The Maojin knife from the late Jin Dynasty

Chapter 184 Zhang Ping’s Treatment

Chapter 184 Zhang Ping’s Treatment

"Who am I? Where am I? Where is my knife?!" Zhang Ping suddenly felt a sharp pain and woke up from his sleep.

At this moment, his hands and feet were tied up in a cross shape, and when he woke up, he saw that he had been disemboweled. The old man with the sharp steel knife in his hand was looking at his belly with a lewd smile.

"What do you want to do? I am Zhang Ping of Youzhou. I can be killed but not humiliated!"

Zhang Ping wanted to struggle, but the severe pain in his abdomen prevented him from exerting any force at all.

"Nurse, the operation is not over yet. The patient is awake!" the old man who performed the operation whispered.

But he saw a burly man holding a killing stick. He picked up the wooden stick in his hand and hit the man on the head without hesitation.

Zhang Ping, who had just woken up in an instant, became dizzy again.

The old man who operated the surgery nodded with satisfaction. These first batch of nurses assigned to the doctors were really protective and assisted, and it was very effective for them to participate in the assistant work.

The doctors in these medical camps are Liu Tai's favorites, so they must be protected.

Of course, not everyone is assigned a nurse, and everyone who is assigned a nurse can basically meet the standards of an elite medical practitioner.

Compared to others, this old surgeon had the lowest success rate of resuscitation among all doctors.

Because his name is Chen Xiang, he is a surgeon. He was excavated by Xu Xi somewhere and he is a descendant of the Chen family in Xuzhou.

Chen Xiang followed the route of Hua Tuo, because Hua Tuo had practiced medicine in the Xuzhou area for many years, such as Chen Deng, the governor of Guangling, Xu Yi, the postal governor of Guangling, Yanxin, the prime minister of Yandu County, the wife of the prime minister of Pengcheng, etc. It can be said that Xuzhou is a place There are traces of Hua Tuo everywhere.

Chen Xiang's ancestors acquired some of Hua Tuo's medical skills, especially in the treatment of trauma.

However, it is a pity that he has not mastered the vital Mafei powder and related blood knowledge, so generally Chen Xiang rarely directly saves people, because once he does, the patient's life or death is really uncertain.

Of course, talents will eventually shine, because in war mode, surgical people are more needed.

So Meng Dong approached Xu Xi, and Xu Xi recommended this guy who seemed strange even to most doctors.

Even though Chen Xiang was a bit old, he was still very fast. Legend has it that he had specially practiced the technique in order to complete the operation before the patient's blood flowed out.

For example, he can take out the arrows and blades at the designated position in a hundred breaths, and re-sew the wound at the same time.

It's just that his success rate in rescuing lives is not high, probably above [-]%.

Just like this, Liu Tai said that Chen Xiang only sees two kinds of patients. One is the patient who other doctors have no way to do anything about, so they come to him to gamble their lives, and the other is the enemy's prisoner.

The nurse who worked for Mr. Chen was also a government servant, and he was very good at using the killing stick. No one could guarantee how good he would be in a fight, but he definitely knew the severity of his attack.

Therefore, when treating the prisoners, Liu Tai allowed him to use a killing stick to forcibly anesthetize the prisoners, allowing Chen Xiang to perform emergency surgery.

In front of him, Zhang Ping was sent to him by frontline scouts. He was hit by several crossbow arrows in the chest, and his whole body was bleeding profusely. However, he survived. At least when he was sent to him, he was basically hanging with only one breath left.

For prisoners, if they are killed directly during the battle, they will be killed. At most, they will only be recorded in military history.

If this prisoner turns against his will in the future, the military camp where he is located will be credited with merit, whether it is promotion or rewards.

All in all, Liu Tai did not force his soldiers to be benevolent and righteous. After all, the life of a frontline scout was very dangerous.

Therefore, Liu Tai devolved the right of choice and felt that he was capable of devouring the other party. You could choose to capture the other party. Anyway, after capturing the other party, if you can turn the other party around, you would be rewarded more.

The Han army scouts Zhang Ping encountered this time were not the melee type, but a group of scouts armed with powerful crossbows.

When they saw Zhang Ping, they directly fired the crossbow, which made Zhang Ping unable to use all his abilities, and then they were sent over.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Ping felt that he had regained some consciousness.

