Japanese investors

Chapter 548 The Position

Chapter 548 The Position
Miki Miyamoto asked thoughtfully: "You talked to your sister and your mother like that earlier, wouldn't it make the relationship between you worse?"

Miyamoto Kentaro said indifferently: "My relationship with them is already very bad, how can it be worse? The worst is that we will never have contact with each other until we die."

Miki Miyamoto looked down at the son he was holding across his arms and said, "Don't listen to your dad's nonsense. Although he is not a good son, you must not imitate your dad in the future."

Kentaro Miyamoto laughed and said: "You don't have to worry that our son will treat you badly in the future. Even if he treats you badly, you won't starve to death.

Don’t you still have me?If I die before you, you will be richer.Whenever our son is short of money in the future, he will definitely ask you first, not me. "

Miki Miyamoto's face suddenly darkened and she said, "Can't you say something nice?"

Kentaro Miyamoto said with an unchanged smile: "Human nature is like this, life is like this. Only by having the courage to face it can you learn to accept it calmly. If you always live with illusions, you will only become more painful as you live.

I always wonder why individuals are so unlucky and unfortunate?The truly unlucky and unfortunate people may not even have the chance to be seen by their own eyes. "

Miki Miyamoto said unhappily: "Can you say something else? If you really have nothing to say, then go upstairs and play your game."

Kentaro Miyamoto was dumbfounded: "You don't need to be so nervous. How old is our son? He doesn't understand what we are talking about at all."

Miki Miyamoto stared at him with wide eyes and said: "I don't want to hear it, it's okay!"

Kentaro Miyamoto changed the topic and said: "Japan's inflation has been rising, and prices have also been rising. The governor of the Bank of Japan also publicly said that the country's inflation is still at a low level.

As a result, I was criticized in various ways.One of the words he said against him impressed me deeply: Why don't you go shopping for groceries yourself?In fact, the Governor of the Bank of Japan was right to say that from his standpoint.

However, he did not put himself in the shoes of ordinary people and consider their personal feelings about rising prices.For this, he also publicly apologized. "

Miki Miyamoto added: "That sentence of directly attacking the Governor of the Bank of Japan is indeed correct! In my opinion, it completely expresses the aspirations of ordinary people.

The salary increase is an increase.I don't deny it either.But the problem is that only formal members of large companies, civil servants in government departments, etc. have experienced increases that exceed the rate of inflation and price increases.

As for small and medium-sized enterprises that provide a large number of jobs, there is basically no salary increase.Even if a very small number of small and medium-sized enterprises have increased wages, it is far lower than the rate of inflation and price increases.

It’s not that they don’t want to rise, it’s that they can’t rise.This profit aspect is already thin. If it rises again, not only will there be no profit, but it will directly cause losses.The pressure on their operations is considerable.

Although the minimum hourly wage has increased, the increase is not large, and it still has not exceeded the speed of inflation and price increases!
For the general public, the nominal income has increased, but in fact, their real income has declined instead of rising.

No matter how difficult life is, you have to continue to live it.Ordinary families will inevitably reduce their expenses in life.Otherwise, it will cause an imbalance in household income and expenditure. "

Kentaro Miyamoto said with a smile: "Business majors are different." Miki Miyamoto said straightforwardly: "I have already stopped studying at home. Now, I am unemployed."

Kentaro Miyamoto's smile did not change and he said: "Look at how miserable you said you are. It's not impossible for you to go back to Waseda University to continue your studies. It's just that our son has to be taken care of by someone else."

Miki Miyamoto curled her lips and said: "Let others take care of our son, you can't think of it. Not to mention that some people will definitely say something wrong about me behind my back, saying that I am not worthy of being a mother.

Will our son’s relationship with me be as bad as your current relationship with your mother when he grows up?What am I picturing?Trying to make yourself angry and uncomfortable. "

Kentaro Miyamoto said calmly: "Not necessarily. However, children are not raised by themselves, and they will always lack emotions. Therefore, it is better for children to be biological. This is also true.

Without hard work, you would naturally not understand how difficult it is and appreciate it.As for my mother... what should I say?Forget it, let’s not talk about her anymore. "

Miki Miyamoto has long known that the relationship between her daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law is not easy to get along with.Therefore, even if many young Japanese girls decide to get married, they are not willing to find a man who is the eldest son in the family as their husband.

Because according to Japanese tradition, the eldest son in the family generally lives with his parents.However, there are exceptions to everything.Rich people definitely don't have such a problem.

On the one hand, they are more open-minded in their thinking and are not rigid in their thinking.What is good in tradition must be inherited and carried forward.Anything bad in tradition will naturally be discarded without hesitation.

On the other hand, there are more flexible means.If you don't want to live together, then you can live close to each other.Just buy a house not far from your parents' home.

Young girls are eager to marry the eldest son of a wealthy family. After all, not only does the eldest son have a greater chance of inheriting the family business, but also, unless otherwise specified, he is also ranked first in the order of inheritance.

It's different for ordinary people.However, if you are born and raised in Tokyo, things will be different.The housing prices in Tokyo are very high, especially in the central and sub-urban areas.

For newlyweds, paying [-] yen or more to the landlord every month is not only uneconomical, but also puts great financial pressure on them.

Ordinary office workers who have just graduated from university, even with a monthly income of just over 20 yen, can only get around [-] to [-] yen after deducting resident tax, welfare pension, etc.

It is barely enough for one person to spend money, let alone raising another person.If his wife has a job similar to his own, there will be no problem.The common marriage combination in Japan still follows the principle of strong men and weak women.

His wife's income must be less than his own, and he may even have no job.This is troublesome.It's absolutely not okay to live with your parents without being shameless.

No rent is paid, no living expenses are paid... In this way, the pressure will be much less and the money will be more abundant.Parents are very happy to pay living expenses, and their children have grown up, which is great.

In fact, as long as they can afford it, they may not have to pay for their children's living expenses.Otherwise, it is just a token payment, but in fact, you will get more from your parents.

(End of this chapter)

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