Chapter 534

After the breakup, Kudo Shuichi returned to his new residence with his mother, sister, and wife.This large flat is the house that my father paid for and my mother chose for him.

Kudo Shuichi took out a classic whiskey glass and placed it on his small bar counter, and asked directly: "Sister, Meixiang, do you want some?"

Kudo Mika spoke first: "I don't want it."

Seeing his unfinished expression, Kudo Mitsuki said, "Why, haven't you drunk enough?"

Kudo Shuichi said with a smile: "It's not like you don't know that I have a good drinking capacity. The bunch of poor relatives in our family are all weird.

The guy doesn’t have much money, and he’s so damn horny.When they talked about women, they were really talking about it.As for women, their vanity is not that small. "

Kudo Wakana, who was already drunk, said bluntly: "Shuichi, don't say that."

Kudo Shuichi said confidently: "Mom, did I say something wrong?"

Kudo Wakana closed her eyes, leaned back on a single sofa, and said with a drowsy look: "Although what you said is true, they are relatives of our Kudo family after all.

You have never been poor, so you cannot understand the psychology of poor people.They are sensitive, have high self-esteem, and are afraid of being looked down upon.

This often involves a sense of self-protection, pretending to be a person who has seen the world.No one wants to be looked down upon?The poorer you are, the more you fear being looked down upon.

If it hadn't been for our family's treat today, none of them would have ever been to that kind of place to eat. It's not like you have all become accustomed to it. "

Kudo Mika smiled and said, "Mom is right. Mom, do you want a drink of water? I'll get you a glass right away."

Kudo Wakana said concisely: "Then pour me a glass of water!"

Kudo Mika immediately walked towards her kitchen.In addition to pouring water for her mother-in-law, she also took out strawberries and Spanish ham from the double-door refrigerator.

At the same time, Kudo Mizuki knew that her brother's good drinking ability was developed by spending many years in nightclubs.Most people really can't drink from him.The other party was drunk and fell down, but nothing happened to him.

In addition, the sake they drank at the high-end Japanese traditional restaurant was low-alcohol sake, so Shuichi had not finished drinking it.

Mitsuki Kudo sat on the side of the couch in the living room, holding her drooped head with her left hand, and said calmly: "Pour me some Karuizawa 25-year-old single malt whiskey."

Kudo Shuichi responded with a smile: "Okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took out a clean whiskey classic glass, poured some Karuizawa 25-year-old single malt whiskey into it according to his sister's request, and delivered it to the other party personally.

Kudo Mizuki held the wine, but her eyes fell on her mother and said: "Mom, are you okay?"

Kudo Wakana still closed his eyes and said: "It's okay. You don't have to worry about me. I'm more just tired, not drunk."

Kudo Shuichi said slowly: "How could mom be suffering from alcohol poisoning? Not to mention that what we drank tonight was Japanese sake with a low alcohol content. Mom's drinking capacity is quite good.

When we still lived in Karuizawa, my father would probably come over for dinner at noon.He drank almost every meal, and every time he drank, it was strong liquor.According to dad, real men drink hard liquor.

At that time, my mother also drank two drinks with him.This whiskey is always drunk neat, never mixed with anything else.My mother’s drinking ability gradually started to improve from that time on. "

Kudo Wakana suddenly opened his eyes with a smile and said: "Not only is your father's ancestor a winery owner, but he also made his fortune from the winery. I graduated from junior high school and my educational level is low. Is it possible that I can still be with you? Does dad talk about his favorite literature? Besides, my head feels dizzy when I read a book, and I just want to sleep.

If we have nothing to say for a long time or talk like a chicken to a duck, it will not be conducive to promoting the relationship between us.As time goes by, if the feelings between each other fade, he will become more and more reluctant to come over.

After much thought, I had to find a common topic with him.At the beginning, apart from talking about all kinds of things about Meiyue, they just talked about wine.

Drinking is much easier for me.Just have a mouth.In order to please him, even if I don't like whiskey, I have to pretend to like it. "

Kudo Mika first put the water into her mother-in-law's hand and said with a smile: "Mom, you really have a way. Otherwise, you won't be able to hold on to Dad's heart."

Kudo Wakana raised his head and drank half a glass of water and said: "If you want to capture a man's heart, you have to capture his stomach first. I'm not boasting, my cooking skills are great."

Back then, your father loved to eat my cooking, especially the Chinese food I cooked.For this reason, I have spent a lot of time on this matter. "

Kudo Mika's smile did not change and she said: "Mom, you can definitely conquer dad with your looks, but you have to conquer him with your cooking skills."

Kudo Wakana laughed and said: "You are really good at talking with your mouth. If I really rely on my appearance, I won't be able to hold your father's heart.

There were many beautiful young girls around him, but there were still few that he could really remember.

They are often clever but misled by their cleverness.The reason why this happens is that it really corresponds to what your father said personally: How long can you get good results if you use sex to do things to others?

Once a girl is over 25 years old, she is still a womanizer. If there is nothing else that can please a man or make him feel valuable, she will inevitably be ruthlessly abandoned.

Because there are so many young and beautiful girls under the age of 25, after all, they are growing up one after another. "

Kudo Mika nodded frequently and said, "Listening to what you said, mom, makes me better than studying for ten years."

Kudo Wakana pointed out: "Children are an important link in maintaining the relationship between husband and wife. Even if each other has nothing to say, as long as the children are mentioned, there will be something to talk about."

Kudo Mika knew that the other party meant to urge her to have children quickly, so she directly expressed her personal attitude: "I am very happy to have more children for the Kudo family."

Kudo Wakana's eyes shifted to her son, and she asked expressionlessly: "Why, you won't cooperate with Meixiang?"

Kudo Shuichi blurted out: "I am very cooperative."

Kudo Wakana asked dubiously: "Really?"

Kudo Shuichi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why did I lie to you? If you don't believe me, you can ask Meixiang face to face!"

Kudo Wakana really asked for proof: "Meixiang, is it true?"

Kudo Mika answered truthfully: "We and I do it twice a week."

Kudo Wakana said dissatisfied: "How is twice enough? At least three times a week."

(End of this chapter)

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