The Maojin knife from the late Jin Dynasty

Chapter 345 Wang Xizhi comes out

Chapter 345 Wang Xizhi comes out

What was established in Luoyang was the futures market. Of course, the futures market, like the stock market, was originally established to stabilize commodity trading.

After all, China has a vast territory and rich resources. It is normal for it to snow in the north and sunny in the south.

Under such circumstances, buyers and sellers can agree on the transaction time and price of goods through the futures market, thereby minimizing the fluctuations generated in the goods transaction process.

For the officials, in addition to the need to pay taxes to the court according to the transaction agreement between the two parties, the most important thing is to be able to observe the price trend of goods through the futures market, so as to formulate corresponding policies based on the price trend.

Yes, whether it is the stock market or the current futures trading market, its own value is of little significance to the court. Temporary price fluctuations will be eliminated sooner or later.

But what is really important is the trends revealed by these offices. Through the trends, we can judge the collective psychological state of the people, and only then can we implement better governance. Of course, this is also a good source of tax revenue.

After all, as long as people discover the secrets of trading in the futures market, this place will soon become a new casino.

Compared with the stock market, people can keep holding on to the stocks in their hands and pretend to be dead, but the futures market definitely has a delivery date. Under such circumstances, it is very likely that a fluctuation will leave people destitute and directly liquidated.

But even so, Liu Tai will still implement this.

Because the productivity of the entire society is not high and cannot be completely controlled from the court to the local governments, it is very important to control this stable tax source that is completely in one's own hands.

Just like the salt tax was used as the main tax method for the court in ancient times, it was because the salt tax had a single tax source and could be controlled by the court from the source. By selling the salt that people must eat, the tax would naturally be collected. Received.

However, the salt tax is more about exploiting the vast number of ordinary people. After all, there are many ordinary people in places that need to do physical work, so it is impossible for them not to eat salt.

But for wealthy families, after Liu Tai came up with snowflake salt, they still refused to eat snowflake salt. How could they care about the cost of salt tax like ordinary people?

The two trading markets, the stock market and the futures market, will basically not prey on the people at the bottom who have no power or even land.

Even if the tax revenue is collected, it is the middle and upper class who have some spare money, especially the wealthy families and the Hun nobles. As long as there is an idle guy in the family, they will definitely make corresponding investments and then give away all the family property.

After all, whether it is the stock market or the futures market, as long as the middle class steps into it, it will hit you sooner or later.

It is true that there are very few lucky people in this world who can make money in it, but more people will be buried by it.

After all, no one in the casino wins except the banker.

However, Liu Tai still got these two things out. For Liu Tai, taxation is a trivial matter. What he really wants is to collect all kinds of information about the north and south. After all, everything can deceive people, but data cannot deceive. People, it just depends on whether they have the ability to see this way clearly.

For Liu Tai, establishing a futures market in Luoyang is actually a very important policy for him.

Because Luoyang will become the future economic center in Liu Tai's plan, it is inevitable that under the influence of the Grand Canal, crops traveling from south to north will converge towards Luoyang city.

When the time comes, if you want to know the price of something, you can just make a copy from Luoyang and send it to Chang'an.

Whether something has changed in China as a whole can be directly reflected from the futures market.

The simplest thing is that a place suffered a disaster, and the results were all concealed from top to bottom, but usually the special products where they were located, or the food they needed, would be more or less reflected in the futures market.

As long as the people above are willing to check carefully, they will naturally be able to find out one or two. This is the biggest role of the futures market for Liu Tai.

Because people can lie, but mathematics cannot lie. As long as there are any big fluctuations in the data, there will ultimately be a reason.

And as long as you are qualified in mathematics, even if you cannot solve the problem immediately, you will at least know that there is a problem.

It is very simple for the other party to smooth things over, that is, to spend real money on the futures market to calm price fluctuations.

If he could really do this, then even if he was usurped, it would be natural in Liu Tai's opinion.

Therefore, as he began to recuperate, Liu Tai began to get these two things out.

