Chapter 287 Happy Wang Dun

The big Han in the north at this moment, at least to the common people, can successfully spend the New Year in a good year.

But it was Cao Yi who was the first to take action. He called on the corvees to start work and speed up the construction of Yongji Canal.

At the same time, farmers from the surrounding areas who have not yet started their spring plowing have also come to work as temporary workers, more or less making ends meet.

Of course, when spring plowing comes, most temporary workers will go back to plow the fields and cultivate more crops.

After all, working for others, even for the imperial court, did not bring much sense of security to these corvees.

But he has farmland on his hands, and he can cultivate white grains of food, which makes the people feel at ease.

After all, you can only earn a living by working part-time, and only by having land in your hands can you pass on the family.

After all, everyone understands that once the Yongji Canal project is completed, he will have no choice but to go back and continue farming.

There is no way, it is already very good for the people to see this place. In the end, people can only plan according to their own cognition.

As Liu Tai determined to repair the Yongji Canal, he began to formulate the strategy of the southern expedition, and his top-down will began to be implemented.

Cao Yi, Guo Pu, and Wang Bo didn't even take a long break after celebrating the New Year before they were dragged into the Yongji Canal project.

As the people above them worked, the people below naturally took action layer by layer and tried their best to build the Yongji Canal.

Of course, with Cao Yi taking the lead in the work, the civil servants represented by Chu Hui focused on spring plowing.

In addition to preparing various iron tools, crop seeds, and necessary personnel arrangements, this year there are also Lahuan cattle cultivated from the pastures in the north of Youzhou. It is also necessary to divide these cattle into as many as possible in one village. .

However, because the official rental of cattle has only become popular this year, there will be some problems.

It's very simple. Everyone has a bad habit, that is, they think they are not responsible for taking advantage of public goods. Then you take advantage, I take advantage, and then the public goods disappear for some reason.

Therefore, Chu Hui began to introduce an insurance system for Qingzhou fishermen to go fishing.

The Qingzhou fishermen's boats were not Liu Tai's warships at the beginning, but more often small sampans built by themselves.

There are even fishermen who believe in the concept of "the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish", and there are many who brave the wind and rain to fish.

Therefore, the whole village formulated a system for the whole village to go fishing together. During this process, if anyone fails to come back, then under the testimony of everyone, the money left with the village chief will be handed over to this person. in the hands of the sons of men.

Or this person's son will eat at the village chief's house from then on until the son grows up enough to go out to sea to fish.

It is impossible for a village to house a whole family, but it is no problem to house a boy with inherited blood.

This is an insurance model. After Liu Tai learned about it, he encouraged the promotion of this insurance in coastal villages. However, Liu Tai did not further commercialize it. Instead, he used the government as a third-party supervisor to legislate to ensure the continuation of this system. .

After all, Liu Tai has experienced an era when insurance was equal to a liar, and he knows that insurance is not necessarily a good thing if it is too commercial.

It is better to let these people maintain this relatively simple insurance system, instead of making insurance, which is supposed to cover accidents, too commercial, which will force the people to lose this simple moral mutual assistance.

Anything involving morality needs to be maintained by the entire society, especially leaders.

Rather than leaving everything to be managed by the law, everything should be governed by the law, because the law is only to ensure the bottom line of morality, the lowest morality constructed among a group of completely immoral people, not to mention that sometimes people are not perfect. It's human!

Moreover, laws are created by humans, and as long as they are created by humans, there must be loopholes.

It's just that those who can truly understand the loopholes in the law and take advantage of them are definitely not ordinary people.

Because this requires a lot of knowledge accumulation, in order to hire such people to serve you, most of them can only pay a lot of money.

Therefore, people who specialize in finding legal loopholes or taking advantage of the law basically serve wealthy people.

The same goes for cattle. A village comes to the county government in the name of the village to apply for renting cattle. Each cattle needs to pay a certain deposit. The cattle are rented to the village and the cattle are weighed.

After the spring plowing is over, if there is no damage to the cattle, the rental deposit will be returned.

If the cow is much lighter than before it was rented, is injured or sick, or suffers other non-cultivating damage, the village needs to compensate. Of course, the village can also choose to buy the cow directly without a deposit.

