Chapter 248
Li Yuzhi saw that he was dodging around like a little monkey, refusing to accept her bow. He was happy and sighing at the same time, and felt even more guilty for what he had said before.Unexpectedly, I have watched all the dramas since I was a child, and the most common sentence I heard is "A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea water cannot be measured." There will be a day when "I only value clothes but not people".

If he really cured his strange disease, he would have to solemnly come to thank him.

When Wang Chengzhou saw her face full of shame, he also sighed in his heart.

This Li Yuzhi is not very young, but he is widely loved by theater fans. It is not without reason.In all walks of life, if you want to be outstanding, you cannot do without the word "virtue".

The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue.

Perhaps it was this kind and virtuous character that allowed her to achieve such high achievements at such a young age.

In order to prevent this innocent and kind-hearted elder sister from continuing to blame herself, Wang Chengzhou immediately said:
"Teacher Li Yuzhi, in fact, the ancients have already established prescriptions for liver deficiency due to wind evil. However, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and thousands of people use their own prescriptions. In addition, our countryside is remote, and it is difficult to find herbal medicine. , we only need to make slight additions and subtractions to the original prescription."

"How about I give you a prescription to try?"

Li Yuzhi sat down slowly, glanced at him, and said with a smile:

"of course can."

"Just after hearing your novel theory, I feel inexplicably better. I will definitely trouble you to prescribe medicine."

"Also, don't call me teacher or anything like that. We're not much different in age. If you don't mind, just call me sister."

After all, Wang Chengzhou was a gay man. He was a little embarrassed to suddenly call a strange woman sister, scratching his head and just laughing.

"Sister Yuzhi!"

Wang Aiduo, however, didn't know how to be polite at all. She was so cheeky that she arched her eyebrows with disgust.

Li Yuzhi responded and quickly pulled her to sit next to him, with joy on his pretty face.

"Cough cough."

Wang Chengzhou was speechless for a while, then withdrew his jealous eyes and said seriously:
"This recipe uses mother-of-pearl as the king, supplemented by dragon's teeth and tiger's eyes."

"Mother of pearl, salty in taste, cold in nature, returns to the liver and heart meridian. Functions are to soothe the liver and subdue yang, soothe the nerves and calm jitters, and the name is faded; Dragon's Teeth, astringent in taste, cool in nature, enters the heart and liver meridian. Functions to calm the nerves and calm the nerves, and to treat insanity. ""

"The black dragon in the east is wood, which belongs to the liver and stores the soul; the white tiger in the west, which is metal, belongs to the lungs and stores the soul. The dragon can change, so the soul is wandering; the tiger can be quiet, so the soul is still and can be kept. Therefore, to cure the soul Those who feel uneasy should use tiger’s eyes, and those who feel uneasy should use dragon’s teeth.”

"Then, add jujube kernels, cypress kernels, Duhuo, Qianghuo, Fangfeng, Pinellia qu, ginseng, and licorice respectively."

Wang Chengzhou only gave a general introduction, and was about to bother Monk Yuandu to bring out yellow paper and a brush. Unexpectedly, Li Yuzhi had already taken out a small notebook and a pen, and started to memorize it.

Noticing his surprised look, she flipped her hair around her ears and explained with a smile: "Because I often performed in the countryside, I often heard rare golden quotes from the villagers, so I thought of jotting them down to see if I could Add it to the lyrics.”

"So, this little notebook and this pen are my personal belongings."

When Wang Chengzhou heard this, he couldn't help but respect her even more.

This is really a punch that never leaves your hands, and a tune that never leaves your mouth!

However, Wang Aiduo looked at the words she wrote in the notebook, his big eyes widened, and he shouted:

"Brother, why do you need to use dragon's teeth and tiger's eyes to treat a disease?"

"Oh my God, what is mother-of-pearl?"

"Is it possible that we have to find an old dragon to ask for a tooth? If we ask for a tiger's eye, will it eat it in one bite?"

The silly look made Li Yuzhi cover her mouth and smile, and patted her head lovingly, "Little sister, the name of the Chinese medicine is very strange. It is said to be dragon's tooth, but how could it really be a dragon's tooth? Tiger Eyes It can’t really be the eyes of a tiger, right?”

However, after she finished speaking, she looked over with a little uncertainty.

"Well, Sister Yuzhi is half right."

Wang Chengzhou explained seriously:
"It's still uncertain whether there are dragons in the world. Where can we get dragon teeth? In fact, dragon teeth are the tooth fossils of ancient large mammals, such as elephants, rhinos, three-toed horses, etc."

"Also, we have a lot of these medicinal materials in the Central Plains."

