Mastering Probability: Start with Basic Skills

Chapter 340 Cell Conceptualization Golden Body Fire Refining

In the end, Gu Yuyeol half-heartedly gave in and began the journey of nurturing conceptual life in the universe within Li Xun.

At first, he naturally refused in his heart.

But when he began to use these conceptual fires to purify his conceptual skills, his physical strength also continued to leap forward, approaching the sub-god level. He also put aside all worries and worked hard to improve.

As he continued to optimize his conceptual skills, the conceptual life rules that Li Xun initially fabricated also became more and more perfect.

This process lasted seven or eight hundred years in the inner universe.

That is Li Xun’s seven or eight hundred seconds.

And with the improvement of the rules of conceptual life, finally, the first conceptual life was born in the fire of a certain concept.

At that time, Gu Yuye was sitting cross-legged in the center of another conceptual fire, exercising his body and soul.

In the process, he is purely using the new concept skill [Golden Body Fire Refining] that he has learned to transform the external conceptual fire into the power of physical strengthening, and introduce it into his own body.

Gu Yulie's conceptual skills are classified by him according to the inherited knowledge and summary he obtained:

There are four major stages: [Cell Conceptualization], [Mind Conceptualization], [Energy Conceptualization], and [Conceptualization].

In each stage, there are also different subdivision types and realms.

For example, in [Cell Conceptualization], cells can be divided into types such as [Micro-Concept], [Anti-Concept], and [Macro-Concept].

Then the combination and adjustment can form a special conceptual body.

And with the help of different concepts of cells, the entire physical body will also acquire various strange conceptual skills.

For example, his previous [Blow Back] was the first conceptual skill he developed.

As long as the trigger conditions are met, the corresponding effect can be produced.

Of course, most of the conceptual and operational knowledge he acquired at the beginning cannot be used in the Fire Universe.

Gu Yuyeol relied on his own attempts and spent thousands of years to transform part of the knowledge of "Cell Conceptualization" into an effective cultivation method that is also feasible in the fire universe.

Later, he used his special skills to stand out in the arena, and was found by Li Xun and pulled into the inner universe.

And on this day, as his knowledge was absorbed and supplemented by the conceptual life rules, the conceptual fire in front of him was constantly changing and shrinking, and finally, the first trace of wisdom consciousness was produced.

That glimmer of wisdom and consciousness was discovered by Gu Yulie, just like the awareness of a newborn baby.

"This strange feeling, could it be that conceptual life is finally born?"

Gu Yulie stopped practicing and stood up suddenly.

This is very big news.

If this place can really give birth to conceptual life, it means that the status of this place is of great importance.

In addition, in his perception, Li Xun, the mysterious God Lord, had not contacted him for hundreds of years.

Although it was pleasant to constantly improve his realm, he was also unbearably lonely after being alone for hundreds of years.

He is not a machine, and he has not mastered spiritual cultivation. In fact, his suppressed emotions are constantly accumulating.

If he couldn't feel the progress in his cultivation, he would really go crazy.

Fortunately, once the first concept comes to life, there will be a second one, and this place will always be lively.

Gu Yulie flew over and tried to communicate with the conceptual life.

Although the conceptual life appeared very immature, Gu Yuye felt happier than ever before. "My name is Gu Yulie, Liehuo Xiongxiong, can you understand me?"

Of course beings cannot understand this concept.

His life style is completely different from Gu Yulie's, and Gu Yulie's language is just an incomprehensible noise to his life.

However, it can feel emotions.

It's an emotion that makes it burn even more intensely.

It doesn’t know what emotions are, but it instinctively likes them.

So, it sticks to Gu Yuyeol and conveys its "emotions".


Li Xun witnessed this scene and felt that the conceptual life rules had been greatly improved again, and he was in a good mood.

He has verified that the knowledge of conceptual manipulation can be easily transferred to other universes, and outside the universe, it is more widely used than the knowledge of space and time.

Therefore, Li Xun also used memory detection methods to get most of the extra-universe inheritance and knowledge that Gu Yulie had mastered.

The material basis of memory is the cerebral cortex, which is composed of brain nerves and brain cells.

As early as the Earth Star period, Li Xun had mastered the method of extracting part of human memory using secret psychic skills and microscopic vision.

The experimental subject at that time was Wu Wei who was transformed into a human body.

Although fools and humans are not the same species, and the storage methods of brain memory are very different, the methods are the same.

Moreover, Li Xun is now a lofty person, so it is natural that he can extract memories and acquire knowledge at his fingertips.

However, with Gu Yulie, Li Xun has not yet fully obtained all the inheritance he has received.

In the deepest part of his memory, there is a special memory lock that hinders Li Xun's memory retrieval.

This kind of memory lock is a conceptual skill with a high priority. Even Li Xun couldn't successfully extract it without damaging Gu Yulie's memory.

Either destroy or stare blankly.

Unless the memory lock is destroyed instantly within 0.1 nanoseconds, it can prevent it from destroying this part of the memory.

And the person of 0.1 nanosecond already belongs to the level of star-level life forms.

Unless Li Xun reaches 100% of his eternal body, he will have a chance to raise his soul level to the corresponding level with the help of the soul-body integration gene.

In fact, Li Xun has also encountered some bottlenecks now.

Except that the eternal body can be used outside the universe, other methods will be limited if they are used outside the universe.

As for the method of using the inner universe, it will most likely take a long time, but there is no way to significantly improve his strength immediately.

Although he has no plans to leave the Fire Universe for the time being, he is still worried about the so-called dead universe-level life forms.

He has not forgotten that this cosmic-level life form may revive at any time.

After all, at the cosmic level, its existence cannot be eliminated by ordinary means.

Therefore, it is far from time to relax our vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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