Chapter 267 The good master and the stupid apprentice

Wang Chengzhou knew from the beginning that Guo Mingyue was not a very smart person. What was valuable was her stubbornness and tough character that could almost be called a tiger. The most rare thing is that she has unparalleled medical skills. Obsession.

The death of her father was a huge blow to her at a young age.

It’s unimaginable that a little girl would take care of a cold corpse for so many days...

"The thirty-eight Ren meridian originates from the Yin Hui, and the curved bones are extremely Guan Yuanrui... The protruding throat is the Lianquan, and the lip is filled with pulp."

Guo Mingyue memorized the Ren Meridian and Acupoint Song in one breath. She seemed very proud. The tension on her pretty face disappeared a lot, and she said in one breath:

"The Du Meridian runs in the middle of 27, has a long and strong waist, and is close to the Yuyang Pass... the Dui end is in the center of the lip, and the gingival junction is within the lip of Du Bi!"

"Haha, Master, how are you?"

"I've been talking about it even when I'm sleeping for the past two days, and my mother said I'm crazy!"

Wang Chengzhou smiled and nodded, feeling a little relieved.Apart from anything else, this girl does have the energy to survive without being crazy.However, seeing her beaming with joy, I still felt the need to hit her to prevent her from drifting off.

Immediately, he asked abruptly, "Is the Suliao point an acupoint on the Ren meridian or the Du meridian? Where is it located and what is its main function?"


A series of questions were thrown at her, and Guo Mingyue was confused at that time. She blinked her clear and stupid big eyes, clasped her fingers anxiously and muttered, and started to recite the jingle again.

It took a while before she memorized "The fontanel on the top of the front is covered with stars, Shenting Sulao Shuigou Grotto...", and she was so happy that she shouted:

"I know Master!"

"Suliao point is an acupoint on the Du meridian, located just above the nose column."

"The main function...Master, this...this is a bit out of line, I didn't remember it..."

Wang Chengzhou snorted and teased: "I just learned two meridians. There are 365 acupuncture points on the twelve main meridians alone. If I were a doctor, I would count them on my fingers like you every time. The patient It’s already cold!”

Guo Mingyue was so punished by him that she pursed her lips, even though she held her knees between her legs and didn't dare to pout.

After a while, he muttered:

"You... didn't you say that you just need to remember it roughly? You don't mean what you say!"

"Also, there are 365 acupuncture points. The function of each acupuncture point must be clearly memorized. Is it really something that humans can do?"

"I've only been studying for a few days!"

When Wang Chengzhou saw her face full of grievances, sitting on a small bench like a primary school student, he suppressed his laughter and said with a straight face:

"Remember I told you that learning Chinese medicine requires opportunity and talent."

"There are a total of 720 acupuncture points all over the human body. If every acupuncture point is memorized by rote, there is no need to learn Chinese medicine."

"Everything has its own rules. Regarding the function of acupuncture points, the simplest ones are the theory of Tian Ying and Jing Rong's theory of combining the classics. According to them, the functions of each acupuncture point on the twelve main meridians can be roughly distinguished. For you to assist in memory, It is an irreplaceable help.”

"Take the Suliao point as an example. It is located on the tip of the nose. What is the first thing you think of when you see its location?"

Guo Mingyue raised her head, looked at him stupidly, and said hesitantly: "Treat...the nose?"

"Suliao point is not suitable for moxibustion. Acupuncture points are needed. It is used to treat polyps in the nose that will not go away, excessive runny nose, sores in the nasal chambers, difficulty breathing, sneezing, and nosebleeds."

Wang Chengzhou patiently explained:
"Actually, you are right. The acupuncture points on the nose can naturally treat nose diseases."

"The tip of my nose is raised high, would you do moxibustion on it? Would you use a three-inch long needle to prick the tip of my nose?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine is very profound, but it does not violate common sense between heaven and earth. What a normal person would do and what a normal person is like is a very important standard for Chinese medicine. In professional terms, it is also called 'normal' People'. You must have such a concept in your mind."

Guo Mingyue's eyes widened when he heard it, and he quickly took out his small notebook and memorized it eagerly.

In fact, there is a secret saying about Suliao point, that is, it can be used to judge whether a woman is a virgin.

Sulin point is located in the cartilage of the tip of the nose.

It is said that the cartilage at the tip of a virgin's nose is round and round, and after a man or woman has had sex, a gap will appear at the Suliao point.

Of course, Wang Chengzhou has never verified these.

In front of this extremely pretty female apprentice, he didn't dare to talk nonsense and taught him everything.

"Okay, you just need to have an idea of ​​these things in your mind first."

In fact, Wang Chengzhou really wanted to make things difficult for her. He wanted her to always keep a humble heart. If she couldn’t learn something, she wouldn’t know how high the sky is. “The specific rules for selecting acupoints will be learned after you finish learning Jing Rong Shu Jing He and Qie.” Acupoints, acupoints, collateral points, and the corresponding organs of the twelve main meridians, as well as the direction of the meridians, will naturally have a basis for judgment in the mind."

"Today, I will continue to teach you the chant." "At the same time, we will start to learn the first meridian of the twelve main meridians - the Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian."

Guo Mingyue immediately became happy when she heard that she had to recite the jingle again. She liked this the most.You don’t need to use your brain, and you will still have a full sense of accomplishment after memorizing it.

