Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 201 Behind the So-called Evil Ghost

Chapter 201 Behind the So-called Evil Ghost

Nakamura was furious, clenching his hands into hard fists and spreading them out.

In the end, I could only throw away my hands bitterly and leave.

No matter what, this Sakuma Seimei is the daughter of Sheriff Sakuma, and he cannot interfere in their family affairs.


Sakuma Kiyome smacked her tongue, feeling extremely irritated.

Today, old man Sakuma is too weak and lies sideways on the bed.

Even when Sakuma Kiyome was sarcastic, she just didn't answer at all.

He even showed a trace of pity.

"How could such a guy show such an expression?"

"It shouldn't be like this, it definitely shouldn't be like this."

Sakuma Seima was so depressed that she turned around and left here.

Xia Tingfei gave Hinayuki Kana a look and asked Hinayuki Kana to go out and watch.

The girl nodded, indicating that she understood.

When there were only two people left in the room, Xia Tingfei moved a chair to the bedside and looked at the old man Sakuma lying on the bed: "So, what does the Sheriff have to do?"

"Sure enough, you can understand what I mean." Old Man Sakuma chuckled.

Xia Tingfei was noncommittal: "Only Sakuma Seimei, who still hates you, didn't see your eyes. Even Hinazuki Kana knew it."

The old man Sakuma was silent for a moment, that was his daughter.

It is also the continuation of his life, and the current situation of turning against each other is really unspeakable.

"She once said when she was little that she wanted to be like her father. That's why she entered the profession of a security guard."

The old man Sakuma smiled bitterly, but this caused the injury on his back, causing him to twitch his cheeks involuntarily.

"It's a pity that I didn't become a good role model." Old Man Sakuma said, "Because of that incident."

"The apprentice named Mayumi Kagawa was killed by Ai Quma. When we found her, she could hardly see her human form. Only the skin on her face was still preserved, and other places were unbearable. "

"So, it is natural for the Sheriff to want revenge." Xia Tingfei said silently: "But if you ask me to persuade that Sakuma Kiyomi, there is absolutely nothing I can do."

The old man Sakuma was stunned for a moment and decided to ignore Xia Tingfei's words: "I didn't want to resume the previous relationship with her, I just thought about it. It's okay if she can always hate me, this will make her keep working hard until Beyond me.”

"However, there is obviously regret on your face now." Xia Tingfei pointed at the look on old man Sakuma's face.

This evil-looking police officer lost the duel with Qujian Ai.

Along with it, some of his spirit seemed to be swallowed up.

"I'm not regretting not having a good relationship with my daughter." Old man Sakuma forced himself to sit up.

And this movement also made him breathless, as if he was doing something more difficult than climbing to the sky.

"I met Qujian Ai before." The old man Sakuma said in a low voice, while Xia Tingfei respected the old man and did not disturb him.

"She is by no means an ordinary woman, she simply seems to have some kind of mental illness. She self-righteously thinks that she is some kind of savior, some kind of philosopher who descended from the sky, and she has concepts that are different from other people. Like the dark side of humanity.”

Sakuma said, as if he was thirsty again, he picked up the water on the bedside table and took a sip.

“She asked me what good and evil were, so that she could tell me—that I was no different from her.”

Old man Sakuma said in a low voice.

"So, what do you think?" Xia Tingfei looked at old man Sakuma and whispered.

"A long, long time ago, when Mayumi Kagawa died, I went crazy trying to find Ai Quma."

Old man Sakuma smiled mockingly.

"I often dream about Kagawa Mayumi's appearance in the middle of the night. That cruel and unspeakable appearance, every time I swear in my heart that I will definitely catch Ai Quma."

"But one day, two days, one week, one month, one year, two years, ten years!"

"Ten whole years! I don't even know her name or what she looks like!"

The old man Sakuma became increasingly lonely: "It wasn't until today that I knew her name was Ai Qujama. It wasn't until now that I saw what she looked like."

"I think my chance has come. I'm going to tear her into pieces and sacrifice her internal organs to Mayumi Kagawa."

"However, she said that she and I are no different, we are just selfish people."

Old man Sakuma was silent for a while as he touched the water glass.

"So, do you believe it?" Xia Tingfei looked at his appearance and couldn't help but frown.

Qujian Ai's ability to bewitch is simply too strong.

"I believe it." Old Man Sakuma looked at the ceiling: "Because in the past ten years, my hatred for her has become weaker and weaker."

"Mayumi Kagawa no longer appears in my dreams. I can't even remember her appearance."

"Even when I need to be reminded by Nagma Ai, I can remember what happened to Mayumi Kagawa."

"Tell me, there is such a thing."

"Those who want revenge actually need the reminder of the sinner to be able to think of the appearance of the deceased."

"But, even so. All that appears in my mind is a bloody corpse, and I can't even remember Kagawa Mayumi's face."

"That's when I suddenly discovered it."

"It turns out that I have given up revenge a long time ago." Old Man Sakuma said as heavy as a statue: "It turns out that in the past ten years, my desire for revenge has been completely eliminated. It's just that. There is a heavy responsibility left.”

"I am only 60 years old now, and minus the 20 years of adulthood, I am left with 40 years. And for a quarter of these 40 years, I have been carrying this heavy responsibility."

"I have spent a quarter of my life on this responsibility."

"Before, I roared at Quma Ai. If I used her internal organs to sacrifice Kagawa Mayumi, I thought it was an angry roar, but now I realize that it was just a cowardly roar."

"I'm afraid. I forgot the hatred of Mayumi Kagawa. I'm afraid that I will become numb."

