Chapter 225

Everyone was silent for a while.

Their unwillingness to leave Wang Chengzhou alone stems from the morality in their hearts, but it does not mean that they are willing to die for Wang Chengzhou and exchange their own lives for his.

Obviously, the furious giant bear is extremely terrifying. They don't have the physical strength and speed like Wang Chengzhou. If they attract hatred to themselves, they will definitely die.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wang Fan scratched his head and sneered:

"You can't think of such a simple thing? You're just an intellectual!"

"Since Uncle Chengzhou can't free up the tree in his hand, why not just find someone to attract the bear away?"

"You all look pretty smart, why are you so stupid? Take it and look at me!"

As he spoke, Wang Fan reached out and handed the dogwood branches and August fried vines to an insider next to him. He lowered his head and wandered around for a while, then picked up two corn cobs and rushed forward.

Everyone stared at him, feeling their throats tightening and swallowing, but stopped talking.

This greedy and stingy farmer obviously didn't have a bright mind. He only considered the first step and didn't even realize that if the bear turned around and chased him, would he be able to escape?

This is completely an act of exchanging one life for another.

It's not that everyone is stupider than him, it's that he is stupider than everyone else.

Seeing him throwing the Baogu stick in his hand with a proud look on his face, and about to rush upward, Jian Mo finally couldn't bear to be cruel and reminded: "Wang Shuan, can this method you think of work?"

"Hey, what are you talking about to this little girl?"

Wang Fan turned around, his face full of displeasure, "Why doesn't my idea work?"

"Isn't this blind bear trying to steal corn? If I go up and give it two mallets, will it still be able to stop chasing me?"

"Just look at it!"

After saying that, he immediately rushed forward with his waist bent.

A group of educated youths felt a little hot-skinned, lowered their heads, and didn't want to speak.

Jian Mo sniffed and saw him sneaking over and getting closer and closer to the giant bear. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer and said with a cry: "I'll go too!"

After saying that, he also picked up two corn sticks and rushed up silently.


Jian Li panicked all of a sudden, her little face was full of panic. She clearly wanted to grab her, but for some reason, she started running with her instead.


Seeing the twin sisters rushing forward, Yu Hua sighed and said with a heavy heart: "Speaking of which, since we arrived in the village, we have been favored by Wang Chengzhou a lot. Now that he is about to be killed by a giant bear, at least we have to Do something?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu, Diao Qingsong and Xu Wannian looked at each other, threw the dogwood in their hands to the ground, and said in unison:
"Why don't you all come on board!"

"Whether something happened to Wang Chengzhou or something happened to Wang Fan, if we just sit back and watch, we will have a bad conscience for the rest of our lives. Instead of doing that, let's all rush forward and count the balls together!"

"Anyway, I was allergic to eating fork that time. If it weren't for Wang Chengzhou, I probably wouldn't be alive today. If something happened tonight, I would never have the shame to live in the village again."

As the four of them started, the blood in everyone's hearts suddenly started to burn, and each of them said generously and tragically:
"You're right, let's go together!"

"We scholars cannot harm a fool!"

"Let's go together. No matter how powerful that bear is, there is only one bear. After we attract its attention, we will run to the crop fields separately. Maybe, with the crops as cover, we will be fine!"

The group of people did what they said, and quickly went to the edge of the field to pick up two corn sticks and rushed forward together.

By the way, Wang Chengzhou was out of breath after being chased by the bear. If he hadn't followed old Luan Tou to practice martial arts and improved his physical fitness a lot, he might have died a long time ago.

But even so, after going round and round, he was so tired that he was sweating profusely.As I ran, my breathing became heavier and heavier, and my lungs felt like they were on fire.

I'm afraid I can't hold on much longer.

It wasn't that he didn't want to climb the tree. In fact, as Yu Hua analyzed, he didn't have time to climb up.The bear behind him was chasing me like a gust of wind. If I was distracted even a little bit, I might be slapped to death by it.

Running into the crop fields was even more impossible.

In those days, the yield of corn was far less than that of sweet potatoes. There were very few plots of land for planting, and sweet potato seedlings were everywhere climbing the slopes.

If you run there, you are really seeking your own death.

The sweet potato vines were so intertwined that they looked like natural trip wires, which were extremely dangerous to him. Once inside, he couldn't run at all.

