Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 262 He seems to be very distressed

Chapter 262 He seems to be very distressed

"The bird is covered in black feathers and has a sharp beak. It makes a shrill baby cry at night and steals babies."

"The childbirth woman is a woman wandering in the mountains. When she meets pedestrians, she will appear in front of that person and hand the baby to those pedestrians. When those pedestrians go down the mountain, they will feel that the baby is getting heavier and heavier. If If you give up the child at this time, you will suffer brutal revenge from the mother. If you can survive the test, you will be rewarded like gold and silver.

"Some people think these two kinds of monsters are one kind, and some people think they are two different monsters."

"This pattern represents these two kinds of monsters."

The old man pushed the drawing in front of Xia Tingfei, indicating that he still had anything else he wanted to ask or say.

"So, the prisoner may be a woman? Or do you think it's the woman who gave birth before and is still taking revenge?"

"I don't know." The old man gave the answer simply and neatly: "Guhuo Bird and Childbirth Girl. These two existences are just monsters in legends and will not appear in reality. Probably."

"It's unlikely that the Chinese lady from before is still alive. With her lunatic-like attitude, how could she have walked out of a mountain village and survived."

"It's probably someone imitating the monster's method of throwing the baby into the baby. After all, didn't you say so? He was already captured with a camera. If it was really a monster, how could you detect it so easily? .”

"What should I do if I want to check on this noble lady?"

Xia Tingfei wanted to take a look.

But the old man sneered and said: "The nursing home where the girl stayed has long since disappeared. Even if she is a lunatic, she is still a Chinese lady. The family here is a Chinese family, and she also has connections and power."

"Do you think the parents of a Chinese girl who got pregnant in a nursing home without any reason would go crazy?"

"Furthermore, it is a sanatorium itself, so no one cares about it!" The old man said with great disdain: "The director of that sanatorium and the people behind it were put in a dilemma of life and death. If it weren't for the fact that we are in modern society, this family would have been executed directly according to rural regulations. The person in charge of this nursing home is also relaxed."

"This sanatorium was immediately closed and temporarily suspended. It was reopened later and was divided into two different sanatoriums, specifically for men and women. However, it no longer has any relationship with the previous sanatorium. The people above and below are all Changed it again. Even if you asked, you couldn't find anything. The guy who understood what happened before is no longer there."

The old man said lightly, and stretched out his hand in front of Xia Tingfei.


Xia Tingfei was confused.

"Where's the money?" The old man muttered dissatisfiedly: "I provided you with information, at least you have to give me money."

He said so confidently.

Xia Tingfei had no choice but to give him a few bills.

"That's right." The old man rubbed the banknotes and said: "Most of the clues are probably mother and child. Whether it is stealing babies, giving birth to daughters, or catching birds. They are all related to mother and child. .”

Xia Tingfei thanked the old man and left the old tattoo shop.

Walking on the street, he felt a heat that he hadn't seen in a long time.

Looked up.

The originally thick, cotton-like white fog had dissipated a lot, and the golden sun appeared in people's sight again.

Many people on the street looked up at the sun.

Xia Tingfei closed the black umbrella and looked around.

It's already a big difference.

Standing at the edge of the street, he sent the information he collected to Zuokuma Qingya Mei and told her the story about the bird and the childbirth.

Also, the suspicious space under Toshiharu Teshima's room.

"If you want to check, just check their recent traces."

"This kind of thing is always more suitable for you to do. They seem to have dual personalities, so I can't ask anything."

Sakuma Seimei soon sent a message: Dual personality?Guhuo bird and childbirth?It's like an urban legend.But that dead girl didn't notice it. I will definitely laugh at her.

"This guy seems to be a little too lively online."

Xia Tingfei looked at the messages that kept popping up from Sakuma Qingmei with some distress.

He still remembered the first time he saw Sakuma Seimei. This guy was a swordsman and a typical self-centered guy. He had a very serious face all day long and almost never smiled.

"I really don't know how she became like this."

"However, you are a detective, so tracking without limits is probably what you are good at." Sakuma Kiyome sent another message.

"I'm just a student." Xia Tingfei replied.

Sakuma Seimei just hissed.

Turning off the phone, Xia Tingfei ignored Sakuma Qingmei's messages.

Looking around, it was an awkward time.

If you are going to school, you have already had a class, and it is really too late for you to go now.

"Better, let's go at noon."

After making up his mind, he rode his bicycle to 42 Cafe.

No matter what the people on the street are like, the number of people in this cafe is close to none.

Only the female doctor sat at the bar drinking.

Seeing Xia Tingfei coming, she waved her hands unsteadily: "Hey, little brother. It's a pity that you weren't here yesterday. I was very drunk."

"So, what do you most drunkenly have to do with me?"

Xia Tingfei looked at the female doctor helplessly, sat in front of the bar and said to Natsumi Sugino who was wearing a maid outfit inside: "Bring me a cup of coffee."

Natsumi Sugino was very obedient and went to make coffee.

"Do you want to give me money?" Xia Tingfei, the female doctor, looked at her and said, "You didn't give me any money before. The girls here don't agree with it, yet you come here to eat and drink for free."

"Give me the money."

Xia Tingfei replied helplessly, making the female doctor laugh.

She patted Xia Tingfei on the shoulder and smiled freely: "Don't be such a sad-faced brother. You are not in school. Please be happy."

Holding up the wine glass, she took a sip and squinted her eyes happily: "What a pity, you are not yet an adult."

Xia Tingfei didn't speak, just leaned on the bar and looked at the girl in the cafe.