To be honest, the price of the deposit will not be higher than the market price, but if these villages really buy it directly, the court will not lose money anyway.

All in all, what the court did was to provide convenience for the people to make their own choices, but it also needed a system to ensure that the people would not think that the cow belonged to the public and not cherish it.

After all, it is indeed difficult for the court to pursue individuals. The main reason is that they are afraid that individuals cannot afford compensation, but it is easier for the court to pursue an administrative village. The most important thing is that the deposit is paid and compensation can be made directly.

As for how to solve the problem in the village, that is a matter for the people of this village.

After all, there are so many mistakes, but the imperial court that rented you the cattle will not make any mistakes.

As Chu Hui sent a letter to Liu Han, Liu Han immediately began to make arrangements.

Because nomadic peoples are gradually transforming into pastoral peoples, even the Youzhou area has begun to try to use cattle that live in dry land to see if they can use nose rings to cultivate the land.

At least there is land for the cattle to plow, which provides good external conditions for cultivating cattle in the northern pastures.

But even so, Liu Han lamented that fortunately Zhao An came with his entire war department.

Because it brought not only an elite army, but also the Han farming and warfare system.

In contrast, although the Hu people in the north have also begun to practice animal husbandry, they rarely use oxen for plowing.

After all, they have never done this before. These barbarians basically adopt a herding strategy of scattering a handful of seeds and leaving.

At this time, Zhao An began to station in Youzhou and naturally began to cultivate fields. Although Liu Tai provided general military supplies such as staple food, meat, pickles, tofu, etc., they were all food that was easy to transport or secondary process.

Especially in winter, at least Zhao An has a share every week to get a few cows from Liu Han's pasture to beat and sacrifice. But here in Youzhou, especially when the weather gets cold, it is easy to eat meat, but it is quite inconvenient to eat green vegetables.

He had no choice but to provide enough food and clothing by himself, so Zhao An arranged for people to start reclaiming the land and improving food.

Zhao An started farming here. I can't say that he is a professional, but compared to those barbarians, he doesn't know how high it is.

Zhao An directed the soldiers to clear away the gravel, soften the land, and build furrows before using oxen to plow the fields.

After such a set of procedures, a square field will basically be created.

This is the farming skill that Liu Tai hopes for the Hu people to master, instead of just sowing a handful of seeds on the land and then letting the weather feed them. So what is the difference between this and nomadic herding.

Therefore, Liu Han began to use Zhao An's power to half-deceive and half-coax the barbarians to behave like Han people.

Let’s not talk about plowing the fields, at least we only need to clear the land and sow a handful of seeds!

Just like this, Zhao An's army was stationed in Youzhou, but it helped Liu Han a lot to implement such policies.

After all, the Hu people are afraid of power but not moral, even for a nation like Xianbei that has become quite Chinese.

During this process, Zhao An's troops also received many benefits. The most obvious one is that the soldiers began to eat dairy products.

As the most convenient way to supplement protein in this era, eating dairy products has always existed in the northern Hu tribe.

But what is more unfortunate for the Hu people is that they have to eat dairy products as food to provide themselves with continuous calories.

For Zhao An and others, these dairy products are drinks or snacks to supplement their own protein during meals, such as salted milk, salted milk tofu, ghee, and even other salty foods. Flavored dairy products.

There is no way, most of the places occupied by Liu Tai are in the north. At this time, there are not even sugar beets, let alone other crops that can produce sugar in large quantities.

Therefore, most of the popular foods in the north are salty. As for sweet things, it's not that they are unpalatable, but only the top families can keep a beehive. Others can eat sour things, which is very good.

However, for Zhao An, since Liu Tai forced the northern soldiers to add dairy products to their food, Zhao An also found that the soldiers' physical fitness had improved more or less after eating for a period of time.

Therefore, the soldiers under Zhao An's army train harder. For example, they get up every morning and run 10,000 meters back and forth to stretch their bodies. After breakfast, they start the day's training.

And many of the trainings that Zhao An thought were completely destructive to humanity in the past are now being applied to his own legion bit by bit.

Although the soldiers complained of being tired every day, they managed to hold on day by day and gradually adapted to it.

