didn't he come to support?
With one more super master, the battle situation will change dramatically, and a complete counterattack is very likely.

Chen Dajun's back was against the wall, his brows frowning under his mask. After looking at Li Fu, he made a decision and then made a gesture.

Li Fu understood, nodded slightly, and immediately took out the flash bomb from his waist.

At the same time, Chen Dajun also took off the flash bomb, and he was silently counting the time.

As soon as three seconds passed, he and Li Fu moved the muzzles of the shotgun and submachine gun quickly away from the corner in tacit agreement, and pulled the trigger crazily.

"boom boom"

"Da da da"

The unique roar of shotguns and submachine guns echoed through the villa, overwhelming the sound of the pistol in Ivanov's hand to a certain extent.

Fortunately, this place is located in a remote area and is deserted. Otherwise, the surrounding neighbors would have been alarmed.

But it's hard to say whether it will alarm the ghosts underground.

The fierce firing of shotguns and submachine guns is not to kill the enemy, but to suppress the opponent's crazy firepower to a certain extent, so that they cannot maintain the same firepower suppression as before.

Unexpectedly, under the roar of shotguns and submachine guns, the bodyguards surrounding them who were suppressing fire subconsciously dodged and found it difficult to sustain high-intensity continuous fire.

Taking advantage of this lightning opportunity, Chen Dajun and Li Fu took the flash bombs handed over by Luo Tianhong and Aji respectively, and along with the flash bombs on their bodies, they moved and quickly stepped out, throwing the flash bombs in their left and right hands quickly. Towards the crowd, and then quickly flashed back, his eyes closed tightly.

As if they were afraid that the aftermath of the flash bomb would affect them, they immediately went to the wall to think about it. They pressed against the wall tightly, then stretched out their left and right hands and covered their ears.

Luo Tianhong and Aji, who had already received the hint, followed suit.



Four flash bombs jumped out with lightning and landed in the center area, sparkling on the spot with a bang.

As soon as the flash bomb exploded, it immediately swept around with a super strong light that humans could not adapt to.

Then, in just one or two seconds, the dazzling bright light immediately caused the bodyguards around to let out sharp screams. They subconsciously dropped the guns in their hands, covered their eyes and ears, and howled crazily.

The intense light temporarily blinded them.

The bodyguard who was very close to him suffered the brunt of the attack, and his eyes were bleeding and he was permanently blind.

At the same time, the huge noise of 170-200 decibels produced by flash bombs caused many people to temporarily lose their hearing.

Those who were close had their eardrums ruptured and blood oozing from their ears.

Crazy howls echoed around the villa.

The huge power of the flash bomb caused the central area to spread to a radius of several meters, making it as bright as day, like a falling comet, making it impossible for people to look directly.

Just when Chen Dajun and Li Fu threw flash bombs, the bomb maniac and Grigory, who were about to leave the door, felt something in their hearts and felt a sense of crisis. They quickly ordered the six bodyguards to stop and withdraw quickly.

Just as they were retreating to the villa, the flash bomb exploded, and the super strong light radiated slightly in the direction of the villa door. The huge noise decibels made their ears reverberate with a roar.

Fortunately, they stopped in time and retreated to the villa. The door of the villa blocked most of the aftermath.

Otherwise, their sight and hearing will definitely be damaged.

But even so, they couldn't help but close their eyes at this moment and flap their ears constantly to eliminate the short-term damage caused by the flash bombs.

The enemy's equipment is too terrifying.

This conclusion came to the minds of Grigory and the bomb maniac.

If Ivanov's villa was not equipped with long guns and bombs, the enemy would definitely not be able to maintain their current ferocity. They would have been surrounded by bodyguards long ago. It was only a matter of time before they were killed.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu didn't know what they were thinking.

After the power of the flash bomb had almost disappeared, the gunfire of the bodyguards had stopped, and they immediately jumped out. The reloaded shotguns and submachine guns in their hands continued to roar as before, harvesting fragile lives.


Short, shrill screams rang out one after another. The bodyguards who suffered serious sequelae from the flash bombs one after another were unable to react and were killed by Chen Dajun and Li Fu one after another.

Luo Tianhong and Aji also joined in the fun and kept shooting.

