I don’t blame everyone for making a fuss, mainly because the words “smart soup” are too bizarre.From ancient times to the present, most doctors dare to claim to cure all diseases, but I have never heard of a doctor who can cure the wise and the foolish.

Wang Chengzhou had already anticipated everyone's reaction, so he explained those words in detail, and then said seriously:
"This method calms the mind and calms the mind, calms the mind and stops forgetfulness. I can guarantee the effect."

"However, the so-called prescribing the right medicine is suitable for people who are not good at memorizing and forgetting too much. It cannot treat real stupid people. As a daily health supplement, it can calm the mind, calm the mind, and assist learning. That's why I wrote this line slogan."

"The college entrance examination, which has been suspended for ten years, is now resuming. It is a time for young talents around the world to express their ambitions and great ambitions. As a doctor, I just hope that I can do something within my power to help everyone rise to the top."

"It's just that we worked hard to dig this medicine from the mountains, and it was not easy to get. The so-called good steel must be used on the blade, so I had to write this ridiculous sentence 'Only sold to young men, not old men' I hope you guys won’t be offended by my words.”

When the uncles heard his explanation, their eyes widened. It turned out that this was the reason.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh in relief.

"We've been making trouble for a long time. It turns out that this young gentleman has ulterior motives. We really blamed him wrongly."

"We want to see if this medicine is genuine or not. We have never heard of smart soup before. If it is as magical as he said, it is really worth spending money to buy some."

"Buy some? Huh, you really have a lot of money! How high can this person be for a small village health worker? I don't know where I got this mess, just to defraud everyone's money. , are you really planning to be fooled?"

To be honest, after listening to Wang Chengzhou's introduction, many educated youths from the city were really interested.Taking the college entrance examination is a major event in their lives right now. Anyone who has some curative effects on this "smart soup" and has some spare money in their pockets wants to buy it and give it a try.

This kind of thinking is no different from that of Zhao Yu, Diao Qingsong, Xu Wannian, Yu Hua and others.

However, after hearing these people's busy discussions, they couldn't help but hesitate again.One is that he is worried whether the medicine produced by the village health worker is really as effective as he said; the other is that everyone is watching the fun, and he can't wait to buy the medicine, which makes him look like a taken advantage of and makes others laugh.

For a time, although there were people around, no one came up to buy.

The lesbians gathered together, pointing at the two of them, muttering, and laughing from time to time.The gay man held his shoulders and slanted his legs, as if watching a sideshow.

After all, this is an era of collective mass production. Everyone likes to follow the trend and do whatever others do.

If others don't buy it, even if you want to buy it in your heart, it's not good to be the one who stands out in front of so many people and just follow the fun.

Wang Chengzhou looked at everyone. Although he was smiling, his heart gradually became colder.

Is it possible that it would be difficult to open a business today...

"Hey, kid, everyone says you are a very good hygienist. Are you really telling the truth?"

At this moment, a tall and thin man pushed through the crowd and squeezed in, shouting:

"Well, I happen to have a little problem. Come and check it out for me."

"If you can find out what the problem is, it means you are really capable. Don't say anything. I will be the first to buy this 'smart soup'!"

"If you can't find out, huh! That means you are openly cheating in the market under the name of a hygienist. I will blow up the stall for you!"

I didn't expect this person to have such a bad temper.

Everyone just wanted to watch the fun, so they burst out laughing and started cheering:

"Yes, yes, you will know if you are really capable by trying it!"

"Wang Health Nurse, patients are coming to our door, so show your skills. If you can tell people why, we will naturally believe what you say."

"Hahaha, if you can't tell me, the level of your village health worker is suddenly exposed, then you can't blame others for smashing your stall. After all, the word 'smart soup' is an insult to everyone's IQ. !”

For a time, there were so many people around, as if they were rushing to watch a circus.

Hearing these people's words, Xu Xiaozhi immediately became nervous.As smart as she was, she never expected that they were just going to the market to sell something, and things would develop to this point.

Wang Xiucai is just a village health worker, not an X-ray machine. How can he tell what kind of disease you have at a glance?

But now, it is difficult to get off the tiger.With so many pairs of eyes staring at them, they can't just run away in despair, right?If that's the case, I'm afraid they will immediately be confirmed as a deceiver.

This girl from the city was nervous for the first time, her sweet little face wrinkled up, looking at the dark crowd around her, sweat started to form on her smooth forehead...

Turning his head, he found that Wang Chengzhou's face was still full of smiles.Moreover, this smile was obviously different from the fake smile just now. It was full of confidence and sunshine, which made her feel at ease and inexplicably calmer.