Seeing her face full of excitement and her big eyes looking at him moist, Wang Chengzhou rolled his eyes and coughed lightly:
"This song is called the Song of the Twelve Meridians and the Earthly Branches. It is the sequence of the flow of Qi and blood between the meridians in the human body. It is also the theoretical basis for learning the Ziwu flow and Nazi method in the future."

"As for the content, it's very simple - Fei Yin Da Mao Wei Chen Palace, Spleen Si Heart Noon Xiao Wei, Shen Pi You Kidney Pericardium Xu, Hai Jiao Zi Bile Chou Liver Tong."

"This involves the twelve o'clock. Do you understand the twelve o'clock?"

Guo Mingyue looked confused, picked at her nails and said: "I, I only know that one hour is two hours..."

Wang Chengzhou took a deep breath and said with a gentle smile: "It's okay, Master will teach you."

This is also the reason why it is necessary to understand as much classical culture as possible when studying Chinese medicine. It is too tiring to teach someone who has never heard of the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Listening to his kind words, Guo Mingyue suddenly became energetic. Her back straightened, her waist sank, her shoulders were drawn back, and her whole body was hunched forward and backward. She felt that she was very well-behaved, but it was very stressful... …

Wang Chengzhou coughed lightly, looked away, and said loudly:

"A day begins at Zi hour, which is from eleven o'clock in the middle of the night to one o'clock in the morning, and corresponds to Zi hour is noon hour, which is from eleven o'clock noon to one o'clock in the afternoon."

"To make it easier for you to remember, you can think of Mao Shi and You Shi as two dividing points. The sunrise at Mao Shi is from [-] to [-] in the morning, which is the time for everyone to get up and go to work. Therefore, in the old days, the ministers of the DPRK had a certain Mao's saying: Sunset at Unity hour is from [-] pm to [-] pm, which is the time for chickens to go to their nests. There is a poem in "The Book of Songs", in which there is a sentence, "Chickens roost in the crocodile, when the sun sets, the cattle and sheep come down", It is written about the beautiful scenery of Youshi."

"Divide the day into four stages and add a jingle that you are good at, and it will be much easier to remember."

In order to teach this apprentice, Wang Chengzhou really drained his brain and tried his best to create some images for her so that she could remember it firmly.

Guo Mingyue's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she kept nodding her head, as if she knew the master's good intentions.

"This is how people used time in ancient times, but for us Chinese medicine practitioners, the human body's daily journey of qi and blood starts at Yin hour."

"Just like what is sung in the song of Na Di Zhi in the Twelve Classics: Fei Yin Damao Wei Chen Palace, Si Spleen Heart Noon Small Miss, Shen Pi You Kidney Pericardium Xu, Hai Sanzi Gallbladder Chou Liver Tong."

"Do you know why?"

Wang Chengzhou began to instill in her the concept of traditional Chinese medicine that must be engraved in her heart. Although it was still a bit over the top at the moment, she was not required to remember it, as long as she had such an impression in her subconscious mind.

Obviously, how could Guo Mingyue understand this?

Wang Chengzhou asked himself and answered: "According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the main function of the meridians is to move Qi and blood, and the movement of Qi and blood depends on the promotion of lung Qi. The lungs move towards the meridians, and the blood Qi transformed by the middle burner must first be injected into the The lungs can flow into the twelve meridians to nourish the internal organs, limbs and bones. Therefore, the twelve meridians are headed by the lung meridian."

"In addition, there is another theory. That is, according to the lunar calendar, each year begins with the Yin month, so the Hand-Taiyin Lung Meridian, which circulates most vigorously during the Yin month, becomes the first meridian where Qi and blood begin to circulate."

"Of course, this has certain reference value. The techniques of Kuodu and Qiheng mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing" are to calculate the five movements and six qi in the human body and the time of heaven and earth based on the lunar calendar, in order to seek the best opportunity for treatment. .”

"However, this is too mysterious for you, so you might as well not learn it for the time being."

There are too many mysterious and mysterious things in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, such as "Ziwu Liu Zhu" and "Eight Methods of the Spirit Turtle". The theories in them are inextricably linked to the "Book of Changes", but not everyone can learn it. Gotta do it.

For a beginner like Guo Mingyue who can't even walk yet, just mentioning it is enough.If she really reaches that level in the future, it won't be too late for the master and apprentice to discuss it together.

After laying the foundation, Wang Chengzhou immediately began to teach her the Taiyin Lung Meridian on her hands.

"The eleven points of Taiyin and Lung in the hand are the key points of Yunmen and Tianfu in Zhongfu. Xia Baichi Zekong is the most preserved. The canal of the Lieqi meridian is crossed by Taiyuan. The merchants between fish and fish are like leek leaves!"

It's Guo Mingyue's happy time again, and this girl is really good at reciting jingles.Her voice is bright and clear, and her tone of voice is ups and downs, almost as good as other opera singers.

The whole family hid aside and watched her shaking her head like a primary school student. They were really amused and admired.

An ordinary big girl can really lose face and be so focused on her studies.

Wang Chengzhou couldn't help but laugh as well, sighed, and helped his mother prepare lunch for her.

As a disciple, I spend all my energy with her every day, and I also have to take care of the food every day. Who can I ask to explain this?

Reflecting the misty rain outside the door, one of them was serious about teaching, the other was obsessed with learning, and they refused to give up until the perfect day.

The autumn rain continued all day and all night, and there was still no sign of letting up.

Wang Chengzhou was really worried about her, so he took her to the ferry in person wearing a sack.

——Thank you to Brother Xuan Yuejin for the 100-point reward!

——Thanks to Brother Phantom Lemon for the 100-point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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