Although their marksmanship is not good, under the crazy shooting, the blind cat will always encounter a few dead mice and take down a few bodyguards.

Fierce gunshots continued to sound like a storm, intertwined with the continuous miserable howls to form a song of death resentment, which was extremely terrifying.


After all the bullets in the shotguns and submachine guns were exhausted, Chen Dajun and Li Fu threw them down casually. Lightning took out the pistols at his waist and continued to kill the remaining bodyguards.

At this moment, a fatal sense of crisis arose in their hearts.

"Get out of the way!"

The two shouted in unison, jumped continuously, and hid behind the wall.

Luo Tianhong and Aji reacted equally quickly. Before they finished speaking, they had already dwarfed, rolled behind the wall, and hid.

"bang bang bang"

At the same time, several bullets landed on their jumping route, missing them by a hair's breadth.

The shooters were Grigory and Bomb Maniac.

Seeing that Chen Dajun and Li Fu were so powerful that they almost wiped out Ivanov's men, they could no longer hold back the anger in their hearts and leaped out. They happened to find Chen Dajun and Li Fu and fired without hesitation.

But they underestimated the strength of Chen Dajun and Li Fu.

They thought they were sure of their rapid fire, but Chen Dajun and Li Fu cleverly dodged it and escaped unscathed.

But being able to force Chen Dajun and Li Fu back into the corner can be regarded as eliminating the threat of the death of the remaining bodyguards. It also eliminated the arrogance of Chen Dajun and Li Fu to a certain extent, providing an excellent opportunity for Ivanov's evacuation. Opportunity.


Grigory and the bomb maniac looked at each other and immediately ordered the eight bodyguards responsible for the response to maintain fire suppression. Then six elite men and the bomb maniac escorted Ivanov to the front yard and left in a car.

The sound of footsteps suddenly rose up, and was not noticeable at all in the dense sound of gunfire hitting the banana trees. It was almost completely covered up.

As the bomb maniac was walking, he turned and looked at Grigory.

Gregory nodded slightly, indicating that he could rest assured that he could support it.

The bomb maniac nodded, quickly turned his head, and carefully escorted Ivanov away.


Chen Dajun and Li Fu, who hid in the corner, had a flash of understanding in their minds.

The two people who suddenly came out were the bodyguards in the villa, masters whose strength was two levels higher.

From their accurate marksmanship and good prediction, Chen Dajun and Li Fu immediately knew that this was Ivanov's bodyguard leader Grigory and the bomb maniac who came secretly.

Only these two people are the masters who make them slightly scrupulous.

Although the other bodyguards in the villa are well-trained and capable, they are not taken lightly due to their strength.

They each glanced at Luo Tianhong and Aji, and looked at the submachine guns in their hands.

Luo Tianhong and Aji shook their heads at the same time, indicating that the bullets had been exhausted.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu sighed softly and could only nod helplessly.Without the threat of a long gun, I'm afraid Ivanov's escape could not be hindered by just a pistol.

The flash bombs have also been used up.

The remaining bullets in the pistol may not last long before they are exhausted.

Where is Zhang Xiao's soul?

Why haven't you moved yet?
Isn't it a mistake?
will not!

With his strength, some bodyguards could not do anything to him.

Is it
Eight bodyguards continued to maintain suppressive fire.

There was also Grigory sitting in charge, ready to kill the enemy at any time, so that the enemy no longer dared to act rashly.

Ivanov, escorted by the bomb maniac and six elite men, quickly came to the parking lot in the front yard.

Several cars were parked in the parking lot.

One of the black Mercedes-Benz S600 is particularly eye-catching.

Next to the black Mercedes-Benz S600 are tall off-road vehicles.

As long as he gets in the car and quickly leaves the villa, the enemies in the villa will no longer be able to threaten Ivanov's safety.

After he is absolutely safe, it will be time to settle the accounts!
No matter who the opponent is, no matter how far they go to the ends of the world, with Ivanov's ability, he will find them and execute them in Lingchi to vent his hatred.

Five elite men were alert to the surroundings, while the other opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz S600, preparing to let Ivanov get in.

At this moment, the bomb maniac felt a strong sense of crisis that he had never experienced before.

Even in the most difficult missions in the past, he had never felt like a thorn in his back, his heart was like an ice cellar, and he was extremely close to death.


