Chapter 110 The Big Dipper
"Option" is a right, which is granted by the company to the incentive object to purchase a certain number of shares of the company at a predetermined price and conditions within a certain period in the future.

This right may be exercised after the company is listed or before it is listed.

To put it simply, the company allows employees to purchase the company's stocks at a very cheap price. After a certain time requirement is met, they can choose whether to sell the exercisable stocks in exchange for profits from the price difference.

If a company develops very well, then the value of options is much higher than the salary, otherwise it is just a piece of waste paper.

However, the effect of this incentive is very obvious. If you want the options in your hands to be more valuable, you must find ways to make the company better.

Previously, the founder team had stocks, so this time it was mainly to allocate options to middle and high-level managers.

After communicating with the company's financial director and Xu Pengkun, Chen Hao agreed on the following plan:
The options donated by the company are locked and can be exercised in four years and released year by year in proportions of 20%, 20%, 30%, and 30%.

After the meeting, Chen Hao communicated directly with the participants individually and signed the option grant agreement.

After the jujubes were distributed, everyone was full of enthusiasm. Strike while the iron was hot, and Chen Hao began to announce his plans for the new year.

Miracle pays attention to plug-ins and maintains a stable update of a major version every month.

Taoyoubao has added a new power-leveling service and strengthened cooperation with major online game manufacturers in the market. By the end of 03, it will cover at least 80% of the games on the market.

The press conference of Ragnarok RO and Bubble Hall will be held on January 1. Li Fang was ordered to prepare in advance, warm up and contact the media.

At the same time, let Xu Pengkun of Century Investment pay attention to a studio called Heluo in Zhiguan Technology in Wanwan Province.

This is when Chen Hao came up with the idea of ​​​​making an MMORPG martial arts world and then remembered that the production team of Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes: Heluo Studio.

As for the last matter, Chen Hao began to make bigger moves.

Century Interactive Entertainment established the Beidou Game Division, which is independent of other departments.

This business unit is directly led by Chen Hao and has an internal Tianshu Game Studio. Its members are players from various technical teams who are familiar with the history of the Three Kingdoms and have played SLG games. The best hard-core players include painters, artists, programmers, Testing and other types of work.

The leader of Tianshu Studio is Chu Xuan, who was recommended by Lu Tao and passed the technical committee assessment.

After all the business was done, Chen Hao said with a smile that everyone is getting ready to welcome the first annual meeting of the Century Zongheng Group!

The meeting adjourned.

On the morning of January 1, all employees of Century Zongheng Group received an email, "Thank you for having you, keep moving forward!" 》

The content is written by Chen Hao himself. He sincerely invites everyone to come to Sanya to spend three days of wonderful time. At the same time, the group's annual meeting will be held on the evening of January 1th.

The 17th and 22nd floors of the China World Trade Center burst into cheers, leaving companies on other floors confused.

The team building that I have been talking about before has not happened for half a year, and some employees are still a little moody. Now it is better. The boss will not do it. The team building is a three-day trip to Sanya, especially these three days do not take up weekend time, which makes them I was overjoyed and felt the festive atmosphere in advance. Everyone had a smile on their face.

Not only were I happy to go to the team building, but the remaining employees were also very happy. After all, it was clearly stated in the email that the employees who were left on duty were greater, and they were given three times the salary, which was really nice.

On the morning of January 1, except for the employees on daily duty at the headquarters, all other Century Zongheng Group employees boarded a flight to Sanya to attend the annual meeting.The annual meeting of Century Zongheng Group was grandly held at the Yalong Bay International Hotel in Sanya!
The human resources department reserved the hotel's exclusive beachfront in advance and spent a huge amount of money to build an open-air stage on the coast. There were huge curtains on both sides for projection, and the tables and chairs under the stage were neatly arranged in a ring.

In the afternoon, employees of Century Zongheng Group checked in one after another and walked around. However, they wanted to go to the exclusive beach, but were told by the hotel staff that entry was currently prohibited.

At 18:[-] in the evening, employees began to enter the venue one after another.

I found that the people maintaining order around me were not hotel staff. They were all replaced by bodyguards like those in The Matrix. They were uniformed in black trousers, white shirts, crew cuts, sunglasses, and serious expressions. From time to time, someone was communicating with a walkie-talkie. Very professional.

After they inquired, they found out that these people were employees of Century Security and their brother company, which made them feel extremely safe.

Pang Ban was sitting there, commanding these security personnel. After all, this first mission was to be responsible for the security of his own activities, and he would not allow the people below to make any mistakes.

After this little episode, everyone who entered the venue exclaimed when they saw the stage, just because there was a big guy covered by an oversized red satin on the stage.

As we all know, there is usually a lottery at the company's annual meeting. Some employees guessed through the shape outlined in red cloth that this was a car and it must be the ultimate prize tonight. They just didn't know who it would win in the end, and they all had some expectations in their hearts. Hope.

Then some people looked at the shape and guessed it was a Mercedes-Benz, and some said it was a BMW, and they discussed and argued with great interest.

Some people are also wondering which brand of car does not have reflectors.

As time passed, most of the employees were seated, chattering and bustling.

At 18 o'clock, the sound gradually disappeared, and these people stood up one after another, and clapped and cheered.

Led by Chen Hao, Xu Pengkun, Lin Lang, and Pang Ban were slightly behind by half a body, and the rest were closely followed by other executives. The executives of Century Zongheng Group strode from the entrance and made a brilliant debut.

The four kings of the Northeast gathered together again. After a year of experience, the temperament of each person has undergone qualitative changes. Some are like a spring breeze, some are elegant, some are bohemian, or some are silent and cold.

There is a distance of tens of meters from the entrance to the main table. There is a red carpet on the ground. At this time, it seems like a star walking on the red carpet. During the process, several young girls mustered up the courage and took out pens and paper to ask for Signed, eliciting bursts of good-natured cheers.

At this time, there was no chasing, blocking or carrying him out of the field. Several people responded to requests and cordially clapped, took photos and signed autographs.

Since it was an annual meeting, the group of people dressed mainly casually, changing their usual serious side.

Others saw the trick and copied it, and some even asked the boss to sign on their backs to see the situation getting worse.

Chen Hao had to press both sides with his hands slightly apologetically, saying that if it was too late, there would not be enough time for the lottery, so they were let go by the enthusiastic employees and escaped.

The group of people greeted both sides, and it took nearly 1 minutes to sit down at the main table at the bottom of the stage, which was originally a one-minute journey.

It shows its popularity.

18:08, a little later than originally planned.

The first Century Zongheng Group Annual Meeting in 2003 was grandly opened!
(End of this chapter)

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