Even if no one comes, these girls are very dedicated and stand in various places, waiting for guests.

——It’s just like a robot.

"Well, it's just like a doll." The female doctor said drunkenly.

The voice was as small as a mosquito or a fly. If you didn't listen carefully, you might not be able to hear what she was saying.


Xia Tingfei asked.

"You have discovered it, right? They live in their memories." The female doctor said, pointing to the girls: "This is their safe house, their stage. They spin and dance here like puppets. Look. It’s nice to go up there, right, but it still feels a bit sad.”

This time, Xia Tingfei couldn't pretend that he couldn't hear.

"This is other people's problem," he said. "It's other people's responsibility, it's their responsibility. I'm not going to take that away from them."

Xia Tingfei's answer obviously dissatisfied the female doctor.


Sugino Natsumi brought coffee and placed it in front of Dexia Tingfei.Pure black coffee, without any added condensed milk or sugar.

When I take a sip, I feel the bitterness is unbearable.

However, Xia Tingfei still found it acceptable.

The female doctor took a look and said, "Qing Ya has already told me that you think those two people have dual personalities. Is there any evidence?"

"There is not much evidence, and we use experience as a judgment." Xia Tingfei said; "As I said before, I have encountered similar people. In normal times, and sometimes when hunting, It’s a completely different demeanor.”

"That's it." The female doctor said: "Actually, I also have this idea. But the mental state of the mother and son is too stable, and it doesn't look like a dual personality at all. You know, if there is a dual personality , then there will definitely be a sense of dissonance and symptoms similar to amnesia. The memories of the two personalities are different, and they will be very frightened at a certain moment. It will be difficult to live like a normal person."

"But according to our investigation results, the middle-aged woman really does not look like a mental patient with dual personality. However, since you said so, I think Qingya will investigate in this direction."

After she said this, she remembered that Xia Tingfei had gone to investigate the painting.

So I asked: "Does that painting contain any clues?"

"Didn't Sakuma Seimei tell you? I think I told her everything."

"Which guy is just trying to laugh at me?" The female doctor looked extremely unhappy.

Xia Tingfei did not continue the topic. After all, when a woman is quarreling, it is best not to interrupt.

He told everything the old man said again.

"It feels like it's about our nursing home." The female doctor answered after listening.


"In the entire Qingchuan, there are only two sanatoriums in the mountains." The female doctor explained: "If it is really a sanatorium, then it is the one where I am."

Xia Tingfei just looked at the female doctor and listened to her continue.

"But, I have never heard of such a thing." The female doctor said casually and looked at Xia Tingfei amusedly.

"You don't think that I really know these strange things that happened before I was even born."

"I don't think so." Xia Tingfei glanced at the female doctor: "I just came here for coffee and to kill some time, but you insist on talking to me non-stop."

The female doctor suddenly looked deflated.

She pushed the wine glass in front of Sugino Natsumi: "One more glass."

Natsumi Sugino poured another glass of wine for the female doctor.

When the two of them were looking at each other in silence again, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.


Natsumi Sugino tilted her head in confusion.

The maids who were originally like dolls seemed to have been given vitality and were ready in the blink of an eye.

The person who came was a middle-aged man.

He was wearing dark blue overalls and a floppy work hat.

The shoes don't look very good either, they are a bit dirty.

The skin is yellow and full of ravines.

It was filled with dust, and his face was full of sadness.

Standing on the stairs, his steps seemed to be nailed to it.

No longer willing to move.

——The decoration in the coffee shop made him afraid and intimidated.

He didn't understand why he ended up here.

Just walking on the commercial street, just by chance, I really felt that there seemed to be some weird charm here, which made me walk here involuntarily.

Natsumi Sugino was behind the bar and glanced at the man.

She is also very strange, as if a man looks like this, he is really the kind of person who should not come to drink coffee.

But she still said: "Excuse me, would you like some coffee?"

The man kept bending his palms nervously and looking at the menu on the wall.

He was also a little stunned. These things were really too expensive for him.

——Although, it is only at the consumption level of ordinary students.

However, men are more likely to use the money to buy a lot of lunch boxes.

He put his palms on the hem of his clothes and rubbed them hard.

Then he said hesitantly: "Let's have some omelette rice."

This is the only thing here that he thinks is affordable.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After Sugino Natsumi finished speaking, she asked the other girls to work in the kitchen.

Xia Tingfei just asked the man to sit at the bar and manage.

The man breathed a sigh of relief. There was really no way to sit on those soft sofas and smooth tables.

Sitting next to Xia Tingfei, a little apart.

The man said, "Excuse me."

Xia Tingfei simply replied.

He looked this man up and down, and he felt that something about this man looked familiar.

But after taking a closer look, I realized that this man was Teshima Toshiharu's father.

"Perhaps there is something wrong with this cafe."

Xia Tingfei thought this, and took the initiative to express his identity: "Hello, I am a classmate of Tejima Toshichun School."

The man was startled. He turned around in panic and looked at Xia Tingfei.

He is obviously an elder, but he is like this.

"Really, really."

He kept saying this sentence and looked very embarrassed.

Female doctors are not interested in men. She has observed several such samples.

Not too concerned.

There are countless fathers, sons, mothers and daughters who torture each other.

The man finally stopped repeating meaningless words and looked at Xia Tingfei: "Minchun, he is okay in school. He has been very -" these days.

The man seemed to be thinking about the words with some difficulty.

But in the end, he just said: "He seems to be very distressed."

(End of this chapter)

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