Although he could move his hands and feet, he could feel his weakness when he opened his eyes. It felt as if all the blood in his body had been drained.

Zhang Ping suddenly recalled the scene after he fainted, but thought of someone cutting open his stomach and then removing his heart and lungs. Zhang Ping suddenly became alert when he thought of this.

He stretched out his hand to touch his abdomen, and indeed touched a... bow!

"Don't move!" Chen Xiang walked in with a nurse, looked at Zhang Ping and said, "I finally snatched you from the hands of Lord Taishan. If you die, won't it increase the number of people killed by me?" !”

"You saved me? Where are we?" Zhang Ping looked at Chen Xiang in front of him and wanted to get up, but he felt weak.

"The big man's medical camp, you have a big life, but you saved a small life under my hands!" Chen Xiang looked at Zhang Ping and said,
"As for you, don't use too much force during this period. You don't know how much blood you have left. You'd better save some energy and nourish your energy!"

"Big man? Are you saving me? Why?" Zhang Ping was filled with confusion after hearing Xiang Chen's words.

"How come there are so many rescuers?" The nurse stood in front of Zhang Ping holding a killing stick. Looking at the thick black hair on his big chest muscles, Zhang Ping instinctively felt a bit dangerous.

The nurse continued: "Liu Qingzhou's benevolent rule is that you just need to stay here to recuperate.

You just need to remember not to cause trouble in this camp. Once your injuries have fully recovered, they will arrange for you to go to the prisoner camp for labor reform, and you will be able to turn a new leaf.

When this war is over and the labor reform is over, if you perform well, you can join our army, or you can be given money to go home. "

"Will you let me go?" Zhang Ping's eyes were filled with confusion. Are the Han soldiers so easy to talk to?

"When the Han army was in Taishan County, they treated prisoners so that those who were willing to follow Liu Qingzhou to revive the Han Dynasty would stay. Those who were unwilling would just take money and food and go home.

However, unless Liu Qingzhou personally orders it, the prisoners will not be released during the battle! "The male nurse said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping was a little unbelievable when he heard this. In Zhang Ping's view, even if he and the Han army were not incompatible with each other, they were still in a life-and-death struggle. However, he did not expect that the Han army would choose to save them. Own.

In the next few days, Zhang Ping lay in bed, basically being taken care of by the muscular nurse with slender chest hair.

But Zhang Ping also found that he could drink millet porridge at the beginning.After the injury got better, I was able to eat pickles, salted fish, steamed buns, and once even drank extremely tender tofu pudding.

After eating these things, Zhang Ping couldn't bear it anymore, raised his head and said to the nurse:

"I'm just a scout, and I don't have any other benefits. If you treat me so well, it won't do you any good!"

"Are you a Han or a Jin?" The nurse was not annoyed after hearing Zhang Ping's words.

Because there are many patients with doubts like Zhang Ping, and it’s not like I haven’t seen anyone who is more wary than him.

I followed the nurse's process of taking care of the prisoners. First, I told them that as long as they were obedient and behaved, one day they would either be admitted or released. Don't let these prisoners feel that they were in a place of crisis.

It is about giving these people hope, being able to chat, and being able to speak out through these days of care.

In this process, the most important thing is not to lie, don't lie, don't lie, just tell the truth!
When the other party couldn't help but ask questions, he asked, "Are you a Han or a Jin?"

Answer the Jin people and report it immediately. He should be sent to a prisoner camp the next day to educate him in an environment more suitable for him.

When Zhang Ping heard this, he really envied those soldiers who fought for the Han Dynasty.

At least compared to Jin people, Zhang Ping would rather be a Han, even just because he keeps eating millet porridge these days!
"Of course he is a Han!" Zhang Ping murmured, and finally chose to be a Han.

"Since you are Han and we are also Han, then why are there so many reasons for Han people to help Han people?"

The nurse said, "When we are fighting Wang Jun now, we have to fight against the great Han Dynasty of the Renaissance, and we have to fight against the powerful families of the Jin Dynasty.

As for you soldiers under your command, are you enjoying the blessings with them, or are they giving you favors? "

When Zhang Ping heard the nurse's words, he couldn't help but think of his encounter in the medical camp. He also thought of how a person from a family like Zaosong would put an ordinary scout like himself in his eyes. He couldn't help but smile bitterly.
"I'd like to, but they don't care about us civilians!"

