Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 190 Cherry, cherry blossom, elk fragrance and kiss

Chapter 190 Cherry, cherry blossom, elk fragrance and kiss
On the best night of the best day in the best season, the beautiful girl said the most beautiful words.

"Why do you say such a thing?"

"Because I'm worried that you no longer belong to me." The girl smiled brightly: "But I'm very happy because you can make more girls like me happy. I'm afraid that we will be separated one day. Farewell. If you thought I didn't like you at that time, then I would definitely not be willing to do the same. I like you, so I have to let you know. No matter when, no matter what you do. I always like you. Yes, because you have stuck to my back like a feather. Those are things that can be called wings, and they are the only arms that can get me out of the quagmire."

"Well. I like you too."

"What do you like about me?"

“I like them all, there’s nothing I don’t like.”

"Is this how it was from the very beginning?"

"Well, that's right. It's been like this from the very beginning. When I first saw you, I was attracted to you. When I saw the scars on your legs, a ball of fire ignited in my heart. Anger, almost flames, are going to burn me out. So, I want to save you. As for why I do this, because I can't stand that my girl is hurt by something else, and I can't stand that I A girl who can swallow her anger so well. But her pitiful appearance makes me feel satisfied."

"That's good. I think that's good. So, let's call each other names. I want to call you Fei-kun, and you want to call me Kana."




"Hand out."

Xia Tingfei pulled his arm out of the sleeping bag and handed it to Hinazuki Kana.

Hinazuki Kana breathed a little into her palms, and an itchy feeling spread from the skin on her palms to her bones, and paralyzed her brain.

The slender pink fingertips gently slid in the palm of the hand.

But his eyes were staring at Xia Tingfei's eyes. There was tiredness and some kind of love in these eyes.

"The first time, you wrote like this on my back. Guess what I wrote?"

"I love you."

"Well, I love you too."

"Perhaps, I may say this to many girls in the future."

"I know, because Fei-kun is this kind of person. It's like he is on a certain mission. If it was for this kind of mission that I gave up, I would be very sad."


"I don't mind giving me to you, but I wish I wasn't here."

"I see."

"Close your eyes, Fei-kun."

"it is good."

Xia Tingfei closed his eyes, and he felt Hinazuki Kana holding his finger.

The skin was as smooth and tender as jade, carrying her body temperature.

The scent is a light blend of cherry, cherry blossom and musk.

It has a light aroma, green and sweet.

The aroma lingered around him, making him feel dizzy.

In fact, he lied to Hinazuki Kana.

——He is very sensitive to fragrance, and can easily smell even a faint smell.

A touch of coolness, with a warm touch.

Let him sip it.

The contact between the mucous membranes shook him in a daze.

After a long time, there was another sound in the tent.

"Go to sleep."

Hinazuki Kana raised her hand and turned off the light.

The tent fell into darkness, but Xia Tingfei could clearly see Hinazuki Kana's appearance.

Those delicate cheeks with some baby fat and long eyelashes are like butterfly wings.

When she closes her eyes, Hinazuki Kana looks younger.

When she opened her eyes, her cold temperament made her look more mature.

However, Xia Tingfei rarely saw Hinazuki Kana like that - in front of him.
The tide algae in the big tent turned sideways, biting her lip as she looked at the overlapping figures projected on the tent.

He said softly, "I'm really unwilling."

He gripped the edges of his sleeping bag tightly as if he was trying to tear it apart.

Ichinose Qingyue didn't have many feelings, just a little jealous and envious.

"Were they like this before?"

"It wasn't like this before." Hai Tide Algae looked at the tent opposite and turned off the lights, no longer able to read any information.

He had no choice but to turn around and look at Ichinose Qingyue.

Her legs and feet were very inconvenient, and it was much more difficult to turn her whole body.

Ichinose Qingyue had no choice but to help her.

"Black underwear?"

"Yes." Hai Chao Zao Zu did not feel anything was wrong at all, but said: "Originally, I wanted to use it as the decisive underwear."

"The decisive underwear?" Even the indifferent Ichinose Qingyue couldn't help but laugh: "With your current appearance, what's the use of the decisive underwear you are wearing?"

"Sick girls are very popular these days."

Hai Tide Algae Chips was talking about school matters, probably because of the trend of girls jumping off buildings and the martial law that lasted for more than a month.

It makes the sick, autistic girls in the school seem to have an indescribable halo around them.

Suddenly it adds a lot of charm.

The familiarity of being sick and weak has made many people like it.

"This is something that is simply incomprehensible."

As Ichinose Kiyuki said this, she got into her sleeping bag and looked at the seaweed chips.

Maybe it was because of the quiet night, or maybe it was because he saw what happened in another tent.

Perhaps, it was because it was something that even she herself didn't know.

She became interested in talking, about the strange girl in front of her, and about Xia Tingfei.

"What were they like before?"

"They were like a couple before, and their relationship was so close that they were inexplicably close. Moreover, it was like water."

"Isn't that the same as now?"

"No, no, it's different."

"What's the difference?"

"Although they were like lovers before, they had never done anything outrageous like this."

"Aren't they living together?"

"Even if they live together, it's like that. Just like two companion plants, they feel that they can't live without each other."

"Ban Sheng, what an incomprehensible word."

"They used to be like companions. They relied on each other to survive."

"Relying on the other party? This kind of thing is impossible no matter how you look at it. At most, at most, it would be Chuyue relying on Xia Ting."

"That's not the case." Hai Tide Algae frowned and pouted: "Don't interrupt me." "I understand."

