What's wrong with a lord daddy who just wants to draw cards?

Chapter 265 Chapter 264 Both sides suffer losses

Chapter 265-264- Both sides suffer losses
"Pull out the giant beast! No one is allowed to retreat. Fight until death!"

Jotun, who exists like a general, has activated the Night Demon state at this moment, and his already huge body has expanded again, almost as tall as an elephant, like a little giant!
The violence and ferocity engraved in Night Demon's blood also changed the originally steady Joden's temperament, and he even spoke in a roaring voice.

No...it's not so much a change in temperament as a loss of restraint.

This form is what the strongest warrior of the Night Demon tribe should look like!Such a size can match the giant ax behind it.


Like an indestructible tank, he resisted magic and arrows and rushed to the front of the enemy's formation, swinging his giant axe!The elves and paladins in the distance were thrown away one after another, and the ones nearby were directly cut off at the waist, with their flesh and internal organs smeared all over the ground.

In this way, the coalition's defense line was torn open, and the demons swarmed in...

Not long after Jotun's order was issued, several huge portals appeared in the rear of the Demon King's army, lining up to form a new horizon.

boom -

The ground trembled, and huge hooves, wrapped in rough and dirty leather armor, stretched out from the portal.

They are like variants of rhinos, with a long horn on their head, walking on four legs, and carrying demon mages on their broad backs. ,

It can advance, attack, retreat or defend. It has decent mobility, and more importantly, it can cooperate with the mage to deal long-range and large-scale damage. It is simply a demon version of a tank!

There is more than one war machine like this. A rough look shows that there are at least twenty black dots in the distance. It is not clear whether there are others following behind.

Even if the soldiers were not afraid, they knew that their strength alone could not stop these giant beasts.

"General! The defense line is about to be broken through by the demons. What should we do?!"

"Report to the general, according to estimates, the defense line will enter the attack range of the demon beast in 5 minutes!"

One piece of bad news came one after another.

The zombie tide is enough for them to eat a pot. Now that the zombie tide is gone, they may not have enough power to form a real large force of the opponent's demon clan.

"Damn...it seems that we can only enable that one."

"Bring me the staff Her Majesty has given me!"

The Holy Tree is regarded as a protector by the forest elves. In a long time ago, the Holy Tree once gave this group of elves the power to protect themselves.

The key to unlocking this power is the scepter used by the Elf Kings throughout the ages.

The main material for making the staff was a branch marked by the sacred tree.

Now it was wrapped in white cloth by the queen and handed over to the general...

"Return to formation and prepare to retreat temporarily!!"

At the same time, a cavalry in the demon army seemed to be in an uninhabited land. It first penetrated in from the flank, causing a large number of casualties to the demons and at the same time breaking up their formation. Now it can pat its butt and leave directly after the beating. People simply don’t take their demons seriously!
The frontline commanders ordered long-range attacks on them, but they underestimated the Sword of the Kingdom. Even the military flag was a top-notch magic item that could unfold a protective shield that could cover 5000 people, protecting the soldiers from long-range attacks.

"Damn it, let them run away like this!"

Just as a demon commander was yelling, new waves came from under the land again, as if coming from the Forest Elf Kingdom, from far to near, and soon, they arrived at their feet.


The next second, everyone's eyes widened, looking at this miracle towering into the sky!
Only a few green vines that only existed in "Jack and the Pea" were seen rising from the ground exuding vitality, waving their roots wildly, like towering giants, roaring and grinding the war beasts into rotten meat. .

Pieces of meat bigger than rocks fell from the sky, killing countless demons.

The royal soldiers looked at this scene, and they were so shocked that they could not help but shed tears for the rest of their lives from the corners of their eyes.They can at least go home alive...

The rear of the Demon King's army was in chaos, but the demons who had rushed into the enemy's position were still killing them wantonly, and the losses on both sides reached an astronomical figure.

The battle lasted until sunset before ending hastily.

The afterglow reflected the cracked earth stained with blood. Withered towering roots were scattered in the wind like debris. The corpses of elves, humans, and demons were piled into hills, with weapons stuck upside down and lying crookedly on the ground.

It was a mess like hell.

The company lost two Demon King army cadres and [-]% of the troops. The war beasts were completely wiped out. Even Jotun was seriously injured. The troops brought this time were no longer enough to support the next battle.

Stewart could only reluctantly return to the Demon King's City with the remaining defeated soldiers.

We failed to find the traitor and lost the battle. What a shame...

He gritted his teeth and made a silent decision in his heart. He must make this bitch Aleia pay the price!If it weren't for her, the Demon King's army would not have failed!
They returned with a great defeat, and things were not going well for the Union Army.

More than half of the Paladins of the Theocracy brought by Jie Fuer were killed, and [-]% of the Sisters were killed by assassins who broke into the battle.

As the main force, [-]% of the forest elves remained on the battlefield.

The Sword of the Kingdom was only responsible for flanking guerrilla attacks, and suffered the least losses. Only 200 people were killed, and it was still capable of fighting.

But it is a mercenary group after all and does not belong to the Forest Elf Kingdom.

As a result, the Forest Elf Kingdom was already on the verge of subjugation.

If it were just that its military strength was extremely empty, that would be okay, but there was another reason that completely made it stand on the edge of the cliff.

——The domestic political struggle has finally ushered in the decisive moment of life or death.

A large number of assassins filled the royal city of Yaletta.

During the day, the factions headed by Merlin and Aurora would criticize their political opponents in large numbers in the Forest Palace, engage in wars of words, and cause a lot of quarrels, completely tearing each other apart.

At night, assassins hired by both parties went out in full force to secretly assassinate enemy politicians.

Sometimes assassins from both sides can run into each other, and then they kill each other without disturbing each other...

In normal times, once this happens, it is equivalent to a dead end, and you can't get what others can't get.

But in today's kingdom, it is no longer important to use dirty tricks. As long as they can silence their political opponents, they can use any means.

In such a dark environment, the number of politicians who were originally active in the royal city suddenly decreased by [-]%, and the entire royal city became smoky.

The Elf Queen could only watch all this helplessly. She had no ability to stop the two sides from fighting, because all her rights came from her tenure. The time limit for the Holy Tree to give her the chosen one was approaching, so people lined up to join the new Heaven. Even the elders of the Ten Presbyterian Church are no exception to the selection of people. This is a last resort in order to keep their positions.

And those elders who dared to resist were even exiled and expelled...

In short, she, the queen, had been sidelined.

The queen was sitting on the throne that was soon to be no longer hers, looking up at the ceiling of the palace. It was engraved with the culture and history that belonged only to the forest elves, but she couldn't find any traces of internal fighting and bloodshed.

At this moment, she just hopes that all this can end soon. The people in the kingdom can no longer bear the devastation and disaster caused by this war.

(End of this chapter)

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