Chapter 360 Zhang Quanfa has not returned

However, until the sky dimmed, the vision became hazy, the mountain road was blurry, and no one was seen coming.

A bunch of little ladies couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but no one dared to express their disappointment directly.One was that he was afraid of being laughed at for being too impatient, and the other was that he was afraid that he would say something he shouldn't have said, causing Zhang Quanfa to end up selling all the tea he brought.

This time is different from last time. Everyone has been stuck for too long. They finally found out that the Gouwa flowers and frost mulberry leaves that Wang Chengzhou taught them can be made to make money. They all went crazy and thought they had done too little. As for Zhang Quanfa, when he left, the cart he was pulling was so loaded that his waist was almost bent from fatigue.

There are so many things, and it’s only been one day, so it’s normal that they can’t be sold out.

In the dusk, the older girls and younger wives chatted with each other for a while, then rushed home with the little ones who came to join in the fun.

Naturally, Wang Chengzhou's family had the same thought, so they didn't pay much attention and took a rest after eating.

However, rest belongs to others, and Wang Chengzhou cannot expect to receive that kind of treatment.He had wasted so much time in the past few days. Li Yuzhu had already disliked him and urged him to go to the brigade courtyard for evening self-study before the pot was finished.

Moreover, Xu Xiaozhi was angry with him in the past two days and had not come to call him for two nights, so he had to wander around in the dark alone.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the brigade courtyard, I met an old acquaintance - Yang Qiaoer.

Both of them arrived late. When they arrived at the study room, the brightly lit area was already occupied, leaving only a remote corner.

Xu Xiaozhi had a straight face and originally wanted to ask him to come over and squeeze in, but it seemed that he didn't seem to see her. She sat down with Yang Qiaoer and snorted slightly, completely ignoring him.

"Qiao'er, why are you here too?"

Wang Chengzhou pulled over a broken bench, wiped it, handed it over, and said in a low voice: "Can't you tell? You, a little girl, still have ambitions to become a prodigy. Are you about to take the college entrance examination?"

When she first saw him, Yang Qiaoer's big eyes almost shone with surprise, but when she heard his teasing, her face turned red and she pouted: "Master Chengzhou, you are laughing at me again. !”

After saying that, he took the bench he handed over, quietly sat down, put up the book, and covered his face.

"Hey, why would I make fun of you?"

Wang Chengzhou also didn't expect to meet this little girl who likes more serious things. At that time, he no longer felt bored and whispered:

"The college entrance examination has resumed and it is everyone's right to enter university."

"I heard that there are young comrades from the commune who are just 15 years old taking the college entrance examination. You are 16 years old, what are you afraid of?"

"Failure is success. Whether you pass the exam or not is another matter. It's always good to go and experience it. We must strengthen our beliefs, not be afraid of sacrifice, and fight after defeats, defeats, and defeats..."

Yang Qiaoer laughed out loud at what he said. The book shook for a while, but she finally met his gaze and said seriously: "Master Chengzhou, I don't want to be admitted to college, I want to be admitted to high school."

After finishing speaking, he looked outside uneasily, "I haven't even finished junior high school, how can I be qualified to take the college entrance examination?"

"My family is too busy, and I have forgotten most of what I have learned before. This is because my father drank some wine today and fell asleep in bed, so I sneaked out to study."

"Even in high school, I may not be able to pass the exam. Mr. Chengzhou, please stop laughing at me."

Wang Chengzhou suppressed his smile and nodded lightly, "It's okay. With tall buildings rising from the ground, it's impossible for anyone to be admitted to college at once. Let's start from high school."


Yang Qiaoer smiled sweetly and began to read seriously while holding the book.

Seeing her working so hard, Wang Chengzhou withdrew his gaze and gradually became quiet.

He had been studying very late, the night was getting darker, and the temperature had become very low without knowing when. The cold made him shiver, and he woke up from his concentrated study.

Turning his head, he saw Yang Qiaoer lying on the desk with her shoulders hunched, as if she wanted to curl up her body as small as possible so as not to lose her temperature too quickly.

A pair of worn trousers were put together and trembling slightly, obviously they were freezing.

Wang Chengzhou frowned and glanced at the sky outside. He guessed that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, so he whispered: "Qiao'er, it's too cold. You are wearing such thin clothes. Why don't you go back first, so as not to You’ll catch a cold later.”