"So, I didn't care about the Sheriff's code at all, seriously injured more than a dozen girls, and pointed the gun at Ai Qujian."

"Actually, I wasn't [-]% sure that I could hit Ai Qujian who was hiding behind from the jungle of those girls. But, I still shot."

"Ignoring the possibility that those girls might die, I am even less than 30.00% sure."

"But, I didn't hesitate at all, I shot." Old Man Sakuma said: "Because, I knew this was my only chance to get rid of this responsibility in ten years, and I had to seize it."

"I couldn't bear it anymore, so I did this."

"Probably, people of my age will not be able to stand up for a long time. In ten or twenty twenty years, I want to make up for the mistakes I made before, such as my children."

"But Qu Jian Ai is not dead, or even seriously injured." Xia Tingfei said silently: "Moreover, the other security guards found no trace of Qu Jian Ai."

"I know." Old Man Sakuma gritted his teeth, almost with a look of hatred on his face: "So, I will still keep investigating."

"That's all I can do, that's what I have to do."

"It's like Sisyphus, endlessly pushing the heavy stone of destiny."

Xia Tingfei listened without comment. He neither despised old man Sakuma's weakness, nor was he happy because of old man Sakuma's devilish appearance at the last moment.

He just looked at old man Sakuma calmly and said, "You must have something else you want to ask me."

"Well, that's right." Old Man Sakuma said, "When did you meet Ai Quma?"

"The earliest time was at a ramen stall." Xia Tingfei thought for a while: "She told me what is good and what is evil."

"So, how did you answer?" Sakuma was very interested.

This woman named Qujian Ai seems to care about this issue very much.

"My answer is that there is no such thing as good or evil, it doesn't mean anything to me. I just act according to the desires in my heart."

Xia Tingfei replied like this.

This answer stunned the old man Sakuma, and he immediately whispered: "I know why Naguma Ai came to you, because you are the same kind of people."

"As early as Qianzhu, I knew you were such a person. You only have the goal in your eyes. As for how to reach the goal and which path to take. You don't care, even if it is which path in the eyes of others, It’s shocking.”

"Perhaps, only people like you can capture the love between songs."

"Love between songs will only appear when you find someone you are interested in." Xia Tingfei said lightly: "And I no longer want to have anything to do with her."

"You have spent a quarter of your life looking for her, and you only met her once. You were not even able to hurt her."

"I won't waste time on her anymore. I have other things to do."

"As expected." Old Man Sakuma glanced at Xia Tingfei with a complicated expression, and just waved his hand: "That's it, I will continue to investigate."

After saying that, he lay on the bed again.

Xia Tingfei also walked out, and Sakuma Seimei and Hinazuki Kana were waiting outside.

"What did that old man say to you?" Sakuma Kiyome's question was a bit unkind.

"I just said something about the love between Qujian." Xia Tingfei said lightly: "There are also some things about your childhood."

Sakuma Qingmei was stunned and didn't understand why the old man Sakuma would tell Xia Tingfei these things.

"anything else?"

"There are still some, and he will continue to pursue them." Xia Tingfei said calmly.

"That's the only thing?" Sakuma Seimei shook her head and sneered: "It's still the same as before, with no other thoughts at all except work."

After hearing this, Xia Tingfei just shook his head.

Parents are always waiting for their children to thank them, and children are always waiting for their parents to apologize.

Xia Tingfei will not make any comments on this. This is not what he needs to do.

"If there is nothing else, can we leave?" Xia Tingfei looked at Sakuma Qingmei.

"Okay. Let's go." Sakuma Kiyome looked at the two of them: "Do I need to see you off?"

"No need, don't you have other important things to do?" Xia Tingfei refused, just grabbed Hinazuki Kana's hand and left the hospital directly.

When we walked out of the hospital, the night wind was slightly cold.

Rows of lampposts illuminated the dim road. The two people walked gently and skillfully under the trees with green leaves.

"Nishinomiya Liuli, don't you need to worry about it?"

Hinazuki Kana asked softly.

"She probably needs to take care of those girls." Xia Tingfei explained: "No one knows what the girls in the Friendly Mutual Aid Club look like now. She probably needs to take care of them all night long, because that is her responsibility. "

"Hopefully, it will get better." Hinazuki Kana also sighed softly: "Obviously, she was the girl we met at the beginning, but now Umi Tide has become a very normal girl, but She is still like that."

"I will solve it." Xia Tingfei replied.

Hinazuki Kana couldn't help but smile: "That's really the case, that's fine."

She held Xia Tingfei's arm and walked on the night road.

Looking at the silent environment around her, Hinazuki Kana couldn't help but say: "It would be fine if it keeps going like this."

"Always, always goes on like this."

"Every day we go for walks, go out, and admire the moon together. We discuss dinner together every day and go on dates together. In this way, we live an ordinary life."

"It would be better if you have several children."

Hinyue suddenly asked: "Do you like boys or girls?"

"Is it too early to discuss this?" Xia Tingfei answered.

"Now, maybe." Hinazuki Kana thought carefully: "However, there is nothing wrong with making preparations first."

"Then let's take girls." Xia Tingfei said, "They will probably be as cute as you."

"But it would be bad if it turns out to be like Sakuma Seimei." Hinazuki Kana was a little worried: "By the way, why does Ms. Sakuma Seimei hate her father like that?"

"Who knows? It's their family matter after all."

Xia Tingfei said this, and he and Hinazuki Kana walked slowly until they returned home.

Ichinose Qingyue had been waiting, and when she saw the two of them coming back, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Welcome back."

She said this and asked again: "What exactly happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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