Pirates: Davy Jones is the captain of the Dread Ghost

Chapter 128 Perona’s Incredible Corridor

Chapter 128 Perona’s Incredible Corridor
Crowe felt that all the frustrating things in his life were remembered at this moment.

First, he was defeated miserably by the captain and failed in his attempt to seize Keya's family property, and then he lost to Smoker and Tina in a topsy-turvy battle between mountains and seas...

He just felt that he was hopeless and fell to the ground like Bucky.

"A clumsy conspirator like me should not be qualified to follow Captain Davy Jones. I deserve to die..."

The two of them bowed to each other and waited for a while before suddenly waking up.

Ah, what are we doing? !

Crowe and Bucky stood up one after another, looked at each other with embarrassed expressions on their faces, and then looked fearfully at the white ghost floating in the air.

"They have no entity, and when they pass through the body, they will affect our emotions." Crowe judged calmly, "We must have encountered a 'Devil Fruit ability attack'."

Bucky nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "But, what should we do? We can't attack them, but they can attack us. Isn't this invincible?"

"There is no invincible 'Devil Fruit Power' in the world." Crowe narrowed his eyes slightly. From his perspective, he could see all the surrounding disturbances. "The enemy himself has not shown up, so he must be nearby."

"The weakness is the body?" Bucky guessed following his train of thought.

"It's just a guess. Just find him and verify it."

"How to find him?" Bucky turned to look at Mast Castle, and then at the ghosts who were eyeing him. "Ah, I almost forgot, you already know how to use 'Information Haki'."

Speaking of which, Bucky was still a little embarrassed.

He can be said to be one of the first crew members in the Davy Jones Pirates to know "Haki", but he did not learn it himself. Instead, the latecomers Crow and Arrita learned it.

Crowe searched for a while, then stared in one direction: "I found it. It's a girl. She's in the castle opposite."

Bucky followed Crowe's line of sight and saw a pink, petite figure flashing past in the castle room opposite.

"It's really a woman..." Bucky was quite surprised.

"Whether they are men or women, they are all our enemies now." Crowe pointed at the ghost in the air. "If we don't get rid of the main body, she won't let us go easily."

"Okay, let her know the consequences of teasing me!"

"Beware of those ghosts."

"I know, just don't get touched by them."

Crowe put the autumn water into his handbag, then in a moon-walking posture, he grabbed Bucky with one hand and flew across the ruins of the broken bridge.

Bucky was used to being held by Crowe like this.

This was how they crossed the sea between the wall of the Dread Barque and the island, and so it was not awkward.

Bucky still had time to turn around and look, and then he saw something and yelled.

"Clo, those ghosts are catching up!"

"I know!"

Crowe suddenly increased his speed, and with a shaving step, he arrived at the Mast Mansion in an instant with a trajectory like a slash.

Meanwhile, the ghost follows.

Cloo let go of Bucky: "Don't worry about them, just chase the real body. The more she runs and the less she shows up, it means my guess is right!"

"I understand, give that body a good beating!"

Bucky geared up, nodded, picked up the throwing knife, broke into the castle, and then froze.

Crowe came in slowly.

He sensed that there was an enemy blocking the way, but it wasn't too strong, so he was surprised that Bucky was standing there.

He looked up and first saw the enemy blocking the road.

Each of these enemies looks like sewn animal dolls, but in fact they are all zombies.

Then, Crowe's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the huge body behind them.

It was an enlarged version of the girl he saw just now, as if she had become a giantess in an instant.

Wearing a crown on her long pink ponytails, she was huddled in the corridor with her hands on her knees, and her black and white striped stockings were particularly eye-catching.

"Hehehehehehe -" she said in a childish, somewhat arrogant voice, "He who wears glasses, you just said, who is running away?"

Bucky turned his head in shock: "Clo, this is different from what was promised. Why does she grow so big?"

"Something's wrong..." Crowe was much calmer than Bucky. He once again spent his energy and used "Seeing and Hearing Color", and he discovered the problem. "Don't worry, that's not the real body. It's probably one of her abilities."

"Huh?" Bucky blinked.

"Tsk." Seeing that "Princess Mononoke" Perona, the last of the three weirdos, could not frighten them, she bit her nails angrily, "You are so annoying! Komaxi, Gentleman Hippo, catch them. ! I want them to be my prisoners just like the man with the black eye!"

The army of animal dolls obeyed the order and pounced on Crowe and Bucky together.