But the giant bear is so powerful that the sweet potato seedlings have minimal impact on it.

Wang Chengzhou was really at a loss of whether to advance or retreat for a while, and he began to feel anxious.If he couldn't think of a way to escape, he would really be doomed.

Is it worth putting myself in danger to save a bunch of educated youths?Luan Hongying's beautiful figure appeared in his mind, and he felt a little regretful in his heart.

If senior sister knew that she died tragically in the mouth of a giant bear, I wonder if she would be sad and shed tears...

Damn it, if I had known that I would have run away immediately, and my brain was not sick, why would I have to be such a good person?

As he was cursing, a strange shout suddenly sounded in the distance, and Wang Chengzhou was so startled that he couldn't help but turn his head and glance.But just this glance almost stunned him.

I saw a group of figures running along the path under the moonlight. Due to the blurred vision, I could only see their outlines, looking like paper-cut figures in the hazy clear light.

He kept saying something like:

"Smelly bear, if you dare, let Wang Chengzhou go and come after me!"

"Stupid bear, come and bite me!"

"Heixiazi, I'll fuck your grandma!"

A group of people were jumping around and cursing like idiots. Not to mention Wang Chengzhou, even the bears were stunned.One person and one bear couldn't help but slow down.

Wang Chengzhou's heart warmed up, and he knew from the voice that it was everyone from the Qiu Protecting Team. They did not abandon him, but turned around to save him...

Save yourself? !Thinking of this, Wang Chengzhou was suddenly shocked, and the warmth in his heart suddenly turned into anger, and he almost cursed!
Why should these cerebral palsy guys come back to save themselves?

He risked his life to fight for their survival, but they came back to die!

Just as he was getting angry, something hit him from far away and scattered all over the ground. Only a few of them landed on the bear.Wang Chengzhou was stunned and realized it was Baogu Bangzi.


But even so, the giant bear, which had been chasing Wang Chengzhou so furiously, seemed to have been provoked. It roared with its hook-like canine teeth, turned around and rushed towards the group of educated youths.

The ferocious momentum was really like a Mercedes-Benz car.

Wang Chengzhou was shocked.

But the group of educated youths actually ran and shouted desperately:
"Wang Chengzhou, we lured it away, get up the tree quickly!"

"Yes, you'll be safe if you climb the tree!"

"Leave us alone, let's split up..."

However, before he finished speaking, a guy rushed into the sweet potato field. He accidentally tripped and fell to his death.

The situation of the other people was not much better than him. The roads in the fields were already rugged, and everyone was so frightened that they didn't choose their way. Several of them sprained their feet and groaned in pain.

But he didn't dare to stop, so he still limped and ran as hard as he could.

The worst offender was Wang Shao.This kid had diarrhea and was exhausted. However, Wang Chengzhou forcibly stopped the diarrhea. Now, after this torment, his stomach immediately began to cramp, and the speed was much slower than others.In just a moment, he was at the end, and he was about to be chased by a bear.

Wang Chengzhou is really numb. I wonder which bastard came up with the bad idea. Isn't this the gourd boy saving his grandfather?
In order to save him, several people injured their feet, and more seriously, someone was about to be bitten to death!

You even fucked up a tree!

Finally, Wang Chuan could no longer hold on and staggered to the ground.At this moment, he finally realized that he was afraid. He turned around and looked at the terrifying beast, which was not much smaller than an ox. He was so frightened that his breathing trembled. He quickly crawled forward on his hands and feet, screaming continuously.How frightening and frightening it is.

Wang Chengzhou was heartbroken and watched helplessly as the bear walked up with its head lowered, stretched out its thick forelimbs and pulled Wang Chuan back like a rag bag.

There was a scream like a killing pig, and he felt the hot breath on his back. Wang Fan was so frightened that his soul almost flew away, and he screamed again and again.

The bear lowered its head and kept sniffing him, as if looking for a suitable place to bite.

The situation is dire.

Wang Chengzhou's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to pull out the discarded spear. In an instant, his facial features became like sculptures, unusually cold, and he leaned forward and rushed forward silently.

He must try his best to save Wang Chuan.Not only because he is a man in the village, but also for his parents, his wife and children, to save this stingy and stupid man, and to save a family that is about to be broken up.

