Honghuang: I am the Fusang Sacred Tree, and I am the leader of Jiejiao

Chapter 149 The way of Yao and Shun, the prosperity of the human race!

Chapter 149 The way of Yao and Shun, the prosperity of the human race!
Emperor Yao was as benevolent as heaven and as wise as God. Approaching him warms people's hearts like the sun. Looking up to him, he moistens the earth like clouds.

He is rich but not proud, honorable but not indulgent, he wears a yellow hat, black clothes, a scarlet chariot and a white horse.

After Yao came to power, he lived a very simple life, living in thatched houses, drinking wild vegetable soup, and wearing coarse cloth woven from kudzu vines.He always listened to the opinions of the people and set up a "drum of remonstrance" in front of the simple palace gate.

If anyone has any opinions or suggestions for him or the country, he can beat the drum at any time. When Yao hears the sound of the drum, he immediately receives him and listens carefully to the visitor's opinions.

Yao often went deep into remote rural areas and went to the mountains and fields to conduct detailed investigations, ask questions about talents, investigate political gains and losses, and select talents, fearing that talents would be buried.

With the help of so many talents, the human race prospered under Yao's rule. In the early days of Tang Yao's administration, the astronomy and calendar were still far from perfect, and the people often delayed the farming season.

So Yao consulted his teacher, the ancestor Wu Xuanming, and specifically ordered the Xi and He clans to formulate a calendar based on the movement of the sun, moon and stars, and then promulgated it to the world so that agricultural production could follow it.

In order to accurately customize the agricultural calendar, people from the two tribes went to Yanggu to observe the sunrise. They used the day when day and night equinoxed as the vernal equinox, and made corrections with reference to the position of the bird star.

In the famous place, observe the movement of the sun from north to south, take the day with the longest daytime as the summer solstice, and make corrections with reference to the position of Mars.

In the land of Shibuya, observe the sunset, take the day when day and night equinox as the autumnal equinox, and make corrections with reference to the position of the virtual stars.

In the land of Youdu, observe the movement of the sun from south to north, take the day with the shortest day as the winter solstice, and make corrections with reference to the position of the Pleiades.

The moon cycle is one month, the sun cycle is one year, and one year is 360 six days. The method of setting the leap month is used to correct the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Yao reigned for a long time, and after his merits were fulfilled, he had to look for the next successor to the human emperor. The ministers around him recommended his son Danzhu, but Yao believed that Danzhu was stupid, stubborn, arrogant and lewd, and could not serve as the co-lord of the human race. Da Ren refused without hesitation!

After everyone thought about it, they recommended Yu Shun to Yao!

After listening to the words of several people, Yao thought for a moment and said: "Whether this person is qualified for the position of human emperor and is really that wise? It's better to investigate first and make a decision before it's too late!"

Soon, Yao married his two daughters Ehuang and Nvying to Shun, and tested his virtue from his two daughters to see if he could manage the housekeeping well.

After Shun married the two, he lived with Emperor E and Nvying by the Wei River, and behaved according to etiquette. The two daughters were very devoted to Shun and abided by women's ethics.

Yao also assigned Shun to promote moral education, and Shun taught people to use the "Five Codes" - namely, father's righteousness, mother's kindness, brother and friend, brother's respect, and son's filial piety to guide their behavior. People nearby were willing to obey His teachings generally follow the "Five Classics".

Yao asked Shun to be in charge of all officials and handle government affairs. All officials obeyed Shun's command. Everything was revitalized and nothing was in ruins. It was extremely orderly and without disorder.

Yao also asked Shun to be responsible for receiving the princes from all over the world at the four gates of the Mingtang.Shun got along well with the princes and made them all harmonious and friendly.The guests from distant places all respected him.

Finally, Yao asked Shun to go alone to the forest at the foot of the mountain to withstand the test of nature.Shun could still walk without losing his way in the storm, showing his strong ability to survive.In the end, after various tests, Emperor Yao finally recognized Yu Shun's talent and felt that he could achieve great results, so he decided to abdicate the throne to Shun.

