Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 251 Stealing from the Mirror World

Chapter 251 Stealing from the Mirror World
The dark night and the dark sea are intertwined like a vast net, only dotted with sparks on the Silent Island, echoing the starlight from afar.

A shuttle-like ship came into view. It was rising and falling among the icy waves. There were no lights on the ship, and you couldn't see your fingers.

But the eyes of the shadowy entities have adapted to the charity-like light cast by the waning moon and stars, and they can clearly see the outline of the Silent Island.

With a "chi" sound, someone struck a match, lit the lantern, and covered it with a piece of cloth, so that the lantern could only emit a dim and suppressed light.

After a long time, Bobin put down the monocular and turned his head. The long white cloth on his face rustled: "Lord Cracker, the enemy's base camp that the scouts detected during the day is on that island."

"Is that true? Don't go in the wrong direction and find the wrong island."

Bobin waved his hands in panic: "It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong."

"I'll trust you for now...can't we get closer?" Cracker still appeared in the disguise of a cookie soldier, and he frowned unsatisfied.

"Lord Cracker, if we get closer, the enemy will find us." Bobin replied helplessly, "During the day, the scouts were almost discovered."

Since ships appear with great fanfare, it is easy to attract the attention of the "Deep Sea Hell Fleet". Therefore, the scout team is only a small group of personnel who can fly or "moon step".

After they roughly locked the location of Silent Island, they almost ran into an enemy ship patrolling nearby.

After successfully concealing themselves, they immediately returned.

After receiving the information, the core group of the "Big Mom Pirates" couldn't wait for revenge, so they decided to take only half a day's rest and launch a raid in the early morning.

In the same way, they will "bloom in the center" of the Silent Island, causing chaos, catching Davy Jones off guard, and letting him see the true terror of the Charlotte family.

Cracker turned his head suspiciously: "Bree, is this distance enough?"

"That's enough, Brother Cracker." Bree, who had a diagonal scar on her face and looked as ugly as a witch, grinned and smiled, "Both islands are within the range of my Mirror Fruit ability. "Within the distance."

The "two islands" she mentioned, one is the Silent Island in front of her, and the other is the archipelago where the "Big Mom Fleet" is temporarily stationed - which they named "Charlotte Islands".

Bree is a key figure in this operation.

Clark came in person, not only to atone for his sins, but also to ensure Bree's safety, otherwise Katakuri would definitely not be able to spare him.

There is a huge mirror in front of Bree that reflects the faint light. This is her "magic mirror".

The mirror has been "transformed" by her ability, opening up the "mirror world passage" between a mirror on the Charlotte Islands and this mirror.

As long as Bree opens the "passage" between this mirror and the mirror on Silent Island, the Charlotte Islands and Silent Island will be connected in the "Mirror World".

In this way, the Charlotte family's army can appear on Davy Jones's territory without warning, march straight in, and kill wantonly!
"Then let's do it, Bree." Klicka smiled ferociously, and the sword and shield in his hands collided impatiently, making a clanging sound.

"Okay, Brother Cracker." Bree touched the surface of the huge mirror with both hands, and it rippled like water. "Wait a moment, I'm searching for the mirror on the island..."

Clark, Bobin, and other members of the raiding force waited with bated breath, for fear of disturbing Bree's "search."

Bree groped for a moment in the world inside the mirror with her hands. Suddenly she said "Huh" and showed a confused look: "How strange. I searched for a long time on the island and only found one complete mirror. The others... seemed to be... Shattered.”

"Then get through it." Klicker was eager to atone for his sins, with anxiety written on his face as he urged.

"Could it be a trap?" Bree hesitated, "Brother Cracker, please wait for me to confirm it first."

Clark frowned and had no choice but to put down his sword and shield: "Okay."

Bree turned around and dived directly into the "Mirror World".

This is a bizarre world where the space is twisted and changeable. There are many mirrors that are either floating or embedded, and each mirror leads to a different nearby location.

