The Maojin knife from the late Jin Dynasty

Chapter 259 Writing "Three Kingdoms"

Chapter 259 Writing "Three Kingdoms"

Everyone started eating and drinking again. Liu Tai didn't talk about government affairs anymore. Seeing that the atmosphere had been cleared up a lot, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Next time, it would be better not to gather so many people at a meal and discuss it together while eating.

As everyone left one by one, Liu Tai called Xun Chuo to stop.

Xun Chuo was a little confused when he saw Liu Tai calling him, but he still waited for Liu Tai's words.

Xun Chuo looked at Liu Tai and saluted and said, "Why did the king ask me to stay?"

Of course, Xun Chuo felt that maybe Liu Tai wanted to defend Su Jun a little bit about today's matter.

After all, I am responsible for recording Liu Tai's words and deeds, and sorting out the history books in detail. If Liu Tai wants to gain face, he will try his best to use Spring and Autumn brushwork wherever he can. This is how historians give some preferential treatment to big shots.

Liu Tai said to Xun Chuo, "Yanshu, I have something to ask you."

"Please tell me, Your Majesty, Chuo Chuo will do his best wherever possible!" Xun Chuo said seriously to Liu Tai.

"This may become your next important task. Compile a history book from the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Han Dynasty to the return of the world to the Jin Dynasty. Write down clearly the ups and downs of the Han, Wei, and Wu kingdoms. You must also describe how the Sima family shamelessly broke their promise in Luoshui. How will their descendants bring trouble to the world!"

Xun Chuo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Liu Tai's instructions.

Liu Tai did not ask himself to write anything, but asked himself to write a history book seriously, which made Xun Chuo feel relieved.

Seeing Xun Chuo breathing a sigh of relief, Liu Tai thought that Xun Chuo was taking it lightly, so he couldn't help but emphasize:

"Don't underestimate this matter, let alone say that at least the Han general Jiang Wei has not yet determined whether he is a private soldier who rebelled, or whether he rebelled against the Jin court for the Han Dynasty. Sufficient evidence must be found and done well. Historians assert that it is!"

Liu Tai looked at Xun Chuo and said seriously, "We need to distinguish history, and more importantly, we must face history squarely, so that every person with lofty ideals who shed their blood for the Han Dynasty can remain innocent in history!"

"I understand!" Xun Chuo saluted Liu Tai seriously after hearing Liu Tai's words.

In history, Jiang Wei's words, "May your Majesty endure the humiliation for a few days, I hope that the country will be restored to safety, and the sun and moon will be dim and bright again." At this moment, he is still lying quietly in an unknown corner of the Chengdu Palace of the old Shu Kingdom.

People in this era still have different opinions on whether Jiang Wei colluded with Zhong Hui to rebel after seeing the fall of the Han Dynasty, or whether he conspired with Zhong Hui out of personal interests.

Of course, most people in this era think it is the latter.

After all, if one were to speculate on Jiang Wei based on the people of the Sima Dynasty, he would naturally drag all of Jiang Wei's actions into his own thinking.

How do you feel about belonging to the Shu Kingdom after surrendering to the generals? You live a simple life and are dedicated to defeating Wei. Is it really to regain the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital?Who believes it!
He must be a traitor who is greedy for power, just like Sima Yi, bah, just like Cao Cao.

This feeling is like being a hero who builds a girls' school from scratch with his faith in the party to give girls a chance to have a future.

For people who only have petty bourgeois sentiments in their minds, there is no such saint in the lighthouse. Why should China have such a pure and awesome person? This person must be demoted to a mortal of love and love to highlight human nature. .

This is the case with Jiang Wei. At least before Jiang Wei's letter actually appeared, there has always been controversy about whether Jiang Wei was a traitor or a loyal minister.

Especially now, traitors have a higher reputation. The reason is very simple. In a public opinion environment like the Jin court, such things as loyal ministers are not allowed to exist.

Because every time there is a loyal minister, it is a mockery of the Sima family.

In addition to Liu Tai wanting to continue to dig out some truth about the history of the Three Kingdoms, a very important thing is to return justice to the Three Kingdoms.

Because, as Liu Tai paid more attention to historians' materials, he soon discovered that the Jin court deliberately deleted and suppressed Shu Han materials.

Historically, the history of "Three Kingdoms" written by Chen Shou was based on "Book of Wei" and "Book of Wu", and basically adopted an attitude of avoiding "Book of Shu" when possible, which made the Shu Han materials become Be very scarce.

Obviously, the monarch of the Jin court also understood very well that compared with the romantic way of governing the country of the Shu Han Dynasty, compared with the stable political situation of the Shu court, and compared with the ambition to restore the country even after the country was destroyed, even if the generals surrendered, their own Jin Dynasty Ting is rubbish.

If Cao Cao had not laid a solid foundation for the Jin Dynasty and allowed the Jin Dynasty to gain a size that far exceeded that of Shu from the beginning, then given the political leadership of the Han Dynasty, there would have been an endless stream of uprisings against the Jin Dynasty and the restoration of the Han Dynasty.

