Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 162 The sound of sharpening the knife all night long

Chapter 162 The sound of sharpening the knife all night long

When school was over the next day, the girl went back carrying a long knife and a short knife.

Even when school is over, when students are happiest.

The weather was also very shameless and rainy.

In order to prevent the gift from getting wet, the girl tried various methods to protect it.

——The short knife can be easily put into the backpack.

But the long sword put the girl in trouble.

It's okay if she doesn't pay attention to it, she just needs to hold it in her hand.

It can even be used as a crutch.

This is much easier to use than that umbrella.

But the girl cherishes it very much. This is the first birthday gift she has received.

Although, I didn't get it on my birthday.

I don’t want the white wood handle and scabbard to be stained by sewage, and I don’t want it to be scratched.

Don't want to destroy.

He inserted the knife into the closed umbrella and wrapped the leaking handle with his sportswear.

Finally, it is tied with red rope.

In this way, it seems foolproof.

But the girl still needs to be held in his arms.

With this attitude of bearing too much weight, he rushed into the heavy rain.

For just a moment, she felt like a drowned rat.

The originally beautiful blue hair was draped wetly on her shoulders, and the sweater and school uniform were full of water, and they fell on the girl's body like heavy lead weights.

Both pairs of trousers were also full of water.

Water couldn't stop flowing from the trouser legs and poured into the shoes.

But the girl was very happy - because when she returned home, her gifts were still intact.

It was as dry as if it had been taken from Xia Tingfei's hand just now.

"Miss, you are back."

The housemaid bowed very dedicatedly: "Master is already waiting for you."

That disgusting Umi no Ai was sitting at the table - he was sitting at the table, holding his chopsticks in one hand.

From the looks of it, he was already able to get out of bed and walk.

"What's wrong? Algae, don't you want to have dinner?"

A stomach-turning emphasis of caring.

She vomited out the seaweed flakes directly, but her belly was empty, and she just vomited out a puddle of water and gastric juice.


The housemaid hurriedly brought a glass of water, but was pushed away.

He grabbed his knife and returned to his room.

After rinsing her mouth in the bathroom, she locked her door as usual.

Sitting on the edge of the swaying bed, she took out the knife from the umbrella handle and held it in her arms.

The wooden handle gives her warmth.

After the housemaid took care of everything, she left.

"What a strange family."

Holding an umbrella, she walked outside the door and looked at the bungalow.

There were very few lights on, and there was even light in one of the windows—the seaweed did not turn on the lights after returning to his room.

The heavy rain crackled on the eaves, and the gurgling rainwater gathered into thin droplets on the edge of the eaves.

The water splashed, and in the flash of thunder, the bungalow flickered.

——It looks exactly like the kind of old-fashioned bungalow in a ghost story.

Shivering, the housemaid quickly left here.

Click, click, click.

The sound of Haichao Yeai sharpening his knife all night was like some kind of warning.

Or maybe it's some kind of intimidation.

But during the day on the third day, Haichao Yeai still had that very gentle smile like a decent person.

He said lightly to the seaweed and algae chips: "Do you still have to go to class today?"

Hai Tide Algae's body trembled, and she quickly went out without paying attention to him.

Even if he goes out in the heavy rain, he can only be alone in the clubroom when he gets to school.

And because the gifts had already been given, Xia Tingfei would only go to the club room at noon and after school.

The time is quite short, which makes the sea tide algae a little nostalgic.

On the third night, the sound of sharpening knives was still loud and clicking.

Make people panic.

Hai Tide Zaochi didn't sleep all night while holding the knife.

It was at noon on the fourth day that she told Xia Tingfei about the situation.

Maybe he wanted to be comforted.

Or maybe it’s because you want to be taken care of.

But in order to show that she was not afraid, she described it in an understatement.

After Xia Tingfei heard this, he didn't have much reaction.

"So, do you want to express something?"

Looking through the library, his words were obviously ruthless.

Under the heavy rain, the atmosphere in the club was extremely dull.

Fortunately, the other girls in the club have long been accustomed to Xia Tingfei's way of speaking.

Hai Chao Algae lay on the table and said softly: "I'm just a little worried."

