In fact, due to the existence of the meat phone Guo Shumei, Wang Chengzhou had a rough idea of ​​Wang Tielin's condition. Nine times out of ten, it was Han Xie's leg pain.

For such diseases, dispersing cold is the main treatment idea.

However, when Wang Tielin was sick, his son Wang Zhiguo used hot bricks to toss him around. Later, the medicine was not suitable for the disease, and he was injured by the doctor at the township health center. Finally, he went to the county hospital and was delayed for two days, resulting in Cold air is lingering in the body, and qi and blood are coagulated in the meridians. The situation has become very complicated, and conventional therapy is obviously not suitable.

In addition to dispersing cold, another idea is to circulate qi, activate blood circulation, and unblock meridians.

This is about using force to defeat cleverness. No matter what the reason is for the blockage of meridians, just poke it open.

If it is blocked, it will hurt. If it is blocked, won't it stop hurting?
In response to such symptoms, the modern physician Zhang Xichun gave a very effective prescription called Huoluo Xiaoling Dan, which is specially used to treat qi and blood coagulation, abscesses, abdominal pain, leg pain and arm pain, internal and external sores, and everything else. The internal organs gather together and the collaterals become stagnant.

It can be seen from this that Qi and blood coagulation is the core pathogenesis of this prescription.

Wherever the Qi and blood condense, there will be endless pain.Therefore, this prescription can be added or subtracted according to the pain in different parts.

For example: for leg pain, add Achyranthes bidentata, for arm pain, add Forsythia suspensa, for women with congestion and abdominal pain, add raw peach kernels and raw Wulingzhi.

I was thinking about it in my mind when suddenly a bad smell came.

Wang Chengzhou looked up and found that he had followed Wang Caiyun and Wang Jianguo to his home and was standing at the door of the main room.There was a wooden bed in the center of the room, with an old man curled up on the bed.The bedding on his body was wrinkled and seemed to have been torn with force.

There was a wet spot under the bed, and there were obvious bruises on the ground.

Wang Chengzhou stretched out his nose and sniffed it, and immediately realized what it smelled like. He quickly held his breath and cursed himself for being a bitch.

It obviously smells like urine!

Wang Tielin suffered severe pain in his legs and had difficulty moving. Naturally, it was impossible to run back and forth to the toilet.Coupled with age, frequent urination and urgency are common problems of the elderly, so it is not surprising to have a urine jar in the house.

People are always annoying, that's all.

"Ah, Jianguo, who is here?"

I guess I was in pain all night and fell asleep just before dawn.Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wang Tielin woke up from a daze. His eyelids were droopy and wrinkled. He had not seen him for a few days, and he was already showing his age.

In addition, the voice was moaning and weak, which made people sigh.

Seeing that he was tortured like this by illness, although Wang Chengzhou felt hatred in his heart, he couldn't get angry anymore.

"Dad, Chengzhou, it's Chengzhou here."

Wang Jianguo quickly ran up and held his hand, his eyes red, and he said excitedly: "My sister and I invited him here."

Wang Tielin was stunned for a moment, and then he hummed without saying anything.

When Wang Caiyun saw him like this, as her biological daughter, one can imagine how she felt in her heart.If the father hadn't gone too far before, she would have pounced on him and cried bitterly.

But even so, he still couldn't control his tears and wiped them sideways.

Her mother passed away early, and Wang Tielin was her only close relative. She originally felt guilty for treating her parents, but how could she be so cruel at this moment?

"Chengzhou, you, come and take a look."

Wang Jianguo was a man with many thoughts and a deep character, but he was really filial to his father. His eyes were red, and he gave him a helpless word, and he had already bowed his head to him.

Wang Chengzhou nodded and slowly came to the bed.

Wang Tielin closed his eyes and kept humming.I don’t know if it’s because it’s really so painful that I can’t speak, or if I just don’t have the face to look at him, so I’m trying to hide it.

Wang Chengzhou raised the corners of his mouth slightly, endured the unpleasant smell, and placed his fingers on his pulse.For Xiao Chili's sake, I didn't argue with him.

The pulse is stringy and thin, to a few pulses.

This is obviously due to the stagnation of dampness, endogenous deficiency of heat, and deficiency of both qi and blood.

Half of it was done by himself, and half of it was the credit of the doctor who dispelled the cold.

"San'er, is this... easy to cure?"

After all, Wang Caiyun was worried and urged her in a subtle way.

After all, his father had suffered for so many days. Doctors in the village and county had all looked at him, but they still found no improvement. The problem was obviously too difficult, and he was afraid that he would be helpless.

"Good governance."

Wang Chengzhou smiled sarcastically and added in an awkward tone, "If you have a serious disease, if you can find a good doctor when you first start to feel the pain, why would you have to suffer for so many days?"

Hearing his words, Wang Tielin hummed louder...

