Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 149 I don’t want others to hate you [5k]

Chapter 149 I don’t want others to hate you [5k]

Her voice was soft but firm.

Not much guilt.

On the contrary, there is a kind of courage and perseverance to go to the tiger mountain despite knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain.

When she returned home, Hinazuki Kana pointed to her home with a hostess attitude: "Come in, although it is a mess, it is still barely habitable."

Such words are, of course, modest words.

The house is tidy and tidy, much better than Haichao's house.

There is a clothes drying rack on the left side of the small yard in front, and a simple swing on the right - similar to the one in the park, made of iron chains and wooden boards.

Because it was winter, there was no padding on the boards.

"If Umi wants to go on the swing, you can go there." Hinazuki Kana said matter-of-factly: "I'll make dinner."

"Don't you need my help?"

"How can we ask guests to help?"

The two girls were talking, and Xia Tingfei smelled a slight smell of gunpowder.

He very wisely did not participate in the discussion between the two girls, but went straight into the house.

"What are you going to do today?"

Xia Tingfei was lying on the sofa and looked at Kana Hinazuki who was busy going up and down: "Are you going to make a lot of things?"

"What's so rich?"

The girl looked awkward and said, "Do you still remember the first time I came to your house?"


Xia Tingfei lay on the sofa and thought for a while: "I remember that day I made fried rice from the leftover rice."

"So! It's good that I didn't make any leftovers today."

The girl seems to be recalling: "I remember that there were not even eggs that day, and there were even less vegetables. Not even a bento. However, we ate for several days. I remember that during that week, all we ate were curry and cheap bentos. some type of."

"So, if you ask me to prepare a big meal, I will definitely hate you!"

Xia Tingfei looked at the awkward girl and already understood why the girl was like this.

Definitely not angry.

Maybe it's awkward.

But it’s more like coquettishness.

It's just that the girl has never done anything like coquettishness, so she seems a little unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

"Are you jealous? Or envious?"

"I'm jealous!"

The girl emphasized.

Under normal circumstances, girls usually won't say anything about jealousy directly.

It will only make your boyfriend guess in anger.

But girls will say it directly.

Maybe it was because she trusted Xia Tingfei, or maybe the girl thought that was troublesome and irrational.

It's the most annoying thing to let others guess.

Girls think this and that.

"Because of tidal algae?"

"Yes, it's because of Hai Tide Algae." The girl was frying fish: "After all, Hai Tide Algae is a beauty. Although she has a weird personality and always talks nonsense. But she is a beauty after all, isn't she? I'm very busy recently. I can only let you deal with the sea tidal algae debris by yourself."

"If you get along all the time, you will have feelings. Isn't this too unscientific?"

"You seem to have never believed in science, and you believe in things like shrines."

"I just believe in practicality."

“So what should we do with the tidal algae debris?”

Hinazuki Kana turned the light topic into a serious direction: "I remember that you seemed to easily abduct me home, and then something like that happened."

"Abduction? Have I become a criminal? Arrest me, Sheriff Hinazuki."

"Hey——~!" Hinazuki Kana knocked on the bottom of the pot: "Don't change the subject!"

"But, it's really not right to say abduction."

"Didn't you just abduct me? Just in the name of an assistant, with no salary, just food and accommodation. Moreover, I was doing a job like a maid!"

"Not a girlfriend?"

"It's my girlfriend! But you just said that to me. At most, at most, we are just a probationary lover, right? I don't know when I will meet your request and become an official girlfriend."

"Then work hard, Kana."

"Oh, as expected, you successfully changed the subject." The girl corrected the topic to the original one: "In the very beginning, you brought me home. Then you brutally brought me home. I push away."

The girl spoke softly, as if she was afraid of waking up something: "So, do you also want to do this to the tide algae? Use this method?"

Xia Tingfei looked at the girl - she looked a little solemn, as if she was having a life discussion.

As serious as a heavy mountain.

"Yes, this is my creed." Xia Tingfei also turned serious, and he said solemnly and coldly: "Do you want to stop me?"

"of course not!"

The girl spoke loudly, her voice was so loud that it could shatter the windows.

Hai Tide Zaochi, who was swinging on the swing, heard the shouting inside and couldn't help but ask: "What happened?"

"there is nothing."

Xia Tingfei shouted.

"How could I stop you?"

Hinazuki Kana bit her lip and stared at the spatula in her hand: "I just think that this may be too sad. Being abandoned by the person you trust most."

She raised her head and said with a weird posture: "Most girls would find it difficult to accept this kind of thing, being abandoned by someone they trust."

"Tears, are those tears?"

"It must be tears."

"Is it to prevent your tears from falling?"

"But it's a lesson she has to go through, isn't it?"

"But, what about you? Even if she hates you, does it not matter? Let me tell you first, I am in a special situation. So, I am not an example."