In contrast, the "Book of Wu" is full of worse Jiangdong. Naturally, we have to stay and compare it with the "Book of Wei". It is only natural that we can unify the world by ourselves, and that is the victory of civilization over barbarism.

In fact, to a certain extent, Pei Songzhi proved this very well.

Because when Emperor Liu Song asked Pei Songzhi to supplement the "Three Kingdoms", out of the justice of the country, Pei Songzhi definitely needed to quote more content from "Book of Shu" for annotation, so that the "Three Kingdoms" would be more accurate and consistent with the Liu Song Dynasty.

However, Pei Songzhi found only a few fragments of "Shu", while "Wei Shu" and "Wu Shu" were completely preserved.

In this way, even if the Liu Song Dynasty wanted to continue to rule the Han Dynasty, it would be difficult.

Therefore, all the records left by the heroes of the Three Kingdoms to future generations are basically the product of filters that have been heavily reviewed by the Jin court.

Even Shu books, which are even banned books, asked Chen Shou not to use the contents when writing "Three Kingdoms" and to draft a new book by himself.

Even so, "Three Kingdoms", which has been severely filtered, cannot cover up the romance of the Han Dynasty at that time, the majestic conspiracy of Wei Wu, and the rats of Soochow who were too lazy to cover up.

What Liu Tai wanted to do was to let Xun Chuo work hard to find information about Shu Han now and let Shu Han become Ji Han.

When this history book is completed, my story will be applied to Ji Han's later generations.

After all, when he was a teenager, he hung out with Wang Mi, and then with Liu Yuan. That was because Liu Yuan inherited the national rule of Ji Han, and he never betrayed the Han Dynasty.

It has been difficult for me these past few years. I have been working hard for the revival of the Han Dynasty, but I have always been a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty.

If it weren't for the idiot Liu Yao who stabbed the big man in the back, he wouldn't have rebelled against nature. His actions were all in line with etiquette!

Even if he killed Shi Le and captured Liu Yao, he would still not be the king of Han. He would not even have the ambition to be the emperor.

Don't slander me randomly!

Hearing Liu Tai's instructions, Xun Chuo nodded. The king started preparing for the history of the Han Dynasty so early. As expected, he has ambitions for the world. He also needs to collect as many history books and biographies about the Han Dynasty as possible.

Fortunately, the fall of Shu was only five or sixty years ago, and some long-lived people are still alive after all. For many aristocratic families, they have the habit of collecting books.

Apart from anything else, Yangman's family may have a lot of private diaries, which are different from the records in Wei's book.

After all, any officially compiled work like "Book of Wei" must have gone through certain twists and turns, and what I wanted was more original first-hand information, which was not easy.Thinking of this, Xun Chuo hoped that Liu Tai could march south to unify the world, and that he could borrow more information from this big and small family.

Soon, as the old year passed and the new year arrived, Liu Tai also promulgated the new year's name, called the first year of Shaozhen.

Liu Tai's entire political group gradually broke away from the lazy rhythm of the New Year's holiday, and the people worked hard to start spring plowing.

The busiest person at this time was Chu Hui, because most of the resources of Liu Tai's regime went to him.

The land of Hebei was captured in early winter last year, so spring plowing at the beginning of this year is the top priority. As long as it can be stabilized this year and next year, the entire land of Hebei will be completely digested by Liu Tai, and then he can conquer the Central Plains.

Of course, Zu Ti also wanted to attack Liu Tai at this time, but as the ice on the Yellow River thawed, Su Jun's fleet appeared on the Yellow River to patrol, as if he wanted to turn the Yellow River into his own waterway, which made Zu Ti Quite fearful.

For Liu Tai, he only hoped to guide Su Jun to either develop steel ships or pay attention to forest protection and reserve timber for future ships.

Although Liu Tai did not know, the reason why Zheng He did not sail to the West again in history was partly because the wood that could be used to make ships was almost all cut down, but there were no substitute resources in a short period of time.

But Liu Tai knew very well that with his emphasis on shipping in the future, China's current natural wood might not be able to withstand his own efforts.

Therefore, Liu Tai had no interest in building a palace or anything else. He only hoped to free up more wood and then build a big project.

However, Su Jun believed that his gaffe caused him to lose points in Liu Tai's heart.

In addition, in the overall strategy, he and Wang Sang should go to Shi Le's Yecheng to complete the double-teaming of Shi Le.

As a result, Shi Le was defeated by Liu Tai in a single battle without a fight, which left him without even half a point of credit.

Therefore, Su Jun still had a fire in his heart.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Su Jun decisively brought drinks to Tian Tian, ​​saying that he and you would change patrol locations. You would be in charge of the Bohai Bay, and I would be in charge of the Yellow River waterway.