Yang Qiaoer really couldn't hold on any longer, but she raised her head and looked around. Seeing that everyone was studying seriously and had no intention of leaving, she sat back with an embarrassed look on her face, raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Master Chengzhou , It’s okay, I can hold on for a while longer, so as not to affect everyone if I leave alone.”

Wang Chengzhou looked at this serious little girl and couldn't continue to persuade her, so he could only nod and said:

"That's fine."

"However, Qiao'er, the weather will get colder and colder in the future. If you want to continue studying in the brigade courtyard, you'd better wear thicker clothes. It's ventilated from all sides here, and it's not as good as at home. It's really possible for a silly little girl like you to You’ll catch a cold by freezing yourself.”

"By the way, you can make money yourself, so why not go to the supply and marketing cooperative to get some cotton cloth and make yourself a new dress?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Yang Qiaoer's eyes, but after thinking about it carefully, she still shook her head, "Master Chengzhou, let's talk about it later. The situation in my family...well, Master Chengzhou, I have been resistant to freezing since I was a child, and I am not afraid of the cold." I guess. Feeling that her excuse was too stupid, she pinched her fingers and added, "Well, I hid a little money myself and wanted to use it to buy books and pencils. I can't spend it on other things."

Wang Chengzhou was stunned and couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

This girl is so sensible.

Although he was often beaten and scolded by his parents, he always had a sense of filial piety.Last time, because I heard that carp soup can help in lactation, I risked going into the river to catch fish for my mother who was giving birth, and I almost drowned.

Not to mention that last time she suffered from cold, irregular menstruation, and she was bleeding all over her body. Yang Shutiao and Zhang Huiping not only did not feel sorry for her, but even insulted her, scaring the child like a frightened little beast. .

But now, after finally making money, I still have to be exploited by my parents.

Of course, children in the countryside never have the right to spend freely. They usually pay for a good meal to buy a book. It is understandable for Yang Qiaoer to hand over the money to her parents.

But, such a filial child should be more or less loved by his parents, right?
Full of depression, the time finally came to ten o'clock.

Everyone began to go home and sleep one after another.

Wang Chengzhou followed her out of the brigade courtyard. Apart from seeing the child off in the dark, he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Master Chengzhou, I'm home, please go back."

It was very dark. When he was sent to the door of his house, Yang Qiaoer was filled with warmth and thanked him gratefully.

"It's okay, I'm on my way this way."

Wang Chengzhou smiled and waved goodbye. "Master Chengzhou."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, Yang Qiaoer suddenly shouted again, her voice sounding very serious in the night, "Do you think I can walk out of this small mountain village like Aunt Aiduo?"

Looking at the dilapidated courtyard behind her, Wang Chengzhou was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Of course!"


Yang Qiaoer's mood suddenly became excited, she nodded her head, shook her little hand, and gently closed the courtyard door.

Wang Chengzhou shook his head and walked all the way home.

The next day.

Wang Honghe and Li Yuzhu, who were free, spent all their time supervising Wang Chengzhou's studies.He was kept at home all day, and it wasn't until the afternoon that he had some freedom.

Another dusk has arrived, and the village is even more lively than yesterday.

After all, Zhang Quanfa had promised that he would rush home that night regardless of whether he could sell out the tea in two days at most.

In other words, tonight is the day he comes back.

Thinking of the scene of sharing money last time, how could a bunch of big girls and young wives not be excited?

As soon as the sun went down, the entrance to the village was crowded with people, making it look like there was a general meeting.Two days have passed, not to mention the old and young men in Wangjiacun, almost the entire commune knows that Zhangzhuang has a capable man named Zhang Quanfa.

People can earn dozens of yuan per trip by dumping tea leaves in the city, which is equivalent to a worker's monthly salary!All the money I earned was earned by standing in front of my house and giving out several pieces of money to the little ladies.

Not only did he live a prosperous life, his wife and children were dressed in silk and satin, and he even helped the gentlemen in other villages drink wine.

That is simply a rare and talented person from all over the country!
In those days, don't underestimate how quickly this kind of thing spreads in the countryside. If Zhang Quanfa hadn't gotten married, given his current reputation, matchmakers would probably start to block the door.

Those who know the inside story know that the Gouwa flower tea and frost mulberry leaf tea invented by Wang Chengzhou are favored by people in the city and have helped the fellow villagers make a lot of money.

