Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 173 We are the same kind, but different

Chapter 173 We are the same kind, but different

On Sunday, Nishimiya Ruri matched her clothes carefully.

The overall style is very refreshing and gentle.

This situation is very abnormal.

Nishimiya Yuko looked at her sister and joked: "Are you going on a date?"

"With whom? With whom?"

"It's not a date." Nishimiya Ruri shook her head: "Just going out to play."

"Who is it? Who is it?" Yuko Nishimiya was overjoyed.

My sister actually took the initiative to go out to play.

Too rare.

But Nishimiya Liuli shook his head and said nothing.

This appearance made Nishimiya Yuko even more curious.

"Could it be? Is it Senior Xia Ting?"

She said with a smile.

Following these words, Nishimiya Ruri's originally happy expression darkened a little bit.

Seeing this scene, Nishimiya Yuko lowered her head hurriedly: "Sorry! Sister."

"It doesn't matter."

Nishimiya Ruri smiled softly.

Wearing a straw hat and a white dress, she walked out of the house.

——Although it is almost spring, it is still too cold to wear these things.

But girls always like to show off their charm as quickly as possible.

After walking out of the door, they gathered in front of the station.

Of course, it was not a mass suicide.

But play.

A group of girls wear skirts of various colors, giving them a youthful and beautiful look.

They like to wear skirts, and they are also influenced by the store manager, Qujian Ai.

"What kind of place are you going to play today?"

"Qingchuan's secret place!"

The girls whispered, as if they were telling some kind of secret: "Qingchuan has been flooded several times. The ruins of the past were accumulated under the city and became a link in the huge drainage system."

"It feels like a fantasy."

Several girls were chattering and walking hand in hand on the street.

"Do you really want to hold hands?"

Nishimiya Ruri felt a little ashamed, but also felt a little happy.

This kind of thing, which was like making a best friend, made her feel very excited.

But, it’s too shameful, isn’t it?
"Yes, we are partners, different species, and the same kind."

Another girl said.

Similar - this word seems to be more advanced than friends, like a secret.

Alien among humans, homogeneous among aliens.

This small method of increasing the sense of identity is very useful for Nishimiya Ruri.

She looked at the girls around her.

Thinking in my heart - the same kind, we are the same kind.

The girls went to a lake in Qingchuan. Although it was a lake, it looked more like a ruin.

Long square cement pillars stood in the lake, and broken cement blocks collapsed everywhere.Red rusty steel bars exposed in the air.

Here stands the buildings that looked like giants many years ago, but they are all dead giants.

Their bone stubble and muscles are exposed to the air.

And a collapsed building fault became the dock where the girls stood.

“When you look down from here, you can see the buildings from many years ago.”

A girl said, asking Nishimiya Ruri to stand on the edge, holding on to the cement pillar next to her and looking down.

The deep lake surface is exceptionally clear, and moss is mixed in the gaps between the ruins.

There are also fluffy seaweeds, swaying gently in the water.

In the early morning sunshine, it seemed that the water was invisible.

Deep below, you can see yellow warning signs mixed with red rust spots, as well as convenience store houses.

Inside, there were vaguely small fish and shrimps swimming around the house.

There, it's like some kind of fairy tale.

Animals live in human houses and do things like humans.

They also have a small wooden boat for the girls to play on the lake.

The girls all sat on top, with Nishimiya Ruri sitting in the middle.

The girls paddled the wooden paddle and drove the canoe to the middle of the lake.

This is the emptiest place.

Because there are no ruins pillars.The sunshine can shine unscrupulously on the girls' bodies, making every girl look like she is wearing a veil.

In such a beautiful scene, a girl suddenly said.

"I used to live in an ordinary cruel family. Because my parents divorced, I was treated like garbage and thrown to one of them. And that person got married soon and gave birth to their child. Baby. And of course this extra thing like me is not taken seriously."

The girl murmured: "It was really cruel during that time. It was like hell. Everyone was like a stranger, but every stranger asked you to be docile and well-behaved, and scolded you for not being enough. daughter."

She smiled sadly: "They were standing in the sun and shooting at me, but I couldn't see their faces clearly."

It's so depressing, with something heavy about it.

Anyone who listens to this can't help but show sympathy.

But, that's not the worst.

Every girl here has her own experience, and everyone's experience is so uncomfortable and sad.

Happy lives are exactly the same, and unhappy lives are all unhappy in their own way.

Listening to what the other girls said, Nishimiya Ruri even felt that what happened to her was nothing at all.

At least - I still have a warm family.

But it was this kind of family that made Nishimiya Ruri very uncomfortable.

She felt a little guilty about her mother.

He thinks that he has brought trouble to his family.

They were obviously so kind to him, but he couldn't help them with anything.

This helpless pain caused Nishimiya Ruri's heart to gradually collapse.

When he came back to his senses, Nishimiya Ruri told everything.

"If you want to do it, then just do it. As long as you do it seriously, you will definitely be able to repay your parents in some way."

A girl said this.

"But, every time I try hard, it will only bring misfortune."

In this independent space, all girls do not have to worry about others eavesdropping.

Nishimiya Ruri also vomited out the pain buried in his heart little by little under such a unique environment.

Girls are helpless about things like Nishimiya Ruri - they all fall into complete despair and fall into the abyss because of misfortunes in their families or schools.It is extremely rare here for a girl like this to suffer intolerable pain because she cannot bear happiness.

