American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 261 Who agrees?Who is against it?

Chapter 261-Who agrees?Who objects?
After looking around at the people present, Huang Yuan suddenly raised his hand and clapped his hands, and everyone immediately turned their attention to him.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, I would like to ask you to listen to me first."

"Presumably some people here know each other, and some people are meeting them for the first time."

Huang Yuan sat in his seat, looked around at the people around him and said, "But it doesn't matter. I have written down your general identity information in this introduction book."

"You can open it and take a look if you want."

As soon as the words fell, light suddenly flashed in front of everyone, and the streams of data quickly gathered together to form a magazine-like book.

After hearing this, everyone reached out to pick up the book and opened it, and immediately understood the identity of everyone here.

However, some people's identities still shocked some people. For example, Hela's identity made many people look at her more.

"Okay, now I believe you all know the identity of everyone here."

Huang Yuan said loudly at this time: "Basically, you are either a person with powerful power, or you are the leader representing a force on the earth, or you are a key and important figure among them."

"So, the people here can basically represent all the forces on the entire earth."

"This time, the first thing I want to call everyone together to discuss is the issue of the earth and extraterrestrial life."

"Since the last time General Zod came to Earth, you must all know that our Earth is not alone in the universe."

"And alien life is not all friendly to our earth, and according to the information I have received,"

Huang Yuan pondered for a moment and then continued: "The earth has truly entered the eyes of the higher beings in the universe. Soon, all kinds of disputes about the universe will appear on the earth."

"Don't think that all aliens are as easy to deal with as General Zod."

"There are some powerful alien beings, even me now, it is very likely that they are no match for them."

Everyone sounded serious, even Batman pursed his lips.

"Moreover, not only the alien races, but also the demons from the dark dimension and the demon kings from the hell dimension have begun to set their sights on the earth."

"Our Earth has only one ally in the universe - Asgard. Its power is too little and too weak."

"If under such circumstances, we continue to fight and deceive each other in front of foreign enemies, sooner or later mankind will be completely destroyed or enslaved."

"So, next I want to announce that the earth has entered a preliminary state of war readiness."

Huang Yuan's tone began to change. He slowly stood up and said, "Everyone, all forces, listen up. Normally I won't pay much attention to you."

"But once alien life or life from other dimensions invades in a large scale, then I will take over the command of the earth!"

"Which one of you is for and who is against?"

The people from the separate factions looked at each other when they heard this and had no objections.

Clark immediately said: "Yuan, if that happens, I will come out to help you as soon as possible."

"we are the same."

Kara, Deadshot, Tony, Lelia, Captain America and others all expressed their approval immediately.

After all, in this situation, they also hope that all forces will be used to fight against foreign enemies.

But people from the big factions hesitated.

But soon, Hela was the first to say: "Yuan, I have said before that as long as I am here in Asgard, all the power will be at your disposal and I will fully support you!" "What do you think, brother? "

Thor, the God of Thunder next to him, quickly said: "Yes, Asgard and I will always stand by your side, my good brother!"

Arthur then said: "Atlantis is always ready for your orders. The power of the whole country is in your hands, and wherever the soldiers go, I will go for them!"

The king also said aloud: "All the magicians of Kama Taj will obey your instructions at any time without any complaints."

Nick Fury frowned and said hypocritically: "SHIELD is also willing to obey your instructions."

The representatives of the five major countries looked at each other, but the North American representative said: "Mr. Huang, our president said that as long as it is your call, we will not hesitate."

The representatives of the other four countries also said helplessly: "We agree with you. When entering a state of cosmic war, all our forces will obey your instructions."

Huang Yuan nodded and said: "Very good."

But at this moment, an inappropriate voice sounded and asked: "I don't agree."

Everyone immediately turned their heads and looked around, only to find that it was Batman Bruce Wayne who had been silent all this time.

Grandpa remained calm under the gaze of many eyes. He looked at Huang Yuan and said, "So much power depends on you alone. What if there is something wrong with your mind?"

"What if you were to use these powers to authorize a dictatorship?"

"Who can stop you then?"

Very standard Batman thought, Huang Yuan suddenly laughed and said: "Bruce Wayne, if I really want to do that, who on this planet can really or dare to stop me?"

"To put it bluntly, even if you really unite everyone and the government and transfer power to me, I will refuse."

"Because I have no interest in being the dictator of this planet, and I'm tired of feeling like a lot of things are coming to me."

Bruce Wayne still said indifferently: "But how do you prove that what you did is what you thought?"

"I don't need to prove anything to you."

Huang Yuan looked at Bruce and responded forcefully: "Because it's not necessary at all. After so long, everyone understands."

This sentence made the atmosphere in the venue suddenly become solemn.

"Maybe it's just a mask for you."

Bruce Wayne continued without fear: "You may not be interested in human domination, but you may still bring human civilization into complete destruction."

"Maybe I'm not targeting you, but I'm trying to make a point."

"If the leadership of human civilization is handed over to an individual will that does not allow interference from other ideas, then the number of mistakes that human civilization can endure is too few."

Huang Yuan shook his head and smiled: "Then tell me, what are your opinions, Batman?"

Bruce Wayne seemed to have thought about it a long time ago. He stared into Huang Yuan's eyes and said, "I suggest forming an alliance."

"Everyone who enters the alliance is qualified to take charge of this 'key' that governs human power."

"As for the remaining alliance members, if more than half of the members agree, then the key holder must be changed if necessary."

After hearing this, Huang Yuan sneered and said, "Then you can go ahead and establish it, and I won't interfere with you."

(End of this chapter)

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