Chapter 287

Lu Youda actually got a few bottles of liquor out, and then he personally carried the smooth glass bottles and poured a full bowl for each of Wang Chengzhou and Chen Weihong.

The two were so frightened that they quickly gave way.

This big porcelain bowl probably cost at least seven or eight taels. Not to mention that the two of them didn't drink much on weekdays. Even if they drank a lot, they would get drunk on the spot if they drank it all in one go.

"Little sir, Brother Chen, please stop refusing and drink quickly."

Gouzi licked his lips, stared at the wine in their bowls, and said with envy: "This is a good wine brewed by our village chief himself. It is different from what is sold in the market. It tastes fragrant and smooth. It slides into your stomach with a slurp. After you drink it, you can smash it into your mouth and you can still savor it for a long time."

"Brew your own wine?"

Wang Chengzhou was stunned, turned over the bottle and looked at it. There was indeed no label on it, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Chen Weihong also took a look and asked curiously: "Village Chief Lu, is this really the wine brewed by your village?"

"That's not!"

Gouzi immediately took over the conversation and showed off: "Our village chief's craftsmanship is so good that people from all over the country want to trade for his wine!"


Chen Weihong swallowed suddenly. She was really greedy and looked eager to try.

Noticing Wang Chengzhou's doubtful gaze, Mr. Chen said excitedly:

"Wang Chengzhou, if you don't like drinking, you may not know how popular this kind of farm-made wine is."

"Compared with the brand-name products sold in supply and marketing cooperatives, this thing is made of real materials. It can be said to be a real grain wine. If the level of the winemaker is higher, use the high-end products from big hotels. No one is willing to change it!"

"Look at the wine in this bowl. It's clear and soft. If you shake it gently, it can hang on the edge of the bowl. The key is that the wine has a strong aroma. It starts to penetrate your nostrils from a distance."

"Good wine! I never thought that Village Chief Lu could do this."

Lu Youda's face glowed with his praise. He immediately stood up, handed the wine bowl into his hand, and said with a smile:

"Brother Chen knows wine."

"But don't say it."

"Come on, everything is in the wine."

Gouzi didn't seem to notice the panic in his village chief's eyes, and continued to praise:

"Brother Chen, you are right."

"This wine is really worth a lot of food."

"The grain output in our village is not high to begin with. Everyone picks these grains out of their mouths one by one. It is not easy to get."

"Otherwise, why are the folks from all over the country so rare?"

"Cough cough!"

Lu Youda stared at him and tried to remind him to shut up, but in the end it was of no avail. He had to stand up with a shy face and said to please: "My wife, the food is ready? Come, I will help you take it."

Only then did everyone notice that Chen Julan came in with a plate of stir-fried vegetables.Hearing them talking about wine, the expressions on their faces were not good-looking. When they noticed the two bottles of white wine on the table, they pursed their lips and said nothing.She didn't let him pick up the food for her, she shook her shoulders, put it on the dining table, and walked out without saying a word.

Lu Youda scratched the air, looking embarrassed.Then, he glared at the talkative dog, sighed, and sat back.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little stiff.

Wang Chengzhou and Chen Weihong looked at each other, a little confused and did not dare to speak.


Lu Youda sighed and forced a smile:
"It made the two brothers laugh."

"Come on, let's talk about food and drink!"

"It's getting late, you two, don't be polite to me. Eat and drink when you should, just treat it like your own home."

Wang Chengzhou and Chen Weihong had no choice but to pick up their chopsticks, unable to refute the kindness.

At this time, Gouzi finally realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and muttered a little aggrievedly:
"Village Chief, the wine you brew is delicious."

"Anyway, if they don't support you, I will definitely support you!"

"Sister-in-law doesn't understand how good your craftsmanship is. If she likes drinking, she definitely won't be like this."

Encountering such a fool, Lu Youda really had no choice. He couldn't help but slap the table and cursed: "You really don't have any eyesight, stop talking!" But now, he couldn't continue to cover up, so he had to Looking at the two of them, he smiled bitterly and said: "You two brothers may not know that if you look at it from the root, my illness is caused by anger."

Wang Chengzhou nodded but did not speak.


Chen Weihong looked curious and asked: "Brother Lu, what is going on?"

"Hey, you just saw it too."

Lu Youda squatted on the stool, his shoulders slumped, "Your sister-in-law is strongly opposed to me leading the villagers to make wine."