"However, tiger eyes are different from dragon teeth. They are indeed tiger eyes."


The two girls were so shocked that their mouths opened, their eyes widened, and their faces looked incredulous.


Even monk Yuandu chanted the Buddha's name.

"Tiger eyes, rhinoceros horns, and bear bile were indeed miraculous medicines for curing diseases and saving lives in ancient times. They all have their own special features."

Wang Chengzhou frowned and felt a little heavy, "According to the book, after catching a tiger, cut off the tiger's eyes in pairs, bake them in hot millet, let them cool, fry and bake them again before they can be used as medicine. .”

"It's just that taking away the lives of other living beings for the sake of one's own health, although there is a reason, is too cruel after all. Coupled with the profit-seeking nature of human nature, some lawless elements will hunt these poor animals indiscriminately in order to make money, which will eventually lead to their extinction. . Just like the tiger in Funiu Mountain, it is already very rare."

When Li Yuzhi heard this, his pretty face was filled with unbearable expression, and he said decisively:
"Brother, do I need tiger eye medicine for this disease?"

"Tiger's eyes...if that's really the case, I won't eat them even to the death!"

"You must have other ideas, right?"

When the old monk Yudu heard this, he clasped his hands and said, "That's good, that's good."

Wang Chengzhou blinked his eyes and chuckled, "The image of the five internal organs can be derived by analogy; the sound of the five internal organs can be understood by consciousness; the five-color microdiagnosis can be visually observed."

"I just borrowed the name Tiger Eyes to better explain the mechanism of treatment. We don't even have enough to eat, so where can we catch big tigers for you?"

"Um, Sister Yuzhi, you can't bear the tiger eyes. Can I find another head office for you?"

Li Yuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice. Not to mention eating something like that, just listening to it was disgusting.

"Well, under normal circumstances, the medicinal properties similar to those of Tiger Eye are Earth Dragon, so let's change to Earth Dragon."

Wang Chengzhou nodded, suppressing a smile and said seriously.

"Earth Dragon? What is Earth Dragon?"

Li Yuzhi frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.


Upon hearing this, Wang Aiduo became more energetic and rushed to answer:
"Sister Yuzhi, I know this!"

"In our countryside, earthworms are also called earthworms."

"It's the kind that pupates in the soil when it's cloudy and rainy. It's slimy, like a snake, but has no scales. Cut it into several pieces, and it can still squirm on the ground!"


Hearing the caring description of his new little sister, Li Yuzhi shivered, covering his chest, his face turned pale, and he said sadly:

"Why is it such a disgusting thing again?" "It's eyes and earthworms..."

"I, can I not eat?"


Wang Chengzhou flatly refused and finally couldn't hold back his laughter, "Sister Yuzhi, good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease."

"It's just an earth dragon, what does it mean? We still have leeches and gadflies that can be used as medicine!"

"Besides, Chinese medicine is not witchcraft. Just put some messy things into the crucible and it's over. We can only use these things after they have been concocted in advance, so don't worry."

Li Yuzhi's dignified and pretty face was almost wrinkled, and she said aggrievedly:

"All right……"

"In order to be on stage as early as possible to meet my fellow villagers, I have no choice but to risk my life."

"By the way, after taking these medicines, how long will it take for them to take effect?"

Wang Chengzhou did the math and sighed:

"Sister Yuzhi, it is said that illness comes like a mountain falling, and illness goes away like a thread spinning."

"The main reason for your illness is liver yin deficiency. It will take at least a week to fully recover."

"However, if I want to sleep peacefully, I have other ways."

Originally, Li Yuzhi's whole face collapsed when he heard what he said, but he didn't expect that he gasped for breath and immediately gained hope. He grabbed his sleeve in a hurry and asked, "Brother, what can I do?"

Wang Chengzhou stretched his neck and looked around, but felt embarrassed in his heart and said tangledly: "Sister Yuzhi, why don't we just forget it."


I haven't appeared on stage for two days, and my fellow villagers are probably full of disappointment. If it takes another week, the troupe will have already left, so what's the point of going to the countryside to perform?
Li Yuzhi was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he frowned, full of doubts.

"This, it's not very convenient."

Wang Chengzhou was also helpless. He glanced at her slightly and looked away, "If you want to recuperate your liver, the best way is to use Yu's treatment."

"But Ganshu is opened an inch and a half below the ninth vertebrae, almost in the middle of the back; the Ganshu point is called Qimen point, which is located directly below the breasts and at the sixth intercostal space."

