Chapter 299 Playing Slowly

Zhao An led his war department to leave, and Liu Tai began to surround Changyi, the seat of Changping State.

Liu Ming, Liu Xia, Wen Qiao, Xi Jian and others were all in the military camp and began to study Huan Xuan in front of them.

"Your Majesty, do you want to check Changyi first?" Liu Ming asked Liu Tai at this moment.

"That's not necessary!" Liu Tai said, "Since the other party has no intention of surrendering to us and will not come out to attack us, I think he is a cautious general.

If we cannot capture the city after attacking it, it will increase the opponent's morale.

First arrange the soldiers to encircle Changyi. You lead your headquarters and 10,000 troops to capture other places in Gaoping Kingdom first. It is still the same old procedure. "

"Follow the order!" Liu Ming replied very simply, but after thinking for a moment, he said, "If I take away so many soldiers, the number of troops you will leave behind, including Liu Xia's headquarters, will only be 25,000." , is it too little? I’d better bring only five thousand soldiers, which is enough!”

"If you want the people to get their land, you must provide adequate protection with force!" Liu Tai shook his head.

"And it will be better if Huan Xuan comes out. There will be fewer recruits and more veterans. Even if they come to attack us, I'm afraid they will never come back!" Liu Tai said to Liu Ming, his words full of confidence.

After hearing Liu Tai's words, Liu Ming said nothing more.

Because Liu Tai's army conducts night attack training even in normal times, the purpose is to strengthen the soldiers' resistance to Xiaoying.

Therefore, if Huan Xuan goes out to fight, he will be defeated faster!

When Liu Ming heard Liu Tai's words, he immediately led his soldiers and began to go to the cities around Changyi to attack local tyrants and divide their fields.

Of course, it is not accurate to say this directly. If the cities and counties surrendered directly after Liu Ming led the army, then Liu Tai's army from the local aristocratic family would not touch them.

They will only collect "Corvee Tax" and "Qianda Tax" from them, and ask them to provide a certain amount of grain and grass to supply military supplies.

As for the land they occupied and the slaves they owned, they could still keep them after registering them.

As for whether they concealed it or hid it secretly, that is what Gou Chun's tax bureau will do next.

If he has at least switched sides to Liu Tai's side on the battlefield, then there is no need for humanity to destroy him.

After all, you are already on your side. Whether you are loyal or not, you are at least one of your own.

Since they are one of our own, we must rely on evidence in everything we do, instead of directly bringing an army to pacify them.

If the local aristocratic families choose to resist, they will not accept the "Corvee Tax" and "Qianda Tax" proposed by Liu Tai.

Then Liu Ming would start to make slogans such as, "Equalize the land, welcome the big Han, and join the government soldiers to get good land." He would start to call on the people at the bottom to join his army, and then establish the local government army system.

The people who came to join the government soldiers directly at this time were different from those who waited until after the war to join the government soldiers.

Because now the common people who join the Fubing can directly obtain the fertile land of the landlords, which is the first priority.

After that, the soldiers who followed Liu Tai to attack these cities but had not yet been allocated farmland could report it if they wanted to settle down there and be directly allocated local fertile farmland.

If the status is suitable and the land is enough, then it will be divided. If the land is not enough, then the farming quota or lottery will be accepted.

If there are none, it will be kept until the next expedition, and it will be ranked in front of the second pick.

As for the local soldiers who later join the imperial army, they will only have to go to the next place to conquer their own land.

Therefore, people may hesitate or not believe Liu Ming's slogan, but inevitably there will always be people willing to give it a try.

After all, returning to the embrace of the Han Dynasty this time, for the local people, it is really like a servant who has nothing, and has become a good family son with land and land. For them, there is nothing better than this reward. Bigger.

When Liu Ming actually distributed the land that had wiped out the local wealthy families to the hands of the first batch of people who rose up in the battle, as Liu Ming walked around in this way, there were nearly a thousand more people with strong willpower who wanted to give Liu Tai worked hard as a soldier.

At the same time, as retired soldiers or soldiers who wanted local land settled there, Liu Tai's control over the local area directly increased to a higher level.

At this time, Liu Tai slowly began to fill in Gaochang.

For Liu Tai, after he mastered Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou, because of the absolute advantage brought by the cavalry, he would no longer be as helpless as he was against Shi Le and Liu Yao. He was deeply afraid of being surprised by the opponent's cavalry. .