At the same time, the white ghost floating in also intercepted their circuit.

Crowe frowned, still thinking: "Man with dark circles?" "We are surrounded!" Bucky shouted from the side, "What are you thinking about 'man with dark circles'... eh? Man with dark circles" ?”

Bucky also reacted.

Crowe tensed up, suddenly noticed something, and rushed towards the army of animal dolls.

With a sharp claw attack, a ragdoll bear zombie wearing a mask was disemboweled in an instant!
"Kemaxi——" Perona yelled distressedly.

Immediately afterwards, an unconscious man rolled out of the stuffed bear and was caught by Crowe.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Trafalgar Law!
At this time, Luo's eyes were closed tightly, but he was still breathing, but the sword Guiwei had disappeared.

"It's really you..."

Crowe slapped Law on the cheek, trying to wake him up.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there should have been his and Luo's shadows on the ground, but now there was only his shadow on the ground!
Law was attacked by a Devil Fruit power and his shadow was taken away!
Crowe recalled the words "shadow body" and "flesh body" that Shigeyue Ryoma had mentioned before, and he almost figured out what was going on.

I see, this is why zombies can move.

Now, Luo's shadow may also be in the body of a zombie.

"Clo!" Bucky was resisting the army of animal zombies alone, and had to be careful of sneak attacks from white ghosts. He could no longer hold on, so he had to shout.

Crowe also knew that the situation at hand was not good, and it was not the time to get to the bottom of it. He immediately put Luo down, then waved his cat's paw and joined the battlefield.

Bucky and Crowe teamed up, which made it much easier.

After a while, the zombie army in those corridors was cleared away.

Crow's cat claws dug into the body of the last hippo zombie, tearing him into several pieces before stopping to take a breath.

The huge Perona was sitting in the corridor, stunned as she watched her men fall one after another.

Ever since she lived here in seclusion with Lord Moria, she had not seen such a fierce enemy for a long time.

The most important thing is that her white ghost can no longer pass through Crowe and Bucky. After they are prepared, they will not be so easily attacked.

Perona used "Negative Ghost" to sneak attack Luo before, and she also took advantage of Master Moria's "Fragment Bat" to get entangled with Luo, and succeeded with a blow from behind.

Once the principle of such an attack is known and the enemy is prepared, it will be difficult to replicate it.

We have to find another way to attack by surprise!
Her strange eyes turned, and those white ghosts hovered on the ceiling, and then swooped down again.

Crow hugged the unconscious Luo and jumped away with Bucky, preparing to dodge the impact of the white ghost.

Unexpectedly, they just turned overhead but did not fall down.

Then, they suddenly split and turned into small white ghosts, and then quickly blocked all the paths of Crowe and Bucky.

"Want to win with numbers?" Crowe frowned. He had a tow bottle in his hand, and there was also a tow bottle named Bucky standing next to him. It was really difficult to cope with the situation at hand. "Be careful, they seem to Something is different...more dangerous?"

Bucky didn't take it seriously. Anyway, being passed by a ghost would only make him passive. At most, he would be embarrassed again in front of Crowe.

So, when those mini white ghosts rushed over, Crowe hugged Luo and quickly dodged to avoid them, but Bucky was half a beat slower.

He was irritated by these white ghosts that would embarrass him. Just as he was about to break up his body to avoid them, he noticed that they were emitting white light.

The next moment, a series of explosions sounded!

bang bang bang-

Although the white ghost cannot touch the physical body, it can self-destruct. The result of the release of spiritual power is a small bomb.

As a result, many small ghost bombs detonated around Bucky, and the impact instantly injured him. The old wounds that had not been fully healed in the "Water City" exploded again.

He fell bleeding.

"Bucky!" Crowe then knew where the crisis came from and wanted to save him, but he was entangled by those mini ghosts.

Bucky half-opened his eyes, filled with regret, and his vision was a little blurry.

He saw Crowe being forced to stay away from him in order to avoid the mini ghost, and then saw the huge pink-haired girl approaching him, and his breathing became rapid.

"Hehehehehehe-" Perona laughed, "No one can save you now."

Bucky was devastated for a moment, more desperate than when he was penetrated by the negative ghost.

At this time, he heard the sound of heart beating.

Porphyrin, porphyry, porphyry, porphyry——

Perona obviously heard it too, she raised her head blankly and looked around.

Then she heard the clown at her feet, who had lost his fighting spirit, suddenly laugh arrogantly.

"Hahahaha - you're done, the captain is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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