"Sister Yuzhi, you are an opera performing artist and a celebrity. We treat diseases and save people. You are naturally pure and pure, but you are fearful of others. If the news gets out, it will have a bad impact on you."

"Just take the medicine I've prescribed for you and you'll be able to recover if you take it on time. There's no need to rush."

Li Yuzhi lowered his head and looked down, and his sight was immediately blocked. He couldn't help but blush, and finally understood why he suddenly became evasive.

However, inexplicably, I felt that the young man in front of me was cute and silly. He pursed his red lips and said openly:
"Brother, you are not very thoughtful, but you have a lot of thoughts. Sister, thank you for thinking so much about me."

"However, since you said it openly, it means that you have no dirty intentions. Doctors have a parental heart, and it is inevitable that there will be some skin-to-skin intimacy in treating illnesses and saving people. Who would really take it to heart?"

"Now that you know my identity, you should know what my parents and fellow villagers expect of me. In order to give a successful performance, sister, I must get well as soon as possible."

"Besides, this is a pure place of Buddhism, and Master Yuandu is here. If you are afraid of tarnishing each other's reputation, it is better to do this."

Li Yuzhi has developed solid basic skills since she was a child. Her figure is pretty but not charming, and her temperament is soft but not demonic. She just stands tall and graceful, with a gentle and clear voice, and she says quietly and elegantly:

"We are destined to meet here by chance. And because we have similar aspirations, we call ourselves brother and sister. So, how about we just turn the honorific title into reality in front of the Buddha?"

"I, Li Yuzhi, will accept you as my younger brother to treat my sister. Who can make irresponsible remarks?"

"Just like what is sung in the opera, we are sworn brothers, relying on each other for blessings and misfortunes, and supporting each other in times of adversity. From now on, you and I are siblings with different surnames."

Wang Chengzhou was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that she looked so steady and dignified, but her mind was so distracted. How long had they known her, why did she inexplicably want to be friends with Babai?

While hesitating, Wang Aiduo became anxious and jumped on his feet: "No, Sister Yuzhi, you must count me in!"

Li Yuzhi's cheeks were rosy and she nodded happily.

No one expected that Li Yuzhi, a young opera performer, would form a heterosexual brother and sister with two native rural youths in a dilapidated temple.

With this relationship, the two of them felt much calmer when they entered the house.

But when Li Yuzhi took off her cheongsam, she still couldn't help feeling shy. It took her a long time to reveal her smooth and delicate back to him.

Wang Chengzhou finally figured out that his god-sister looked gentle and dignified on the outside, but was extremely emotional in her heart. She was a rare person with a gentle temperament.The carelessness that is engraved in the bones is just restrained by knowledge and courtesy.

When the Qimen point on her chest was pricked, she calmed down, but what she said scared Wang Chengzhou so much that he looked at his nose, mouth, mouth, and heart, and he never dared to take another look.

"Little brother, do you have a sweetheart? Oh, today's interesting story about the ancient temple's disaster will be discussed. When there is a chance in the future, my sister will have to tell your little sweetheart!"

"Haha, it's a trivial matter, no need."

This guy was obviously threatening him... Wang Chengzhou calmed down and said with an awkward smile:

"Sister, in addition to the Yuhu treatment, I also need to do some guidance on your liver meridian and gallbladder meridian, which is also called Yuanluo treatment. They are Ligou and Qiuxu acupoints respectively."

"Yes, they are on the calves and ankles. You just need to lift the trouser legs up, not so high."

"Um, I forgot that you were wearing a cheongsam with no underwear underneath... Well, that's okay."

Seeing that he was as embarrassed as a quail, Li Yuzhi finally couldn't hold back his laughter and burst out laughing, like a silver bell.

Wang Aiduo, who was lying at the door, was surprised for a while. His two little eyebrows knitted together. He couldn't understand what the hell his brother and sister were doing in the house. How could he be happy now?


Monk Yuandu chanted the Buddha's name, but he seemed to have fallen into trance, with his eyebrows lowered and his eyes closed.

"Brother, are you ready?"

After a session of acupuncture, Li Yuzhi's eyes were sparkling, and his shyness had long gone away. He only felt indescribable comfort, and all his emotions were relaxed.

"Actually, there is a method that is particularly effective for insomnia and dreaminess caused by yin deficiency in the liver meridian."

Wang Chengzhou also had a smile on his face, no need to hide it anymore.

"Oh, then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Yuzhi glared at him angrily and arranged his clothes.

"I, I'm not afraid that you will be embarrassed."

Wang Chengzhou spread his hands, "But now that everything that needs to be pricked has been pricked and everything that needs to be seen seen, it doesn't matter."

(End of this chapter)

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