Tian Tian naturally knew what Su Jun was thinking, and felt that his contribution was enough, so he agreed and was responsible for patrolling the Bohai Bay, and handed over the task of patrolling the Yellow River waterway to Su Jun.

After Su Jun took over the task, his eyes were very vicious, staring at the south bank of the Yellow River.

To be honest, he really wanted to fight, but it was a pity that Liu Tai restrained because of his own future development.

Zu Ti, on the other hand, didn't know Liu Tai's truth. In addition, Sima Rui and Director Wang caused troubles in the rear from time to time. As a result, Zu Ti didn't have enough opportunities and didn't want to offend Liu Tai at all.

After all, the prestige Liu Tai has accumulated now is really due to his outstanding military exploits.

Even though Zu Ti tried his best to turn the tide and prop up the Jin court's northern defense system, Zu Ti did not dare to start a war against Liu Tai easily.

Wei Zuti knows very well that if you lose against Liu Tai, Liu Tai will never leave you a breath. Zu Ti is very afraid of Liu Tai!

Of course, there is another reason, and that is Su Jun's fleet.

Su Jun's fleet controls the front line of the Yellow River. If Su Jun's fleet is not eliminated, he will go on the Northern Expedition. As long as Su Jun finds an opportunity to blockade the Yellow River, the entire army will die north of the Yellow River.

Even though Su Jun's fleet was only blocked for seven to eight months a year, the impact this had had made Zu Ti dare not act rashly.

After all, if I had the strength to defeat Liu Tai in the Northern Expedition in the winter, then I would be so afraid of Liu Tai that I would have already sent troops to the other side.

Therefore, Liu Tai and Zu Ti entered a relatively peaceful environment, and Jijun and Xingyang became places for mutual exchanges between Liu Tai and Zu Ti.

Merchants from both sides were allowed to trade on both sides of the Yellow River, which also allowed the cities of Jijun and Xingyang to become prosperous at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, really speaking, it was Liu Tai who sold more goods to the south.

Because Liu Tai valued coal and steel, he brought more advanced water-boiling technology, which gave Liu Tai a higher-temperature flame, which brought many derivatives.

This is the case with dragon pattern porcelain. Of course, these luxury goods only charge IQ tax and cannot make much money.

Liu Taizhen's flagship products are two, one is salt, and the other is "Han Shu".

Even if it is private salt, it is still hard currency. Zu Ti, who sells salt, will turn a blind eye or close his eyes. As for the salt that Liu Tai sells generously, Zu Ti will not refuse it.

As for changing the financial system through salt, I am afraid that only Zhang Bin's resurrection can explain it.

And Shi Le himself knew little about it. In this era of slow news transmission, even Zu Ti was not aware that Shi Le was forced to fight with Liu Tai because Liu Tai used salt stamps to drain Shi Le's liquidity. .

If Shi Le had not made up his mind to fight Liu Tai at that time, and when Liu Tai came to fight Shi Le, he was afraid that Shi Le would have to face the financial chaos while fighting Liu Tai, and by then he would not even have the slightest chance of victory.

There is no record of this thing, and it is difficult for those who have not experienced it to understand it.

However, Zu Ti was cautious in the end and only allowed Liu Tai's salt hall to open in Xingyang. In other areas south of the Yellow River, Zu Ti would never allow Liu Tai's forces to intervene, fearing that the arrival of Liu Tai's forces would harm him. Neither does it bring benefits.

Because Zu Ti knew very well, compared with the foundation that Liu Tai had built violently along the way, the political system was relatively stable.

However, as last year's famine passed, in order to weaken the influence of the Langya Wang family, Sima Rui began to re-employ close associates such as Danyang Yin Liu Wei and Shangshu Ling Diao Xie, and gradually alienated Director Wang, which led to Wang Dun's dissatisfaction.

As an important force to check and balance Wang Dun, Zhou Fang fell ill just after spring this year, which made Zu Ti even more worried.

Therefore, Zu Ti tried his best to block the news channels that Liu Tai wanted to investigate southward, so as to prevent Liu Tai from knowing the true situation of the Jin court.

To be honest, the Jin court was suffering from internal and external troubles at this time, and even Zu Ti felt a little exhausted. He could only drag his tired body and do his best to obey fate.

Of course, compared to Zu Ti's strict control, Liu Tai's management of businessmen was much looser.

Merchants wanted to continue doing business in the land north of the Yellow River, and Liu Tai allowed it, but the route and the number of people each time were fixed. Who was missing where, they could basically find out at once.

And this specially chosen route is to let these businessmen feel that the Han Dynasty is recovering and the Jin court is lonely.

As businessmen come and go, this news will naturally be passed to Zu Ti's ears, letting Zu Ti know that only the Yellow River separates the two worlds!
Liu Tai knew that only the information that Zu Ti found out by himself was the most convincing to him, and only by shaking Zu Ti's heart could he possibly force Zu Ti to surrender in his next expedition!
 One update today, don't wait any longer
(End of this chapter)

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