"Worried?" Xia Tingfei repeated and glanced at the seaweed chips: "If you are worried, wouldn't it be enough to just deal with the dangerous incident?"

"The words were spoken so lightly that it felt like standing and talking without pain in the back."

Xia Tingfei was aware of this problem, but he had no intention of correcting it.

Because, it is not necessary.

The girl definitely doesn't have the courage to do that, she will only compromise.

——She is a weak girl, and she naturally thinks that she cannot resist adults.

Moreover, that adult is her father by blood.

This sense of oppression almost suffocated the girl.

He almost lost his determination to resist.

Xia Tingfei looked at the girl - and sure enough, the girl just bit her lip silently, lay on the table, and fell asleep.

Her sleeping position was strange, with her body turned sideways as if she was lying on the table.

The legs are stretched out from the side and kicked straight.

His arms were not stacked on the table like ordinary people, but hung naturally.

Her cheek was pressed against the table, feeling slightly cool.

Like a dead person - but this is just because her legs, feet and arms are all defective.

Therefore, there is no way to act like an ordinary person.

Looking at such a girl, Xia Tingfei tilted his head and sighed slightly in his heart.

Therefore, on the fourth day, the conversation between the two did not exceed five sentences.

On the way back to school, Tide Algae was a little discouraged.

She walked unsteadily on the stone pavement, wondering why all this was happening.

——Xia Tingfei followed her.

His tracking skills are very good and he is very familiar with the home of tidal algae debris.There is no possibility of losing track.

The only trouble is the tourists wandering around.

——Because Qingchuan has experienced weather like this many times, it is already a well-known tourist attraction.

So, no one will be afraid of such heavy rains like in other places.

Instead, it's because they usually have to hide at home during such heavy rains, but now they all look excited.

But relying on his tracking skills, he can always succeed easily.

"Perhaps I am a super-crossbow-level stalker."

Xia Tingfei thought so.Along the way, Hai Tide fell down almost ten times - there seemed to be something in her mind that caused her to fall down frequently.

Others looked at such a poor girl and didn't mind helping her.

But——the tide and algae rejected them.

Xia Tingfei followed Hai Chao Algae and watched her stand up and stagger slowly.

Until I return to which bungalow.

Although there was a maid, Xia Tingfei chose a hidden corner to hide.

Until the servant girl left, he was not found.

Wearing a black opaque raincoat, standing under the eaves.

Xia Tingfei listened to the sound of sharpening knives all night.

The sound of sharpening a knife echoed in this bungalow.

But after leaving this bungalow, he disappeared in the overwhelming rain.

It wasn't until dawn that Xia Tingfei left quietly.

Although it only takes a little greeting, if you press the seaweed chips, you will stand up and follow him to school.

But Xia Tingfei had no such idea at all, and just walked tiredly through the rain.

After returning to school, I lay on the table to catch up on my sleep like those bad students.

"Hey, did you do something bad yesterday?"

Naoko Ueno said this to Xia Tingfei, half teasingly, half mockingly: "Is red beans and rice for breakfast today?"

Not only did he feel pity for Nishinomiya Liuli, but he also admired that a handsome guy like Xia Tingfei, who was not cheerful, could provoke so many people.

However, the end of this guy will definitely not be too good.

She thought of the anime she watched yesterday - a guy was chopped into pieces by a girl with a hatchet just because he had multiple boats.

Maybe, this guy will also end up like this.

However, this guy's force value seems to be very high.

Probably, no one would be unfavorable to him.

Thinking of this, Naoko Ueno couldn't help but feel a little bored.

"If you feel something isn't right, remember to come visit my Nishinomiya."

Naoko Ueno looked at the sleepy Xia Tingfei: "She is a very good girl."

"Of course I know about this."

"Compared to Hinazuki Kana and Umishio Mochi, Nishimiya Ruri is more traditional. Gentle, kind, and submissive."

"But right now, I just want to sleep."

Xia Tingfei, however, was not even in the mood to deal with it, and fell asleep lying on the table.

Even during the lunch break, he didn’t go to the club room—this was a huge disappointment to Umishio Mochichi.