When the nurse heard that Zhang Ping was here, she followed Zhang Ping and said, "It seems that you, brother, are also suffering.

Yes, nowadays, all Han people in the world have been bullied by wealthy families!
My family originally had a few acres of farmland. I originally thought that I was more or less a petty official and no one could touch it.

As a result, a drought came and I had no food left, so I went to the Xu family to borrow some food. The next year I couldn't afford to pay back the food.

The fields were taken away, the mother-in-law and daughters were sold, and even she became a slave of the Xu family in a daze.

Fortunately, I met Liu Qingzhou, and my mother-in-law and daughter were found, and I became a Han man again! "

When Zhang Ping heard what the nurse said, he couldn't help but think that his chances were not much different from those of the nurse.

But after talking about Zaosong's cruelty and accusing the darkness of this world, the more I talked about it, the more excited I became.

The nurse looked at Zhang Ping's attitude and cursed with him with a smile on her face.

When Zhang Ping got tired of scolding and lay down, he went back to his room and made a mark on Zhang Ping's evaluation report.

It's very simple. People like Zhang Ping with a good attitude will definitely be treated differently in prisoner camps than those who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions.

Zhang Ping will arrange some relatively easy work, and at the same time give priority to the study of "Han Shu", so as to quickly complete Zhang Ping's labor reform.

At this time, Zhang Ping couldn't help but lie on the bed, but his heart felt particularly peaceful at this time.

I have to say that Zhang Ping felt much more comfortable after being scolded along with the nurse.

Even though this world is so dark, it seems that I can't survive.

Moreover, Zhang Ping was able to observe the Han army camp with a more normal attitude, instead of being vigilant.

I no longer worry about whether Chen Xiang has ulterior motives in treating me, or whether the tough nurse has some other interest in me, but it seems that this place is really different from my military camp!

Zhang Ping's emotion did not last long, because after Xiang Chen judged that he could be discharged from the hospital, he was sent to the prisoner camp.

However, the nurse personally gave Zhang Ping to the steward. After saying a few words, Zhang Ping could clearly feel that he was being cared for.

Because the work he needs to do is not heavy, he just stands guard at the door of the military historians who teach "Han Shu".

These military historians have already updated the "Book of Han" courses many times. They taught the prisoners that the "Book of Han" tells the deeds of the Han Dynasty from Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, to Liu Bei, the Zhaolie Emperor of the Han Dynasty, and his subordinates and generals in chronological order. Tell it one by one.

To be honest, it is unrealistic to ask the prisoners to finish reading and writing, and there is no such logistics in the military camp, but let them listen to stories and let them know history, then Liu Tai said that no man can refuse historical stories, absolutely not!

And when Zhang Ping stood guard at the door and listened to the military history in the classroom telling historical stories one after another, almost every soldier on guard leaned against the wall unconsciously while listening.

Regarding this point, the military historian who told the story in the "Book of Han" also knew it very well, and he spoke so eloquently that the soldiers below listened with gusto.

And these prisoners unconsciously assumed their identity as Han people. Thinking about the fact that after Jin came to power, he had done several things that made the soldiers applaud, and they unconsciously became more and more disgusted with their identity as Jin people.

Through this subtle method, captured soldiers like Zhang Ping no longer resisted their status as prisoners.

They began to feel ashamed of their former status as Jin people and began to take the initiative to accept various labor tasks.

I just hope that my efforts can be seen by the inspectors, so that I can quickly complete the labor reform, break away from the status of Jin people, and return to being a Han Chinese that I can feel proud of!
As for these activists who performed well during the labor reform, Liu Tai did not directly intend to liberate them in advance.

But they are usually given the status of group leaders, allowing them to manage and encourage others to follow suit and complete the labor reform.

At the same time, it was also vaguely revealed that as long as he became the team leader, as long as he did not violate the rules and regulations of the prisoner camp, he could safely complete the labor reform and become a Han again after the war was over.

As these group leaders learned the news, they became more proud of their identities and worked harder.

However, at this moment, Liu Tai looked at the snowflakes outside and looked patiently at the north, thinking about when the north would be able to deliver the news!

(End of this chapter)

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