After a winter of training, Zhao An's army's eyes are shining when they walk now. I really hope that any of the surrounding aliens don't have eyes, so that they can move their muscles and bones, and let their warriors who have been trained for so long kill a wave. Blame the long experience.

However, the Hu people were all immersed in development, one by one, and had no intention of stirring up trouble.

With a giant Buddha like you here, we are all a family that loves each other. If anyone dares to stir up trouble, Duan Wenyuan and Duan Shujun will immediately send soldiers to settle these matters first, without giving Zhao An any intention to interfere.

Duan Wenyuan and Duan Shujun both knew very well that if their own tribe intervened, the other's tribe might still be there, but if Zhao An intervened, not only that tribe might become history, but even their land would become history.

Duan Wenyuan and Duan Shujun were not opposed to Liu Han's method of changing the Hu people from nomadic people to Xianbei people, but they couldn't change this land without people from foreign tribes, so they were somewhat wary. .

However, the only thing the Duan tribe doesn't understand is why Zhao An is becoming more and more aggressive.

It seems that Zhao An just wants to find a guy. No matter who he fights with, he wants to fight in mad dog mode.

Because Zhao An has received news from Liu Tai and knows the impact of Zu Ti's death.

After Liu Tai plans to repair the Yongji Canal this year, he will start to make targeted deployments to the Jin court. Even if everything goes well, he may even start to conquer the south of the Yellow River after the summer harvest this year, so Zhao An naturally starts to feel a little restless.

In addition to this, it is very important that Zhao An knows that if he really launches a full-scale attack south of the Yellow River this year, he originally thought that he would have at least two years to train rhinoceros horses to supply him with transportation supplies, but it was reduced to one year.

Therefore, Zhao An is more or less showing his fist at this moment to intimidate the surrounding foreign races, allowing them to complete their share of this year as soon as possible.

"Zu Ti, you died at the wrong time. Why did you die so early? Why did you die a year or two later? Isn't it too late?"

Zhao An couldn't help but lament that Zu Ti's death was so untimely. After all, the world was not running completely according to the king's plan.

However, the king saw that Zu Ti was dead, so he decisively moved the time of the war forward. Zhao An himself did not object.

The reason is also very simple, because Zhao An believes in Liu Tai's judgment. At least along the way, Liu Tai's judgment is correct!

"Zu Ti, Zu Ti, you are finally dead!" When Wang Dun heard the news of Zu Ti's death, he couldn't help but feel so happy that he even ate an extra bowl of food.

For Wang Dun, when Zu Ti reprimanded him, "Qing said to Ah Hei: How dare you be so disrespectful! We will destroy the troops and take them back, and in a moment, I will send three thousand soldiers with their own troops!" Wang Dun kept this sentence in mind.

As a result, now, Zu Ti, you haven't taken a step early. Apart from you and Zhou Fang, who else in the world can suppress yourself and the Langya Wang family.

However, Wang Dun calmly said to the chamberlain beside him, "What actions has the court taken recently?"

"Your Majesty appointed and removed Liu Wei as the Standing Attendant of the Sanqi, the General of Zhenbei, and the Commander-in-Chief of Qingxu Youping and the Military of the Four Prefectures. During the holidays, he went out to control Huaiyin. Although Liu Wei was released, he could still predict the secrets of the court and had many contacts with the court! "The chamberlain continued.

Wang Dun couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect that since Dai Yuan came to take over Zu Ti's position, Sima Rui sent Liu Wei to take charge of local power.

It can be said that if there is no resistance from the local generals, Sima Rui can successfully defend the capital. At least if you want to rebel, the level of resistance you will encounter will naturally increase!

"My Langya Wang family is not enough... we also need to win over the Jiangnan family in order to do things smoothly!"

But Wang Dun couldn't help but feel a headache on how to win over the Jiangnan family. After all, the Langya Wang family had usurped the rights of the Jiangnan family to a certain extent.

But just when Wang Dun was thinking hard and couldn't think of any solution, someone would always give him a chance.

For example, at this time, Diao Xie proposed to Sima Rui a series of "cut-to-death policies" of "exalting the superior and suppressing the inferior, suppressing the powerful", intending to completely compete with the Langya Wang family and other local powerful forces.

This made Wang Dun's eyes light up.

(End of this chapter)

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