Japanese investors

Chapter 574 Qualifications

Chapter 574 Qualifications
Not long ago, Oda Ryunosuke returned to his hometown of Karuizawa from other places.On the same day, Yuuto Oda also made a special trip back home from Tokyo.

Grandpa Oda saw his son and grandson coming back, so he blurted out: "You father and son must have discussed it."

Oda Yuuto did not deny it and said: "Grandpa, the commotion you made on Respect for the Aged Day is really big. Just yesterday, the second son told me personally that everyone in Karuizawa's hometown is in their late [-]s and [-]s, and they are still so angry. big."

Grandfather Oda asked in disbelief: "Second Young Master, did you really say this to you personally?"

Oda Yuto said with a serious expression: "Do I need to lie to you about this matter? If it weren't for this matter, I wouldn't have come back at all.

Nowadays, more and more people not only know about it, but also have watched the relevant shooting videos.Isn't it just a first seat?As for being so impulsive? "

Grandfather Oda said with a serious look: "This is not an issue about the leader, but about the dignity of all officially retired members of our Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery. Mizukawa, who is this old guy?"
What qualifications does he have to sit in the first place?Just because his son Takashi Mizukawa was favored by the chairman this year and became the president of Karuizawa Heavy Industries, so it was his turn?
That doesn't make sense.Which factory did Shuichuan retire from, and which factory did I retire from?After all, he is not a direct member of the Ishihara family at all.

The old guy actually dared to boast in front of me that his Mizukawa family had worked for the Ishihara family for six generations.This is pure fart.

If the president hadn't purchased the shochu shop where he worked a few years earlier, even Shuikawa himself would have never worked for the Ishihara family for a day, let alone the special recruitment quota.

Besides, if Shuichuan is allowed to take the first seat this year, then next year, the year after that, the year after that... he will still have to take the first seat.

Those of us who have officially retired from the Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery and work diligently for the Ishihara family, aren’t we being stepped on by others? "

Oda Ryunosuke nodded, and began to recall the past in his mind: "Dad, if you say that, it does make sense.

In any case, what the president took over from the beginning was the Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery.At that time, people who have not experienced it personally cannot understand how difficult our situation was.

Under the wise leadership of the president, everyone worked together and united sincerely to slowly overcome the difficulties, turn the crisis into safety, and gradually get better.

Although it was really hard at that time, it gave people a very hopeful feeling.Actually!The most important thing is that the president is not only good at piecing together the pie, but he is also particularly good at motivating us.

I still remember clearly that the president called everyone together and personally said that he wanted to make the Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery the largest whiskey distillery in Japan.

At that time, not to mention others, even I didn’t believe it in my heart.After all, the smallest whiskey distillery in Japan is about to go bankrupt.

The results of it?Not only have we become the largest whiskey distillery in Japan, but we have also become the largest alcoholic beverage group in the world and one of the top ten chaebols in Japan. "

He paused here, with a proud smile on his face, and continued: "It feels like a beautiful dream.

If I had been shaken back then and voluntarily resigned, I would never have been where I am today, nor would I have been the heir apparent of our Oda family.Of course, we are not the only people and families who have benefited greatly.One by one, all the temporary workers at the Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery were later made full-time employees.Some of them have entered management and become middle-level cadres.

In terms of our business expansion, the first step we took took the initiative, and the president overcame all objections and directly placed a bet on cider, which was a great success.

The second step is to make a big fuss about China's rice wine, which is to fully acquire the Zhuangyuanlang Rice Wine Factory in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China.

Not only was Mizukawa Takashi fortunate enough to accompany the chairman when he went abroad to complete this acquisition, but Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province was his future blessed place and place of fortune.As for the shochu brewery that was once the ancestral business of the Ishihara family, it is already a later event.

During this period, the president also acquired a large number of shares in Korean breweries, rice distilleries, and shochu factories, laid out several Japanese liquor brands in advance, and controlled some of the main raw materials for whiskey.

There is no doubt which factory we should really respect, it is the Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery.It was the beginning of the president's current business empire. "

Grandfather Oda said with a smile on his face: "I like to hear this. This is the development history of our Karuizawa Group. The Karuizawa Shochu Factory was not ranked at all in the president's early planning.

If I hadn't remembered that it was once the ancestral property of the Ishihara family, I probably wouldn't have bought it back.If you don't buy it back, there won't be anything that the old guy Shuichuan is clamoring about. "

Yoshito Oda asked in surprise: "Dad, how come you and your grandfather are angry at each other? If the president finds out about this, how do you explain it? My grandfather is one of the main culprits."

Grandfather Oda suddenly panicked when he heard this, and said cautiously: "The president doesn't really know, does he?"

Oda Yuto said straightforwardly: "Second Young Master already knows, do you think the president can not know?"

Grandpa Oda was afraid that this incident of his would negatively affect his son and grandson's impression in the mind of the president: "Everyone is responsible for what they do, so I will go to the door in person to apologize. No matter whether the president scolds me or hits me, it doesn't matter. No regrets.”

Oda Ryunosuke suddenly couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Dad, it's not as serious as you think. The president must have known about it. Since he didn't ask me about this matter, it means that he didn't take it to heart at all.

However, starting from next year's Respect for the Aged Day, I will completely separate the two groups of retirees who have begun to ignore you. "

After hearing what his son said, Grandfather Oda realized that the president did not care about his own affairs, so he began to coax him again: "We will not let the retired people of Karuizawa Whiskey Distillery still have to pay for Respect for the Aged Day. Just avoid those old guys in Shuichuan!"

Ryunosuke Oda explained: "No. The Karuizawa Hotel Group has more than just one high-end hot spring resort hotel in Karuizawa.

If you are directly assigned to two different high-end hot spring resort hotels, nothing will happen?By then, you will no longer be in trouble over the matter of the leader. "

(End of this chapter)

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