Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 102 Qingchuan and the Secret Technique Tiger Eye Meteor

Chapter 102 Qingchuan and the Secret Technique Tiger Eye Meteor
After waking up the next day, the two set off towards school.

"Good morning, both of you."

There are friendly greetings from passers-by.

"Good morning."

Both of them answered like this.

I don’t know how many times I returned the greeting and said good morning.Xia Tingfei just felt a little uncomfortable. He thought to himself: Are there too many of these people?
However, fortunately, I will no longer be here.

There is no need to suffer the treatment like today.

I can't say it's good or bad, it's just that Xia Tingfei is not good at dealing with it.

Xia Tingfei looked at Hinazuki Kana. Hinazuki Kana was not very good at dealing with this situation. She looked very troubled.

But when someone does come, she will respond to other people's greetings well.

Even though it was school time, no one came to Mikoto Academy.

Because of Yashiro Kou, because Mikoto Academy is going to be abolished.

In short, the school that used to be bustling was as quiet as a dark night today.

The snow is piled up in the school, thick and fluffy.It is completely incomparable to the clean asphalt road outside without a trace of snow.

"Let's go in." Hinazuki Kana said, opening the school door and running in happily.

Xia Tingfei followed behind and looked around.

"I didn't see a single label."

He thought this and felt a lot more at ease.

Standing at the shoe cabinet, Hinazuki Kana directed Xia Tingfei again: "Let's search separately. I'll search below, and Sugi-kun will search upstairs."

"Why?" Xia Tingfei glanced at Hinazuki Kana.

"Because I don't want to go upstairs." Hinazuki Kana said, looking through the shoe cabinet: "So, I can only ask you, Sugi-kun."

Xia Tingfei stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked up. The stair railings that turned back and forth were like a long snake coiling in the building. A little bit of sunlight shone through the narrow gaps in the railings, and looked at those falling on his eyes.

But he also felt that the stairs were more like the intestines of the giant named school.

He went up the stairs and headed straight to the class.

If Hinazuki Kana really lost something, it was most likely in the class.

He searched the class carefully.

Every desk is empty, without anything.He even rummaged through the tool cabinet or under the podium.

But, still nothing was found.

He was a little doubtful whether this letter really existed?

There is no doubt that the appearance of the mission proves that there is indeed this letter.

"Hey~~" Hinazuki Kana stood on the stairs and shouted: "Sugiki-kun!"

After hearing Hinazuki Kana's call, Xia Tingfei walked to the stairs and looked at Hinazuki Kana.

"Let's switch." Hinazuki Kana said, trotting to Xia Tingfei's side: "Maybe, we can find it this way."

Xia Tingfei had no objection, he nodded and pointed downwards.

When he walked to the shoe cabinet, he was going to check the shoe cabinets one by one.

Although it may seem silly, it is still done.It often happens that envelopes are put in the wrong shoe cabinet.

Perhaps Hinata wanted to put the envelope back into her own shoe cabinet, but in a panic, she put it in the wrong shoe cabinet.

He checked the shoe cabinets one by one, but they were all empty.

It wasn't until he checked his locker that he finally saw the letter.

A beautiful letter, the plain white envelope is dotted with faint white plum blossoms, and the red stamens have a delicate beauty.

Xia Tingfei sat on the steps holding the letter and looked at it.

The envelope is not sealed with solid glue, just taken out.

The letter inside just fell out, revealing the writing inside.

He saw his name on it, in cherry-pink gleaming handwriting.

So, he held the paper and looked at it.

To be honest, he already realized what it was.

Confession letter.

"Unexpectedly, I actually found a confession letter in the shoe cabinet."

Xia Tingfei didn't know what expression to make, but in the end he still had a serious expression.

Others may be happy or complacent.

But Xia Tingfei only saw a responsibility, a heavy responsibility,

It is up to him to make his own decision as to whether he wants to take on this responsibility.



This is the letter for you!
It was a letter written by a girl named Hinazuki Kana to a fool named Natsu Tingbi.

When we first met, I knew you were a weirdo.He always says something incomprehensible, about being strong, or about adults and children.

Moreover, he is always self-righteous!
Always pretending to be like an adult and condescending!
To be honest, I had enough in the beginning.

It was obvious that you had made your words vague and unclear, and was talking about her left and right.

There is always a smell of looking down on others!

At that time, I was always thinking.

As long as you endure it well, it will be fine.As long as you endure it well, you will be able to get out of this situation as soon as you reach high school.

But, you hateful guy.

They always use all kinds of bad reasons to break through the psychological defenses I have established, and sometimes use bad language to break through.However, I endured it.

But at this time, you treated me with a gentle attitude and an intimate smile, which made me completely defeated.When I naively thought that life like that could continue, you ruthlessly chopped my illusions into pieces.

You hateful guy.

You devil who plays with people's hearts!

When you kicked me out, I was even thinking about what I didn't do well.If you can do it, will you really accept me?

But when I met my mother, everything was relieved.

I think about why I am like this.

Why would I feel so uneasy and sad after being kicked out by you?