"Actually, it's not just her, many people in the village have the same idea. They feel that in these years when there is not enough food to eat, wasting food and making wine is simply a way to death, and it is a waste of things. After all, good liquor costs only five kilograms. It takes only one kilogram of grain to brew."

"However, I am extremely confident. Of course, I know now that it may be more appropriately called conceited. In order to help the village generate some revenue, in the summer, I resisted everyone's opinions and just allocated some food. Brewing. Those are the rations for the young and old in the village."

This tall man squatted on a stool, his eyes shining brightly under the light, as if they contained stars.

"Fortunately, I have lived up to expectations. Relying on the craftsmanship passed down from my ancestors, I have brewed a batch of fine wine. Regardless of color, purity, aroma, and taste, they are all top-notch choices."

"The day the new wine came out, I was extremely happy. I thought I could finally help all the young and old men in the village earn some money and let everyone have a good New Year. That day, I got drunk for the first time."

"Unexpectedly, I was filled with joy but was poured cold water on it. When I arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative, people would not pay a high price for such a good wine, but they would also drive the price down crazily, insisting on buying one pound of blended wine for three pounds of grain. !”

"God! All the young and old men in our village are busy day and night. The good wine brewed with good grain is treated as a blender... In the end, not to mention making money, they also lose a lot in vain. To You know, that’s the food rations squeezed out by the whole village, old and young!”

Wang Chengzhou and Chen Weihong's eyes widened when they heard this. Looking at the burly man with tears streaming down his face in front of them, they could understand his anger and helplessness.

"For this reason, I even made a scene in the commune."

Lu Youda sighed, his voice trembling a little, "But the supply and marketing cooperative and the commune belong to the same family, how can they turn to us?"

"In these days, who would dare to accept things from the common people other than selling them to them? How much money can we make if we rely on the folks from all over the country to buy wine? We are all poor, haha."

"In the end, all the enthusiasm in my heart was poured out. Not only did I not help the old and young men make money, but I also lost a lot of money with them. Your sister-in-law felt guilty and always felt that she owed everyone, so she started to criticize. I am. Whenever I see the word "wine", I will never give me a good look." "Hey, in the final analysis, I asked for it!"

Chen Weihong opened her mouth, but no words came out.His father is the director of the county hospital, and he can be considered a person there. No one knows the principles of this better than him.

Lu Youda was obviously tricked.But in this situation where rural industry and commerce are stagnant, what can anyone do?
Wang Chengzhou sighed, finally knowing the cause of his illness.

Immediately he said softly:
“Frustration and anger injure the liver, causing the liver to lose its ability to dissipate and purge. Qi stagnation for a long time will turn into fire. In addition, if the liver loses its thickness and Qi does not distribute fluids, it will accumulate and form phlegm.”

"Excessive wood damages the spleen. In addition, you are busy brewing wine all day long and eating irregularly, which leads to damage to the spleen and stomach and neglect of transportation, which further aggravates the growth of phlegm."

"Brother Lu, let the past be in the past. Relax and don't let things outside your body damage your body."

Lu Youda listened to his analysis of the cause of his illness and saw that he even knew that he was eating irregularly. He felt respected and admired. He forced a smile and nodded, "Hey, that's what brother said."

"Maybe it's just that I don't know the depth and am just wildly imaginative."

"Forget it, don't think about it. Drink and eat!"

Everyone raised the bowl together.

However, everyone knew in their hearts that this matter was always a thorn in his heart.After all, he had betrayed the trust of all the young and old men in the village, causing them to go hungry next year. With Lu Youda's character, how could he let go of this?

Wang Chengzhou respected his character and was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Brother Lu, your skills will not be buried here."

Lu Youda was stunned, couldn't help but straighten up and asked: "Brother, how do you say this?"

October 77, 10, is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month this year.

That day was the Double Ninth Festival, and it was also the day when the People's Daily article "Major Reforms in College Enrollment" was officially announced to the world.

A thunder shook, and everything in the world exploded.

At that time, everything will undergo unprecedented changes.Regarding rural industry and commerce, many different phenomena will occur.There will be more and more small traders doing business in big markets, and even in big cities there will be small citizens practicing stalls on the roadside.

The country began to secretly relax certain policies, waiting for some trendsetters who dared to fight.

And now, there is less than a month left before the Double Ninth Festival!

Wang Chengzhou smiled enigmatically and did not answer him directly, "Brother Lu, we study Chinese medicine and have some knowledge of Yili."