Bree found the mirror that represented the Island of Silence and looked inside. She saw an indoor room opposite, with only the flickering candlelight of a few candlesticks attracting attention.

Is there really no one, or is it a trap?

Bree wasn't sure, and she didn't dare to risk her life. If she broke in alone and was caught and taken as a prisoner, she would suffer unspeakably.

It didn't matter if she was caught. Brother Katakuri would naturally come to rescue her when the time came, but she was unwilling to ruin the raid plan because of herself, and ultimately failed.When Bree was hesitating, suddenly, a questioning voice came from behind her: "Bree, how are you? Did you see anything?"

Ok? !

Bree was startled and turned around quickly. When she saw it was Cracker, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother, you scared me to death."

The eager Cracker has already led several members of the Charlotte family and a group of soldiers to follow Bree into the "Mirror World".

"What's going on?" Cracker asked, "Where does the mirror lead to the island? Have you seen the enemy? Is there an ambush?"

Bree responded one by one: "It's not clear. The mirror should lead to their room, but no enemy can be seen. However...if anyone among the enemies knows about me and my abilities, this may be a trap."

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was that she thought it was possible. Why were all the other mirrors on the island broken and only this one intact?
This is a bad sign.

It was as if someone was waiting for them to crawl inside.Bree was deeply disturbed by this.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. They looted the island before and the mirror was broken." Cracker licked his lips, but he also felt that his words were not very convincing, so he thought of a good idea, "I want to Want to know the answer? Just try it and find out.”

"Try?" Bree looked at Cracker in surprise, "How?"

Kelijia snorted coldly, turned around, grabbed the sword hand, and lifted up Bobin beside him.

"Lord Cracker?" Bobin looked at him in fear, like a house cat being grabbed by the scruff of the neck, "Have I made any mistakes again? Please give me another chance..."

"You did nothing wrong, but I need you to do one thing for me, a small thing."

Cracker lifted Bobin and threw the short and fat Bobin into the mirror like a ball with a strong shake.

Bobin passed through the mirror and fell on the floor tiles. He grinned in pain and touched his butt and thighs. It took him a long time to get up.

Keliqia vigilantly used his "sensing color" to sense the breath fluctuations on the other side of the mirror. As a result, he only noticed Bobin's rapid breath and no other people's breath, so he couldn't help but relax.

No one there!

Bobin also realized why Lord Cracker threw him over, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But he still chose to complete his duties, looked around uncomfortably for a while, and then made a "no problem" gesture in front of the mirror.

"First up, first up!"

Cracker's eyes gleamed. He pushed away Bree who was obstructing him, and jumped into the mirror. As expected, he came to a quiet room.

Looking upward, there is a spiral stone staircase leading to the dark top floor... It seems that this is a tower.Cracker thought.

Cracker's troops emerged from the mirror one after another, but they were all very cautious, fearing that there would be too much noise and the raid would fail.

Only Bree still stayed in the "Mirror World", and she still had to communicate with the Charlotte Islands to tell them that everything was normal and that the subsequent large forces could follow.

Kelijia held his breath and concentrated, and used the "Seeing and Hearing Color" again, and quickly confirmed the many chaotic smells outside. It seemed that this was indeed the enemy's base camp.

"Fight with me!" Kricker raised his sword and shouted loudly, "Catch them off guard! We have to seize this area before Katakuri, Smoothie and the others can reinforce us!"

Everyone stopped being cautious and raised their weapons together, shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Clark spat on the ground, then led the crowd like wolves and tigers to kick open the door and rush outside.

However, before they could stand still, they were dazzled by the swaying torches outside.

Clark closed his eyes subconsciously, and after getting used to the dazzling light, he opened them again and saw that a huge enemy army had surrounded them, and more enemies were coming.

The imagined raid to rob the camp did not exist, and Davy Jones's men did not panic at all. They had obviously been prepared and had been waiting here for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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