Conferred Gods: Reborn Yang Jian, racing all the way

Chapter 217 The earth is a chess game, playing games with each other

Chapter 217 The earth is a chess game, playing games with each other

"I probably understand why the empire was able to conquer such a large area of ​​land in such a short period of time. Who can withstand such an attack?"

Xiao Yan also nodded with emotion and agreed with the other party's view.

Soon, Xian Qin's salvo of a hundred rounds of rockets ended, but the results were not as rich as expected.

It was far less effective than the first time when I used rockets to clean the floor.

After all, the demon clan is not fools, and there are still many smart people. They have suffered losses and been deceived before, so they have been on guard for a long time.

So the demon clan has developed something similar to an energy barrier.

Although it is very expensive to use fairy stones as energy drive, it can preserve the demon clan's vitality and combat effectiveness with maximum efficiency.

To put it bluntly, Xian Qin's hundred rounds of volleys were completely carried down by the demon clan with real money and silver.

However, despite this, they also suffered a lot of casualties.

According to a rough estimate, these one hundred rounds of volleys directly killed more than one billion monsters.

Although it is not as good as when the rockets first appeared, killing more than half of the opponent's army, the result now is quite terrifying.

After all, Xian Qin hasn't done anything yet. He just washed the ground with pure firepower and destroyed 1/50 of the opponent's military strength.

The main reason is that the demon clan's positions are too scattered, and some of them are positioned far back and are not within the range of the rockets.

Therefore, Xian Qin's fire suppression did not attack the entire army of the demon clan.

The positions of the monsters are irregular, not in a square or in a circle.

As for the following distance, there is no need to use firepower to suppress it, because that will hit your own people.

The demon clan didn't just stand there and be beaten stupidly. While they were resisting the attack, they were also charging towards the various legions of Xian Qin.

The nearly 1000 billion troops on both sides were divided into millions of large and small legions.

When Xianqin fired rockets, the first batch of legions closest to both sides were already engaged.

Therefore, if we bomb again at this time, our own people will be bombed. The next thing to compete is the grassroots strength of both sides and the game between the middle and high levels.

But when it comes to competition at the grassroots level, Xian Qin's new army has never been afraid of anyone since its establishment.

However, the Demon Clan currently does not send out any mid-to-high-end combat power.

Therefore, the mid-to-high-end combat power of Xian Qin is still standing still.

Because in a war of this scale, if high-level monks interfere randomly, the entire battle situation will be chaotic.

Both sides tacitly engaged in a battle between soldiers and generals.

The various legions of the demon race and the human race below were completely plunged into chaos at this time.

There were countless small battlefields on this plain, with units of hundreds of thousands of people.

These countless small battlefields have completely formed the current big situation.

Yang Jian's incarnation was sitting in the Chinese army's tent, observing the current situation, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised when he saw this scene.

"Interesting, it seems that the commander of the demon clan is not a waste this time. You are here well prepared."

Yang Jian saw the situation on the battlefield clearly, although the combat power of a single legion of the Monster Clan was not as good as that of Xian Qin.

But now the Demon Clan has used many defensive magic weapons in a targeted manner to defend against the heavy fire suppression of the Xian Qin warriors.

Therefore, the first contact between the two sides was inextricable, and there was no one-sided crushing.

Yang Jian could clearly feel that the commander of the demon tribe did this on purpose.

Let the armies of both sides fight like a pot of porridge, with me among you and you among me.

In this case, Xian Qin will not be able to launch large-scale fire suppression again.

The other party has only one purpose in doing this, and that is to kill and injure the effective forces on Xian Qin's side as much as possible.

Even Yang Jian can figure out what the demon clan guys are planning.They will do whatever it takes, even if these 500 billion monsters die, they will give Xian Qin a hard blow.

They want to cripple Xian Qin and beat him painfully.

In this way, Xian Qin will have some concerns before sending troops next time. Their purpose is not to win this war at all.

Instead, he wanted to consume Xian Qin's vitality to the maximum extent possible.

Because they know very well that only in this way can longer-term peace and stability be achieved.

Because even if the demon clan wins this war, they can push Xian Qin back into the territory.

In the next few hundred years or even decades, Xian Qin might strike back again.

If it is such a victory, it is meaningless. You have to understand this.

Victory in the war is to obtain resources or to extend the time for the next war to break out.

If victory cannot achieve this effect, then victory is meaningless.

Therefore, the higher-ups on the Yaozu side had no choice but to be ruthless and make some sacrifices.

In other words, to defeat Xian Qin in a way that would harm both sides.

Obviously, the five demon saints who played against Yang Jian this time were not ordinary people.

Their understanding of war has reached a strategic level, not just tactics.

They have bypassed the appearance and looked at the essence. These guys have something.

That's why Yang Jian finds it interesting, but Yang Jian naturally has ways to deal with it.

Now that large-scale fire suppression is no longer possible, Yang Jian has other ways to support him.

I saw Yang Jian with a calm and confident smile on his face, giving orders to the general below.

"The magic weapon tanks and armored groups began to dispatch, precise fire strikes, the entire army's tactics changed, and infantry and tanks began to cooperate with each other."

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

As Yang Jian issued the order, the generals below also quickly executed and conveyed the order.

Soon, the Xianqin magic weapon tank cluster at the rear also divided into countless steel torrents.

Cross the battlefield in the most violent way and come to the designated place for support.

Basically every legion in Xian Qin can be supported by 1000 magical tanks.

The balance that the two sides had just maintained was completely broken.

After a while, all the legions on Xianqin's side switched to the infantry-tank coordination mode, where infantry and tanks acted together.

The tanks acted as shields and spears and began to advance forward to suppress, while the infantry provided cover and firepower output.

This tactic is very efficient and is one of the most effective tactics that has been proven in modern warfare.

When all the legions on Xianqin's side have completed the adjustment of infantry and tank coordination.

The demon tribe suffered great damage within half an hour.

Almost all the demon legions lost up to 20% of their warriors in this half hour.

This is an extremely terrifying casualty figure, which is enough to break the balance of combat power between the two sides.

After all, the power of tank artillery on Xianqin's side is no less powerful than rockets.

It's just that the rate of fire is a little slow, and there's no way to suppress it with large-scale firepower.

But under the crushing force of this steel torrent, it would be difficult for the other side to withstand it.

After all, how can flesh and blood resist the torrent of steel?

(End of this chapter)

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