Of course, for the imperial court, these two were used in this way.

But when it came to a small matter, Liu Tai would from time to time find a few guys who had made money in the stock market or the futures market in those self-controlled territories of the Huns to spread the word that it was easy to get rich and make money in these two places. .

They have more or less resentment towards the guys who have lost their rights. Not to mention, if they enter the stock market or futures market, they don't need Liu Tai's design to participate. The more they participate, they will naturally be eliminated. Cut.

And this will further accumulate the grievances of these Xiongnu nobles.

Because their rights were deprived and their economic status further declined, even though they were licking their wounds in the autonomous territory, to say that they were somewhat grateful to Liu Tai would be unbelievable.

After having a certain mass base, he naturally contacted Liu Yao in Anle Gong's mansion.

These things are also under Liu Tai's control. After all, the Huns who built the bridge with the incense sticks were Liu Tai'an who intervened.

There is no other reason, because Liu Tai's policy is that as long as the Huns are willing to become Han people, they can transfer their nationality from the Huns.

Liu Tai was more supportive of absorbing the slaves and people from the bottom of the Xiongnu into the Han Dynasty.

For the Huns themselves, under their own system, there are few promotion channels for the lower-level Huns. The more these lower-level Huns learn about the Han people from the outside, the more they yearn for the life of the Han people.

For many Huns, it is not a shame to be a dog for the Han people. After all, this Han Han who is particularly capable of fighting is back.

Not to mention, under Liu Tai's arrangement, the best among the Huns were not only able to transform from being dogs to being human beings. For the lower-class Huns, who have never had any patriotic education and have never felt the glory of the Huns as a different race, what they care more about is that they can own their own land like the Han people.

Under such circumstances, as long as Liu Tai regularly recruits corvees from the Huns, stays for a while and then puts them back, then it will be too painful for people who have seen the beacon of civilization in the fourth century to return to the Xiongnu Autonomous Region. .

What does it mean that I am never afraid of darkness until I see the real light? For many low-level Huns corvees, after they came out to do corvées, they really did not want to go back, because as long as they are human beings, they yearn for civilization.

And when they asked Han officials why the politics of the Han Dynasty could not be realized in the autonomous region, the Han officials would direct the conflict towards the Hun nobles.

After all, Your Majesty is merciful and allows the Huns to control themselves within their own area. It's not that Your Majesty doesn't care about you, but the Hun nobles above you are unwilling to implement the Han people's policies!

Over time, there will naturally be more or less criticism among the Hun nobles' autonomous regions.

But it's just a criticism. If no one adds fuel to the fire, I'm afraid it will take more than ten or twenty years to brew.

But no matter what, it has become very easy for Liu Tai to plant some spies or something.

After all, they are not the Huns, but the Han people of the Han Dynasty. What they did was not to betray the Huns, but to reform the dark Xiongnu autonomy into civilized Han rule, so that the glory of Han civilization could shine on the Huns. On the body.

Therefore, Liu Tai still knew about Liu Yao's collusion with the Xiongnu nobles.

Liu Tai would be even happier if more local wealthy families joined in. Again, because they surrendered when they were in Chang'an, they did not give Liu Tai a chance to completely clean up the remnants of the Zhao Kingdom. Such an opportunity would be considered Liu Tai's. It’s not easy to find either!

As for those Han families, to be honest, Liu Tai's methods of forcing them were slow.

As for the most painful way now, it is just Gou Chun's various taxes being traced to them.

Because the Han Dynasty has established a country, it can no longer be used to cut through the mess with a quick knife and kill them all immediately after finding out, and then divide the fields.

This time we need to give these aristocratic families left behind by the Zhao Kingdom a chance, or at least give them a verbal warning, but if they are caught next time, we can’t blame Gou Chun’s tax bureau for being too quick!

During the war, Gou Chun's influence was not great, but as Liu Tai's governance model shifted from war mode to recuperation, the reputation of Gou Chun's sword made all the aristocratic families tremble.