The bomb maniac blurted out subconsciously, turned his gun sharply down, and aimed at the bottom of the car.

Unfortunately, his roar came too late.

Although his movements were fast, they were too slow compared to Zhang Arao's speed.

Zhang Xiao's figure suddenly slid out from under the car, and kicked the bomb maniac's calf with lightning-fast feet.


With a heavy kick like Qianjun's, the bomb maniac's calf bones immediately made a crisp sound of fracture.

Heartbreaking pain came, and his body suddenly fell forward, his hands subconsciously raised to the sky, and he pulled the trigger with his right hand, unconscious bullets flying into the distance.


As the bomb maniac screamed, Zhang Xiao jumped up and hit the bomb maniac on the back of the head with his left elbow, knocking him unconscious.

Then, before the six elite men could take aim at him, the pistol in his right hand was already firing wildly.


After installing the silencer, a distinctive buzzing sound continued.


After running out of bullets, Zhang Xiao threw away the gun in his hand and glanced at Ivanov, who was slowly slumped aside, still in pajamas. He tried his best to stay calm but could not hide his frightened expression, and then slowly and slowly Walk towards the bomb maniac whom he knocked unconscious.

At this time, the six bodyguards who were hit in the forehead and heart, and who could not be saved by Hua Tuo again, slumped down with blood spattered, and fell dead on the floor that was still warm in the heat of the summer.

With a twist of his hands, there was a "click" and the sound of his neck breaking. He was famous in the underground society and wanted by more than a dozen countries. The notorious bomb maniac fell into eternal darkness with little pain.

"伱, who are you? Who invited you here? I'll pay double, no, ten times the price, and ask you to kill the employer behind the scenes."

Ivanov supported the car and stood up slowly, a cunning light flashing in his blue eyes.

As worthy of being an agent of a Southeast Asian criminal group, Maozi's top management, who controlled a huge underground market, could still maintain a minimum of composure and bargain with Zhang Xiao at the critical moment of life and death.

"What kind of bird language are you talking about? Damn! You are despising me for not learning foreign languages, right?"

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and drank coldly.

What Ivanov said in desperation was naturally his native dialect.

Damn it if Zhang Xiao understands.

"I said, who invited you? I am willing to pay ten times the price for you to kill your employer, and then hire you as the chief consultant and number one killer of our group."

Ivanov recognized the Cantonese spoken by Zhang Xiao and quickly changed the language and spoke in fluent but not very standard Cantonese.

After Zhang Xiao heard this, the strange smile on his face disappeared.

Pay ten times the price to kill your employer?

Doesn't that mean he wants to kill him?

Ivanov had some courage, but he couldn't figure out the truth of the matter.

"I'm used to getting the fruits of my labor with my own hands, so I'm sorry, but I can't agree to your request. Besides, I haven't lived enough yet."

Zhang Xiao said something, then walked up to Ivanov and quickly knocked him out.

Ivanov only felt blurry in front of his eyes, and then he fell into a coma and became unconscious.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to distract Zhang Xiao, pick up the gun on the ground, and reverse the situation of the battle, but he never expected that Zhang Xiao would act so unreasonably and did not give him any time to bargain.

He was originally preparing to fight back, but even though he had undergone rigorous training, he had been in a high position for a long time and spent all day drinking and drinking, which had exhausted his not-so-strong foundation. How could he still be able to withstand Zhang Xiao's fierceness? one strike.

Therefore, he passed out gloriously.

"Chen Dajun and the others are really incompetent. The battle hasn't ended for so long. Forget it. Those who can can do more work. I can only help."

Hearing the weakened gunshots coming from the other side of the villa, Zhang Xiao complained bitterly, then picked up Ivanov and half-dragged him towards the villa like a dead dog.

Over at the villa, the gun battle between Chen Dajun, Li Fu and Gregory has reached its final moments.

Both sides were almost out of bullets.

The rest is close combat.

But the gunshots coming from the front yard made Grigory and the eight bodyguards nervous. They would inevitably be distracted and subconsciously looked in the direction of the front yard, worried.

At this critical juncture, Chen Dajun and Li Fu jumped out, and the last remaining bullet penetrated the forehead of one of their respective bodyguards.