"Cough cough."

Wang Jianguo suddenly became excited and walked up the first few steps: "Chengzhou, please tell me what medicine you want to use. I will borrow a car later and go buy it right away!"

"Five qian of angelica, five qian of salvia, five qian of frankincense, and five qian of myrrh."

The recipe for the Huohuo Ling Dan is not a secret. It can be found in medical books. Wang Chengzhou read it crisply, "Beijing Deer Antler Glue is four qian (separately stewed, mixed and taken). Tomorrow, you will get two qian of sesame. Decoction and drink it." .”

This recipe is very simple, but it is very suitable for the pathogenesis of pain.Among them, angelica root and salvia miltiorrhiza activate blood circulation, frankincense and myrrh promote qi, antler glue enters the kidneys and nourishes bones, and gastrodia elata enters the liver and nourishes tendons, which has a significant effect on pain.

Wang Chengzhou paused for a moment and then specifically asked, "Ming and Shengming both mean things that are used without processing. When you go to grab the medicine, remember to make it clear."

Wang Jianguo quickly added a few more strokes, nodding his head, extremely excited.Dad has been suffering all day, and he has become very sensible and does not argue about whether Chinese medicine is scientific or not.

"San'er, is this all right?"

Wang Caiyun asked again.

Wang Chengzhou smiled, took out the silver needle, and said:

"After the medicine is prescribed, you can also use acupuncture as an auxiliary treatment."

"Master Tielin, turn sideways. I'm going to put acupuncture points on your lower abdomen and back, Guanyuan point and Shenshu point respectively. Then I'll put a few more needles on your knees, Yanglingquan point and Xianyangguan point respectively. , Dubi point and Liangqiu point."

"You'll feel better after it's done."

After listening to his explanation, Wang Tielin turned sideways, still humming with his eyes closed.

Wang Chengzhou smiled secretly in his heart, this old guy was quite wary.It was probably because he had promised to abort Wang Caiyun last time, but he had gone against it, allowing him to see the magic of acupuncture, and he was afraid that he would do something wrong and injure himself.

However, he is obviously judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

As a doctor, how could Wang Chengzhou play dirty tricks in treating diseases and saving lives?That is simply an insult to the character of doctors in the world!

Guanyuan acupoint and Shenshu acupoint can strengthen the heart and kidneys and generate yang qi, and are used to fight against painful paralysis caused by cold evil and dampness evil; Jinhui Yanglingquan can treat muscle, bone and leg pain, and these key acupoints are indispensable; Liangqiu is the foot The Qie acupoint on the Yangming Stomach Meridian is responsible for reducing inflammation and relieving pain, while the Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian passes through the legs; Dubi and Xianyangguan are nearby acupoints and are often used to treat pain in the knees.

As soon as the needle was inserted, no matter how much Wang Tielin pretended to be, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and his body collapsed.It was obvious that the severe pain of the past few days had suddenly subsided, and I was so relieved that I was almost speechless.

Of course, he originally planned to hold it back and had no intention of opening his mouth.

Even someone as unskilled as Wang Caiyun was ecstatic to see the change in his father's demeanor. Knowing that he was probably freed from pain, he was so grateful that he almost cried with joy.

Wang Jianguo's eyes widened. He was stunned for a while before he realized what was happening. He quickly touched his pocket and asked:
"This, is this all right?"

"Chengzhou, how much does it cost?"

"We are all doctors, so don't be polite to me."

"Five cents."

Who is polite to him?Wang Chengzhou replied as loudly as a lion before he could finish his words.

Fifty cents is really not a small amount of money.

You know, flour is only a little over ten cents a pound now.Wang Chengzhou just gave him a few injections and gave him a prescription. He didn't even prescribe any medicine, but he got five kilograms of flour for nothing. The medical fee was really not cheap.

When Wang Jianguo heard this, he quickly touched his other trouser pocket, finally collected fifty cents and handed it to him with both hands, "Okay, nothing more, nothing more."

Wang Chengzhou smiled secretly in his heart and stopped wasting time with him. He turned back and glanced at Wang Caiyun.

Seeing that her father still refused to speak, Little Pepper felt lonely on her pretty face, and she followed him out of the house, turning back three times.

After arriving home, the family was still waiting for them.

Seeing the indifferent expression on Wang Chengzhou's face, the family members raised their lips, knowing that Wang Tielin's illness must not have troubled him.Li Yuzhu immediately stood up with her knees pressed and hurriedly went to the kitchen to serve them food, "You guys came back just as the meal was being prepared. You really don't want to delay things!"

Wang Honghe couldn't help but light up a cigarette and took a puff, grinning from the corners of his mouth to his ears.Wang Nanzhou rubbed his hands, scratched his head and looked around for several times, only to find that the small bench was at his heels. He couldn't help scratching his head and quickly handed it to his brother.