However, every girl said words of sympathy for her.

Words of comfort.

Like the warm spring breeze, she became a little intoxicated.

Perhaps, that's how it should be.

Nishimiya Liuli thought like this, she seemed to be accepted, and she seemed to have found the destination of her soul.

This feeling made Nishimiya Ruri feel good.

——Here, there is not much responsibility.

Everyone treats everyone equally and everyone has empathy for everyone else.

This kind of community that is not bound by one's own guilt is really great.

The girl thought so, so she said more words.

One after another, the girls complained about the hardships they had suffered.

After that, the girls talked about the happiest things in their lives one after another.

"We are the same kind and companions. We want to exchange our happy things, so that everyone has a lot of precious joy and happiness."

The girls suggested this.

Everyone talks about their own happiness.

And what is worthy of their memory and collection is actually just a small thing.

"The happiest time for me was when I was living on the street and someone took me to eat a bowl of ramen. Although the person was driven away by the police just after I finished eating, I was still very grateful to him."

"I am similar. Every day, I wait at the back door of the convenience store. There is a kind uncle who will give me bread that has expired. I am really grateful to him. But now when I go to that convenience store again, the uncle has been fired."

"As for me, it was when I was wandering on the street. I met some otaku, and they would give me some money and invite me to go to the arcade to play video games, because I am still very good at fighting games. Although, those people It’s because I couldn’t beat him and I disappeared.”

One by one, the girls were talking about trivial things, and Nishimiya Ruri could tell that these things that made them feel touched and happy were all dangerous things.

Even something with malicious intent.

But it was things like this that moved the girls' faces.

Perhaps, they were really touched at the moment when they were saved in times of crisis.

Thinking like this, Nishimiya Ruri felt herself in pain.

Compared to his own companions.

My own pain is too insignificant.

It's like moaning for no reason.

How could I say something like that and look like I was in pain?
The happiness I have is thousands of times that of theirs.

She covered her face, feeling miserable at her own meanness.

I feel sick for moaning for no reason.

Her tears dripped down the gaps between her fingers and fell on the canoe.

"Why, why are you crying?"

The girls put their palms on Nishimiya Ruri's shoulders, letting the warmth spread to her body.

"I, I'm really too..."

Her sobs.

Nishimiya Ruri is a girl who easily blames herself. She is extremely fragile and sensitive.

Whatever happens, he will always attribute the fault to himself.

The girls were able to understand what the girl meant, and they said in a gentle and soft tone: "It doesn't matter, even if it is just a small pain, the degree of making people cry is different for different people. "

"You share the same pain as us, and we all know it."

"But as long as we exchange good things with each other, we can have more good things."

"Haven't we already achieved a happy enough position?"

"Tell me about your moment of happiness, and let our companions share that beauty."

Nishimiya Ruri slowly said that the moment when she felt happiest was not that Christmas performance.

Although that was her most shining moment, it was also her most painful moment.

"Looking back now, the happiest moment for me was when I met the right person. He gave me a lot of help, and it can even be said that he completely saved me. Thinking back now, that meeting was probably the happiest moment for me."

She paused: "But, I let him down. I let him down completely."

Nishimiya Ruri was completely aware of this problem in front of these companions.

She was sobbing as if she was repenting.

Tears were flowing everywhere, and the girls gathered around her and hugged her heavily.

: "We are companions, we understand your pain. We are companions, we are willing to share our joy, we are companions. So, everything about us is common."

"We are also crying with you. In this way, your pain will be alleviated."

The girls also had tears in their eyes.

Such tears make the girls identify with each other.

After such a trip, if they were just ordinary friends before, they can be considered best friends again.

Even if I asked Nishimiya Ruri what the relationship was like, Nishimiya Ruri felt that they were close friends.

This kind of unscrupulous closeness, a friendliness without any responsibility or burden.

I feel very attracted to Nishimiya Ruri.

She was like a bug stuck in a spider web, tightly bound in it, unable to extricate herself.

Intoxicated, infatuated.

The girls were just crying and talking.

Everyone talks about a good life in the future, and they all firmly believe that they will definitely live a good life in the future.

——Because they have already obtained a seat of happiness.

They will definitely be happy.

Qu Jianai stood on the pier of the abandoned building and looked at Nishinomiya Liuli.

"Look, you're not that good either."

The woman is smiling.

Nishimiya Ruri's weakness simply shines like the bright moon after the dark night.

However, such a weakness makes it somewhat incurable.

If all this was caused by a specific enemy, then Xia Tingfei could easily target that specific enemy and get rid of him.

But Nishimiya Ruri's enemy is her own illusory inferiority complex and some weaknesses that she dare not bear.

This kind of thing is very difficult for even Xia Tingfei to handle.

With a slight smile, Qu Jianai left.

Ichinose Kiyoshi?Nishinomiya Ruri?
"Let's see what you're going to do."

She couldn't wait to see Xia Tingfei's expression when she knew the truth.

Smiling, she returned to the city.

However, she saw the white-haired security guard again - old man Sakuma.

He couldn't help but click his tongue. This old man just wanted to be like an old dog. He found some clues from the case ten years ago and kept looking for him.

"But what stands in front of you is an iron wall made up of everyone you know." Qu Jianai sneered: "After you die, I will definitely go to your funeral to help."

(End of this chapter)

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