Everyone cursed Gou Chun for being a cruel official and the tax bureau for being evil. Why does such an evil organization exist?

However, aristocratic family after all, whether it is the control of family members or the control of greed, after understanding the rules of this era, they immediately became very obedient to the rules of this era.

For them, although the current environment in Yanhan is completely different from the environment in the Jin Dynasty, no matter how big the gap is, it is still better than living in the purgatory of alien invasions and troubled times.

In such an environment, although it hurts to earn less, it is at least reasonable, and for many small aristocratic families, this is enough.

The aristocratic family itself is the most patient organization. They are willing to wait, not only for Gou Chun to grow old, but even to wait for Liu Tai to be defeated. If Liu Tai is really the man of destiny today, they are more willing to wait for Liu Tai to die of old age.

Again, the Aristocratic Family is always a rules-based organization that relies on rules, adapts to rules, and changes rules. Even if they can't deal with Liu Tai now, as time goes by, they will always be able to clean the dormitory according to the rules set by Liu Tai.

Therefore, all the smart aristocratic families have now chosen to cease their activities, and one is either exercising or maintaining health at home. In particular, various Taoist health-preserving theories have begun to become popular in the aristocratic family circles.

After all, Sima Yi has pointed out a clear path for all the aristocratic families. It doesn't matter even if they encounter a thousand years of wisdom, they can just survive the other party.

Naturally, Liu Tai didn't know what the family was planning to do, and he didn't know how patient people like the family were.

But Liu Tai established a news department, and the first minister was Wang Xizhi, who had just presented the official script and simplified the regular script again.

Then, Liu Tai asked Wang Xizhi to collect news, review it and publish the newspaper. All the characters in the newspaper were simplified Chinese characters invented by Wang Xizhi.

Because the Chinese cultural heritage has been passed down all the way, people who have read a lot of traditional Chinese characters may feel that the characters are a bit strange when looking at the simplified characters, but they can understand it if it is related to the context. After all, the Chinese characters come with their own translation when reading.

But for many people at the bottom, it is easier to learn simplified Chinese characters than traditional Chinese characters. Of course, more importantly, Liu Tai needs to leave enough paper writing materials at the grassroots level.

To be honest, Liu Tai trembles when he thinks about a project like literacy.

I really don’t know how determined the Party was back then, and how much expectations it had for a guy like me who was just waiting to die. It invested so much regardless of the cost, and even completed the nine-year compulsory education. , teach the basic theory of rebellion.

Now Liu Tai really doesn't have the confidence to start literacy directly. This matter must be done after he has completed the unification of the world. At that time, some military historians will be directly transferred to local teachers, thus solving the problem of teachers. Insufficient problem.

But before doing this, a certain degree of preparation was needed, and Wang Xizhi set up a news department to collect news.

Or conveying the resolutions discussed in the court, or reading out the cases tried by some capable ministers, or commending some labor models.

To be honest, Wang Xizhi began to feel that he was a bit underserved by being in this news department.

But as the staff of the Information Department continued to expand and his words continued to be conveyed, Wang Xizhi became more and more satisfied with his identity.

Although his status is not high and he is under the censor's desk, Wang Xizhi is more and more satisfied with the communication effect of the Ministry of Information. After all, this thing is really good for accumulating reputation.

Liu Tai watched this scene silently, because Liu Tai knew that as long as he was in charge of the Information Department, he would get into trouble sooner or later.

Of course, at the beginning, I naturally trusted Wang Xizhi, so I wanted to keep him. But after I unified the world, when he got a little arrogant or got carried away, I just kicked him to Kuaiji to write the preface to the Lanting Collection.

After all, the only articles that a man must memorize are "The Master's Guide" and "The Chen Qing Biao" are not enough, why should "The Preface to the Lanting Collection" be the top one!

As long as we can achieve universal literacy and continue to promote the imperial examination, the aristocratic family can endure it if they want. Anyway, I will find a good opponent for them.

(End of this chapter)

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