Japanese investors

Chapter 590 5 Steps to Laugh

Chapter 590
  As soon as the doorbell rang, Miyamoto Miki got up and opened the door naturally due to this conditioned reflex. Shortly after she walked back to the living room and sat down, Fujiwara Daishi also walked in from outside.

Fujiwara Rena looked at her younger brother in surprise and said, "Why are you here?"

Fujiwara Daishi replied confidently: "You can come to my sister's place every weekend, so why can't I come?"

Fujiwara Reina suddenly put on a lecturing attitude and said: "Are you out of money again? The monthly living expenses my mother gives you are more than mine. Isn't it enough for you?"

Fujiwara Daishi retorted: "You have gained much more benefits from my eldest sister than I have."

Miki Miyamoto intervened and said: "You two belong to the fifty-step, laugh-a-hundred-step category."

Fujiwara Rena's expression remained unchanged and her heart did not beat: "Even if I laugh at fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps, I am still the same fifty steps, not the one hundred steps of Dazhi."

Fujiwara Taishi ignored it. He had already sat on the other side of the eldest sister and said seriously: "Eldest sister, I have something that I need to ask your permission for."

Miki Miyamoto said concisely and concisely: "Say."

Taishi Fujiwara said bluntly: "I want to break up with Rio Uchida."

Miki Miyamoto's face suddenly darkened and she said, "Have you made your old habit again?"

Before Fujiwara Daishi opened his mouth to explain, Fujiwara Rena spoke first: "Sister, he definitely has an old problem. There are many more girls in college than in high school.

Among them, there is no shortage of people who are cuter than Uchida Rio, who are good at making trouble, who can talk, etc. My younger brother and Rio Uchida have been officially dating for several years, and no matter how good the relationship is, it has faded.

What's more, in the face of all kinds of temptations, how can our family's ambitions withstand it? Besides, if he wants to get rid of Rio Uchida completely, it won't be a once or twice-for-like thing. "

Miki Miyamoto looked sideways at her younger brother with a smile on her face and said, "Is it like what your second sister said?"

Fujiwara Daishi quickly explained: "Sister, this time I really met my true love. I feel more and more that I and Rio Uchida are not suitable.

In the past, I was young, ignorant, and didn't understand what love was, so I dated her impulsively. right now I am……"

Miki Miyamoto interrupted without waiting for him to finish: "How long have you been in college just now? And you still brazenly told me that you met true love."

Fujiwara Daishi said in a low voice: "It has been a year. Who can say clearly about fate? Besides, I am also a college student after all.

Even if he cannot become a social elite, he will become a formal member of a large company in the future. As for Rio Uchida, she started working in a convenience store after graduating from high school.

The gap between me and her will become wider and wider as time goes by. I don't want to be ridiculed for having such a low-class girlfriend. "

Fujiwara Reina laughed out loud first and said: "What is the name of your university? If I remember correctly, it is a completely inferior university in Tokyo. You have the nerve to look down on others.

I don't even know what's going on in your head? You are still dreaming of becoming an official member of a large company after graduation.

This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Which major company would recruit from your kind of university? Who did you hear this nonsense from? "

Fujiwara Daishi said seriously: "Mom said, after I graduate from college, it won't be any problem to directly ask Kentaro brother to arrange for me to join a big company as a formal member. At least, there is Miyamoto Construction, the largest company in Japan. The construction company will take care of everything!" Reina Fujiwara smiled and said, "No wonder you are thinking about getting rid of Rio Uchida."

Miki Miyamoto said without joking: "In the future, you can join Miyamoto Construction. However, when the time comes, you will go to Brazil in South America.

I heard Kentaro say a long time ago that Miyamoto Construction not only has a steady stream of projects there, but also has a certain amount of investment. "

Fujiwara Daishi didn't understand what his eldest sister really meant, and blurted out: "I don't want to go to Brazil! I want to stay in Japan, in Tokyo. I don't speak Portuguese."

Miki Miyamoto said coldly: "What's wrong with Brazil? There is plenty of sunshine all year round, and Brazilians are passionate and unrestrained. Especially they are very open about men and women.

Doesn't this just satisfy your inner desire for girls? Language issues are not a problem. In Brazil, there are more than 200 million Japanese people.

You live in a Japanese community and there is no language barrier. Even communicating with local young girls in Brazil is very simple.

Money can eliminate all inconveniences for you. Japanese people are called Asian Jews in Brazil. Besides, you are a native of Tokyo, Japan.

Those poor local Brazilian girls are eager to marry you one by one so that they can take her out of the miserable life and even bring her to Tokyo, Japan. "

Fujiwara Rena smiled even more and said: "I really think this one is possible."

Fujiwara Taishi felt aggrieved and said: "It is better to go to Southeast Asia than to Brazil."

Miki Miyamoto said without mincing words: "Yes! When the time comes, will you choose to go to Vietnam, the Philippines, or Thailand. Girls in these countries have also been attracted to Japanese men for a long time, second only to old white men in Europe and the United States."

Besides, girls in those countries are also very casual. They also long to marry Japanese men so that they can escape from the current miserable life.

If you can bring any of them to Tokyo, Japan, she will be devoted to you. You also don’t need to worry about any language issues.

Those countries have Japanese streets. As for work, you don’t have to worry. Miyamoto E&C also has construction projects and investments in those countries. "

Taishi Fujiwara protested slightly: "I can accept going to Singapore. Malaysia is also okay."

Miki Miyamoto said categorically: "I did not let you go to poorer countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos. This is already my kindness to you."

Fujiwara Taishi said angrily: "If I don't go, I won't go to death. I would rather stay at home and be a hikikomori than go to those poor countries."

Fujiwara Reina said with a smile: "Little brother, you have to listen to the elder sister. Otherwise, you will not be able to enjoy your good fruits."

Of course Fujiwara Daishi knew that what the other party said was true. This was the reason why he took the initiative to tell his eldest sister about the breakup.

He was able to thrive in college, especially in front of girls, all because he had connections in the upper class.

(End of this chapter)

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