Chapter 115 New Game Release
On January 1, Century Interactive Entertainment’s new game launch conference was held as scheduled.

The venue of the press conference is still the same place: the lobby on the second floor of the Capital Hotel.

Since Miracle currently has the largest market share, every move of Century Interactive Entertainment, the manufacturer behind it, has attracted the attention of many media and other game manufacturers.

At this press conference, Li Fang just announced the news, and countless media flocked to it, which shows the influence of Century Interactive Entertainment today.

As a subsidiary media, the 17173 website has added an eye-catching floating window on the homepage. When users click on it, they will jump directly to the page where the press conference will be live broadcast with simultaneous graphics and text.

There are miraculous success stories in the past, and Century Interactive Entertainment has done an extremely good job of keeping these two games confidential. The suspense thrown by Chen Hao in the early stage successfully aroused the interest of many netizens.

They only know that there are two new online games released this time, one is a fantasy world role-playing online game, and the other is a casual competitive online game. After that, there is nothing more.

Therefore, many people are eagerly looking forward to Century Interactive Entertainment’s new game launch conference to see what kind of games they will be.

Not only the media is looking forward to it, but also the majority of players who have heard of Miracle. Many people don’t even play games anymore and directly log in to the 17173 game information station to watch the graphic live broadcast of Century Interactive Entertainment’s new product launch conference.

After all, the game can be played at any time, and you can’t be late for the live broadcast of the press conference. After all, getting first-hand news is also a bragging opportunity with others.

Of course, the most important thing is that Century Interactive Entertainment has brought them miracles and given them a sense of trust.

All players who paid attention to this conference hope that Century Interactive Entertainment can bring new games that are no less than a miracle.

At 14:[-] sharp in the afternoon, the press conference started on time.

Chen Hao took the stage. Unlike last time, this time he was in a very peaceful mood and did not drink in advance.

The same white shirt, jeans, and flat shoes as usual.

Taking long strides, he stood in the middle of the stage, attracting all the attention of the media below.

After bowing, Chen Hao's voice sounded, and he spoke the opening remarks slowly and slowly, as if reminiscing with an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Before the official start, I would like to announce to you that the company sponsoring this conference is Century Interactive Entertainment. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Century Zongheng, which is responsible for the group's gaming and other entertainment businesses. Please let everyone know. Okay. , let’s officially start.”

Press the button on the remote control, and the screen behind you lights up, showing statistics related to the miracle.

"In the past six months, Century Interactive Entertainment has achieved miraculous results with a major version update every month. Especially at the beginning of this year, the first expansion pack "Castle in the Sky" has met with players and achieved good results. Effect."

6 version updates, 1 expansion pack, 35 people online at the same time, 2 professional awards, and currently ranks No. 1 in market share.

Each number shows the remarkable achievements of the miracle.

The screen switches to the second page of screenshots and data related to Taoyoubao.

"Of course, in addition to games, we also have Taoyoubao, which provides convenience to players. Currently, Taoyoubao provides 100% support for mainstream online games on the market, and has launched services such as consignment, guarantee, power-leveling, and point card direct recharge."

Chen Hao first took a few minutes to review Century Interactive Entertainment’s achievements in the past six months.

After all, this is a rare opportunity to show off to the outside world.

After looking forward to the past, Chen Hao changed his tone, "Of course, resting on the credit book and eating and drinking is not Century Interactive Entertainment, nor is it my style. Therefore, this time Century Interactive Entertainment has brought two new players to the game. friend."

At this time, Chen Hao paused deliberately, and then showed a mysterious smile, "The first friend is a fantasy online game masterpiece: Ragnarok RO, please let me know. Er, the Asian queen Stefanie Sun brings you the theme song of the game "Dream" Sky", I hope everyone likes it!"

After saying that, Chen Hao left the stage and the light suddenly dimmed.Upbeat music sounded in the venue, and then some dancers dressed as various professions in the game appeared on the stage. Stefanie Sun made the final appearance, and her soft and cool voice sounded, which made people mesmerized.

Paired with the large screen at the rear and the game promotional video of Ragnarok RO, the two complement each other. With the music and singing, it makes people feel like they are in the fantasy world in the picture.

All the media people in the audience were also eye-opening, especially Xu Wenhan, the editor-in-chief of Volkswagen Software, who still accepted the invitation this time.

Sure enough, it lived up to expectations. Regardless of the results of the game, the press conferences instigated by this young man will always present a refreshing format. It can be regarded as a benchmark for online game conferences. It is conceivable that other game manufacturers will continue to do so in the near future. Can draw a scoop according to the gourd.

After the song, other performers dressed in game costumes left the stage, leaving Stefanie Sun in the center of the stage.

Chen Hao came to Stefanie Sun. Even though the latter was wearing high heels, she was still a head shorter.

“This time, Century Interactive Entertainment has invited Ms. Stefanie Sun to be the game spokesperson for Ragnarok RO, and we have agreed that the cover of Ragnarok’s point card will have Ms. Stefanie Sun’s role-playing photo and autograph. This is what I have prepared for you on behalf of Ragnarok RO. The first gift. As for the second gift, please let Miss Sun tell you in person."

At this time, Stefanie Sun was still thin and small, not fat, and looked very cute, like an elf.

She picked up the microphone and said calmly, "There will be an NPC in the game that is designed based on me. I hope everyone can find it when playing the game. In addition, I will also play this game. Maybe you will The female player I passed by was me, I hope we can meet in the game!"

After saying that, he smiled sweetly and waved goodbye to everyone.

Hiss, there was a gasp of air from the audience, and the temperature in the hall suddenly rose.

These media are all smart people. Regardless of the quality of the game, at least based on what they just did, they dare to say that this time Century Interactive Entertainment has succeeded, at least Ragnarok has succeeded.

Who can stand this.

As early as when Stefanie Sun appeared on the stage to sing the theme song, the players watching the graphic live broadcast in front of the computer couldn't stand it just by seeing the pictures.

Then click the card to sign, and the prototype NPC of the game plus the possibility of encountering Stefanie Sun in the game. A set of three combos was played, which directly broke the hearts of these boys and girls.
These days, they have never seen such unreasonable tricks, they are simply acting rogue!
"Damn it, goddess!"

"That's Stefanie Sun, my idol, Ragnarok!"

"Just to take a signed photo, you also need to get a card."

In a dormitory in the capital, Li Si was still fighting in Miracle. His current magician could spawn monsters in the Sky City. To this end, he spent two hundred yuan to buy a Caiyun Beast from

This was the voice of someone opening an umbrella from beside me, "Young man, do you still remember my idol?"

"Oh, you mean the goddess of miracles~?"

"Fuck, my idol has always been Stefanie Sun, my youth is back!"

"Ah yes yes yes, you are right."

"I'm ready to play Ragnarok."

Ga?Li Si paused for a moment. He had experienced this scene before, and continued to spawn monsters. "Even if you have fun, don't expect me to give up my miracles and play with you."

"Tch, it sounds like I want to take you with me." Zhang Xian curled his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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