At this moment, he possesses absolute force, so Liu Tai must consider minimizing the political influence of the family on the new regime in the process of unified change.

If the imperial examination system and the police examination system compete with each other in terms of talent selection, then at the local level, one must also have a political force not only to replace them, but at least to be able to compete with them, instead of letting wealthy families in the local area A single family.

At least now Liu Tai's selection of government soldiers who control the land through violence is very suitable.

In the future, if the imperial military system really gradually disappears as history develops, then the military history system that I have arranged now as an observer, as well as the imperial examination scholars promoted through the appointment and removal of the imperial examination system, will become new targets for support.

At least in the feudal era when productivity was underdeveloped, with Liu Tai's IQ, he really couldn't think of any good way to protect the interests of the people at the bottom.

But you can install different system checks and balances at the grassroots level to prevent the people at the bottom from being unable to get ahead and ensure that the channels for people at the bottom to rise are smooth.

To be honest, for the people at the bottom, they don't care at all whether they live in poverty or not. What they care about is whether they still have hope of getting rich and whether they can successfully climb up a class.

Because the hardship of life only makes people feel pain, but when the upward channel is closed and they can't even survive, then they must be desperate, and then they will explode in despair.

However, Liu Tai also knew very well that his behavior would only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause at best.

But the question is, are people like me worthy of thinking about treating the root cause?

Therefore, it is precisely because of Liu Tai's thoughts that determines the speed of Liu Tai's conquest of the world, and also determines that Liu Tai cannot swallow up the world in one go.

Doesn't Liu Tai know that his theories are more advanced than Jin Ting's, and his strength is stronger than Jin Ting's? Even though he only has land in Jizhou, the resources he can actually dispatch are more abundant than those of Jin Ting, which is controlled by aristocratic families. Much. It can be said that under his iron heel, even if there are outstanding figures like Zu Ti in the Jin court, he is not afraid at all.

But at the beginning, he only owned Youzhou, Qingzhou and half of Jizhou, and took over the entire land of Hebei, as well as the merged state of Taiyuan. This in itself made Liu Tai's control of the grassroots people somewhat stretched.

If he attacks Chang'an and Luoyang again, or even fights with Zu Ti, even if he successfully captures the Central Plains area, the problem is that he no longer has the people to manage the grassroots, so he will inevitably need to use aristocratic families to maintain governance.

Liu Tai knew very well that the aristocratic families that had just experienced the aristocratic dynasty had tasted the taste of power and had heritage that other classes could not imagine. As long as he reused them a little bit, they would be reborn, and they might even reach the level of Five Surnames and Seven Seventh Classes. The point of hope.

This is completely unacceptable to Liu Tai. If he were to be Liu Xiu, it would be better for him to wait until people like Yang Jian and Li Shimin come out to clean up the country a few hundred years later.

But at the same time, I can't force the aristocratic family too hard. After depriving them of their land, slaves, and talent advantages, I must give them a little sweetness, and at the same time, let the aristocratic family take out the money and food they have hidden. circulation.

Under such circumstances, large-scale projects like the Yongji Canal have almost become an inevitable option.

The Yongji Canal is a political project from beginning to end, not an economic project. For the aristocratic families, it gives them a place to go for the money and grain they store in their hands. At the same time, because it can occupy a Jinkou, it also gives them the ability to acquire wealth and Opportunities for power.

At the same time, the west of Yecheng that Liu Taigang occupied was basically Shi Le's territory, and the number of miscellaneous men under his command should not be underestimated.

For these bastards, not to mention whether they know how to farm, even if they know how to farm, it is undeniable that the people under their command do not have enough acres of land, so how can they allocate land to these bastards?

Let them move the bricks, let them live smoothly in the Han Dynasty, and complete the identity transformation from Hu to Han, which is the most suitable choice for them.

After this period of precipitation, he had accumulated enough imperial soldiers and military history in his hands, so he naturally continued his conquest.

At this moment, Huan Xuan, who was in Changyi, was almost completely trapped in the Changyi city, and his heart was full of anxiety.

Huan Xuan originally thought that Liu Tai's attack would be like a sudden storm, but in fact, Liu Tai did not attack the city at all, but only steadily cleaned up the defense facilities around Changyi. However, this methodical approach brought great changes to the city. There was great pressure.