But there was a burst of slander in my heart: How can this Wang Xiucai still laugh when others make things difficult for him?I'm afraid you don't have any special hobbies!

Just as they were arranging, the slender man had already come closer, tilting his chin and staring coldly.Wang Chengzhou was glared at by him, but his expression was calm and he looked at him silently.

I saw that this man had a green complexion, a small head, and a long face. In rural terms, he had a donkey face.His shoulders and back are very broad, but his hands and feet are not big. When he stares at himself, his eyebrows are always furrowed.

I don't know if he had been staring at him for a long time, but the man suddenly burped. It was like an animal regurgitating cud. Some things came up from his stomach, but he chewed it for a few mouthfuls and then swallowed it back.

The sight of the man grinning made him feel sick.

He probably felt that his behavior was not very decent, so he frowned and said:
"Let me tell you clearly, I feel nauseated."

"You think I want to turn over what I've eaten and eat it again? It's sticky and has no taste anymore, okay?"

"But I've seen all the doctors nearby, and even went to the county hospital several times, but nothing is getting better. What can I do? If it weren't for this, I would be so rare that I would be the first person to let you laugh at me?"

"Boy, if you can't cure me today and I lose my face, believe it or not, I will smash the stall for you!"

At this time, everyone could not laugh anymore.

I didn’t expect that he was really sick, and the disease was not only disgusting to others, but also disgusting to myself!I don’t know if this guy has a mother-in-law. The woman in the family eats at the same table with a ruminant all day long. If she can eat it, she is a hero among women...

If the young gentleman in front of you can't explain why, it's not surprising that others will become angry.

After listening to his threatening words, Wang Chengzhou grinned, shook his head and said: "I thought it was a serious illness, but if it was just this, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop me. "

The man's eyes widened when he heard it. He didn't expect that not only was he not afraid of himself, but he also dared to speak big words!
Everyone was even more curious. They stretched their necks to take a look, and there was silence all around.

"No one can escape birth, old age, illness, and death. Being sick is not something to be ashamed of, and it should not be laughed at, because everyone has to go through it."

Wang Chengzhou put his hands behind his back and said with emotion:
"And judging from your symptoms, it's not nausea, but esophageal reflux."

"For such a disease, generally speaking, the causes are nothing more than qi inversion, phlegm obstruction, and cold syndrome, and the doctors who treat you probably have not escaped from their stereotypes."

"But in my opinion, your disease is a typical constitutional disease, or you should be born with such a disease."

What do you call this... Are there still people who should be born with this disease?
Not only were the onlookers upset, the lanky man was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out.But I heard that his analysis was very clear and logical, and it seemed that he was indeed completely different from the previous doctors. I felt a move in my heart and suppressed my anger, wondering what he would say.

"Don't be angry, I didn't mean any harm."

Wang Chengzhou grinned, stretched out a finger, and pointed at him up and down, "It's just that my brother's appearance suddenly reminded me of a passage in an ancient book, and I was moved by it."

"What, what book?"

The lanky man's expression froze, and he asked doubtfully, wondering why he was still recorded in the ancient books. Xuanqi's words made him a little nervous, "What, what are you talking about?"

""Lingshu·Yinyang 25 People" says: A wooden-shaped person, compared to the upper corners, resembles the Cang Emperor. He is a human, pale color, small head, long face, big shoulders, straight body, small hands and feet, good If you have talent, you will work hard, if you have little energy, if you worry a lot, you will work hard.”

Every time Wang Chengzhou said something, he pointed at the corresponding part and described it from head to toe.The appearance of this lanky man was exactly the same as described in the book. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was very similar.

The onlookers were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground. They did not expect that the "smart soup" was bizarre enough. What this young gentleman said was even more frightening and incomprehensible.

I couldn't help but start thinking wildly, what fate, gods, heavenly principles...

In short, things suddenly became mysterious.

Wang Chengzhou still looked at him and smiled:
"Roughly speaking, wood-shaped people like my brother are most likely to suffer from diseases related to the liver and gallbladder. The liver and gallbladder are the exterior and interior of each other, one yin and one yang, and both belong to wood."

"If what I expected is correct, my brother is suffering from a disease caused by liver overpowering the spleen. The reason is that the liver qi is strong and the spleen earth is weak. It is neither qi nor phlegm nor cold."

"If I could, how about you take your pulse?"

Wooden man...

Such a novel word fell on him, and the lanky man became nervous. How could he still look a little arrogant?
He quickly stretched out his hands in front of him tremblingly.

——Thanks to Brother Ranstew Quanshu for the 100-point reward!

——Thank you to Brother Rongrongrong for the 500-point reward! (End of chapter)

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