And Tsurumi Qianna and Haishio Zaozhen had another quarrel.

Tsurumi China didn't like the look of the seaweed: "Are you just like a flytrap, waiting for others to take care of you? What an arrogant idea."

"What do you know?"

"Although, I don't understand anything. But Sister Kana is now looking for Senior Xia Ting. And you are just waiting here, like an idiot." Tsurumi Qianna said without mercy.

This makes the tide algae somewhat silent.

The tide algae also dislikes Tsurumi Qianna very much, even hates it.

The girl in front of her was obviously just a little kid, but she kept teaching herself an adult's tone.

Really annoying.

"Obviously, she's just a little girl!"

She clicked her tongue.

I couldn't tell if it was jealousy or anger.

——She is like her ideal self.

However, having your ideal self sneer at you feels like your life has been denied.

Unreasonable anger immediately burned from the bottom of his heart.

She wanted to become mature - but she was unable to do so.

I want to become my ideal self - but an ideal is an ideal after all.

This guy seems to have seized his own bright future.

——These are just the most superficial emotions.

In the deepest depths - I find all kinds of reasons, but I can't be my ideal self.

He actually saw his ideal appearance, really appearing before his eyes.

——The indescribable feeling of inferiority and despicability is so overwhelming.

The strong sense of shame turned into aggression and was stored in the body.

He obviously knew in his heart that he had lost.

But I don't want to admit defeat.

There is no point in showing off.

Tide Algae feels extremely pathetic.

Tsurumi Qianna looked at the seaweed that suddenly became silent - there was an obvious dark and sad atmosphere on her face.

Like my old self.

"I seem to have gone a little too far."

"Really, why are you talking so much?"

"Do you want to apologize?"

Tsurumi Qianna hesitated and turned the pages of the book.

But until class, she didn't say that kind of apology.

Hinazuki Kana did go to Xia Tingfei's classroom at noon - although it was not popular.

Others still remember that at the Christmas party, Hinazuki Kana almost stole their championship.

Of course, he is merciless and somewhat annoying towards his enemies.

But to Hinazuki Kana, these are not worth mentioning at all.

Even the indifference of these girls seems like a joke to Hinazuki Kana - compared to the harsh criticism, indifference and discrimination she received at Mikoto Academy, Hinazuki Kana's resistance in this regard is already close to the extreme. .

On the contrary, the indifference on Hinazuki Kana's face swept through the classroom like an ice storm.

Other girls dared not look directly into her eyes.

"Hey, Liuli."

"You are not welcome here."

Before Nishimiya Ruri could answer, Naoko Ueno spoke first.

But such a warning is no different than air to Hinazuki Kana.

Walking straight to Xia Tingfei, Hinazuki Kana sighed as she looked at Xia Tingfei who was sleeping on the table.

She rubbed Xia Tingfei's hair with extreme tenderness.

Ueno Naoko was very unhappy about this. She didn't know whether it was because Hinazuki Kana was unhappy or because of her intimate behavior.

Kicking Xia Tingfei on the table, she said: "Hey, someone is looking for you."

Hinazuki Kana looked at Ueno Naoko with squinted eyes. The air conditioner on her body was all over her body, making Ueno Naoko feel uneasy.

As the top high school student, Naoko Ueno couldn't compare with Hinazuki Kana in terms of momentum.

That's another dimension of crushing.

Xia Tingfei raised his head and glanced at Hinazuki Kana: "?"

"Are you coming back tonight?"

"Probably not."

Xia Tingfei responded to the girl's question like this.

"Is that so? Do you want fried shrimp? Make it into a bento."

She didn't make a fuss, but spoke very gently, helping Xia Tingfei a little bit with what she was about to do.

"it is good."

Xia Tingfei nodded and looked at Hinazuki Kana like this.

"I seem to be becoming more and more inseparable from Hinazuki Kana. I am almost becoming a useless person."

Such thoughts made Xia Tingfei almost want to laugh.

——But this is school, so his expression has not changed, it is still the same indifferent look.

——Amidst the frenzied sound of raindrops hitting the glass, the fourth day of the storm came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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