Looking at the beautiful and proud father and son, Wang Aiduo rolled his eyes and couldn't help laughing.

After the family had breakfast, they went to work again.

Today is the last day for Maimaizi. After the busy work is over, the year's farming work is over.Next comes the long winter, and rural people finally have a hard-won long vacation.If it's a snowy day, you can curl up in bed early in the morning, listen to the sound of falling snow in the yard, and take a long nap.

Of course, that's only possible if you're not hungry.

At that time, although it was an era of large collectives and people were not very willing to work, in order to fill their stomachs, they would still find some kind of livelihood in winter.

For example, taking advantage of the dry season on the Baihe River, I dug for loaches on the riverbank; before the heavy snow closed the mountains, I went into the woods to collect firewood; in response to the call from above, I went to various villages to dig river channels...

In years when supplies are scarce, it is not easy to survive the harsh winter.Heating and food are two big mountains that weigh on rural people.

There is food for the winter, but vegetables are very scarce.In order to ensure that the family can have food to eat and not get sick, everyone will desperately search for wild vegetables before Xiaoxue arrives.

Frost-beaten sweet potato leaves, frost-beaten radish leaves, frost-beaten sesame leaves... After frost, vegetable crops will naturally lose moisture. They can be stored for a long time after being lightly blanched and dried.

Even some experienced old people will go to the mountains to dig up the roots of many unknown plants and come back to process them, and they can also be eaten as wild vegetables.

In some private restaurants in later generations, there were even starched noodles specially made from frost-resistant wild vegetables, which were not available to people who were not familiar with the boss.

It is enough to show how delicious the various wild vegetables produced by the frost are under the harsh nature.

Therefore, work is extremely lively today.

The older girls and younger daughters-in-law discussed where they would go to dig wild vegetables and call friends when they had no work tomorrow; the men thought about hunting rabbits and digging for loaches, and gathered together during breaks, muttering to each other and saying no. After that, the village cadres sat together and talked about the national event of mobilization to dig the river.

However, the most excited ones are the educated youth.

Zhao Yu, Diao Qingsong and Xu Wannian were huddled together, with Yu Hua standing next to them. They had already begun discussing how to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy stationery tomorrow.

It seemed as if they could take a long vacation as soon as the farm work in the fields was finished.

Wang Chengzhou couldn't bear to attack them, because he was also in a nervous mood, wondering what would happen when he arrived at the market tomorrow, wondering whether the smart soup he made would be able to open.

Don't look at how many educated youth comrades were so supportive yesterday, almost praising their smart soup to the sky, but that was based on their trust in Wang Chengzhou.After leaving the Wang family production brigade, how many people know him, Wang Chengzhou?
Even if you have heard of his reputation, if you smile and say a few polite words when you meet him, you have already given him enough face.Spending money, especially spending money on a bunch of things that you don’t know the so-called, is a bit hurtful.

All beginnings are hard.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to sell the first order...

Wang Chengzhou racked his brains and thought about how to make his business better tomorrow, but how could he, a stinky medical student, know this?

In the end, my head hurt when I thought about it, so I just smashed the jar and relied on Military Advisor Xiao Xu for everything!
After work, the village is as lively as sheep herding.

Wang Chengzhou went into the house alone, preparing herbs for sale tomorrow.Check to see if there is mold or spoilage, if the quality is not good, if there is anything that is not prepared properly, and any unqualified ones will be sorted out.

The God of Poria was born holding a pine tree, and the pine wood piece in the middle is also called the God of Poria. This must be present when used as medicine, otherwise it will be Poria.

Stone calamus must be selected with one inch and nine nodes, because it is very similar to water calamus. Generally, the scale nodes on the rhizome are used as the criterion.It's easy for a layman to get confused.

Polygala meat is polygala after removing the core. Without processing, the effect of eating it will be completely different.

This is also the reason why yesterday Wang Chengzhou told several educated youth comrades not to spread the recipe outside.It's not that I'm afraid that others will find out, but that I'm afraid that others will copy what I've learned and take the wrong medicine, which will cause an accident.

After careful selection, Wang Chengzhou packed the things, simply mixed them and grinded them into powder for easy consumption.

When it got dark, he found Xu Xiaozhi again and gave her a lot of instructions, telling her that she had to get up early tomorrow and let her go to bed early at night to stay energetic.

Unexpectedly, he himself was so nervous that he stayed up all night. When he woke up at four in the morning, he had two big black circles under his eyes, looking as haggard as a newly mourned ghost...

——Thanks to my brother Luolp for the 1500-point reward!

——In addition, I recommend a book to everyone: "Don't Call Me Chinese Medicine".A very hard-core article about urban doctors. The author is very high-level and should be a veteran.It is currently in the seedling stage. If you like this type, you can support it. (End of chapter)

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