Obviously in this month, this is the easiest month in my life.Being able to have such a month is simply a blessing from the gods.

Why am I so upset and sad?

I don't understand, maybe I became weaker at that time.

Like a stream.

But you would definitely say it's like molten iron.

but!It doesn't matter.

I realized something, something that melted away the layers of my defenses.

It was something like an older brother or an elder brother.

If you like someone, your heart will beat faster all day long, your mind will wander, and you will enjoy it.

It's like spraying matte paint on fabric, like a drop of clear water crossing a chaotic ocean, licking it, breathing silently, burying it in the mud.

It's like electricity penetrating the thin paper, igniting and burning.

The picture of the other person in your mind is like morning; the crystal clear water from the green sprinkler is refreshing.Beating and breaking on the lilac leaves.

The clock is twisting and dripping with unbridled time.Flying over the clear blue reflected on the silky chocolate wrapper.

It's like a summer night, when the trees are piled up, the leaves are covered with dust, and the shadows fall on the silence, which is surprisingly dark and bright.Building layers upon layers of chanting and waving half-open doors.

I think I probably have this kind of feeling.

But empathy, familiarity, pity, respect, jealousy, and the emotions above these are all projected onto you.

These intricate, cobweb-like feelings have a depth far beyond what a word or a like can encompass.

But I can't find any more appropriate words to describe how I feel.

I just want to say.

Do to me what you like best and twist my life. 】

Xia Tingfei read the entire letter.

He said: "Since you have come down, why don't you talk?"

"Because I'm waiting for someone to make a decision." Hinazuki Kana squatted behind Xia Tingfei.

The flaxen hair tips fell on Xia Tingfei's neck, and the aroma of cherries and cherry blossoms mixed with elk scent lingered from behind.

"I obviously said so many disgusting words, but at the end I wrote such mean words."

"What kind of distortion? There are other things like that."

"It's so humiliating."

Xia Tingfei wanted to turn his head, but was forcibly fixed by a pair of hands.

"Who do you think I learned this from!" Hinazuki Kana said: "The guy who distorted my life must take responsibility."

"Then, come and save me." Xia Tingfei looked at Hinazuki Kana: "Then, you want to do whatever you want."

"What?" Hinazuki Kana sat next to Xia Tingfei: "This kind of thing is also very mean."

"This is the first time you have said anything to me." Xia Tingfei looked at the door: "Besides, you said it more than I did." "Are you happy to poke a girl's sore spot?" Hinazuki Kana He looked at Xia Tingfei dissatisfied: "As expected, Mr. Shanshu is a guy who cannot be approached, like an insect."

"Yes~" Xia Tingfei stood up: "I'm going to call the Sheriff and tell them that we can leave tomorrow."

"Have everything been packed?" Xia Tingfei looked at the girl.

"Of course it's packed." Hinazuki Kana said, she supported her chin and looked at Xia Tingfei.

"He needs his own salvation."

Hinazuki Kana felt this message from Xia Tingfei, from his weird words before, or other weird truths.

Xia Tingfei called the sheriff and told him it was ready.

Incidentally, he covered Hinazuki Kana's gaze.

He felt that Hinazuki Kana's letter was burning. Just as he was about to see what was going on, he saw the confession letter suddenly burst into flames.

She got into his arm and turned into a love flower.

"Then, let Sakuma-senpai take you to Qingchuan. Just in time, it's time for him to go back. The key to the house will also get rid of what Sakuma-senpai brought to you."

"Yes." Xia Tingfei replied: "Please."

He put down the phone and looked at the girl sitting on the steps.

The girl was also watching him.

"We can probably get to Qingchuan tonight." Xia Tingfei patted the dust on his clothes and said, "Take the white-haired old man, Sheriff Sakuma's car."

"He may become my mentor in the future." Hinazuki Kana looked at Xia Tingfei.

"In order to transfer to Qingchuan, this is the only way to do it." Xia Tingfei looked at the girl: "Besides, if you can become a security guard, it can be considered a good career."

Hinazuki Kana smiled: "After all, it was my choice. No matter how hard it is for the security guard, I will stick to it."

The two of them stood in front of the school and waited.

Perhaps it was because the school was always close to the Qianzhu Public Security Bureau, so old man Sakuma arrived quickly.

He was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand and smoking a cigarette.

"Hey, how long have you been waiting?"

Old man Sakuma greeted casually: "Get in the car quickly."

Although Xia Tingfei and Hinazuki Kana both got into the car, Xia Tingfei still couldn't help but said: "Where is the other person? If you drive like this, I doubt the safety on the way."

"That guy Nakane?" Old Man Sakuma took a puff of cigarette: "Because of this incident, he applied to be transferred to another area."

"However, he is really stubborn." The old man Sakuma's tone seemed to be showing off: "He talks about looking for something, and also understands his true heart. He is not a monk."

The tone was as if parents were showing off how many points their son had scored!
Xia Tingfei would not let Sakuma continue to show off, so he chose to remain silent.

When I got home, I stuffed my suitcase into the back of the car and it was done.