Gregory came over in surprise and glanced in the direction of Chen Dajun.

The remaining bodyguards also exhausted all their bullets and fired in Li Fu's direction.

Although the bullets were shocking, they were all avoided by Chen Dajun and Li Fu.

At this point, both sides' ammunition was exhausted.

"Haha, finally I've reached the part I like."

After the sound of an empty gun sounded from Gregory's side, Luo Tianhong couldn't help laughing loudly.

For him, even if the blind cat encountered a dead mouse and happened to kill a few bodyguards, he still felt a little aggrieved.

So far, the main players tonight are not him and Aji, the two rookies who are almost masters of firearms and know nothing about them.

Now that both sides have exhausted their weapons, close combat is what he likes to see.

Before Chen Dajun and Li Fu could take action, Luo Tianhong had already rushed out first.

Aji was startled for a moment, then followed closely not to be outdone.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu looked at each other, feeling a little stunned.

Do these two guys need to be so excited?
"A fighting maniac, addicted to martial arts and becomes an idiot"

After spending a few days with Luo Tianhong, Li Fu, who already had a full understanding of Luo Tianhong, explained helplessly.

Chen Dajun smiled and stopped the topic. He changed the subject and said, "It seems that Ivanov won't be able to escape. That boy Zhang Xiao has already had the foresight to intercept him."

There was a burst of gunfire in the front yard, and they immediately knew what had happened.

Apart from them, absolutely no other enemies invaded the villa tonight.

Since there were gunshots in the front yard, the only possibility was that Zhang Xiao took action.

Based on Chen Dajun and Li Fu's understanding of him, as long as Zhang Xiao takes action, it will definitely not fail.

Ivanov is doomed.

"Shit! I want you to die!"

Seeing the arrogant figures of Luo Tianhong and Aji, Gregory's bluish eyes turned red, and a roaring voice echoed in front of the villa.

It was these guys who had their people almost wiped out.

What remains now are only five of the eight bodyguards who were responsible for responding to Ivanov just now, and the four bodyguards who survived the flash bomb explosion. Adding him, there are only nine people.

Moreover, the bodyguards who were lucky enough to survive the flash bomb explosion all suffered injuries of varying severity.

More than 80 tough bodyguards were almost wiped out in a short period of time. For Grigory, who was responsible for training his men, his heart felt as painful as bleeding.

The most important thing is that we don’t know what happened in the front yard.

I don’t know what’s going on with Ivanov.

But with a very powerful bomb maniac and six elite bodyguards to protect him, it shouldn't be a problem.

At most, he would be dragged in the front yard and unable to leave for a while.

As long as we deal with the bold bastards in front of us, it shouldn't be a problem to go over and support Ivanov.

Gregory was very confident in his ability in close combat.

"Don't do anything! These guys belong to me and Aji."

After Luo Tianhong rushed out, he suddenly said something wary to Chen Dajun and Li Fu, as if he was afraid that Chen Dajun and Li Fu would steal their business.

After being depressed all night, I have to find a few unlucky people to vent my emotions, right?

Aji kept nodding his head, expressing his extreme agreement.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you, but please don't ask us to help you later."

"Tch! Whoever asked you to help is the grandson!"

Luo Tianhong sneered, moved his right foot, slid forward, and took the lead in launching the attack.

Seeing the rampant attitude of Luo Tianhong, Aji and others who did not take them seriously at all, Gregory's anger continued to soar and reached its peak.

He couldn't help roaring anymore, and his tall and burly figure rushed forward like a wild bear, as if he was going to kill Luo Tianhong.

The remaining eight bodyguards pulled out specially crafted daggers from their waists, and each one of them started to kill Aji crazily.

The casualties were so heavy. If it had been any ordinary person, the army would have been shattered and the army would have fled in all directions. Otherwise, they would have lost all will to fight and raised the white flag and surrendered.

But Ivanov, who has experienced countless life and death, is indifferent to life, has no respect for life, and is a well-trained death soldier, but has no intention of surrender at all, and still maintains a cold-blooded killing intention and crazy fighting intention. .

Chen Dajun and Li Fu looked at each other and nodded slightly.

In terms of not being afraid of death, Ivanov's men are indeed outstanding.