"It doesn't matter."

"But I won't be satisfied."

The girl sighed and wiped away her tears with a covering gesture: "The matter with Nishimiya has not been resolved yet. That girl will probably hate you. If you did such a thing to the tide algae chips, Then she will definitely hate you and hate you."

She spoke softly, as light as a feather: "Aren't you saying there is something wrong with her brain? Is it Stockholm syndrome? If her father dies, this will definitely be the ending."

Finally, as if making a final declaration, she said: "I don't want others to hate you. I don't want others to hate you."

"Obviously, obviously he has done so many good things."

"Good thing? In the eyes of others, I just do the same bad things." Xia Tingfei was lying on the sofa again: "So, I don't care."

"Besides, Hinyue, didn't you ever care about other people's opinions?"

"Whose fault do you think it is? Please take responsibility for me." Hinazuki Kana used such gentle words to end the chat between the two.

After getting everything ready, it was already night.

There are fried fish and vegetable salad on the table.There are also two or three types of other styles of dishes.

It looks quite rich.

"Thank you."

Hai Tide Algae looked at the food on the table and thanked her sincerely.

She had never had such a luxurious dinner, and her heart was filled with mixed emotions.

"You're welcome." Hinazuki Kana nodded.

She had a similar experience, so she cooked a table of dishes according to her own preferences.

This kind of dish also likes to eat seaweed crumbs.

However, Hai Chao Zao Xian just looked at the food on the table and placed his palms on his legs.

"You can eat."

Xia Tingfei glanced at the seaweed debris and said this.


Hai Chao Algae responded hurriedly, grabbed the chopsticks a little stiffly, and slowly picked up the food.

However, she was so unskilled in using chopsticks that she easily dropped the dishes on the table.

Every time, at this time, she looked at a loss.This appearance was naturally discovered by Hinazuki Kana. She glanced at the seaweed chips, then found a spoon and fork in the cupboard and handed them to the seaweed chips: "Here you go."

The seaweed crumbs were taken over docilely, and he began to poke the fried fish with his fork, taking small bites of the fried fish with a crispy exterior filled with oil.

The warm oil and fat captured her heart instantly.

She speeded up, and by the time she came to her senses, she had already finished the fried fish.

Naturally, he looked a little embarrassed.

But both of them seemed not to notice, and just continued to eat their food.

Haitide Algae's legs and feet were shaking unconsciously, and the clicking sound was extremely obvious in the empty and silent room.

The girl pursed her lips and exerted all her strength, trying to suppress the trembling.

However, her legs and feet did not obey her will.It was shaking like a grasshopper, making a noisy and shameful sound.

"Want to take a bath later?"

Hinazuki Kana asked Umizuchi and looked at Umizuchi's body: "You probably haven't taken a bath for a long time."

"Yeah." Hai Tideweed said, lowering his head and biting the fried tempura in his mouth: "Normally, it's just a simple shower."

"Then, after that, let's go take a bath together." Hinazuki Kana ordered: "It's just a good time to have some whispers between girls."

"Huh?" Hai Tide Algae was a little puzzled.

But at least because of Hinazuki Kana's words, she could get out of that embarrassing situation.

Finishing her dinner as quickly as she was accustomed to, she stood up with the tray in hand, ready to take it to the kitchen.

Xia Tingfei took a look but didn't care anymore.

And the same goes for Hinazuki Kana - because she knows Xia Tingfei's behavior.

He hates excessive care, hates the kindness that spreads everywhere, hates the kind of self-righteous and self-motivated care.

Therefore, after Hinazuki Kana finished her meal as quickly as possible, she carried the tray to the kitchen sink.

"Just throw away the excess food and put the dishes into the automatic dishwasher." Hinazuki Kana looked at the tide and algae crumbs trying to wash the dishes: "No need to bother."


Tidal algae flakes are as docile as a cat.

After all, she was staying at Xia Tingfei's house today, how could she lose her temper?

After finishing processing, the two girls muttered and prepared to enter the bathroom.

"Xia Tingfei, can you wear your shirt?" Hinazuki Kana asked loudly, her voice loud and clear.


Xia Tingfei just responded tiredly and was ready to exercise.

The body is the greatest capital.

Xia Tingfei recognized this truth.

Hinazuki Kana and Umishio Zaochan stood in front of the clothes rack, both of them ready to take off their clothes.

"Can your dress be washed in the washing machine?"


"Then, just stuff them into the washing machine." Hinazuki Kana stuffed all the clothes she took off into the washing machine, including the dress with seaweed crumbs.

The underwear was put away separately, and the two of them entered the bathroom wrapped in bath towels.

The bathroom is spacious and can be used by two people.

"Why are we still wearing bath towels now?" Hinazuki Kana looked at the two people's outfits and found it a little funny: "Aren't we all girls? We all need to take a bath anyway."