But the person who really took the money was Zhang Quanfa after all. Compared with some concocted herbal medicine, money was obviously more likely to attract the attention of ordinary people.

For a time, the whole village was talking about Zhang Quanfa.

Under normal circumstances, such a lively occasion must be indispensable for Li Yuzhu.But unfortunately, the talented person everyone is criticizing is his son-in-law. No matter how thick-skinned Comrade Li is, he is too embarrassed to lick his face and let the old and young men flatter him.

Not just her, but the whole family has the kind of personality that doesn't put food on the table, and they feel uncomfortable when someone flatters them.So, everyone hid at home and had fun secretly.

Wang Nanzhou and Wang Caiyun were even more hopeless. They had long forgotten the idea of ​​asking their father Wang Tielin for the property they deserved. The young couple looked happy and planned to wait for Zhang Quanfa to come back before bringing the medicinal materials collected yesterday to the city. With one sale, they would be able to save enough money to get married at the end of the year.

If Wang Caiyun and his son didn't want to give them the work points they earned back then, they shouldn't give them to them, as long as they didn't look for trouble.With all this money, it's not like the two of them can't cope with their lives.

However, they did not dare to let Wang Chengzhou know these words.

I was afraid that he would have a bad temper, so I kept insisting on this matter.

Wang Aiduo has also changed her mind a lot about her once unattractive brother-in-law. She even plans to make some money at home so that she can apply for a set of beautiful new clothes to wear when school starts next year.

And I have already found a reason. I just want to go to school in the county town, but I can't embarrass the folks in Wangjiacun and let the kids in the city look down on me.

She, Wang Aiduo, must dress up and show her own style.

Li Yuzhu curled her lips after hearing some twisted reasoning.

If it had been in the past, she would never have agreed to such an extravagant request from her daughter. What a shame for others to look down upon.If you are a loser, no matter how smartly you dress, everyone will laugh at you for being a fool.

But after all, today is different from the past. Our family is rich!
Comrade Lao Li only has one daughter left who has not left the government, and she is really going to be admitted to high school. She is also one of the few promising people in Lao Wang's family.Not to mention the Wang family production brigade, even in the entire Pushan Township, how many girls can be admitted to high school?

If Si Ya is really successful, the process of honoring the ancestors will indeed be halfway achieved.

The whole village is painting a bright future, waiting for Zhang Quanfa to return from the county with a full harvest.

However, I waited and waited until I looked at him, but I still couldn't see that tall figure.

Everyone couldn't help but become a little anxious, and some even couldn't bear their temper and went to the mountain road to greet them.

Those big girls and young wives frowned and stretched their necks. For a moment, they seemed to be even more affectionate than Wang Fushi, and their faces were full of expectation.

Seeing the sky getting dark, Li Yuzhu finally couldn't stay at home anymore and ran out to inquire about his son-in-law.

After a while, the sky became completely dark.

Wang Honghe, who had always looked down on Zhang Quanfa, couldn't sit still anymore and said, "If you don't come back, you won't come back. How can you lose a big man? This old lady won't come back to cook and is wandering outside." What?" He ran after him all the way.

The atmosphere at the entrance of the village changed. Everyone really started to panic. They didn't understand what happened to this Quanfa. It was almost dark. Why didn't you come back?
Could it be that he got rich, lived in a high-end guest house in the county, and enjoyed himself?
Don't tell me, with his dissolute temperament, this is really possible!
Everyone made random guesses for a while, but no one was there, and they couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but they had nothing to do, and they gathered together to chat anyway.

It’s just that maybe I forgot that I haven’t made dinner yet.

Looking at the dark night, Wang Chengzhou felt a little uneasy. He frowned and hesitated whether he should go search for it.

But the county town is fifty or sixty miles away, and if my second brother-in-law, who is out of place, really feels that it is too late and plans to stay in the county town for one night, he will be like a fool and go all the way in vain.

And you may not be able to find him when you get to the city.

"Three children!"

While hesitating, the second sister's voice suddenly sounded outside.Wang Aixian rushed from home in the dark with her child in her arms, looking panicked. When they met, she said:

"San'er, why doesn't your brother-in-law come back yet?"

"When he left the day before yesterday, he promised me that no matter how the tea was sold, he would come back early this afternoon. It's already night now, why is he still nowhere to be seen?"

"San'er, my heart is pounding, and I am always out of order. Is something going to happen to you and your brother-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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