Chapter 271: Wrath of Heaven

After all, in this obvious blackness, a white-robed figure suddenly appeared, and anyone would notice it immediately.

At this time, all the great powers, including the six saints, were suffocated. What did they see?
Taoist Hongjun, recognized as the strongest man in the entire prehistoric world, actually died in person at this time! ?

How many years?They haven't seen Hongjun take action in how many years.

It seems that Hongjun has hardly stepped out of Zixiao Palace since the original battle between heaven and demon.

Yang Jian was the first in the entire prehistoric era to be able to force Hongjun to die in person after he had been reunited.

It is truly unprecedented and unprecedented!

At this time, Hongjun was staring at Yang Jian quietly with an indifferent look on his face.

There is neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, and there is no emotion in his eyes. They are like a cold machine, and anyone who looks at them will feel chilled in their heart.

But Yang Jian dared to look directly at Hongjun, his eyes did not dodge, and the two just looked at each other quietly.

To be honest, all the saints at this time were shocked by Yang Jian's courage.

After staying under Hongjun's sect for a long time, they seemed to have forgotten the concept of resistance.

Because facing Hongjun, they will subconsciously be extremely obedient, and they themselves can't tell why.

At this time, these saints thought of what Yang Jian had said before, and the worries in their hearts were heavier than before.

It seems that the way of heaven is really changing them subtly. Whether it is their personality or their behavior, they are being domesticated little by little.

"You are more ignorant than I thought. Why do you have to disobey me? Why do you have to disrupt the ancient order?"

Hongjun did not take action directly, but started talking to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian also said with a confident and calm smile on his face.

"Feng shui takes turns, and all paths should have cycles. A single dominant force is inherently deformed. Even if it is the path of heaven, it cannot guarantee that it will never make mistakes, right?"

"Humanity should be established. This world belongs to humanity. You should not take care of it."

What Yang Jian said also has certain basis and truth. If the law of heaven is allowed to be dominant, everything will be dictatorial.

Then the world will gradually move toward death, and all living beings in the ancient world will slowly become numb and lose vitality.

After all, if a person's fate from birth to death is deliberately planned by heaven.

In order to achieve so-called stability and security, what is the meaning of such a life?
Because even if this person escapes a little bit, Heaven will use various methods to bring him back to where he came from, and even take coercive measures.

One invisible cage after another trapped all living beings in the wild, including saints.

Such a world is destined to get worse and worse. What is the difference between this kind of world and the mechanical civilization in science fiction novels?
Everyone is like a fixed program, and there is an administrator who controls everything. This kind of world itself is a cage.

No one wants to live in such a world. Over time, all living beings will even become programmed.

This extreme attribute is both a benefit and a drawback of the way of heaven.

The advantage is that it is very stable, so that in all these years, there has not been any crisis of world destruction.

Even if there are a few big crises that seem to be very serious, they are all deliberately arranged by Heaven to eliminate calamities, which are often referred to as immeasurable calamities.

The disadvantage is what I just said, even the Heavenly Dao will eventually gain the ultimate power and usher in the Age of Ending Dharma.

After all, the weaker the power, the more stable it is, and by then the mysterious power of the entire prehistoric world will be brought into ruin.

It’s just that no one today, including the saints, can see this step.

Yang Jian could see it because he was an outsider from beginning to end and could see more clearly than anyone else.

In fact, we cannot say that what Tiandao did was wrong, because everything Tiandao did had a core purpose.That is to maintain the stability of the world, and even pursue this ultimate stability too much, and now it is a bit crazy.

"Without the law of heaven, the world would have collapsed long ago. You tell me whether I should take care of it or not. There is nothing that I cannot take care of."

"You have repeatedly touched my bottom line, ignored my warnings, and even intensified your actions. Now, I am a little angry."

After listening to Yang Jian's words, Hongjun frowned, and there was an expression on his face.

Then the color of the entire prehistoric sky changed again, turning into a fiery red color representing anger. This was the wrath of heaven.

Now Hongjun has completely assimilated with Tiandao, his every word, every action, and even his emotional expression.

It will be perfectly fed back to the prehistoric world. The current Heavenly Dao is too bloated and huge.

The power it possesses is too great. If something goes wrong, it will be a disaster for the entire prehistoric period.

It can be seen from the current situation that this is not Hongjun's anger, but the anger of Heaven.

"Then what should you do?"

Even if Yang Jian faced the anger of the whole world, his expression remained unchanged, and he could even laugh.

"Of course I will confine you completely."

And Hongjun also said in an indifferent tone, there was a reason why he didn't say beheading.

Because Hongjun can't do this, it will break the balance. After all, Yang Jian became a saint with humanity.

Unless all human races in this primitive world are completely dead, Yang Jian will have no hope of recovery.

Otherwise, as long as one human race survives, Yang Jian can be resurrected. As long as humanity is still there, Yang Jian will not die.

It is impossible for the way of heaven to completely destroy the way of humanity, because humanity still has a great role behind it.

That's why Hongjun said to imprison rather than kill, it's not that it can't be done, but that the way of heaven cannot do it.

Doing this is equivalent to a program betraying its own source code.

This is impossible, even if it is possible, it is something that cannot be done.

"If you can do it, you can try it. Do you think there is no way to deal with it if I dare to do this?"

Regarding Hongjun's threat, Yang Jian did not panic at all, and even dared to counter the threat.

"I think you are too arrogant."

After seeing Yang Jian's stubborn look, Hongjun stopped talking nonsense.

Immediately he raised his hand slightly, and the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the entire prehistoric era seemed to be trembling.

Then an invisible and powerful force instantly enveloped all the space around Yang Jian.

It forms a powerful cage that is invisible and intangible, but actually exists.

This is the cage of heaven and earth forged by Hongjun with the power of the ancient world.

Being imprisoned by this thing, not even a saint can escape.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Jian stood quietly on the spot, making no movement to resist.

"It seems that you are nothing more than that, but I think highly of you."

After doing all this, Hongjun's tone became more relaxed. He seemed to feel that Yang Jian could not escape his grasp.

(End of this chapter)

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