However, in a battle between two parties, it is not possible to gain the upper hand without fear of death.

Luo Tianhong and Aji had been depressed and aggrieved all night, and they showed no mercy when they struck, using all their killing moves with extraordinary sharpness.

Especially Aji, who has a demon sword in his hand, shows his superb skills in lightning killing.

Even if the bodyguards who surrounded him were lucky enough to escape one or two moves, they would never be able to avoid the demon sword's life-threatening summons.

"Huh? The progress is pretty good. I thought you were going to have to fight for a long time."

At this moment, a clear voice came.

Everyone turned to look, and immediately saw Zhang Hao walking slowly, dragging Ivanov like a dead dog.

Zhang Hao, who was dressed in night clothes, dragged a tall and burly man slowly towards him. This situation was as weird as possible.

Seeing that he finally appeared and brought Ivanov back, Chen Dajun breathed a sigh of relief, then glared at him angrily and said, "You don't know how to come back! You secretly went to catch the big fish by yourself." Go ahead and leave us here to fight hard, won't your heart hurt?"

Zhang Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "Can you please find out the truth? If I hadn't had the foresight to anticipate the enemy's opportunity and lurk in the front yard, Ivanov would have escaped long ago, and our plan would have been ruined long ago. Well, I am a meritorious official, but not only do I not receive any praise, but I am actually blamed? Where is the justice?"

Chen Dajun: "."

If I had known that this guy was so sharp-tongued, why would I have to ask for trouble?
They were relaxed and comfortable, teasing and bragging as if no one else was watching, as if they were leisurely, but Grigory's eyes were blood red, with a frightening glare.

The fluke that I had hoped for was finally broken by reality.

The powerful bomb maniac still couldn't stop the enemy's offensive and failed.

Ivanov unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy.

"I want you to die!"

Gregory roared wildly, and his attacks were even more violent. Luo Tianhong, who had been confronting him head-on, couldn't help but dodge away to avoid his sharp edge.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Gregory sideways and Shi Shiran said, "I'll leave this to you. I'll go in and sit down first. I'm exhausted tonight."

Li Fu: "."

Chen Dajun: "."

Aji: "."

Brother, although you have contributed a lot, the most dangerous protagonists of the gun battle are us.

The gunfire is ruthless, and it can be considered a waste of energy.

Now it’s a bit unreasonable for you to say you’re exhausted, right?

Before they could roll their eyes and complain, Zhang Xiao had already walked into the villa door carrying Ivanov.

When Gregory saw this, he wanted to stop him, but he was tightly entangled by Luo Tianhong and could not get away.

"You are looking for death!"

Grigori was furious, his burly figure was as violent as a completely enraged wild bear, and his attacks became more and more fierce.

"Stop playing. I want to practice my skills secretly. There are many opponents."

After walking to the villa, Zhang Yao said the next sentence without looking back.

Chen Dajun and Li Fu looked at each other, spread their hands and said, "That's what he meant, not that we want to steal your opponent."

After saying that, they rushed forward and worked together to quickly deal with Grigory.

Luo Tianhong and Aji had no choice but to curl their lips unwillingly and use the remaining bodyguards to vent their depressed emotions.

After a while, the violent Grigory lay dying on the ground, his eyes turned white and he was completely lifeless.

"He is a good man, but it is a pity that we and the enemy are clearly divided. Either he dies or we live. Let's give him a ride."

Chen Dajun nodded slightly.

The demon knife in Aji's hand flashed quickly.

A line of blood immediately appeared in Grigory's throat, and then continued to expand. The blood flew out like a fountain from slow to fast.

Gregory's eyes turned completely gray, and he stared at Chen Dajun and others with unblinking eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

"Check to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net, and whether there are still people who are completely dead. Regardless of whether there are any, shoot them all."

Chen Dajun ordered.

Li Fu nodded slightly, this was also a required lesson for him when he was a mercenary.

The purpose is to prevent accidents from happening.

A few people quickly searched the villa and carefully checked the bodies. After finally confirming that no one was alive, they returned to the villa to find Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao had already found his laptop in the huge study room and browsed some top-secret information.

After seeing them come in, he nodded to Aziz, pointed at Ivanov and said: "Wake him up, our biggest harvest tonight is about to come."

(End of this chapter)

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