Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 721 It’s better to block than to open up

Chapter 721 It’s better to block than to open up

Those sects that had been swept away by the Shenhou Mansion and whose vitality was severely damaged were even more discussing this and expressing their own opinions.

The sect that was once swept away by the Shenhou Mansion and whose vitality was severely damaged is now even more on pins and needles.

They understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a severe test.

In this turbulent era, only by following the trend can we avoid the fate of being eliminated.

"I heard that the imperial court is going to recognize the ten sects. This is really a grand event in the world."

The head of a certain sect stroked his beard and said solemnly.

"Our sect is the best in the world. Unfortunately, most of our sects went astray and were captured by the Shenhou Mansion. Now that we have this opportunity, we must seize it and strive to regain our strength."

"Having said that, the number of places in the top ten sects is limited, so the competition will be fierce."

Another leader shook his head and sighed.

"Although our sect has good intentions, its strength is not as good as before. It is not easy to stand out in the world."

Those sects that have made mistakes in the past are walking on thin ice, fearing that they will be targeted again by the Shenhou Mansion.

They rectified the internal affairs, cleaned up the family, and eliminated those disciples who colluded with the northern forces one by one.

"It's not that you are not allowed to survive, but you must abide by the laws of the Ming Dynasty."

After this news came out, the atmosphere in the world changed.

At the same time, they also strengthened the education and management of their disciples to ensure that similar things would never happen again.

At the same time, those forces that have joined the ten sects feel even more responsible.

They said that as long as these sects can truly change their ways and contribute to the peace and stability of the world, the court will give them the status and resource support they deserve.

The Shenhou Mansion welcomed and encouraged the transformation of these sects.

After all, blocking is worse than sparing, and blindly killing them all is undesirable.

During this process, some sects also took the initiative to establish contact with Shenhou Mansion and other righteous sects. They sent envoys to express their sincerity and determination, hoping to gain recognition and support from the court.

They not only have to safeguard their own interests and status, but also contribute to the just cause of the entire world.

They know very well that in this turbulent era, only by uniting together to fight against lawless elements and northern forces can peace and stability in the world be maintained.

Therefore, they began to actively prepare for war, strengthen exchanges, and jointly study strategies to fight against northern forces.

At this time, a young sect disciple stood up and said.

Those sects that were once dissatisfied with the Shenhou Mansion and feared it like tigers are now beginning to actively do good and seek cooperation.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone nodded in agreement. They knew very well that if they wanted to gain a foothold in this turbulent era, they had to follow the trend and follow the right path. After all, the Ouchi secret agent in the Shenhou Mansion was so powerful that it wiped away everyone's memory of the court's incompetence.

"Master, we don't have to give up on ourselves. The Shenhou Mansion emphasizes justice and determination to fight against the northern forces. As long as we show our intentions and actively cooperate with the court's actions, we may have a chance of survival."

The establishment of the ten sects and this series of changes in the world have not only been recognized and supported by the court, but also won the welcome and support of the majority of people in the world.

They all said that this was a great progress in the history of Jianghu and a model of win-win cooperation between the court and Jianghu.

However, some people are concerned about this. They believe that the establishment of the ten sects may trigger new disputes and competition for interests. At the same time, they are also worried that those sects that are not selected will have dissatisfaction and resistance, thus affecting the stability and development of the world.

Regarding these concerns, the Shenhou Mansion and the imperial court also paid great attention to them.

They said they would pay close attention to the dynamic changes in the world and adjust policies and strategies in a timely manner to ensure that the plan of the ten major factions can be implemented smoothly and achieve the desired results.

At the same time, they also called on the majority of people in the world to remain rational, restrain their emotions, and jointly maintain peace and stability in the world.

In short, the establishment of the ten sects is a major event in the history of Jianghu.

It not only represents the court's recognition and support for the righteous forces of Jianghu, but also represents the desire and pursuit of peace and stability of Jianghu people.

Some gangs that originally colluded with northern forces began to examine their own behavior and sought cooperation with officially recognized sects to jointly fight against lawless elements.

Shenhou Mansion also actively participated in the "Ten Major Sects" plan.

They have established a close cooperative relationship with the ten sects to jointly maintain peace and stability in the world.

The Ouchi spies of Shenhou Mansion went deep into various sects to understand their needs and difficulties, and provided necessary resources and guidance to help them develop better.

With the joint efforts of the Shenhou Mansion and the ten sects, the righteous forces in the world have been effectively integrated and strengthened.

They united and launched a powerful crackdown on gangs that colluded with northern forces.

At the same time, they also actively spread positive energy, promote martial arts righteousness, and make positive contributions to peace and stability in the world.

However, the world is still in turmoil, and the northern forces have not given up their coveting of the Central Plains.

They take advantage of the complex relationships and interest chains to continuously infringe and provoke.

Faced with this severe situation, Shenhou Mansion and the ten major sects must continue to strengthen cooperation and jointly cope with challenges.

In order to further enhance the strength and influence of Jianghu sects, Shenhou Mansion also suggested that the court hold a martial arts conference to allow various sects to demonstrate their strength and exchange skills.

This move was approved and supported by the imperial court, and all major sects were actively preparing to participate.

At the martial arts conference, various martial arts sects showed their superb martial arts and unique styles.

They either used swords, swords, shadows, or fists and feet, presenting wonderful contests to the audience.

Through competitions and exchanges, the various sects not only enhanced their understanding and friendship with each other, but also jointly discussed how to better respond to the provocations and violations of the northern forces.

The measures taken by the Shenhou Mansion and the ten sects have been widely recognized and supported by the righteous forces in the world.

They have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the authorities to jointly maintain peace and stability in the world. At the same time, those gangs that originally colluded with the northern forces were also severely frightened and hit, and had to restrain their behavior and re-examine their positions and behaviors.

With the joint efforts of the Shenhou Mansion, the ten sects, and the righteous forces of the rivers and lakes, the situation in the rivers and lakes has gradually improved. Although border issues remain serious, all parties have put aside disputes over interests, strengthened communication and cooperation, and jointly faced challenges.

In this battle between the rivers and lakes, the Shenhou Mansion is also facing many challenges from both inside and outside.

They not only have to deal with the obstruction and resistance of those gangs, but also resolve internal conflicts and disputes.

(End of this chapter)

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