"They are all dependent on each other."

After emphasizing it once again, Hai Tide Algae Chips seemed to be lamenting: "But now they have done something more intimate, which is really uncomfortable."

It's like there are weeds stuck in my heart, and it's like a heavy sponge filled with water.

It was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

"Do you like him very much?" Ichinose Qingyue said: "Why?"

"I like it very much." Haishio Zaozhan said firmly, and glared at Ichinose Qingyue: "So, you must not get involved again."

"You haven't told me why."

"Is there any other reason for this kind of thing? I just like it."

"Isn't it because he saved you?"

"If it was just because he saved me, I wouldn't be like this. The hero saving the beauty scene is enough." Hai Tide Zaochi exhaled: "I tell you, I am really fed up with this scene. "

"Is it because you have been rescued that you have to like it?" the girl said: "Like is the spark of something more and more important. It is the collision between miracles and soul. This is the way to go." of."

"Then why." Ichinose Qingyue also looked at the seaweed chips lying in the sleeping bag. The girl frowned and looked unhappy.

"It's natural to be unhappy. After all, the person you like is with another girl."

Ichinose Qingyue thought so.

"Really, I keep asking and asking, it's really annoying."

Hai Tide Algae let out a depressed breath.

"I like him because of a deeper reason." She said: "But I can't tell what the reason is."

"So, I still don't know what the reason is."

"I'll tell you my story." Haihua Zaochi said: "My father was a domestic violence lunatic, and at that time I was beaten to the point of being deformed. He was the first to discover my injuries. But he didn't help me like a vigilante."

"No?" Ichinose Qingyue paused, a little unbelievable.

That guy who likes to meddle in other people's business didn't resolve the matter directly.

"No, he didn't even like me at that time. He even hated me a little."

"Really?" Ichinose Qingyue couldn't believe it.

How could that boy who likes to meddle in other people's business be so indifferent.

Maybe, after a long time, it will change.

"When did that happen?"

"A month ago?"

"Impossible, how is it possible?" Ichinose Qingyue was a little disbelieving: "How could it change so fast."

"Do you want to listen or not?"

"Sorry sorry."

"Although he hated me at the time, he truly regarded me as a human being."

"one person?"

"That's right, it's just a person." Hai Chao Zao Xian emphasized: "He doesn't pity me, he makes me like him this time."

"Huh? This kind of thing is really baffling."

"It's precisely because of things like this that I like them." The blue-haired girl said, "What would you do if you saw a pitiful kitten on the roadside?"

"Probably to help it." Ichinose Qingyue thought for a while and said this.

"Yes, but it's this kind of attitude that makes me hate it. I'm not a pathetic little cat, and I don't need anyone else's pity." Hai Tide Algae said: "I am a human being. I like it. His ability to see me as a complete equal. As a human being, not as a guy who needed pity."

"So that's it." Ichinose Qingyue finally understood the psychology of this weird blue-haired girl.

What she likes is respect.

What you crave is also respect.

"How he did it."

"He gave me a knife and asked me to prove myself."

"Then go."

"What happens next is something you won't be able to accept." Hai Chao Zao Zuo said and smiled.

"what exactly is it?"

"Don't tell you."

Hai Tide Algae said this, and looked at Ichinose Qingyue: "What's the matter with you?"

"My affairs are nothing compared to yours."

"Do you need to compare the size of things like pain?" Ichinose Qingyue looked at Haishio Zaozhi: "My scandal has been told, what about yours?"

"My family is just a reorganized family, and they are the only family. And I am just a superfluous person, so naturally I have suffered everything that superfluous people suffer, and now I am kicked out."

Ichinose Kiyosuki talked about her life in one sentence.

Even the tide algae was swayed by these words.

"The person who suffers the most is not the one who is always in pain, but the one who fell into the abyss of pain due to happiness." She murmured to herself. If she didn't follow the hope she had seen, she wouldn't feel that there was anything wrong with despair.

If it does not long for light, then the moth can live safely in the darkness.

Haishio Zaozhan felt that Ichinose Qingyue was more entangled than himself.

"What kind of consciousness did she have in making the decision to sever the relationship? The so-called superfluous person is really a very meaningful sentence."

she thought so.

Hai Tide Algae Chip stretched out his hand: "Today, I told you that we are friends."


"But, at that time, I only regarded you as an ordinary friend." Hai Chao Zao Xian stretched out his hand and said seriously: "Now, you have the qualifications to become my true friend. We can even call each other sisters."

Ichinose Qingyue looked at the sea tide algae - she understood deeply that the sea tide algae was serious.

This strange girl said such words in this silent and empty night.

"Are you pitying me?"

Ichinose Qingyue looked at the seaweed debris: "If you are pitiful, please let me refuse."

"You are already pretending to be cool. How could I be so weak?" She said: "I am not the kind of weak cat who is treated with mercy."

"As expected, I saw you right." Hai Tide Zaochi retracted his palm and stared at Ichinose Qingyue: "As expected, you are the same person as me."

She smiled: "Sure enough, it's not just a girl who can be chosen by him."

“I wasn’t chosen by him, I am who I am.”

Ichinose Kiyuki reiterated this fact.

"I know." Haishio Zaochan smiled: "Ichinose is Ichinose, I can't make a mistake."

"He is also unmistakable." The blue-haired girl said: "He will use strange methods to help you. To be more precise, he will force you."

"But he's not a bad guy."

"I know."

"Really?" Haishizaozao smiled: "Then, good night, Ichinose."

(End of this chapter)

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