Seeing that the morale of the army had dropped a bit too low, he decisively led the defenders to make a surprise attack on Liu Tai's army in the dark.

As a result, when the soldiers were about 200 meters away from the camp, they stepped on the hidden bell that Liu Taijun had arranged in advance, which put the Han army on full alert. Then he decisively jumped on it and finally escaped back to Changyi in the dark night and high wind.

The first thing I did when I came back was to completely block the four gates in order to survive.

In just this period of entanglement, Liu Ming has successfully conquered the counties around Gaoping.

After all, the defense facilities in any state or county are basically not very complete except for the administrative offices. If they don't surrender, they will be physically attacked. After sweeping down all the way, Liu Tai has just completed the encirclement.

Then, Liu Ming sent over all the surrendered soldiers and the people whose families in Changyi were outside.

Liu Tai expressed the hope that you can persuade the soldiers under Huan Xuan's command to abandon the secrets and defect to the light as soon as possible. At the same time, they can also publicize the high treatment given to the rebel soldiers by our Han Dynasty. This may be the opportunity for the soldiers to get land in the end.

Hearing Liu Tai's words, the common people and soldiers did not hesitate at all, and immediately under Liu Tai's arrangement, they arrived at the city of Changyi and began to shout about Liu Tai's preferential policies.

This naturally inevitably shakes the hearts of the soldiers in Changyi. After all, it is farmland, so why can't these soldiers be moved.

However, Huan Xuan immediately asked the archers to expel these government soldiers and local people, and at the same time sent refugee generals to take power, and ordered that it was forbidden to talk about Liu Tai's army and deceive the public.

At the same time, he personally led his own soldiers to patrol the city, relying on his own prestige to suppress Liu Tai's conspiracy.

However, Huan Xuan felt that in addition to his own soldiers, whether they were soldiers elected by local by-elections or soldiers exiled from the north, Huan Xuan felt as if his neck was chilly at this moment, but the eyes of these people were not at all. Not friendly.

"Your Majesty, I see that the morale of Huan Xuan's army has dropped to the extreme, which is just suitable for our army to attack!" Liu Ming couldn't help but suggest to Liu Tai.

"Don't worry!" Liu Tai shook his head and said, "How much morale there is in Changyi City now, it's all about appearance. As long as we wait until one of two opportunities appears, then we can defeat it in one battle!"

"What opportunity!" Liu Ming couldn't help but said to Liu Tai with some doubts.

"Either there is a military rebellion inside, and the generals don't believe in the soldiers, and the soldiers don't believe in the generals, or we have to wait for Zhao An to send gifts." Liu Tai said to Liu Ming calmly, "It depends on Huan Xuan's ability to manage the soldiers. Worse, Zhao Anjin entered Yuzhou faster!"

When Liu Ming heard Liu Tai's words, he looked at Huan Xuan in front of him, more or less sighing.

Although the king has always been famous for his strong attacks, he is really stable when attacking the city. He doesn't even mind that his progress is slower. He launches the attack step by step according to his own rhythm, leaving no way for people to survive at all!

As for Li Ju, Zu Yue and Huan Xuan, the southern reinforcements they thought were cut off long ago under the king's plan.

This time, Zhao An's troops were able to follow their own pace. Not to mention that they could completely capture the entire territory of Yuzhou, but they would at least be able to defend it until next year.

Because after waiting another month, the grain and grass in the Yuzhou area are almost harvested again. For Zhao An, in fact, as long as this month lasts, it will be unrealistic for the Jin army to defeat Zhao An again.

After all, even if the Jin army quelled the Wangdun Rebellion, how many troops would the Jin army have going north?

At this time, Huan Xuan returned to the city wall after patrolling the entire city with great difficulty. Seeing that Liu Tai's army was still besieging but not attacking, he was sweating profusely on his forehead.

At this moment, he finally understood the strength of Liu Tai, who was vaguely becoming the world's best general. The two sides didn't even have time to fight, and the psychology of his entire army was actually completely defeated.

Huan Xuan couldn't help but look at the Jin court behind him, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Your Majesty, hurry up and put down Wang Dun. Xuan can't hold on much longer!"

Not long after this, news of the Wangdun Rebellion finally came from Jiankang.

Wang Dun won!

(End of this chapter)

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