When Hai Chao ZaoZhi heard what Hinazuki Kana said, he didn't know what he was thinking.

But he held the bath towel with both hands and held it tightly.

"Then let me take a shower first."

As Hinazuki Kana said, she opened the towel and stood under the showerhead to rinse her body and spit shower gel on her skin.

After a while, bubbles appeared all over his body: "Haichao, can you help me paint my back?"

Hinazuki Kana said this and turned around.


Hai Tide Algae was a little surprised. Standing in the corner, she had never experienced such a battle.

After hesitating, he agreed.

Hinazuki Kana turned around, feeling a little ashamed.

"I have always ignored Xia Ting, so what are I afraid of in front of Hai Tide Zaochi, who is also a woman?"

Hinazuki Kana thought this and felt much better.

Hai Chao Zao Zu looked at the shower head and then at the bath towel on his body.

Gritting his teeth, he threw it outside the bathroom and placed it on top of the washing machine.

Squeeze the shower gel on the bath flower, and rub the bath flower on Hinazuki Kana's back.

The white and greasy skin almost made Hai Tide and Algae Chips afraid to exert any force.I was afraid that if I applied too much force, I would rub this white and greasy skin into pieces.

Unconsciously taking a look at her own white and greasy skin, she felt a little more confident.

"Okay, tell me about your mother?"

Hinazuki Kana closed her eyes and felt the hot water rolling down her long hair when she raised such a topic.

Hai Tide's hand paused and then wiped it nonchalantly.

"She is just an ordinary failed woman." Hai Chao Zao Zuo said heavily, without the hatred and frivolity she had when her mother first came up to her.

She is more like an ordinary high school female student talking about her mother.

With some reluctance and disgust, there will always be a sense of family affection.

Hinazuki Kana was listening attentively, but Umi Tide was silent.

This made Hinazuki Kana a little suspicious: "No more?"

"Well, no more. That's the kind of woman she is, there's nothing to say."

"I thought you would believe me when you told me about your mother's death. However, it seems that is not the case at all."


The tide algae snorted gently, but it was full of rejection.

"I'm anxious."

Hinazuki Kana wanted to sigh, but she endured it in front of the tide and algae.

"Okay, I'll just wash my hair and it'll be fine."

Applying the magic spell, he rubbed his flaxen hair.

Because hair is getting longer and longer, it becomes more and more troublesome to take care of it.

After you like it, tie up your hair.

After Hinazuki Kana stepped into the bathtub: "Wow~ It feels so comfortable."

Being wrapped in hot water, she suddenly felt that her fatigue was being eliminated.

His right arm was placed on the side of the bathtub, with his head resting on it: "Haichao, if one day your father is sent to prison, what will you do?"

This question made the sea tide algae freeze. She didn't know how to answer this question.

"I do not know."

In the end, Hai Tide Algae Chips could only spit out this sentence bitterly.

Although, she now dares to use words to refute the tide of wild love.

However, she never thought about the day when Hai Chao Ye Ai entered the prison.

She even understood the underlying meaning of Xia Tingfei's words today.

However, she didn't dare to do this.

"If you didn't know it before, how about thinking about it now?" Hinazuki Kana looked at the seaweed flakes she was bathing in: "Before, I was thinking about similar problems day and night. This beautiful thought, It also supported me to go on.”

"If you don't even have such an idea, you may be at a loss when the day actually comes."

"But if I imagine it, will that day really come?" Hai Chao Zaochi pursed his lips and said in a high-pitched voice: "Nothing will happen, that day will not come."

She was a little emotional: "No one, no one wants to be friends with me."

His voice was extremely bitter, as if he was desperate.

"Her friend is probably the one asking for help, which probably means the savior."

"This idea is correct. It is true that no one will be your friend."

Hinazuki Kana looked at such sea tide algae debris and thought in her heart.

"Xia Tingfei, who is most likely to be your friend, just wants to see you save yourself instead of being saved by others."

"If you keep going like this, then what you guessed will become a reality."

"You should understand Xia Tingfei."

Hinazuki Kana is certain.


Tide Algae admitted in a low tone.

But she would never be able to do what Xia Tingfei said.

Because she is a bad child.

He is a child who likes to lie and is a timid child.

Hinazuki Kana seems to have seen the thoughts of the tide algae. She looked at the tide algae as if she were looking at the Titanic heading towards the iceberg.

"Destiny, it feels like it's destined."

Hinazuki Kana said this and sighed.

Haichao Zaodian didn't understand these words and had no way to answer them.

But she mustered up her courage.

She asked Hinazuki Kana what she had always wanted to ask: "Does what you are doing now meet his wishes?"

"Yes." This time, it was Hinazuki Kana who responded gently.

"So are you happy?" Haishio Zaozhan looked at Hinazuki Kana and asked seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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