"The No. 64 hexagram among the 11 hexagrams is the Tai hexagram, which represents the yang exhalation and the yin dissipation, and is the gentleman's Taoist leader; the No. 12 hexagram is the Tai hexagram, which is the yin exhalation and the yang dissipation, and is the villain's Taoist leader. If it is not extremely peaceful, it will be like a villain who is arrogant and domineering. To a certain extent, everything will enter its darkest moment, and the world will inevitably turn from yin to yang, leading to a peaceful and prosperous era."

"As long as we stick to the right path and don't seek glory, our luck will definitely turn around."

"I think Brother Lu will definitely turn around by the end of the year."

Lu Youda didn't quite understand what Fu Gua Tai Gua meant, but when he heard his words, he felt inexplicably excited, as if all the gloom in his heart had been swept away.

Immediately, he stood up holding the wine bowl and said with emotion:


"Based on your words, big brother has to cheer up no matter what, just wait for the day when the villain falls to the ground."

"When the time comes, eldest brother will repay the debts of the villagers and bring everyone to have a full meal. I will definitely never forget your kindness today!"

"Come on, do it!"

Lu Youda raised the porcelain bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and then flashed the bottom of the bowl. He was so heroic.

When Wang Chengzhou and Chen Weihong saw it, their blood surged, and they imitated his example and drank it all in one breath.

For a moment, this dilapidated main room really had the scene of a gathering of good men.

However, Chen Weihong is better. His family is rich and he has drank a few times. Wang Chengzhou is different. He doesn't like wine to begin with, or he doesn't like the feeling of indulging himself. His drinking capacity is too shallow. A bowl of wine After taking it, my head started to feel dizzy.

In the end, everyone was confused. I vaguely remembered that I was bragging, and it seemed that I took off my arms and had a fight with Zhang Yide.

The opponent was beaten until he abandoned his helmet and armor and fled.

It’s as if Marquis Lu Wen was still alive, but he didn’t have a general under his command!
In the early morning of the next day, Wang Chengzhou woke up rubbing his head. He felt that his throat was as dry as smoke, and his voice was hoarse. He shouted with difficulty, "Brother Lu, is there any water?"

"Hey, here we come."

Unexpectedly, sister-in-law Ju Lan walked in from outside with small steps. She had fair skin and long hair shawl. She originally had a cold temperament that was somewhat similar to Luan Hongying, but for some reason, when she entered the room, she turned up the corner of her mouth, full of smiles. With a smile on his face, he said softly:
"Brother Chengzhou, I boiled a pot of hot water just now, just waiting for you to wake up and wash up."

"Here, I've chilled this for you, drink it quickly."

"Sister-in-law will prepare a clean towel for you. You can get up and wash your face."

Wang Chengzhou was stunned for a moment, feeling a chill on his body. He suddenly remembered that he was still shirtless, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he quickly pulled the quilt to cover him.

Chen Julan covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, her cheeks turned red with joy, she turned around and walked out.

Wang Chengzhou scratched his head, took a look, and found that he was the only one occupying a large bed in the entire room.Moreover, judging from the situation, it was the wedding room of brother Lu Youda and sister-in-law Chen Julan, and it was quite exquisitely decorated.

He was so frightened that he quickly got up, got dressed and came to the main room.

Only then did he realize that early in the morning, Chen Weihong and Lu Youda were squatting on the small bench waiting for him.Both of them had dark circles under their eyes and looked tired, as if they hadn't slept well.What's even stranger is that both of their faces were covered in bruises and bruises. When they saw him coming out, they both looked scared and almost couldn't sit still on their stools.

"Brother Lu, Chen Weihong, what's going on?"


Facing his innocent eyes, Lu Youda and Chen Weihong trembled secretly, turned their heads and ignored him.

"Brother Chengzhou, come here, I'll give you hot water and a towel. You can wash in the house. It's cold outside."

Chen Julan walked in with a smile and a basin, taking care of him to wash up gently and considerately.

Wang Chengzhou was so flattered that he panicked a little...

Chen Julan covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, as if out of breath, patted his shoulder, curled her fingers and gave him a thumbs up.

When Lu Youda saw it, his nose almost became angry.

——Thanks to Brother Phantom Lemon for the 100-point reward!

 Okay, I listen to everyone and won’t open a new book yet.

  However, I really have a good idea. The book I will open in the future will definitely be more exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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