After Shun succeeded to the throne, he revised the calendar with the help of capable people around him, and held a grand ceremony to worship heaven, the four seasons of heaven and earth, and the gods of mountains and rivers. He set many rules and became a model for later generations.

In addition, Shun also promulgated a series of laws to vigorously develop the human race!
Perhaps it was destiny. In the later period of Shun's reign, the human land was disturbed by heavy rains, and the disasters became more and more serious. It can be called a real natural disaster!
Shun came up with various ways to control the flood, but none of them had much effect, and he couldn't help but feel distressed!
Soon, someone recommended Gun, the leader of the Youchong tribe, to Yao, saying that he had been taught by a god and had the ability to control floods, which would be of great use!

So Yao sent people to find Gun and asked him to control the floods in the wild land!
After receiving the order from Emperor Shun, Gun packed his bags and went to control the flood with others, hoping to quell the flood.

Gun adopted the blocking method and used the human soil left by the human race's Virgin Mother Nuwa to create a large number of dams and mountains to force the Yellow River's floods to return, and also dammed the river to store water, so that the people's agriculture had a source of irrigation.

Although Gun's actions calmed down the flood for a short time, his determination could not last long. Such power was nothing in the face of the ferocious power of heaven and earth!
Ten years later, the horrific flood broke out again, and it was even more fierce than before. It destroyed countless houses and flooded a large amount of land. There were countless human casualties, and Gun was beheaded by Emperor Shun in public display.

After Gun died, the essence of gods and humans in his body combined with the energy of heaven and earth, and a child named Yu was born from his corpse!
After Yu was born, he was rescued by Maitreya, a Western sect, and taught to be raised by Gun's wife!

It didn't take long for Yu to grow up. When he learned about his father's flood control, he was determined to avenge his father's shame and quell the flood, so he ran around looking for good ways to control the flood.

Yu Zhi observed the water situation in the world. Once when he was on his way to Tushan, he met Nujiao, the daughter of the Tushan family. He fell in love at first sight and fell deeply in love, unable to extricate himself!
Not long after Dayu left Tushan, he came to the capital of the human race and met Shun, the co-leader of the human race at that time!
Yu stood in the hall, looking at the mighty and majestic middle-aged man above him. He knew in his heart that this was the current co-master of the human race, so he respectfully said: "Dayu, the son of the guilty minister, pays homage to the co-master, co-master Wan'an!"

Shun's eyes looked down and fell on Yu. He saw that he was a young man in his 20s. He was born with the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix watch, and the sun and moon. He was more than eight feet tall, with eyes like stars and a bright look. Feiyang felt a little good in his heart!

When he heard that Yu called himself the 'son of a guilty minister', Shun sighed softly and felt a little guilty.

When Gun failed to control the flood, Shun originally didn't want to kill Gun, but under the pressure of everyone, he had to kill Gun to quell the people's resentment!
At this time, I saw Gun's young son. I was very happy and asked quickly: "I often hear people say that you have the ability to control water. I wonder if it is true?"

After hearing Shun's words, Yu spoke up and said, "Reporting to the co-lord, I have studied the art of water control since I was a child, and I do have some insights."

"Nowadays, the land of our human race is flooded with floods, like ferocious beasts, but as the saying goes, 'people go to higher places, water flows to lower places.' According to my opinion, it is better to block than to dredge, and the main focus of water control should be dredging!"

Shun didn't have any good ideas about water control. After hearing what Yu said, he felt that it was indeed quite reasonable. He couldn't help but said with great joy: "In this case, would you like to take charge of the great cause of water control and protect the peace of our human race?"

Upon hearing this, Dayu knelt down and said: "I am willing to accept it, and I vow to calm down the great floods in the wilderness, protect the peace of my human race, and comfort my father's spirit in heaven!"

Shun talked with Yu for a long time. He was impressed by Yu's intelligence and was very pleased. That night, the two of them lay down on the same bed and fell asleep with their feet resting on each other!

(End of this chapter)

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