Rebirth of the Internet: Starting from Games

Chapter 102 You can also do charity by playing games (first order requested)

Chapter 102 You can also do charity by playing games (first order requested)

Li Wu first organized the personnel into four groups, and each group was divided into two forces. One group in the company only had two people in each group, and the other group had about seven or eight people.

Then the script and props were handed out. There were not many props, just a specially treated wooden stick as thick as an arm.

"Ours is a social documentary subject. Because we want to be realistic, we use secret shooting, so when the shooting starts, you don't have to worry about the camera."

"Brother Wu, in the script, after the two parties meet, they carry a stick and beat each other up. How do you play the free expression in the brackets at the end?"

Li Wu looked up and saw that the person asking the question was a tall, thick, bald man with a fierce look and a scar on his face.

The good guy Heise knows how to stack up the buffs. Li Wu said angrily, "Why don't you act? Just stop acting!"

"This has a relatively large degree of freedom. Each of your groups can discuss and express themselves freely, but be sure not to mispronounce the lines marked in red!"

"When will the filming take place?"

"No need to be in a hurry. We will naturally notify you in advance when shooting, and you are indispensable for the daily wages."

Then these people began the path of self-cultivation as actors in this compound.

It was the first time for this group of extras to meet such a strange crew, so the desire to perform that had been hidden for a long time in each person was fully revealed.

A few days later, a big Ben came to the compound.

Li Wu began to let each group perform, which was exciting and unique.

The acting skills of this group of actors are superb, and their behavior of bullying and dominating the market is simply outrageous. Even if you have not been there for a few years, you will not be able to act like this ruffian, and you will be able to defeat the countless traffic stars of later generations.

Even though he knew it was fake, Lin Xiaoran, who was full of a sense of justice in the car, gritted his teeth and was filled with righteous indignation. He wanted to go up and fight against injustice.

Upon seeing this, Chen Hao quickly hugged him tightly and took advantage of him for a long time.

The show was a huge success.

The troops are in full swing, waiting for the order!
In late December, Miracle players discovered that the official website did not follow common sense and had been temporarily updated.

This update has nothing to do with the game content itself.

Not only the official website of Miracle, but also Taoyoubao has a pinned announcement.

The content is the same.

Note to players:
Our lives are very ordinary. We go to work/study, eat, sleep, etc. every day. We seem to be walking in a circle, day after day, year after year.

In a boring life, there can also be different excitement.

Games are spiritual sustenance.

Our lives are also rich and colorful. When he was young, which man did not dream of wielding a sword to the end of the world or becoming an unparalleled hero; which girl did not dream of becoming a princess and falling in love with her prince charming until the end of her life.

Games have become an extension of dreams.

Here, we laugh and curse, feel happy, angry, sad, and act recklessly. We tear off the hypocritical masks we wear in reality, show our true selves, and act as we please.

For us, games are not just games, they are a second life.

But there are also some special groups who suffer from illness all year round. Their family conditions are difficult, and they try their best to stay alive.The happiness we take for granted is an unattainable luxury for them.

Feeling this, Century Zongheng, as a member of society, hopes to build a bridge between games and reality. We can provide them with equipment and medicines to support them in defeating seemingly powerful diseases and have the opportunity to reach the Eden of the game. .

The way is as follows:

From now on, 10% of the proceeds from all products under Century Zongheng will flow into the Jian Medical Redemption Fund.This time, 10% of the Miracle Point card selling price and platform service fees collected from Taoyoubao transactions will flow into the Jian Medical Redemption Fund.

Every Miracle Point card you purchase and every transaction on Taoyoubao will make a contribution to charity.

Adhering to the principles of fairness, justice and openness.

With the Sky Eye system we have launched accordingly, you will be able to see the use path of charity funds generated through consumption.

Whether in the game or in reality, each of us will eventually become our own hero and work together with you!

For details, please see the official website of Jian Medical Assistance
Everyone is a different individual, and their joys and sorrows are not the same.

Some people saw that it had nothing to do with the game content, so they closed the web page and continued their game journey.

After some people clicked on Jian's official website and saw the vivid cases on the page, they were all moved.This is a life that they cannot usually come into contact with or imagine. Whether they are born this way or it is destiny, it turns out that some people live such a miserable life.

But from every word in these stories on the website, we can feel people's love for life and their struggle against fate.

No matter what mentality these people have, as long as everyone who has read this announcement has a consensus, that is, playing Miracle seems to have become a meaningful thing.

Some players originally planned to buy a point card, but after seeing the announcement, they changed their minds. Thinking that they would play anyway, they bought a few more cards at home and charged them up.

Some people may not be happy to donate directly. After all, no one’s money comes from strong winds, but this method is recognized by many people.

The price of the point card has not changed, and the interests have not been lost. On the contrary, they can still do good deeds, which makes people feel proud.

Just like an ordinary day, a little effort by chance, or a kind reminder, or a hand. Oh, this can't be helped, it's easy for Daben to turn into a bicycle.

Even if it's not a big deal, whether the other person thanks you or not, it will make you happy all day long and make you feel extremely good.

Now these players who have bought Miracle Point Cards or traded them on Taoyoubao have a similar feeling.

This is also what Chen Hao wants to achieve.

After the update, the forums on the Miracle official website and the 17173 Miracle Zone were mostly filled with praise and like posts.

Family members, who understands this feeling?
Think about it, you were drinking Coke and making excuses, and accidentally, eh?He actually became a caring person.

In one of the posts, when I posted this picture, how should you deal with it?There is only one picture in the post. The picture shows that the entire ground is covered with brand-new Miracle Point Cards. At a glance, there are nearly hundreds of them.

Many of the players were aroused. How could I be spared from this kind of pretense? It started a craze of posting pictures of point cards, mixed with a large number of admiring posts from players.

Several of the troublemakers cried when they looked at the pictures and left messages one after another. One post received the most likes.

Even though I am seriously ill, I still stick to the front line of the game. My life does not stop, but the game does not stop!Which big guy gives me 50, proves his strength and gives me a life extension.

Two days later, some magazines and newspapers discovered this phenomenon and reported on it, but they basically mentioned it in a few strokes. It also appeared in the tofu cubes on the first few pages. It only made some small splashes and did not cause much waves.

The bosses of game manufacturers such as Shanda, Ogilvy, and Sina, who often pay attention to the vertical and horizontal movements of the century, have heard about this matter and sneered at it.

When young people are bosses, they really don't have any rules for doing things. They don't concentrate on making games. They buy this thing today and tinker with that tomorrow. They want to do everything with a hammer and a stick. How can they do this kind of business?

Hurry up and continue tossing like this and take jujube pills.

They are happy to wait and see what happens.

When NetEase's Ding Lei heard the news, he intuitively felt that it was not that simple.

But he didn’t pay too much attention to it. NetEase is now talking about Westward Journey Oline 2. Although its momentum is not as good as Legend and Miracle, it is still firmly in the third place. This gives him sufficient confidence to continue on the road of self-development.

Most of the energy of their R&D department is currently focused on the new game project that will be launched next year. It is still the theme of Journey to the West, and the style is completely different from Westward Journey, that is.
"Fantasy Westward Journey"!
(End of this chapter)

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