Chapter 164 I copy myself

The second announcement is simpler in content. The official has paid attention to the call of the forum and will update the advanced effects display guide of all generals on the official website tomorrow to facilitate the preview and review of the players.

In fact, Chu Xuan did not plan to release this advanced effect officially, but wanted players to experience it in the game, so that there would be an unexpected sense of surprise.

As a result, they underestimated the money making ability of the majority of players, and directly covered all the cards through uncontrolled card drawing, resulting in these cards being exposed in advance, and they did not survive for a day.

Since many players in the forum have already posted it, there is no point in hiding it.

So Chu Xuan quickly asked the artist to release all the advanced special effects, which would also give players the motivation to recharge.

In the next few days, as the players gradually grew stronger, the intensity of the war increased by another dimension.

Within the forces, players and players, alliances and alliances are constantly rubbing against each other, devouring, and integrating.

Outside the forces, the boundaries between the major forces advance and retreat, and the battle situation changes rapidly and is very fierce.

However, due to the imbalance in the number of forces, as time went by, Shu and Wei became more powerful, and the heroes were left alone. Wu itself was the party with the fewest people, and was beaten back and forth.

On the contrary, this aroused the hearts of the players in the Wu Kingdom to share the same hatred with the enemy. They gave up their own slight interests. The players worked together to give up the disputes and coexist in a friendly way. Alliances and alliances reached an agreement to fight against the enemy together.

Xiao Zhi, the president of the First War Alliance of the Wu State, was moved by his emotions and reasoned. After the nest was overturned, the intact eggs were found, and the truth of death impressed the president of the First War Alliance of the heroes, and the two sides reached a secret alliance. protocol.

At first, Wei and Shu did not react. They were defeated one by one by the blitzkrieg of the heroes and the Wu allied forces. They were caught off guard and regained a lot of territory.

After reacting, a new three-legged confrontation has been established.

In the first area of ​​the Three Kingdoms OL closed beta, wars and disputes continue, living up to the name of the area's heroes competing for hegemony.

The second district is even more chaotic. At first glance, it seems like it's like the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, an era when heroes were separatist. The difference between forces was just different generals.

It’s fun to play in the game, and it’s equally exciting outside the game.

Chen Hao only played the Three Kingdoms OL game for one day and threw it aside because he found that there was a more important thing that he had forgotten to deal with.

He asked the boss of the legal department about applying for a patent, and planned to patent the card-drawing mechanism and rules so that any company that draws cards in the future would ask him for authorization and pay a patent royalty. .

It was a good idea, but as soon as Chen Hao said it, he was poured cold water on it. Card drawing is actually a gameplay in electronic games, and the gameplay and rules cannot be protected through patents.

Therefore, there is no issue of patent application. For example, our company’s previous Three Kingdoms OL blind box card pack, this gameplay and method does not involve related infringements.

Plagiarism of appearance, IP and other behaviors will involve infringement.

After popularizing common sense, the boss of the legal department stood tall and proud with a look on his face: "You are a professional in the game, and I obey the laws and regulations."

Well, every other line is like a mountain. Chen Hao waved his hand and the other party retreated.

No wonder the offline blind box card packs are so popular and no one asks him for patent fees. That’s how it is.

Doesn’t Tencent have a Nanshan Pizza Hut?Known as being undefeated in a thousand lawsuits, he thought about naming the legal department your uncle Beihai in the future.

At that time, let the headhunters keep an eye on them, hunt for talents like Fang Tangjing and Song Shijie across the country, and build a northern legal and political elite.

Since there is no patent, there is no need to worry.

Chen Hao directly approached Zhou Xiao and asked him to imitate the offline point cards of Legend 3 and Miracle after the model of Three Kingdoms OL, update them, and sell them externally.In terms of point card patterns, Legend 3 is designed based on various professional weapons, monster bosses and so on.

Miracles are also based on the equipment of each profession, but the difference is that high-level cards will have a +15 light effect.

It was said that the sooner the better, but in fact Chen Hao thought it would take a week no matter what.

As a result, the next day, Zhou Xiao walked in holding a box in one hand and a stack of cards in the other.

Chen Hao took the stack of cards from the other party's hand, read them, and nodded repeatedly, "Old Zhou, you can do it, you can get the samples so quickly, right? This is"

Looking at the card in my hand, it seems like there is no such weapon in Legend 3, right?Could it be.
As soon as he opened the back, the four characters "Legendary World" came into his eyes. Chen Hao looked constipated.

Hey~ Shanda, this shameless little watch smashed.

Looking at the pattern, attributes and back style above, I almost thought of it myself.

Zhou Xiao handed over the box he was holding. The big words on it were very dazzling: "Westward Journey Online 2".

He explained on the side, "I went back to discuss this with the people below yesterday, and a few guys realized that they seemed to have seen similar point cards in other online games. These are some they bought while passing by work today."

Chen Hao covered his chest, good guy, it was still a critical hit.

He opened the bag and looked at the various monsters and bosses from Westward Journey on the cards, such as the Bull Demon King, Erlang God, Longevity Mountain God, etc.

Unexpectedly, Ding Lei, a thick-browed man with big eyes, was also abducted by Chen Tianqiao.

In terms of copying itself, Century Interactive Entertainment actually lags behind its friends.

"What about the point cards of Legend 3 and Miracle?"

"Continue to carry out the work as usual, no worries. How can everything go as expected. But do you have any thoughts after this matter?"

When Zhou Xiao heard this, his heart trembled. The boss didn't ask this easily, so he must be targeted. Combined with this incident, this was the boss's test for him.

When standing in his position, one must look at the situation from the point of view, and judge the ability from the phenomenon.

So what about today.
Zhou Xiao thought for a while, came up with the answer, and spoke slowly, "I personally think this incident reveals that we don't pay enough attention to our friends and businessmen, and we are too hindsighted. We should set up a department similar to public opinion monitoring to Always pay attention to the movements of other opponents and report the situation as soon as possible, so as to give us sufficient time to respond. It is not like this time when the decision was already done and we only realized it later. I also have a responsibility."

When Chen Hao heard what he wanted to hear, he directly interrupted the other party, "Don't take the responsibility, everyone has the responsibility. Learn from the experience and gain wisdom. Century Interactive Entertainment has established a public opinion division. You can take charge of it first and allocate manpower from operations. , you can do the rest of the details. If other business partners have abnormalities, you will be the first to know and make your own judgment. Do you understand?"

Zhou Xiao nodded, "Okay, boss!"

"Well, go down and do some work. I'll have the HR department send an email to let everyone know later."

Zhou Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead after leaving the chairman's office. This time he passed the test.

Although Chen Hao usually discusses games and chats with everyone in meetings without any airs, he is also smiling and approachable with ordinary employees.

Once he gets serious, he is really a bit like thunder, rain and dew.

At this time, Chen Hao in the office received a call from Xu Changlong. The motion capture studio had been prepared and he was invited to visit.

(End of this chapter)

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