Old man Sakuma stepped on the accelerator and roared away from Qianzhu with the two of them.

The familiar environment in the past is gradually disappearing and fading away.

They are still as dilapidated as ever. Although there are few people, they still go to grab the vegetables on sale in the store, or chat with a few companions who are also aging.

There is poverty and daily life in this city.There are bad things and there are good things.

Only, he is not in this city.

"Of course, I'm here or not."

Hinazuki Kana thought so, and she looked at Xia Tingfei beside her.

"It's so nice to meet you."
Qingchuan's new home is built one by one. It seems that this house has been here for a long time.

It looks a bit shabby and there are fallen leaves in the yard.

Nailed on the wooden sign in front of the door are the words "Xia Ting".

"This is your house." Old Man Sakuma pointed at this one-family house: "Although it looks a little dilapidated, the inside is still intact. You can live in it with confidence."

"As for your neighbor, can you guess who it is?" Sakuma smiled with interest.

Of course Xia Tingfei would not guess. He just walked to the next door and looked at the house number. There were two words etched on it [West Palace].


Xia Tingfei read aloud.

"That's right, it's Nishimiya." Old Man Sakuma laughed loudly: "The home of Yuko Nishimiya that you all know."

"Because of Qianzhu's incident, their mother felt it was necessary to send her two daughters to a better place." Sakuma explained: "So, they ended up here."

"Isn't it interesting? Isn't it?" Sakuma said, throwing another badge to Hinazuki Kana: "This is the badge of the trainee security guard. Although you still need to go to high school and college, it will not be wrong to have this badge in advance. It’s a bad thing.”

Sakuma threw another box to Xia Tingfei: "It contains all the information about the school you are going to enroll in. You can check it out first, but it will take another week for the official enrollment. After everyone else has arrived in Qingchuan, Only then can we enroll in school together.”

After saying that, Sakuma drove away.

Xia Tingfei glanced at the house in the West Palace, and there seemed to be no one inside.

"It looks like it will take a day or two for them to come here." Xia Tingfei said as he entered the room carrying his suitcase.

The house is built on two floors, with two bedrooms on the first floor.The other kitchen, living room, toilet and bathroom are all fully equipped.

There are three bedrooms on the second floor, as well as a bathroom and bathroom.

However, washing machines are only available on the first floor, not on the second floor.

The house didn't look as dirty as a house that hadn't been lived in for a long time.

It can be used without cleaning.

Hinazuki Kana and Xia Tingfei both live on the second floor, but the rooms are not separated from each other.

"Good night."

The two said good night to each other and went into their rooms to rest.

However, after Xia Tingfei closed the curtains, he pulled out the dagger.

He raised the dagger in front of his eyes and looked at the mirror-like blade.

"I order you to exercise for three hours using the most standard method."

To be honest, Xia Tingfei is a lazy person.

During the fight with Yashiro, he deeply realized that his physical strength and strength were insufficient.

But if he is asked to exercise honestly, he will definitely not be able to do it.

Therefore, he planned to use Qinghua to control his body for exercise.

Purple love instantly filled every inch of his skin, and the knife in his hand was thrown on the bed.

He started doing these various exercises, and soon Xia Tingfei felt the pain and trembling in his body.

But it doesn't matter.

There is a big difference between passively enduring hardships and actively enduring hardships. Actively enduring hardships will most likely make you unable to persevere, but passively enduring hardships only requires endurance.

He was sweating profusely, and the sweat dripped on the floor drop by drop.

However, Xia Tingfei could feel that his power was constantly increasing.

After time passed little by little, the time for Xia Tingfei's customization finally arrived.

Poof, Xia Tingfei lay on the floor, gasping for air.

He opened the curtains to make the room cooler.

"The light on the opposite side? Is it on?"

Xia Tingfei looked at Xi Gong's house opposite, which was brightly lit.

"Dong dong dong."

"Hello, I'm Nishinomiya from next door."

A mature female voice rang the doorbell.

After Xia Tingfei sprayed herself with some deodorant, she hurried downstairs.

After moving, you need to give gifts to your neighbors.

With this in mind, Xia Tingfei came to the yard.

There were two people standing outside the door, one large and one small. They all had long pink apricot hair and the same eyebrows.

However, the elder one who looked like her mother was full of sorrow that could not be gone away.

The daughter, on the other hand, smiled very gently.

"Nishinomiya Ruri"

Xia Tingfei thought so and looked at the top of her head.

【No touch snail】

[Cause of death: Suicide]

[Time of death: unknown. 】

[Triggerable tasks: Love her, save her, liberate her! 】

[Reward: Secret Skill—Tiger Eye·Meteor. 】

"Hello, I'm the new one who moved to Nishinomiya next door today."

Although Nishimiya's mother was a little surprised why only one high school student came out, she still spoke politely.

"Hello, Aunt Nishimiya."

Xia Tingfei replied like this.


Nishimiya Ruri shouted, something was wrong with her voice.

She pointed at Xia Tingfei and shouted, as if she was saying something, but it was hard to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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