What's wrong with a lord daddy who just wants to draw cards?

Chapter 236 Chapter 235 A sudden change occurred

Chapter 236-235- Sudden changes occur
After getting the answer, Duomi followed the agreement and returned to the house, while the rest of the adventure team watched him leave.

After he completely entered and closed the door, Helen returned to her friends, and they gathered around the bonfire. The bonfire was spitting out sparks, and the firelight reflected everyone's face.

"Captain, why do you care about that kid?" Max asked in confusion. He was the man who just drew his sword and killed someone.

"Can't you just ignore it? There shouldn't be much to talk about with a child."

"Even though he is just a child, he is now a famous figure in the entire empire. Dominic Blofield, the third son of the Blofield family, is now the head of the Imperial Intelligence Department and the Bureau of War Ignorance. He was also awarded the title of Valor not long ago. Cross." Helen's tone did not waver at all, as if she was stating an insignificant fact.

"Isn't that the perfect chosen one!?"

Max shouted in shock. He had seen relevant reports not long ago. After knowing his age, he was extremely envious. How could any child start like this?I didn’t expect to meet a real person now.

In addition to Helen and Max, there is also a female priest with a girlish body and a taciturn man in the team, who serve as human shields and usually stay in the front with Max.

The girl covered her small mouth and chuckled: "Max, you won't be jealous of a half-year-old child, right?"

The strong man's mustache twitched: "Ha..." The sarcasm was clearly evident.

Max immediately blushed: "Who is jealous? Don't talk nonsense! Be careful, I will spank you!"

The girl immediately hid behind Helen with only half of her head exposed: "Sister, help me, the perverted prince wants to slap my ass!"

Helen showed a rare smile. In fact, she still enjoyed this atmosphere.

"Okay Max, don't be fussy like a little girl."

"Hmph~ Now that you have said so, Helen..."

Although there are only four people in the team, except for Max, the other three people know that he has a secret crush on Helen, including herself. Only Max himself thinks that the others don't know, and the occasional mention (assist) is just a joke.

Inexplicably sad yet happy...

When the night got late, they extinguished the bonfire and returned to the house. They spread out their single sleeping bags in the living room and slept directly on the floor.

For the adventure team of Top Gundam A, such conditions are great. They have survived no matter how difficult the environment is, and now they are simply enjoying themselves.

In this way, a total of seven people in the house spent the night safe and sound.

The next day, Duomi, who still got up early, walked out of the bedroom door and saw three sleeping bags in the living room, and only one sleeping bag was missing.

He shrugged, not paying attention.

Opening the door, I stretched out facing the morning light above the mountains, and took a deep breath like a whale swallowing.

"Ha~~~~~There is nothing more comfortable than this moment."

The three-dimensional properties have increased slightly...

Then he naturally saw Helen sitting on the eaves looking into the distance. Her legs were crossed and hanging under the eaves. Her tight leather breeches and boots perfectly outlined her curvy figure. Her long pure white hair was flying. The heroic appearance is a feast for the eyes.

Duomi made no secret of his 'appreciative' vision and even said hello generously:

"Good morning Ms. Grace, I thought I was the first one to get up."

For someone you don't know very well, it is the most basic etiquette to only call her by her last name, and Domi adheres to this very loyally.

"I just don't need that much sleep."

Helen was still so cold and didn't want to say another word.

Duomi smiled silently, then climbed up to the roof and sat cross-legged facing the sun.

Helen frowned when she saw this. She thought this was another one of Duomi's pick-up tactics and wanted to ask her something else, but the next second she gave up her worries and her worries turned into curiosity.

From her perspective, the morning light when the sun was born, and even all the vitality and magic in the air that could be plundered, were all plundered by Duomi with every breath and breath, inhaled into the body, and then burst out inside. A stronger, purer force that can be used for oneself.

"His aura is getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. Can he adjust his condition to the best with just a few breaths..."

However, Helen suppressed her curiosity very well. Anyway, she and Domi were not on good terms with each other, so just treat it as a novel sight. "Wait...who is this black cat?"

Just when she was about to give up and just ignore Duomi, a small and cute black dumpling jumped up to the roof nimbly, blinked at Helen with his big eyes, and then curled up on Duomi's crossed legs. , opened his mouth and yawned, then closed his eyes peacefully.

"Oh~ So you are here, Brimstone." Domi stroked its soft hair.

"His name is Qiu Qiu, my cat. After I brought him here, he ran away on his own, and I don't know which male cat he went to fool around with."

"Is that so..."

Helen twitched the corner of her mouth subtly, secretly thinking that Domi was so heartless that he didn't even care if the cat got lost.

She didn't know if Briquettes was an ordinary cat, but Duomi thought it was psychic.

Then the two of them sat on the small roof without interfering with each other.

Time passed little by little, and when the sun completely rose into the sky, the village became lively again, not because the villagers were going to work in the fields, but because more adventurer teams came to Zhenlong Village, one after another. One team, there were more than ten teams in this morning alone, and they gathered in a large size in the open space...

I'm afraid Natz didn't expect that a notice issued by a mere unknown person could attract so many people.

As soon as this group of people arrived, they started shouting loudly. It was as lively as a market, and it was difficult for the villagers to sleep in.

At this time, Domi and Helen had also come down from the roof and stayed with their respective companions.

"It seems we have a competitor," Max said with high spirits: "Without further delay, let's quickly find clues about the ancient dragon!"

The cute girl corrected her in time: "These people are not competitors. When the time comes to hunt the ancient dragon, we will have to rely on everyone's strength."

"Yes~ But as the first person to discover the ancient dragon, I probably have more say in the division of the spoils."

"You are so beautiful. Are you so convinced that we can defeat the ancient dragon? That is a legendary overlord-level creature."

"We still have the majestic 'Fire Goddess' here. How would you know if you don't try?... Come on, let's go, just enjoy the scenery~"

Watching the four people of 'Torch' walking towards Buried Dragon Lake, Natz asked Xiang Duomi: "What about us? What should we do next?"

"Come on, come on! New adventurers, please follow me!"

Before Duomi could speak, the familiar voice of the village chief came from the other side. He was like a guide, followed by a large number of tourists.

"Eh? Why did the village chief act as a guide?"

"Isn't that great? Why don't we join in? Maybe there will be some different gains."

Then the Torch group who were walking in front noticed the movement behind them and joined in. The group of people got into the white mist in a mighty manner, and then came to the dreamlike Buried Dragon Lake.

At the moment they saw Mienlong Lake, countless people marveled from the bottom of their hearts.

However, at this moment, a sudden figure walked out of the crowd and walked toward the lake with dull eyes.

"Captain Helen?! The village chief said no one is allowed near the lake!" the girl shouted but to no avail.

"Isn't that who it is?"

"White hair...could it be Helen Grace, the goddess of the hearth?!"

"He's actually an S-class adventurer!"

People around were talking a lot, as if they were just watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

Seeing this, Max quickly ran forward and tried to grab Helen's wrist.

But just as he held the slender wrist, he felt an irresistible force that pulled him almost to the point of falling.

Max looked up at Helen in disbelief, only to find that the highlight in her eyes had long since disappeared, and she looked like a walking zombie!
(End of this chapter)

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