No matter what age or month, in rural areas, the lives of women who have lost their husbands or children who have lost their fathers are miserable.Not to mention that his parents are not much older than Wang Honghe and Li Yuzhu. If there is a human tragedy of a white-haired person giving away a black-haired person, how will he, a village health worker elected by old and young men, behave in the future?
However, no matter how hard Wang Chengzhou tried, he was only a human being, not a superman. He could not cross the starry sky in one step, descend to the giant bear, raise his gun and stab it to death. He could only watch the bear pull Wang Chuan, like a giant bear. Dragging it to his mouth like a chicken.

When everyone heard the screams behind them, they all stopped in horror. Seeing that Wang Shao had been pulled down by the neck by the giant bear, they immediately realized the terrible thing that was about to happen.

When things like blind bears attack people, they especially like to lick tender meat.Normally, it will stick out its barbed tongue and lick people's faces.After being licked by something scarier than a nail board, even if the survivor can survive, the survivor will become unrecognizable, even the nose will disappear, and the entire face will become extremely scary.

Obviously, as a villager at the foot of the mountain, Wang Fan had heard of such things since he was a child.So, after feeling like a rag bag being dragged by a bear, he lay on the ground and tried his best to protect his face, lest he die and become an ugly ghost.

The bear couldn't find his face, so it kept clawing at him.

Since Wang Fan had been having diarrhea, the waistband of his pants was tied very loosely, and with a few clicks, the bear pulled his pants off, exposing his white and tender buttocks.

The cool night wind blew by, and Wang Fan's body froze, and he felt something hot being licked up. He was so frightened that he became incontinent on the spot.

He was originally held back by Wang Chengzhou's injection of needles. After repeated tossing, he was frightened by a bear, and a stream of foul-smelling yellow water surged up high like a turbid fountain.


The bear was also unlucky. He finally found a piece of meaty land, but unexpectedly it was broken, and his face was instantly blurred.

As long as they are normal mammals, they will instinctively resist things that smell bad.Although the bear has the word "dog", it is not a dog after all. He was sprayed with feces on his face. He was also frightened and howled in fear. He did not understand what kind of stress protection mechanism was triggered by the little thing in front of him, and he actually made such a terrible thing to attack him. .

It opened its little eyes in a panic, waving its big tongue in disgust, and kept backing away as if it was in reverse gear.

Wang Fan lay on the ground, holding his buttocks with great difficulty. He was so dumbfounded.

Wang Chengzhou, who rushed forward with a cold body, almost failed. In his two lifetimes, he had never seen such a magical scene.Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He quickly closed his shocked mouth, picked up the human-shaped squid on the ground, and ran away!
"Pants, my pants!"

Wang Fan was shaking so hard that he held the waistband of his pants with one hand and was being dragged by Wang Chengzhou, refusing to let go!

“What’s more important, your pants or your life?”

Wang Chengzhou was speechless for a while and pulled him quickly towards the village.When passing by a group of educated youths with dull faces, I did not forget to remind them, "Why are you so dazed! Haven't you seen people spraying feces? Why don't you run away!"

Everyone woke up from a dream and hurriedly followed.After running out for a long time, the look on his face was still confused.

All the rare things that would probably happen in their lifetime happened to them today, it was almost like a dream.So much so that when they reached the end of the village, everyone was still bowing their heads in meditation.

If it weren't for the wails that filled the night sky that still echoed in the fields, everyone would still be in disbelief.

Feeling the gaze of everyone, even Wang Fan felt his face heat up. He lifted up his pants vigorously, rubbed his neck and said:
"What are you looking at?"

"If it weren't for me, you would still be running for your lives in the fields!"

"This is called the magical skill of thinning shit, do you understand?"

The corners of everyone's mouths began to twitch violently, and several lesbians suppressed their cheeks until they turned red, not knowing whether they should laugh or not.

This is a funny thing, but also a serious thing.

Wang Chengzhou suppressed the sigh in his heart and said seriously:

"Anyway, we have a narrow escape this time."

"After we go back, everyone should have a good rest. If you have a sprained foot, go back and soak it in cold water. I will help you treat it tomorrow."

"When you get up in the morning, gather at the brigade courtyard as soon as possible. We... may be in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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