Rebirth of the Internet: Starting from Games

Chapter 196 Decisive Battle at Bright Summit

Chapter 196 Decisive Battle at Bright Summit

Recently, in order to deal with this crisis, Chen Hao's brain was overloaded and he didn't stop for a moment, and then he thought about his life for the rest of the night.

The dust has basically settled, and the rest of the plan depends on Li Fang and Chu Xuan.

When he got home, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

What he didn't know was that the public opinion on the Internet exploded again.

Nowadays, the Internet is basically full of various reports about the China Internet Game Summit.

This is a successful conference, a victorious conference. How many companies participated and how many awards were won by each company. It is well deserved.

Organizer: "The players of Century Interactive Entertainment are probably migrant workers who only like to play."

An online game giant said: "Charity is just for show. It is also conceivable that a company with such a different appearance can produce a game."

An expert: "Data doesn't mean anything. The mainstream is that the games are of excellent quality and can guide players to be positive. I suggest that online game companies can develop some red games to learn through entertainment and learn from the pain and sweetness."

I don’t know if these contents are slander, but they provide sufficient firepower for the majority of netizens.

In particular, the above-mentioned comments were the most criticized, and some netizens even revealed the other party's true identity and responded in various ways.

“The experts’ advice is very good. Don’t give it any more advice next time.”

"I know this expert. He lives in the family building of XX College. There are netizens nearby who can use bricks to smash the glass of his house. - Suggestions from P people."

"This group of elites who pretend to be noble and separated from the masses, one by one, talks all about doctrines and only cares about business in their hearts!"

"Netizens are not blind. Every vacant award is Century Interactive Entertainment's best military medal!"

"If you gain benefits, they only last for a while. If you lose your people's hearts, you will lose everything!"

"You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep, unless the person pretending to sleep decides to wake up. But now, it seems that it has just taken an overdose of sleeping pills and it seems that it will never wake up."

"Charity is just a show, so why don't we see these companies putting on a show? Even if it's a show, they actually help some people. The slogans are loud, but when they really do something, they become mute."

Even though netizens criticized it, the press release did not decrease at all.

One netizen's comment received the most likes, "Only by despising the cultural products of certain social classes can we maintain the sense of superiority of certain classes. This has always been the case."

News related to the 17173 online game rankings are only published on the homepage of the 17173 information website, and are excluded by mainstream media.

Just when Li Fang was about to take action according to the previous plan, she paid attention to a little-known website. A news item with a title of a famous martial arts scene on the homepage became an opportunity for counterattack.

"Six major factions besiege Guangmingding"

The news content only has three pictures.

The first picture is a scene that was previously published by, where Chen Hao is alone in the center of the stage facing a crowd of online game bosses. He has the feeling of being lonely and courageous even though there are thousands of people.

The second picture has been edited. There is a group of people standing on the left side, including Internet game tycoons, media, and officials. The lights are bright and hot.

On the right is Chen Hao leading the senior executives, followed by countless people standing in front, watching silently. The stage lights are somewhat dim against the dark sky above.

Especially after the picture is edited and rendered, the space and distance are shortened, and the protagonists of both sides collide head-on.

The left is warm, the right is cold.

The fiery red elites and the blue commoners have completely different styles, forming a strong contrast.

Coupled with the various expressions of the characters on both sides, it forms a vivid and lifelike picture.It looks like a ridge on the side and a peak on the side. Everyone can interpret various meanings.

The Chapter 3 picture is a cartoon picture, echoing the news title.

On the left, Chen Tianqiao, Ding Lei, Lei Jun and other big guys are painted as Q-version villains of the six major sects. The clothes on their bodies represent their respective sects, (Sheng), (Net), (Jin)
The rest of the people became disciples, among whom a bald monk could be vaguely seen, with no ring scars on his head and a (Lord) on his chest.

On the right, Zhang Wuji has the word "Century" written on his chest. Judging from his eyebrows, he is Chen Hao. The four corporate executives behind him have become the four guardians. Lin Xiaoran happens to be a woman, and she must be the purple-robed Dragon King. All the people became members of the Five Elements Banner of Mingjiao.

This piece of news is quite unique, with only pictures and no text. This blank space gives netizens ample room for interpretation.
Later, this news was reposted by Sohu and completely ignited public opinion. On the contrary, the other two major portals NetEase and Sina ceased their activities, just because there is a boss among the villains above. Who dares to post it? It is really like a mouse working as an escort for a cat-it is not necessary to make money. Dead!
Why does Sohu dare to be the first to reprint and publish it?It’s just that we share the same hatred.

At the beginning of the year, as one of the three major portals in the field of online games, how could we not want to take a share of the pie, but the agency's "Knights Online" died before its launch. It was even worse than Sina's "Paradise", which died midway and ceased operation.

Every industry has its own circle and entry threshold, and the online game circle is no exception. Although there are no works, everyone is polite on the surface, but Zhang Chaoyang feels that he is being excluded in the field of online games, so he has long been dissatisfied with this. The virtue of helping others.

During this time, he was also one of the melon-eating people. From a personal standpoint, he still admired Chen Hao, a young man, for his bloody spirit and his strong character!

At this time, someone was charging into the battle, but he was still happy to play the side drum.

You don't want to post it, right? Well, I'll post it myself. I'm disrespectful of this wave of traffic.

After Sohu released it, 17173 and Century Interactive Entertainment’s official website also simultaneously reprinted this article.

Today, the number of domestic Internet users has reached more than 7000 million, an increase of 1000 million in just half a year. The growth rate is extremely fast, and it has become the second largest country in the world in terms of Internet users.

The vast majority of netizens are ordinary people. As long as people read this news, it is obvious which side they support.

Li Fang ordered the media resources and navy troops who had been waiting for a long time to dispatch, and some small media followed closely and made announcements.

"Double showdown, who can have the last laugh?" 》

"Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, this is a carnival for the common people"

"Kings' New Clothes"

Public opinion now is basically one-sided.

The comment areas of NetEase and Sina have fallen. Although they rely on their own navy to resist tenaciously, they cannot resist the overwhelming trend of people's support.

Li Fang discovered that in addition to his own navy, there was also a mysterious friendly force assisting him. Together with the netizens who couldn't stand it, Li Fang successfully made the other party close the news comment area and became a bastard with his head buried in the ground. Ostrich won local battles.

It's not that the main board of the Online Game Summit and the bosses of various Internet manufacturers didn't anticipate the public opinion that would follow, but they just didn't expect that the opposition would be so fierce.

Those online game bosses can pretend to be dead, and giants like NetEase and Sina can control reviews.

But the organizer is not good enough. If he continues to be scolded like this, he has become a rat on the street. It is conceivable that no one will dare to attend the summit next year. Then they will really be the death of Qin II. This is unacceptable to them.

Unfortunately, the organizers issued statements simultaneously on three major portal websites in an attempt to backtrack, saying that they attach great importance to the current online public opinion.After investigation, it was found that the decision was made without authorization by a deputy director who had personal rift with Century Interactive Entertainment. The comrade has been transferred from his original job and stated that he did not intentionally target Century Interactive Entertainment.

Finally, it is reiterated that the original intention of the Online Game Summit is to provide a grand event for domestic online game companies to communicate and integrate resources, and to create an environment for the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the online game market in the future.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the indignant netizens did not buy it at all.

One wrong move and one misstep will lead to eternal regret.

It’s not that their media resources don’t want to speak out, it’s that they are now in the predicament of dancing with shackles.

Because the legal team of Century Interactive Entertainment’s legal department began to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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